72 research outputs found

    Ultrastructural studies on Vicia faba and its pathogen Botrytis fabae in response to lithium chloride

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    Ultrastructural investigations of the effect of lithium chloride on Botrytis fabae and its host, Vicia faba are described. Five concentrations (1, 3, 5, 7, 9 mM) of lithium chloride are chosen in the study. The results indicate that the chlorophyll content of host leaves is not affected at lower concentration (3 mM), whereas the higher concentration (9 mM) decreased the chlorophyll content. These two concentrations caused a pronounced cellular disorganization of B. fabae that ranged from disruption of the wall to marked cytoplasmic degeneration. Inoculated host leaves with B. fabae led to the appearance of more vacuolated cytoplasm, a disorganized membrane system of chloroplast and an increase in number of plastoglobuli. These observations are similar to those of host cells treated with 9 mM of lithium chloride. Host cells are not affected by the concentration of 3 mM. Ultarstructural studies indicate that the lower concentration of lithium chloride can be used as a safe fungicide to control B. fabae without a harmful effect on the host (V. faba)

    Structural, electrical conductivity and dielectric relaxation behavior of LiHf2(PO4)3 ceramic powders

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    Lithium hafnium phosphate LiHf2(PO4)3 (LHP) was synthesized via solid-state synthesis technique. The sintering behavior, structure, and phase composition of the as-prepared sample was analyzed using X-ray diffraction (XRD) characterization technique. The XRD-Rietveld refinement analysis showed that after sintering at low temperatures 500 to 1000 °C, it exhibited various secondary phases. However, a single phase was observed as the sintering temperature increases from 1100 to 1200 °C. LHP sintered at 1100 °C produced real features of sodium superionic conductor type (NASICON-type) with hexagonal crystal axis indicating R-3c space group. The electrical properties were studied using impedance spectroscopy technique. Frequency and temperature dependence behavior of conductivity (ac and dc) and dielectric permittivity were studied. The results obtained describes the conduction mechanism in the system. Electric modulus formalism was performed to investigate the relaxation behavior which showed that as measuring temperature increases, the relaxation frequency increases whereas relaxation time decreases. This behavior explains the hopping mechanism of the charge carriers in the system. Likewise, the correlated barrier hopping model elucidates the dominant hopping mechanism

    Trace elements: critical insights from 15 years of monitoring in the Venice Lagoon catchment basin (Italy)

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    The study focused on selected trace elements (As, Cd, Cr, Hg, Ni, Pb) monitored in surface waters of the Venice Lagoon catchment basin (North East Italy) over the period 2000-2015. The monitoring was undertaken to verify the achievement of the quality objectives set by the European and national legislations. The available results have been analyzed to evaluate the chemical status of water bodies. The limit of quantification (LOQ) of the applied analytic techniques appears critical for the adequate water monitoring; for some parameters, the percentage of not visible values due to non-satisfactory LOQ was higher in the beginning of the period; the subsequent improvement of LOQ allowed assessing the respect of environmental quality standards (EQSs). The study analyzes time trends in single stations and the differences between detected concentrations in the considered stations. Moreover, maximum concentrations and water flows have been considered to understand the potential correlation. Cumulated frequency curves for the most critical parameters have been built to identify situation of potential overtaking of the EQSs in force. The most polluted sampling stations of the drainage basin for the six trace elements were found in Cuori and Fiumazzo rivers. Although LOQs changed over time, the recorded trends show a quality improvement and a good compliance with respect to EQSs set by European legislation, while considering EQSs set by local special legislation, the objectives are not yet satisfied. Arsenic is ubiquitous; thus, it can be supposed to be originated as a background environmental concentration, while nickel appears of industrial origin according to its point and local presence

    Plant phenolics regulate neoplastic cell growth and survival: A quantitative structure-activity and biochemical analysis

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    The anti-tumour activities of many plant phenolics at high concentrations (>100 μmol/L) suggest their potential use as dietary supplements in cancer chemoprevention and cancer chemotherapy. However, it is not clear what impact ph