176 research outputs found

    El origen del azufre en mineralizaciones filonianas en el centro de la Península Ibérica

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    Sufphur isotope data from severa/ base metals-Ba-(F)-(Ag) and Ag-base metals vein-type deposits in the Central Jberian Zone of the Hesperian Massif suggest a magmatic and/or metasedimentary origin of this ore-forming component. Deposits exclusive/y hosted in metasediments (p.e. Alcudia Va/ley, type IV) display a magmatic signature. Even those /odes and stratabound deposits hosted by Permian-Triassic terrigenous and andesites (Las Torrecillas-Linares y Atienza) are formed by "igneous" sulphur

    La actividad metalogénica durante el Tardihercínico en el centro de España: una visión desde cinco localidades tipo

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    The most outstanding metallogenic period in central Spain took place during the so-cal/ed lateHercynian episode. This episode was characterized by widespread extensional conditions resulting from the collapse of an overthickened and overheated Hercynian orogen. A combination of magmatic activity and favorable structures induced hydrothermal activity leading to Sn-W, Pb-Zn, Ag-base metals, base metals-Ba-(F) and Sb-(Au) deposition. Five ore deposits/districts: El TrasquilĂłn (Sn), Linares-La CarolinaTorrecillas (Pb-Zn-Ba-[Ag]), Sierra de Guadarrama (Ba-(F)-[base metals]), El JuncalĂłn (Sb-[Au]), and Hiendelaencina (Ag-base metals) allow characterization of the main geologic features of this metallogenic episode.Depto. de MineralogĂ­a y PetrologĂ­aFac. de Ciencias GeolĂłgicasTRUEpu

    Carbon isotopes of graphite: Implications on fluid history

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    Stable carbon isotope geochemistry provides important information for the recognition of fundamental isotope exchange processes related to the movement of carbon in the lithosphere and permits the elaboration of models for the global carbon cycle. Carbon isotope ratios in fluid-Deposited graphite are powerful tools for unravelling the ultimate origin of carbon (organic matter, mantle, or carbonates) and help to constrain the fluid history and the mechanisms involved in graphite deposition.Graphite precipitation in fluid-deposited occurrences results from CO2- and/or CH4-bearing aqueous fluids. Fluid flow can be considered as both a closed (without replenishment of the fluid) or an open system (with renewal of the fluid by successive fluid batches). In closed systems, carbon isotope systematics in graphite is mainly governed by Rayleigh precipitation and/or by changes in temperature affecting the fractionation factor between fluid and graphite. Such processes result in zoned graphite crystals or in successive graphite generations showing, in both cases, isotopic variation towards progressive 13C or 12C enrichment (depending upon the dominant carbon phase in the fluid, CO2 or CH4, respectively). In open systems, in which carbon is episodically introduced along the fracture systems, the carbon systematics is more complex and individual graphite crystals may display oscillatory zoning because of Rayleigh precipitation or heterogeneous variations of d13C values when mixing of fluids or changes in the composition of the fluids are the mechanisms responsible for graphite precipitation

    The 2011 Philip C. Jessup International Law

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    The State of Rigalia and the State of Ardenia submit the present dispute concerning the Zetian Provinces to the International Court of Justice by Special Agreement, dated 5 May 2010, pursuant to article 40(1) of the Statute of the International Court ofJustice

    Contrasting Mineralizing Processes in Volcanic-Hosted Graphite Deposits

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    The only two known graphite vein-deposits hosted by volcanic rocks (Borrowdale, United Kingdom, and Huelma, Southern Spain) show remarkable similarities and differences. The lithology, age of the magmatism and geodynamic contexts are distinct, but the mineralized bodies are controlled by fractures. Evidence of assimilation of metasedimentary rocks by the magmas and hydrothermal alteration are also common features to both occurrences. Graphite morphologies at the Borrowdale deposit vary from flakes (predominant) to spherulites and cryptocrystalline aggregates, whereas at Huelma, flaky graphite is the only morphology observed. The structural characterization of graphite indicates a high degree of ordering along both the c axis and the basal plane. Stable carbon isotope ratios of graphite point to a biogenic origin of carbon, most probably related to the assimilation of metasedimentary rocks. Bulk ÄŻ13C values are quite homogeneous in both occurrences, probably related to precipitation in short time periods. Fluid inclusion data reveal that graphite precipitated from C-O-H fluids at moderate temperature (500 ÂșC) in Borrowdale and crystallized at high temperature from magma in Huelma, In addition, graphite mineralization occurred under contrasting fO2 conditions. All these features can be used as potential exploration tools for volcanic-hosted graphite deposits

    Petrology and Geochemistry of Mafic-Ultramafic Fragments from the Aguablanca Ni-Cu Ore Breccia, Southwest Spain

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    Aguablanca (southwest Spain) is the first economic Ni-Cu-(PGE) deposit found in southern Europe. Two features make it an unusual example of magmatic sulfide ore: it is related to the development of an Andeantype continental magmatic arc, and it is hosted by a subvertical magmatic breccia. The structural style and the geodynamic context of the deposit contrast with most plutonic Ni-Cu-PGE deposits elsewhere, which occur at specific levels of layered mafic intrusions in rift environments. The Ni-Cu deposit is hosted by the Aguablanca intrusion, a mafic body composed of gabbronorite and minor quartz-diorite, gabbro, and norite. Sulfides are concentrated in a gabbronorite matrix along a subvertical (dipof 70Âș–80Âș N), funnel-like magmatic breccia that contains barren or slightly mineralized ultramafic-mafic cumulate fragments. Modal compositions of the fragments reflect a wide variety of rock types, including peridotite (hornblende-rich werhlite, dunite, and hornblende-rich harzburgite), pyroxenite (ortho- and clinopyroxenite), gabbro (gabbro, gabbronorite, and hornblende gabbro), and anorthosite. The primary silicate assemblage includes olivine (Fo91–Fo79), orthopyroxene (Mg no. 0.85–0.73), clinopyroxene (Mg no. 0.93–0.62), plagioclase (An99–An38), amphibole (Mg no. 0.87–0.68) and phlogopite (Mg no. 0.89–0.64). The wide range of rock types and the Fe-enrichment trends in the primary ferromagnesian silicates suggest magmatic differentiation processes from the parent melts, with the fragments representing different stages of cumulate formation. The ore-bearing breccia contains both semimassive and disseminated sulfides in the gabbronorite matrix. Textures vary between meso- and orthocumulate, and the rock-forming magmatic silicates are orthopyroxene (Mg no. 0.83–0.74), clinopyroxene (Mg no. 0.89–0.78), plagioclase (An50-An77), and intercumulus amphibole (Mg no. 0.86–0.70), phlogopite (0.84–0.69) and minor quartz. The gabbronorite in the matrix of the breccia is petrographically and chemically very similar to that of the unmineralized parts of the main Aguablanca intrusion and exhibits a similar differentiation trend, suggesting that the matrix of the ore-bearing breccia and the unmineralized rocks belong to a same magmatic suite. The local presence of mafic-ultramafic fragments in the barren Aguablanca intrusion supports this suggestion. The presence of highly Ni depleted olivine, whole-rock Cu/Zr ratios below 1, and the local occurrence of disseminations of magmatic sulfides in the peridotite fragments point to sulfide segregation before and/or during the formation of the peridotite cumulates. Mantle-normalized incompatible trace element patterns of the fragments along with published sulfur isotope data are consistent with crustal contamination, suggesting that addition of crustal sulfur from pyrite-bearing black slates led to sulfide saturation. These results support a model in which sulfides segregated and settled during the differentiation of an unexposed mafic-ultramafic complex, now sampled as fragments in the breccia, whereas the overlying silicate magma, most probably fed by successive fresh magma injections, underwent fractional crystallization, giving rise to this cumulate sequence. The emplacement of the ore breccia took place at temperatures above the (monosulfide solid solution (mss) solidus but below the olivine and pyroxene solidus, likely owing to the explosive injection of a new pulse of magma into the chamber, which mingled with the sulfide liquid and disrupted the overlying cumulate sequence. As a consequence, fragments reached their current position in the breccia, injected along with the sulfide and the silicate melts, which subsequently formed the sulfide-rich gabbronorite

    Climate and crown damage drive tree mortality in southern Amazonian edge forests

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Wiley via the DOI in this recordData availability statement: The data are available as a data package on ForestPlots.net: https://doi.org/10.5521/forestplots.net/2022_1 (Reis et al., 2022). The tree-level data used in Figure 5 are available on request from ForestPlot.net: https://www.forestplots.net/en/join-forestplots/working-with-dataTree death is a key process for our understanding of how forests are and will respond to global change. The extensive forests across the southern Amazonia edge—the driest, warmest and most fragmented of the Amazon regions—provide a window onto what the future of large parts of Amazonia may look like. Understanding tree mortality and its drivers here is essential to anticipate the process across other parts of the basin. Using 10 years of data from a widespread network of long-term forest plots, we assessed how trees die (standing, broken or uprooted) and used generalised mixed-effect models to explore the contribution of plot-, species- and tree-level factors to the likelihood of tree death. Most trees died from stem breakage (54%); a smaller proportion died standing (41%), while very few were uprooted (5%). The mortality rate for standing dead trees was greatest in forests subject to the most intense dry seasons. While trees with the crown more exposed to light were more prone to death from mechanical damage, trees less exposed were more susceptible to death from drought. At the species level, mortality rates were lowest for those species with the greatest wood density. At the individual tree level, physical damage to the crown via branch breakage was the strongest predictor of tree death. Synthesis. Wind- and water deficit-driven disturbances are the main causes of tree death in southern Amazonia edge which is concerning considering the predicted increase in seasonality for Amazonia, especially at the edge. Tree mortality here is greater than any in other Amazonian region, thus any increase in mortality here may represent a tipping point for these forests
