700 research outputs found

    Variations de tolérance aux pesticides agricoles des diatomées périphytiques dans une rivière contaminée : une analyse de l'échelle des communautés à celle des populations

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    3rd International Conference on EnvironmentalManagement, Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE 2011) & SECOTOX Conference, Skiathos, GRC, 19-/06/2011 - 24/06/2011International audiencePeriphytic diatoms are an important phototrophic component of river biofilm and are used in situ for the bioindication of pollution as well as in laboratory ecotoxicological tests to assess the toxicity of contaminants. In spring 2009, phototrophic biofilm samples composed mostly of diatoms were collected in a small river and their sensitivity to the herbicide diuron was estimated via photosynthesis bioassays. A large difference in tolerance to diuron was demonstrated between two periphytic communities from an upstream unpolluted site and a downstream site subjected to high seasonal contamination by pesticides. The comparison of diatom community structure between sites revealed important variations of the relative abundance of some species which could explain this difference. Consequently, some of these species were isolated from the river in autumn when toxic pressure was low, and kept in culture for more than six months in uncontaminated water. Acute toxicity tests of diuron based on growth inhibition were then performed on each species. Surprisingly the sensitivities of the species as estimated by EC50 were almost the same. However two strains of another species that could be isolated from each site of the river showed significant differences in tolerance to diuron and copper, another contaminant of the river. These results suggest the importance of adaptation at the intraspecific level in the induction of periphytic community tolerance to toxicants and the probably low sensitivity of bioindication methods to assess river contaminations

    Localizationof the 5S and 45S rDNA sites and CPDNA sequence analysis in species of the quadrifaria group of Paspalum (Poaceae, Panicae).

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    The Quadrifaria group of Paspalum (Poaceae, Paniceae) comprises species native to the subtropical and temperate regions of South America. The purpose of this research was to characterize the I genomes in five species of this group and to establish phylogenetic relationships among them. Prometaphase chromatin condensation patterns, the physical location of 5S and 45S rDNA sites by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), and sequences of five chloroplast non-coding regions were analysed. The condensation patterns observed were highly conserved among diploid and tetraploid accessions studied and not influenced by the dyes used or by the FISH procedure, allowing the identification of almost all the chromosome pairs that carried the rDNA signals. The FISH analysis of 5S rDNA sites showed the same localization and a correspondence between the number of sites and ploidy level. In contrast, the distribution of 45S rDNA sites was variable. Two general patterns were observed with respect to the location of the 45S rDNA. The species and cytotypes Paspalum haumanii 2x, P. intermedium 2x, P. quadrifarium 4x and P. exaltatum 4x showed proximal sites on chromosome 8 and two to four distal sites in other chromosomes, while P. quarinii 4x and P. quadrifarium 2x showed only distal sites located on a variable number of small chromosomes and on the long arm of chromosome 1. The single most-parsimonious tree found from the phylogenetic analysis showed the Quadrifaria species partitioned in two clades, one of them includes P. haumanii 2x and P. intermedium 2x together with P. quadrifarium 4x and P. exaltatum 4x, while the other contains P. quadrifarium 2x and P. quarinii 4x. The subdivision found with FISH is consistent with the clades recovered with cpDNA data and both analyses suggest that the Quadrifaria group, as presently defined, is not monophyletic and its species belong in at least two clades

    Interleukin 28 polymorphisms and hepatocellular carcinoma development after direct acting antiviral therapy for chronihepatitis c

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    Background & Aims: Cirrhotic patients with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection remain at risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) even after the sustained virologic response (SVR). We aimed to evaluate whether the IL28 (rs12979860) single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) may constitute a predisposing genetic factor and to identify the SVR patients at risk of HCC. Methods: Two hundred patients undergoing DAAs treatment for chronic hepatitis C with advanced fibrosis (F3-F4) were consecutively enrolled. Besides normal routine laboratory testing for HCV, patients’ sera were evaluated also for retinol, retinol-binding protein 4 and the following SNPs: PNPLA3 (rs738409), TM6SF2 (rs58542926), MBOAT7 (rs641738), IL28B (rs12979860), TIMP-1 (rs4898), TIMP-2 (rs8179090), NF-kB promoter (rs28362491). Statistical analyses were conducted using Stata/SE 14.2 statistical software (Stata Corp, College Station, TX). Results: Almost all patients (197/200) obtained SVR24. Seventeen patients had a previous history of treated HCC before DAAs. Six patients developed HCC recurrence and five patients developed de novo HCC after a mean period of 18 months since EOT. All these patients had SVR. A significant association between IL28B – TT genotype and HCC development after DAAs therapy was observed (OR 4.728, CI 95% 1.222 – 18.297, p=0.024). Conclusion: IL28B rs12979860 polymorphism was significantly associated with HCC development after DAAs. Assessment of this SNP may better identify patients at risk of developing HCC after treatment. Further prospective studies are required to confirm these hypotheses

    Morfologia e morfometria del settore ionico del Golfo di Taranto.

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    Il versante Ionico del Golfo di Taranto \ue8 caratterizzato dalla presenza di alti strutturali e bacini che rappresentano l\u2019espressione morfologica di sistemi di faglie pleistoceniche transpressive. La dorsale di Amendolara si estende per 45 Km in direzione N130\ub0E, ed \ue8 caratterizzato dalla presenza di tre alti batimetrici minori (denominati Amendolara, Rossano e Cariati). Verso NE, la dorsale di Capo Spulico si estende per 40 Km in direzione !N115\ub0E. Durante la Campagna Oceanografica \u201cTeatioca\u201d sono stati acquisiti 1100Km2 di dati batimetrici multibeam e profili sismici monocanale ad alta (Sparker) ed altissima risoluzione (Subbottom Chirp). L\u2019analisi integrata dei nuovi dati ha consentito di ottenere una sintesi morfostrutturale preliminare dell\u2019area sud-orientale del Golfo di Taranto [Santoro et al., 2012]. L\u2019insieme dei dati morfometrici evidenzia un ruolo chiave nell\u2019attivit\ue0 traspressiva della faglia che borda a SW la dorsale di Amendolara, in quanto la regolarit\ue0 dei pendii rivolti a S \ue8 legata alla deformazione e sollevamento dei versanti, che tende a superare l\u2019effetto dei processi erosivi (versanti a controllo morfostrutturale). Il processo di basculamento guidato dall\u2019azione della faglia sembra essere all\u2019originedei processi responsabili dell\u2019erosione gravitazionale canalizzata sui pendii esposti a nord (versanti a controllo morfosedimentario). Sette ordini di terrazzi sono stati riconosciuti sul top del Banco di Amendolara, attraverso tecniche di analisi dei picchi nel diagramma di distribuzione delle quote [Passaro et al., 2011]. Tale dato e le statistiche sui profili estratti dal DTM testimoniano la presenza di tassi differenziali di sollevamento ed un complessivo tilt (verso E) del settore frontale ionico dell\u2019Appennino Meridionale, in accordo con quanto suggerito in letteratura [Ferranti et al., 2009]. Bibliografia Ferranti, L., Santoro, E., Mazzella, M.E., Monaco, C., Morelli, D., (2009). Active transpression in the northern Calabria Apennines, southern Italy. Tectonophysics, 476 (1-2), 226-251. Passaro, S., Ferranti, L., de Alteriis, G., (2011). The use of high resolution elevation histograms for mapping submerged terraces: a test from the Eastern Tyrrhenian Sea and the Eastern Atlantic Ocean. Quat. Int., 232, 1-2, 238-249. Santoro, E., Ferranti, L., Passaro, S., Burrato, P., Morelli, D., (2012). Morphometric analysis in the offshore of the southern Taranto Gulf: unveiling the structures controlling the Late Pleistocene-Holocene bathymetric evolution. Rend. On. Soc. Geol. It., 21 (2), 1132-1135

    An active oblique-contractional belt at the transition between the Southern Apennines and Calabrian Arc: The Amendolara Ridge, Ionian Sea, Italy

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    High-resolution, single-channel seismic and multibeam bathymetry data collected at the Amendolara Ridge, a key submarine area marking the junction between the Apennine collision belt and the Calabrian subduction forearc, reveal active deformation in a supposedly stable crustal sector. New data, integrated with existing multichannel seismic profiles calibrated with oil-exploratory wells, show that middle to late Pleistocene sediments are deformed in growth folds above blind oblique-reverse faults that bound a regional pop-up. Data analysis indicates that ~10 to 20 km long banks that top the ~80 km long, NW-SE trending ridge are structural culminations above en echelon fault segments. Numeric modeling of bathymetry and stratigraphic markers suggests that three 45\ub0 dipping upper crustal (2\u201310km) fault segments underlie the ridge, with slip rates up to ~0.5mm/yr. Segments may be capable with M~ 6.1\u20136.3 earthquakes, although an unknown fraction of aseismic slip undoubtedly contributes to deformation. The fault array that bounds the southern flank of the ridge (Amendolara Fault System) parallels a belt of Mw<4.7 strike-slip and thrust earthquakes, which suggest current left-oblique reverse motion on the array. The eastern segment of the array shows apparent morphologic evidence of deformation and might be responsible for Mw 64 5.2 historic events. Late Pliocene-Quaternary growth of the oblique contractional belt is related to the combined effects of stalling of Adriatic slab retreat underneath the Apennines and subduction retreat of the Ionian slab underneath Calabria. Deformation localization was controlled by an inherited mechanical interface between the thick Apulian (Adriatic) platform crust and the attenuated Ionian Basin crust

    An active oblique-contractional belt at the transition between the Southern Apennines and Calabrian Arc: The Amendolara Ridge, Ionian Sea, Italy

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    High-resolution, single-channel seismic and multibeam bathymetry data collected at the Amendolara Ridge, a key submarine area marking the junction between the Apennine collision belt and the Calabrian subduction forearc, reveal active deformation in a supposedly stable crustal sector. New data, integrated with existing multichannel seismic profiles calibrated with oil-exploratory wells, show that middle to late Pleistocene sediments are deformed in growth folds above blind oblique-reverse faults that bound a regional pop-up. Data analysis indicates that ~10 to 20 km long banks that top the ~80 km long, NW-SE trending ridge are structural culminations above en echelon fault segments. Numeric modeling of bathymetry and stratigraphic markers suggests that three 45° dipping upper crustal (2–10 km) fault segments underlie the ridge, with slip rates up to ~0.5 mm/yr. Segments may be capable with M ~ 6.1–6.3 earthquakes, although an unknown fraction of aseismic slip undoubtedly contributes to deformation. The fault array that bounds the southern flank of the ridge (Amendolara Fault System) parallels a belt of Mw < 4.7 strike-slip and thrust earthquakes, which suggest current left-oblique reverse motion on the array. The eastern segment of the array shows apparent morphologic evidence of deformation and might be responsible for Mw ≤ 5.2 historic events. Late Pliocene-Quaternary growth of the oblique contractional belt is related to the combined effects of stalling of Adriatic slab retreat underneath the Apennines and subduction retreat of the Ionian slab underneath Calabria. Deformation localization was controlled by an inherited mechanical interface between the thick Apulian (Adriatic) platform crust and the attenuated Ionian Basin crust

    Discussion on how to implement a verbal scale in a forensic laboratory: benefits, pitfalls and suggestions to avoid misunderstandings

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    In a recently published guideline for evaluative reporting in forensic science, the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI) recommended the use of the likelihood ratio for the measurement of the value of forensic results. As a device to communicate the probative value of the results, the ENFSI guideline mentions the possibility to define and use a verbal scale, which should be unified within a forensic institution. This paper summarizes discussions held between scientists of our institution to develop and implement such a verbal scale. It intends to contribute to general discussions likely to be faced by any forensic institution that engages in continuous monitoring and improving of their evaluation and reporting format. We first present published arguments in favour of the use of such verbal qualifiers. We emphasize that verbal qualifiers do not replace the use of numbers to evaluate forensic findings, but are useful to communicate the probative value, since the weight of evidence in terms of likelihood ratio are still apprehended with difficulty by both the forensic scientists, especially in absence of hard data, and the recipient of information. We further present arguments that support the development of the verbal scale we propose. Recognising the limits of the use of such a verbal scale, we then discuss its disadvantages: it may lead to the spurious view according to which the value of the observations made in a given case is relative to other cases. Verbal qualifiers are also prone to misunderstandings and cannot be coherently combined with other evidence. We therefore recommend not using the verbal qualifier alone in a written statement. While scientists should only report on the probability of the findings - and not on the probability of the propositions, which are the duty of the Court - we suggest showing examples to let the recipient of information understand how the scientific evidence affects the probabilities of the propositions. To avoid misunderstandings, we also advise to mention in the statement what the results do not mean. Finally, we are of the opinion that if experts were able to coherently articulate numbers, and if recipients of information could properly handle such numbers, then verbal qualifiers could be abandoned completely. At that time, numerical expressions of probative value will be appropriately understood, as other numerical measures that most of us understand without the need of any further explanation, such as expressions for length or temperature

    A new classification and clinical predictivity for some naevus variants

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    Background. The incidence of cutaneous melanoma is rapidly increasing in Europe. Active research is directed toward the identification of naevi as a risk factor. Objective. The aim of our case-control study was to observe different numbers of moles and different mole typology associations in order to evaluate clinical predictivity and to establish a new classification for some naevus variants. Methods. A case-control study was carried out, enrolling 64 cases affected by melanoma and 183 controls, between October 2009 and February 2011. Each patient was interviewed and subjected to clinical examination. The resulting data were analysed using the statistical elaboration program SPSS 16.0. Results. The association of target naevus with other variants increases the degree of risk (target + small brown Odds Ratio 5.25; confidence interval 1.8-15.4); (target + small brown + small black + large brown odds ratio 5.0; confidence interval 1.1-22.4). Therefore, other variants and/or other variant combinations do not significantly increase risk. Conclusion. People presenting two naevus variants in association with other naevus variants seem to run a major risk. The general nonuniformity of the whole naevus panorama should be carefully considered

    Teledermatology: From Prevention to Diagnosis of Nonmelanoma and Melanoma Skin Cancer

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    Telemedicine is a rapidly developing application of clinical medicine where medical information is transferred through interactive audiovisual media for the purpose of consulting remote medical procedures or examinations, reducing the time of consultation for patients. Teledermatology as an application of telemedicine was developed in 1995: it turns out to be a gradually more ordinary mean of delivering dermatologic healthcare worldwide and will almost certainly have a greater medical function in the future. In particular, teledermatology can aid in the prevention and diagnosis of nonmelanoma and melanoma skin cancer; telemedicine and teledermatology offer the opportunity to make available consultations with experts also by long distance. Overall, patients seem to accept teledermatology, considering it as an excellent mean to obtain healthcare, particularly in those areas with no expert dermatologists available. Clinicians have also generally reported affirmative experiences with teledermatology in the skin cancer field. Further studies focusing on cost effectiveness, patient outcomes, and patient and clinician satisfaction will facilitate to delineate the potential of teledermatology as a mean of prevention and diagnosis of nonmelanoma and melanoma skin cancer

    High Doses of Ursodeoxycholic Acid Up-Regulate the Expression of Placental Breast Cancer Resistance Protein in Patients Affected by Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy

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    BACKGROUND: Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) administration in intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP) induces bile acids (BA) efflux from the foetal compartment, but the molecular basis of this transplacental transport is only partially defined. AIM: To determine if placental breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP), able to transport BA, is regulated by UDCA in ICP. METHODS: 32 pregnant women with ICP (14 untreated, 34.9\ub15.17 years; 18 treated with UDCA--25 mg/Kg/day, 32.7\ub14.62 years,) and 12 healthy controls (33.4\ub13.32 years) agreed to participate in the study. Placentas were obtained at delivery and processed for membrane extraction. BCRP protein expression was evaluated by immunoblotting techniques and chemiluminescence quantified with a luminograph measuring emitted photons; mRNA expression with real time PCR. Statistical differences between groups were evaluated by ANOVA with Dunn's Multiple Comparison test. RESULTS: BCRP was expressed only on the apical membrane of the syncytiotrophoblast. A significant difference was observed among the three groups both for mRNA (ANOVA, p\u200a=\u200a0.0074) and protein (ANOVA, p<0.0001) expression. BCRP expression was similar in controls and in the untreated ICP group. UDCA induced a significant increase in placental BCRP mRNA and protein expression compared to controls (350.7\ub1106.3 vs 100\ub118.68% of controls, p<0.05 and 397.8\ub156.02 vs 100\ub111.44% of controls, p<0.001, respectively) and untreated ICP (90.29\ub117.59% of controls, p<0.05 and 155.0\ub113.87%, p<0.01). CONCLUSION: Our results confirm that BCRP is expressed only on the apical membrane of the syncytiotrophoblast and show that ICP treatment with high dose UDCA significantly upregulates placental BCRP expression favouring BA efflux from the foetal compartment