1,232 research outputs found

    CMB anisotropies from pre-big bang cosmology

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    We present an alternative scenario for cosmic structure formation where initial fluctuations are due to Kalb-Ramond axions produced during a pre-big bang phase of inflation. We investigate whether this scenario, where the fluctuations are induced by seeds and therefore are of isocurvature nature, can be brought in agreement with present observations by a suitable choice of cosmological parameters. We also discuss several observational signatures which can distinguish axion seeds from standard inflationary models. We finally discuss the gravitational wave background induced in this model and we show that it may be well within the range of future observations.Comment: 33 pages, 18 figures, corrected some typo

    From Cavendish to PLANCK: Constraining Newton's Gravitational Constant with CMB Temperature and Polarization Anisotropy

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    We present new constraints on cosmic variations of Newton's gravitational constant by making use of the latest CMB data from WMAP, BOOMERANG, CBI and ACBAR experiments and independent constraints coming from Big Bang Nucleosynthesis. We found that current CMB data provide constraints at the 10% level, that can be improved to 3% by including BBN data. We show that future data expected from the Planck satellite could constrain G at the 1.5% level while an ultimate, cosmic variance limited, CMB experiment could reach a precision of about 0.4%, competitive with current laboratory measurements.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures, corrected typos, added reference

    A Multi-Parameter Investigation of Gravitational Slip

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    A detailed analysis of gravitational slip, a new post-general relativity cosmological parameter characterizing the degree of departure of the laws of gravitation from general relativity on cosmological scales, is presented. This phenomenological approach assumes that cosmic acceleration is due to new gravitational effects; the amount of spacetime curvature produced per unit mass is changed in such a way that a universe containing only matter and radiation begins to accelerate as if under the influence of a cosmological constant. Changes in the law of gravitation are further manifest in the behavior of the inhomogeneous gravitational field, as reflected in the cosmic microwave background, weak lensing, and evolution of large-scale structure. The new parameter, ϖ0\varpi_0, is naively expected to be of order unity. However, a multiparameter analysis, allowing for variation of all the standard cosmological parameters, finds that ϖ0=0.09−0.59+0.74(2σ)\varpi_0 = 0.09^{+0.74}_{-0.59} (2\sigma) where ϖ0=0\varpi_0=0 corresponds to a Λ\LambdaCDM universe under general relativity. Future probes of the cosmic microwave background (Planck) and large-scale structure (Euclid) may improve the limits by a factor of four.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figures, colo

    Cosmic Microwave Background Temperature at Galaxy Clusters

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    We have deduced the cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature in the Coma cluster (A1656, z=0.0231z=0.0231), and in A2163 (z=0.203z=0.203) from spectral measurements of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect over four passbands at radio and microwave frequencies. The resulting temperatures at these redshifts are TComa=2.789−0.065+0.080T_{Coma} = 2.789^{+0.080}_{-0.065} K and TA2163=3.377−0.102+0.101T_{A2163} = 3.377^{+0.101}_{-0.102} K, respectively. These values confirm the expected relation T(z)=T0(1+z)T(z)=T_{0}(1+z), where T0=2.725±0.002T_{0}= 2.725 \pm 0.002 K is the value measured by the COBE/FIRAS experiment. Alternative scaling relations that are conjectured in non-standard cosmologies can be constrained by the data; for example, if T(z)=T0(1+z)1−aT(z) = T_{0}(1+z)^{1-a} or T(z)=T0[1+(1+d)z]T(z)=T_{0}[1+(1+d)z], then a=−0.16−0.32+0.34a=-0.16^{+0.34}_{-0.32} and d=0.17±0.36d = 0.17 \pm 0.36 (at 95% confidence). We briefly discuss future prospects for more precise SZ measurements of T(z)T(z) at higher redshifts.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, ApJL accepted for publicatio

    Cosmic Microwave Background anisotropies and extra dimensions in String Cosmology

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    A recently proposed mechanism for large-scale structure in string cosmology --based on massless axionic seeds-- is further analyzed and extended to the acoustic-peak region. Existence, structure, and normalization of the peaks turn out to depend crucially on the overall evolution of extra dimensions during the pre-big bang phase: conversely, precise cosmic microwave background anisotropy data in the acoustic-peak region will provide, within the next decade, a window on string-theory's extra dimensions before their eventual compactification

    The power spectrum of systematics in cosmic shear tomography and the bias on cosmological parameters

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    Cosmic shear tomography has emerged as one of the most promising tools to both investigate the nature of dark energy and discriminate between General Relativity and modified gravity theories. In order to successfully achieve these goals, systematics in shear measurements have to be taken into account; their impact on the weak lensing power spectrum has to be carefully investigated in order to estimate the bias induced on the inferred cosmological parameters. To this end, we develop here an efficient tool to compute the power spectrum of systematics by propagating, in a realistic way, shear measurement, source properties and survey setup uncertainties. Starting from analytical results for unweighted moments and general assumptions on the relation between measured and actual shear, we derive analytical expressions for the multiplicative and additive bias, showing how these terms depend not only on the shape measurement errors, but also on the properties of the source galaxies (namely, size, magnitude and spectral energy distribution). We are then able to compute the amplitude of the systematics power spectrum and its scaling with redshift, while we propose a multigaussian expansion to model in a non-parametric way its angular scale dependence. Our method allows to self-consistently propagate the systematics uncertainties to the finally observed shear power spectrum, thus allowing us to quantify the departures from the actual spectrum. We show that even a modest level of systematics can induce non-negligible deviations, thus leading to a significant bias on the recovered cosmological parameters.Comment: 19 pages, 5 tables, 4 figure

    Constraining Dark Matter annihilation with the Cosmic Microwave Background

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    I review one of the numerous physical processes that might change the standard model of recombination, i.e. the annihilation of Dark Matter particles. The high precision of current and future CMB data may allow the detection of these processes, that leave recognizable imprints on the angular power spectra. I review some of the results obtained in constraining this phenomenon using current WMAP5 data and forecasted data for future experiments such as the Planck satellite mission

    Laue Lens Development for Hard X-rays (>60 keV)

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    Results of reflectivity measurements of mosaic crystal samples of Cu (111) are reported. These tests were performed in the context of a feasibility study of a hard X-ray focusing telescope for space astronomy with energy passband from 60 to 600 keV. The technique envisaged is that of using mosaic crystals in transmission configuration that diffract X-rays for Bragg diffraction (Laue lens). The Laue lens assumed has a spherical shape with focal length ff. It is made of flat mosaic crystal tiles suitably positioned in the lens. The samples were grown and worked for this project at the Institute Laue-Langevin (ILL) in Grenoble (France), while the reflectivity tests were performed at the X-ray facility of the Physics Department of the University of Ferrara.Comment: 6 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Scienc

    Triple Experiment Spectrum of the Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect in the Coma Cluster: H_0

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    The Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) effect was previously measured in the Coma cluster by the Owens Valley Radio Observatory and Millimeter and IR Testa Grigia Observatory experiments and recently also with the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe satellite. We assess the consistency of these results and their implications on the feasibility of high-frequency SZ work with ground-based telescopes. The unique data set from the combined measurements at six frequency bands is jointly analyzed, resulting in a best-fit value for the Thomson optical depth at the cluster center, tau_{0}=(5.35 \pm 0.67) 10^{-3}. The combined X-ray and SZ determined properties of the gas are used to determine the Hubble constant. For isothermal gas with a \beta density profile we derive H_0 = 84 \pm 26 km/(s\cdot Mpc); the (1\sigma) error includes only observational SZ and X-ray uncertainties.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figur
