25 research outputs found

    Adaptive and Phase Selective Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity in Synaptically Coupled Neuronal Oscillators

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    We consider and analyze the influence of spike-timing dependent plasticity (STDP) on homeostatic states in synaptically coupled neuronal oscillators. In contrast to conventional models of STDP in which spike-timing affects weights of synaptic connections, we consider a model of STDP in which the time lags between pre- and/or post-synaptic spikes change internal state of pre- and/or post-synaptic neurons respectively. The analysis reveals that STDP processes of this type, modeled by a single ordinary differential equation, may ensure efficient, yet coarse, phase-locking of spikes in the system to a given reference phase. Precision of the phase locking, i.e. the amplitude of relative phase deviations from the reference, depends on the values of natural frequencies of oscillators and, additionally, on parameters of the STDP law. These deviations can be optimized by appropriate tuning of gains (i.e. sensitivity to spike-timing mismatches) of the STDP mechanism. However, as we demonstrate, such deviations can not be made arbitrarily small neither by mere tuning of STDP gains nor by adjusting synaptic weights. Thus if accurate phase-locking in the system is required then an additional tuning mechanism is generally needed. We found that adding a very simple adaptation dynamics in the form of slow fluctuations of the base line in the STDP mechanism enables accurate phase tuning in the system with arbitrary high precision. Adaptation operating at a slow time scale may be associated with extracellular matter such as matrix and glia. Thus the findings may suggest a possible role of the latter in regulating synaptic transmission in neuronal circuits

    Open Source Brain: A Collaborative Resource for Visualizing, Analyzing, Simulating, and Developing Standardized Models of Neurons and Circuits

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    Computational models are powerful tools for exploring the properties of complex biological systems. In neuroscience, data-driven models of neural circuits that span multiple scales are increasingly being used to understand brain function in health and disease. But their adoption and reuse has been limited by the specialist knowledge required to evaluate and use them. To address this, we have developed Open Source Brain, a platform for sharing, viewing, analyzing, and simulating standardized models from different brain regions and species. Model structure and parameters can be automatically visualized and their dynamical properties explored through browser-based simulations. Infrastructure and tools for collaborative interaction, development, and testing are also provided. We demonstrate how existing components can be reused by constructing new models of inhibition-stabilized cortical networks that match recent experimental results. These features of Open Source Brain improve the accessibility, transparency, and reproducibility of models and facilitate their reuse by the wider community

    Metabotropic action of postsynaptic kainate receptors triggers hippocampal long-term potentiation

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    Long-term potentiation (LTP) in the rat hippocampus is the most extensively studied cellular model for learning and memory. Induction of classical LTP involves an NMDA receptor- and calcium-dependent increase in functional synaptic AMPA receptors mediated by enhanced recycling of internalized AMPA receptors back to the postsynaptic membrane. Here we report a novel, physiologically relevant NMDA receptor-independent mechanism that drives increased AMPA receptor recycling and LTP. This pathway requires the metabotropic action of kainate receptors and activation of G-protein, protein kinase C and phospholipase C. Like classical LTP, kainate receptor-dependent LTP recruits recycling endosomes to spines, enhances synaptic recycling of AMPA receptors to increase their surface expression and elicits structural changes in spines, including increased growth and maturation. These data reveal a new and previously unsuspected role for postsynaptic kainate receptors in the induction of functional and structural plasticity in the hippocampus

    Modeling Microstructure and Irradiation Effects

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    Deficits in Morphofunctional Maturation of Hippocampal Mossy Fiber Synapses in a Mouse Model of Intellectual Disability

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    International audienceThe grik2 gene, coding for the kainate receptor subunit GluK2 (formerly GluR6), is associated with autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disability. Here, we tested the hypothesis that GluK2 could play a role in the appropriate maturation of synaptic circuits involved in learning and memory. We show that both the functional and morphological maturation of hippocampal mossy fiber to CA3 pyramidal cell (mf-CA3) synapses is delayed in mice deficient for the GluK2 subunit (GluK2 ĎŞ/ĎŞ). In GluK2 ĎŞ/ĎŞ mice this deficit is manifested by a transient reduction in the amplitude of AMPA-EPSCs at a critical time point of postnatal development, whereas the NMDA component is spared. By combining multiple probability peak fluctuation analysis and immunohistochemistry, we have provided evidence that the decreased amplitude reflects a decrease in the quantal size per mf-CA3 synapse and in the number of active synaptic sites. Furthermore, we analyzed the time course of structural maturation of CA3 synapses by confocal imaging of YFP-expressing cells followed by tridimensional (3D) anatomical reconstruction of thorny excrescences and presynaptic boutons. We show that major changes in synaptic structures occur subsequently to the sharp increase in synaptic transmission, and more importantly that the course of structural maturation of synaptic elements is impaired in GluK2 ĎŞ/ĎŞ mice. This study highlights how a mutation in a gene linked to intellectual disability in the human may lead to a transient reduction of synaptic strength during postnatal development, impacting on the proper formation of neural circuits linked to memory

    Progress in methodology for probabilistic assessment of accidents: timing of accident sequences

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    SIGLEAvailable from CEN Saclay, Service de Documentation, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex (France) / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc

    An innovative compilation tool-chain for embedded multi-core architectures

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    In this paper, we propose a compilation tool-chain supporting the eective exploitation of multi-core architectures oering hundreds of cores. The tool-chain leverages on both the application requirements and the platform-specic features to provide developers with a powerful parallel-programming environment able to generate ecient parallel code. The design of parallel applications follows a semi-automatic approach enabling the programmer to transfer to back-end tools platform-specic code generation and optimization, thus making possible to avoid the clobbering of code with non-portable and complex directives. The programmer can graphically parallelize the application (mainly data-streaming ones) for the target platform using Thales' Spear Design Environment. The resulting parallelization is generated under the form of an Intermediate Representation, which is then passed to the back-end tools (HPC Project's Par4All) that generates efficient target code. We present the results obtained parallelizing a small subset of the RT-STAP radar algorithm and the Chirp filltering algorithm on standard multi-core and on nVidia GPUs