192 research outputs found

    Nuevas alternativas para el tratamiento de infección urinaria no complicada, presentación de 2 casos clínicos

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    The current perspective on the management of infectious diseases is a challenge for clinicians, because while new antibiotics are developed, bacteria improves its resistance system. That is why this study presents CANTHARIS 9 CH as an alternative treatment for urinary tract infection. This drug has an homeopathic use and it has been tested on humans as an urinary prophylactic. In this text, we present two cases of patients who voluntarily accept to receive this new protocol. Both cases show laboratory confirmation of infection, with quinolone resistance, among others, and negativization post-treatment with CANTHARIS 9 CH. No side effects were reported in this sample.La actual perspectiva en el manejo de enfermedades infecciosas es un reto para el clínico, en la medida en que se desarrollan nuevos antibióticos, las bacterias mejoran su sistema de resistencia. Por esto, este estudio presenta una alternativa al tratamiento de infección urinaria con CANTHARIS 9 CH, medicamento de uso homeopático que tiene estudios en humanos como profiláctico urinario. Se presentan dos casos de pacientes que aceptan voluntariamente recibir este nuevo protocolo. En ambos casos se muestra una confirmación microbiológica de la infección, con resistencia a quinolonas, entre otros, y negativización post tratamiento con el medicamento CANTHARIS 9 CH. No se reportaron efectos secundarios en esta muestra

    Evolution of sea-surface temperature in the tropical Atlantic Ocean during FGGE, 1979: II. Oceanographic fields and heat balance of the mixed layer

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    Surface meteorological and surface and subsurface oceanographic data collected during 1979 are used to describe sea-surface temperature, mixed layer depth, zonal current component and net oceanic heat gain fields and to estimate the terms in a heat balance relation for the mixed layer. The terms are evaluated monthly on a 6° of latitude by 10° of longitude grid which covers the equatorial Atlantic from 9S to 9N. The first balance tested is between changes in mixed layer temperature and surface energy fluxes. These fluxes can account for more than 75% of the variance in the original time series of the quadrangles along 6S. Variance reductions are less, along 0° (order of 50%) and 6N (less than 25%). The addition of zonal advection improves some of the predictions but not significantly. Low variance reductions along 6N, west of 20W are attributed to the uncertainties in the estimates of observed temperature change and surface fluxes. The small variance reductions east of 20W, at 6N and along 0° may be related to the neglect of coastal and equatorial upwelling and meridional advection. A simple model is proposed which assumes an annual cycle for the intensity of mixing across the base of the mixed layer, most intense during summer, least intense during winter. Variance reductions at 0°, 5W increase from 20% to 60% with the inclusion of mixing. Meridional advection may also account for a portion of the observed variability in mixed layer temperature

    The photopic negative response in autism spectrum disorder

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    Background: Visual function can be atypical in autism spectrum disorder and structural imaging of the ganglion cell layers has been reported to differ in these individuals. Therefore, we sought to investigate if the photopic negative response of the full field electroretinograms, a measure of ganglion cell function, could help explain the visual perceptual differences in autism spectrum disorder and support the structural changes observed. / Methods: Participants (n = 55 autism spectrum disorder, aged 5.4–26.7 years) and control (n = 87, aged 5.4–27.3 years) were recruited for the study. Full-field light-adapted electroretinograms using a Troland protocol with 10 flash strengths from −0.367 to 1.204 log photopic cd.s.m−2 were recorded in each eye. The photopic negative response amplitudes at Tmin and at t = 72 ms were compared between groups along with the a- and b-wave values. / Results: There were no significant interactions between groups for the Photopic Negative Response measures of amplitude or time (p > 0.30). There was a group interaction between groups and flash strengths for the b-wave amplitude as previously reported (p < 0.001). / Conclusion: The photopic negative response results suggest that there are no significant differences in the summed retinal ganglion cell responses produced by a full-field stimulus

    New alternatives for the treatment of uncomplicated urinary tract infection, presentation of 2 clinical cases

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    The current perspective on the management of infectious diseases is a challenge for clinicians, because while new antibiotics are developed, bacteria improves its resistance system. That is why this study presents CANTHARIS 9 CH as an alternative treatment for urinary tract infection. This drug has an homeopathic use and it has been tested on humans as an urinary prophylactic. In this text, we present two cases of patients who voluntarily accept to receive this new protocol. Both cases show laboratory confirmation of infection, with quinolone resistance, among others, and negativization post-treatment with CANTHARIS 9 CH. No side effects were reported in this sample

    Formative Feedback in Blackboard Learn Environment for College Academic Literacy of Engineering Students

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    The COVID-19 pandemic spread the virtual mode to the masses through various learning platforms. In higher education, the possibilities offered by these platforms were used to innovate evaluation in e-learning environments. Due to the formative needs of engineering students regarding academic writing, the objective of the research is to determine the impact of virtual formative feedback on the academic literacy of engineering students in a writing course with the support of the virtual learning environments. The study corresponds to a pre-experimental investigation in a sample made up of 39 students. The Wilcoxon signed rank test gave an overall value of -5.388b. Therefore, it demonstrates that formative feedback has a positive impact on the development of academic literacy in the Blackboard virtual environment.Universidad Privada del NorteRevisión por pare

    Some properties of conditional independence

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    El objetivo de este artículo es el de establecer algunas propiedades&nbsp;nuevas de la independencia condicionada de una familia de clases de eventos.&nbsp;De una parte, se generalizan algunos de los resultados de Van Putten y Van&nbsp;Schuppen [15], que consideran el caso de una familia con dos elementos, y,&nbsp;de otra parte, se generalizan resultados conocidos sobre familias de clases de&nbsp;eventos independientes. Como aplicación, se dan algunas propiedades de la&nbsp;independencia condicionada de una familia de variables aleatorias. &nbsp;The aim of this paper is to establish some new properties of the&nbsp;conditional independence of a family of classes of events. On the one hand,&nbsp;we generalize some of the results by Van Putten and Van Schuppen [15], who&nbsp;considered the case of families with two elements, and, on the other hand,&nbsp;we generalize known results on independents families of classes of events. As&nbsp;an application, we give some properties of the conditional independence in a&nbsp;family of random variables

    Using the Podcast for Feedback: A Qualitative Study

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    In virtual environments, it is essential for the teacher to structure the learning experience and guide knowledge using various feedback tools. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to analyze the effectiveness of using podcasts as a formative evaluation tool. A phenomenological-qualitative methodological strategy was proposed to report the process of a learning experience through the design of cases. To achieve this goal, data collection techniques such as observation, semi-structured interviews, and documentary analysis were employed. The qualitative analysis from the teacher’s perspective revealed the primary areas for improvement in academic writing. In response to this, a process for providing corrective and suggestive feedback was proposed, utilizing comments and podcasts. In particular, the best-performing groups were those that most frequently utilized the multimodal resources for preparing and providing feedback in newsrooms. From the students’ perspective, they valued the feedback process in virtual environments because it allowed them to identify mistakes made in the writing process and improve their writing by considering the teacher’s comments and the criteria of the rubric