316 research outputs found
Eigenvalue correlations in non-Hermitean symplectic random matrices
Correlation function of complex eigenvalues of N by N random matrices drawn
from non-Hermitean random matrix ensemble of symplectic symmetry is given in
terms of a quaternion determinant. Spectral properties of Gaussian ensembles
are studied in detail in the regimes of weak and strong non-Hermiticity.Comment: 14 page
Replica treatment of non-Hermitian disordered Hamiltonians
We employ the fermionic and bosonic replicated nonlinear sigma models to
treat Ginibre unitary, symplectic, and orthogonal ensembles of non-Hermitian
random matrix Hamiltonians. Using saddle point approach combined with Borel
resummation procedure we derive the exact large-N results for microscopic
density of states in all three ensembles. We also obtain tails of the density
of states as well the two-point function for the unitary ensemble.Comment: REVTeX 3.1, 13 pages, 1 figure; typos fixed (v2
Magnon delocalization in ferromagnetic chains with long-range correlated disorder
We study one-magnon excitations in a random ferromagnetic Heisenberg chain
with long-range correlations in the coupling constant distribution. By
employing an exact diagonalization procedure, we compute the localization
length of all one-magnon states within the band of allowed energies . The
random distribution of coupling constants was assumed to have a power spectrum
decaying as . We found that for ,
one-magnon excitations remain exponentially localized with the localization
length diverging as 1/E. For a faster divergence of is
obtained. For any , a phase of delocalized magnons emerges at the
bottom of the band. We characterize the scaling behavior of the localization
length on all regimes and relate it with the scaling properties of the
long-range correlated exchange coupling distribution.Comment: 7 Pages, 5 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.
The Calogero-Moser equation system and the ensemble average in the Gaussian ensembles
From random matrix theory it is known that for special values of the coupling
constant the Calogero-Moser (CM) equation system is nothing but the radial part
of a generalized harmonic oscillator Schroedinger equation. This allows an
immediate construction of the solutions by means of a Rodriguez relation. The
results are easily generalized to arbitrary values of the coupling constant. By
this the CM equations become nearly trivial.
As an application an expansion for in terms of eigenfunctions of
the CM equation system is obtained, where X and Y are matrices taken from one
of the Gaussian ensembles, and the brackets denote an average over the angular
variables.Comment: accepted by J. Phys.
Energy level statistics of a critical random matrix ensemble
We study level statistics of a critical random matrix ensemble of a power-law
banded complex Hermitean matrices. We compute numerically the level
compressibility via the level number variance and compare it with the
analytical formula for the exactly solvable model of Moshe, Neuberger and
Shapiro.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure
Energy level dynamics in systems with weakly multifractal eigenstates: equivalence to 1D correlated fermions
It is shown that the parametric spectral statistics in the critical random
matrix ensemble with multifractal eigenvector statistics are identical to the
statistics of correlated 1D fermions at finite temperatures. For weak
multifractality the effective temperature of fictitious 1D fermions is
proportional to (1-d_{n})/n, where d_{n} is the fractal dimension found from
the n-th moment of inverse participation ratio. For large energy and parameter
separations the fictitious fermions are described by the Luttinger liquid model
which follows from the Calogero-Sutherland model. The low-temperature
asymptotic form of the two-point equal-parameter spectral correlation function
is found for all energy separations and its relevance for the low temperature
equal-time density correlations in the Calogero-Sutherland model is
conjectured.Comment: 4 pages, Revtex, final journal versio
Critical statistics in a power-law random banded matrix ensemble
We investigate the statistical properties of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors
in a random matrix ensemble with . It is known that
this model shows a localization-delocalization transition (LDT) as a function
of the parameter . The model is critical at and the eigenstates
are multifractals. Based on numerical simulations we demonstrate that the
spectral statistics at criticality differs from semi-Poisson statistics which
is expected to be a general feature of systems exhibiting a LDT or `weak
chaos'.Comment: 4 pages in PS including 5 figure
Correlation functions of the BC Calogero-Sutherland model
The BC-type Calogero-Sutherland model (CSM) is an integrable extension of the
ordinary A-type CSM that possesses a reflection symmetry point. The BC-CSM is
related to the chiral classes of random matrix ensembles (RMEs) in exactly the
same way as the A-CSM is related to the Dyson classes. We first develop the
fermionic replica sigma-model formalism suitable to treat all chiral RMEs. By
exploiting ''generalized color-flavor transformation'' we then extend the
method to find the exact asymptotics of the BC-CSM density profile. Consistency
of our result with the c=1 Gaussian conformal field theory description is
verified. The emerging Friedel oscillations structure and sum rules are
discussed in details. We also compute the distribution of the particle nearest
to the reflection point.Comment: 12 pages, no figure, REVTeX4. sect.V updated, references added (v3
Use of stereotypical mutational motifs to define resolution limits for the ultra-deep resequencing of mitochondrial DNA.
Massively parallel resequencing of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) has led to significant advances in the study of heteroplasmic mtDNA variants in health and disease, but confident resolution of very low-level variants ( C, from patient with MNGIE, mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalomyopathy) and comparing mutational pattern distribution with healthy mtDNA by ligation-mediated deep resequencing (Applied Biosystems SOLiD). We empirically derived mtDNA-mutant heteroplasmy detection limits, demonstrating that the presence of stereotypical mutational motif could be statistically validated for heteroplasmy thresholds ≥ 0.22% (P = 0.034). We therefore provide empirical evidence from biological samples that very low-level mtDNA mutants can be meaningfully resolved by massively parallel resequencing, confirming the utility of the approach for studying somatic mtDNA mutation in health and disease. Our approach could also usefully be employed in other settings to derive platform-specific deep resequencing resolution limits
Low-energy couplings of QCD from current correlators near the chiral limit
We investigate a new numerical procedure to compute fermionic correlation
functions at very small quark masses. Large statistical fluctuations, due to
the presence of local ``bumps'' in the wave functions associated with the
low-lying eigenmodes of the Dirac operator, are reduced by an exact low-mode
averaging. To demonstrate the feasibility of the technique, we compute the
two-point correlator of the left-handed vector current with Neuberger fermions
in the quenched approximation, for lattices with a linear extent of L~1.5 fm, a
lattice spacing a~0.09 fm, and quark masses down to the epsilon-regime. By
matching the results with the corresponding (quenched) chiral perturbation
theory expressions, an estimate of (quenched) low-energy constants can be
obtained. We find agreement between the quenched values of F extrapolated from
the p-regime and extracted in the epsilon-regime.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure
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