90 research outputs found

    Implementasi Analisis Fundamental Pada Pengambilan Keputusan Investasi Dengan Pendekatan Priceearning Ratio (Per) (Studi Pada Perusahaan Sub Sektor Rokok Yang Listing Di Bei Periode 2013-2015)

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    This study focusеs on stock invеstmеnt dеcisions with pricе-еarnings ratio and ROЕ (Rеturn On Еquity), ЕPS (Еarning Pеr Sharе), DPS (Dividеnd Pеr Sharе), DPR (Dividеnd Payout Ratio) as thе fundamеntal variablеs. This rеsеarch usе dеscriptivе rеsеarch with quantitativе approach that focusеs on subsеctors cigarеttе companiеs listеd on thе Stock Еxchangе as a population. This study using purposivе sampling tеchniquе which makеs thrее samplеs from four companiеs as population that consistеd of PT Gudang Garam Tbk, PT HM Sampoеrna Tbk, PT Wismilak Inti Makmur, Tbk as a samplе. Thе rеsults of this study indicatе that thе company of PT Gudang Garam Tbk and PT HM Sampoеrna Tbk it's stock pricе Ovеrvaluеd or stocks pricе highеr comparеd to thе intrinsic valuе of thе stocks, thе right dеcision to do is sеll thеsе stocks bеforе thе pricе droppеd from thе intrinsic valuе of thе stock. This study also shows that thе PT Wismilak Inti Makmur, Tbk it's stock pricе undеrvaluеd or stocks pricе is lowеr than thе intrinsic valuе of stocks, thе right dеcision to do is buy thе stocks or hold thеsе stocks if alrеady havе it with hoping gain profits whеn stock markеt pricеs continuе to risе еxcееds it's intrinsic valuе. Kеywords: Intrinsic valuе, ROE, EPS, DPS, DP

    Optimasi Performansi Ajax dengan Menggunakan Json

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    Web-based application development at this time concentrate or on the way to interactivity and response time closely to desktop application. AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is one of method to create a web-based application become more interactive like desktop application, with AJAX is possible for web not to reload full of one web page again from server but only part of information on page that requested, with the result is improvement of bandwidth USAge.AJAX web application in connection with web server usually use XML (Extensible Markup Language) as data interchange format, but XML have redundancy in their data format, it have duplicated at tags (opening and closing tags) that cause less efficient and probably impact to AJAX performance. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is alternative data interchange format can be used in AJAX that has less redundancy than XML, it make JSON more lightly better than XML. Web performance it can be know from response time and bandwidth.Test result is showing that for large amount of data, AJAX performance with JSON is better than AJAX with XML but there are little different result from attribute that used in XML, test result for user access is showing same pattern with testing in single computer

    Organic rankine cycle (ORC) system applications for solar energy: Recent technological advances

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    © 2019 by the authors. Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) power generation systems may be used to utilize heat source with low pressure and low temperature such as solar energy. Many researchers have focused on different aspects ofORCpower generation systems, but none so far has focused on the patent landscape of ORC system applications. As such, the objective of this study is to identify published patents on ORC system applications, particularly for solar energy. Four (4) technologies were identified in ORC application for solar energy: parabolic dish, parabolic trough, solar tower, and linear Fresnel reflector. A methodical search and analysis of the patent landscape in ORC system applications for solar energy published between 2007-2018 was conducted using the Derwent Innovation patent database. From the approximately 51 million patents in the database from various countries and patent agencies, 3859 patents were initially identified to be related to ORC applications for solar energy. After further stringent selection processes, only 1100 patents were included in this review. From these 1100 patents, approximately 12% (130 patents) are associated with parabolic dishes, about 39% (428 patents) are associated with parabolic troughs, approximately 21% (237 patents) are associated with solar towers, and about 28% (305 patents) are associated with linear Fresnel reflectors. Published patents on solar tower technology are currently on an increasing trend, led by China. All of these patents were published in the past 11 years. From this study, further researches on ORC application are still ongoing, but ORC application for solar energy has the potential to advance; allowing the world to ease issues related to over-reliance on fossil fuel

    Deep Convolutional Neural Networks-Based Plants Diseases Detection Using Hybrid Features

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    With advances in information technology, various ways have been developed to detect diseases in plants, one of which is by using Machine Learning. In machine learning, the choice of features affect the performance significantly. However, most features have limitations for plant diseases detection. For that reason, we propose the use of hybrid features for plant diseases detection in this paper. We append local descriptor and texture features, i.e. linear binary pattern (LBP) to color features. The hybrid features are then used as inputs for deep convolutional neural networks (DCNN) Support and VGG16 classifiers. Our evaluation on Based on our experiments, our proposed features achieved better performances than those of using color features only. Our results also suggest fast convergence of the proposed features as the good performance is achieved at low number of epoch

    Peran Jejaring Sosial dalam Pembangunan Komunitas Kreatif

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    Yogyakarta memiliki banyak tokoh kreatif yang menghidupi kota. Tulisan ini membahas delapan tokoh yang memiliki sumbangan dalam bidang seni sebagai bagian dari industri kreatif, yaitu Basiyo (Seni pertunjukan-lawak), Bagong Kusudiarjo (Tari), Sapta Raharjo (musik), Affandi (Lukis), Umar Kayam (Sastra), Edi Sunarso (Pematung), Gito-Gati (Ketoprak), dan Mohammad Diponegoro (Sastra). Data diperoleh melalui wawancara, observasi dan studi dokumen. Analisis dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana para tokoh melalui nilai dan karyanya dapat membentuk jejaring sosial yang akan membentuk komunitas kreatif dengan inovasi-inovasi kreatif. Berdasarkan pemetaan tokoh dan karyanya ditemukan bahwa kreativitas para tokoh seni ini, meski berbasis pada karya individu dan kolektif, tak bisa disangkal bahwa struktur sosial tetaplah jangkar dari tindakan kreatif. Basiyo, Kayam, Diponegoro, Affandi dan Sunarso berkarya dengan mengandalkan kreativitas individual yang kuat. Namun individualitasnya tetap berjangkar pada kerja kolektif. Karya-karya Raharjo, Kussudiardja dan Gito-Gati merupakan tipe kerja kreatif yang bersifat kolektif. Ditemukan dua jenis pelembagaan ideal yaitu pembentukan museum dan komunitas. Museum sebagai arsip dan pemancar karya-karya warisan dapat ditemukan dalam jejak maestro Affandi; sedangkan community building merupakan warisan dari Raharjo, melalui Komunitas Gayam 16 yang setiap tahun menggelar Festival Gamelan Yogyakarta. Museum Affandi menjadi institusi yang memegang karya Affandi, terbuka untuk umum, dan menjadi ruang belajar kreatif dalam seni, dan sering mengadakan kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan dunia seni kreatif

    Production process and optimization of solid bioethanol from empty fruit bunches of palm oil using response surface methodology

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    © 2019 by the authors. This study aimed to observe the potential of solid bioethanol as an alternative fuel with high caloric value. The solid bioethanol was produced from liquid bioethanol, which was obtained from the synthesis of oil palm empty fruit bunches (PEFBs) through the delignification process by using organosolv pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis. Enzymatic hydrolysis was conducted using enzyme (60 FPUg-1 of cellulose) at a variety of temperatures (35 °C, 70 °C, and 90 °C) and reaction times (2, 6, 12, 18, and 24 h) in order to obtain a high sugar yield. The highest sugars were yielded at the temperature of 90 °C for 48 h (152.51 mg/L). Furthermore, fermentation was conducted using Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The bioethanol yield after fermentation was 62.29 mg/L. Bioethanol was extracted by distillation process to obtain solid bioethanol. The solid bioethanol was produced by using stearic acid as the additive. In order to get high-quality solid bioethanol, the calorific value was optimized using the response surface methodology (RSM) model. This model provided the factor variables of bioethanol concentration (vol %), stearic acid (g), and bioethanol (mL) with a minus result error. The highest calorific value was obtained with 7 g stearic acid and 5 mL bioethanol (43.17 MJ/kg). Burning time was tested to observe the quality of the solid bioethanol. The highest calorific value resulted in the longest burning time. The solid bioethanol has a potential as solid fuel due to the significantly higher calorific value compared to the liquid bioethanol

    Physicochemical properties of biodiesel synthesised from grape seed, Philippine tung, kesambi, and palm oils

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    © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). The production of biodiesel using vegetable oil is an effective way to meet growing energy demands, which could potentially reduce the dependency on fossil fuels. The aim of this study was to evaluate grape seed (Vitis vinifera), Philippine tung (Reutealis trisperma), and kesambi (Schleichera oleosa) oils as potential feedstocks for biodiesel production to meet this demand. Firstly, biodiesels from these oils were produced and then their fatty acid methyl ester profiles and physicochemical properties were evaluated and compared with palm biodiesel. The results showed that the biodiesel produced from grape seed oil possessed the highest oxidation stability of 4.62 h. On the other hand, poor oxidation stability was observed for Philippine tung biodiesel at 2.47 h. The poor properties of Philippine tung biodiesel can be attributed to the presence of α-elaeostearic fatty acid. Furthermore, synthetic antioxidants (pyrogallol) and diesel were used to improve the oxidation stability. The 0.2 wt.% concentration of pyrogallol antioxidant could increase the oxidation stability of grape seed biodiesel to 6.24 h, while for kesambi and Philippine tung, biodiesels at higher concentrations of 0.3% and 0.4 wt.%, respectively, were needed to meet the minimum limit of 8 h. The blending of biodiesel with fossil diesel at different ratios can also increase the oxidation stability

    Optimization of cerbera manghas biodiesel production using artificial neural networks integrated with ant colony optimization

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    © 2019 by the authors. Optimizing the process parameters of biodiesel production is the key to maximizing biodiesel yields. In this study, artificial neural network models integrated with ant colony optimization were developed to optimize the parameters of the two-step Cerbera manghas biodiesel production process: (1) esterification and (2) transesterification. The parameters of esterification and transesterification processes were optimized to minimize the acid value and maximize the C. manghas biodiesel yield, respectively. There was excellent agreement between the average experimental values and those predicted by the artificial neural network models, indicating their reliability. These models will be useful to predict the optimum process parameters, reducing the trial and error of conventional experimentation. The kinetic study was conducted to understand the mechanism of the transesterification process and, lastly, the model could measure the physicochemical properties of the C. manghas biodiesel


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    Dokter Yap adalah seorang tokoh kota Yogyakarta dalam bidang kesehatan masyarakat khusus kesehatan mata. Rumah Sakit Mata Dokter Yap dibangun pada tahun 1923, terletak di Jalan Cik Di Tiro Nomor 5 Yogyakarta di dalamnya terdapat Museum Dokter Yap. Tulisan ini bertujuan menjelaskan gagasan-gagasan dalam perancangan Museum Dokter Yap Yogyakarta agar sosok dokter Yap sebagai tokoh dikenal masyarakat luas. Metode yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini adalah studi pustaka, pengamatan lapangan, dan eksplorasi desain. Hasilnya, museum dan di sekitar Rumah Sakit Mata Dokter Yap dibenahi, sehingga pengunjung mudah mengenal dan memahami sosok Dokter Yap sebagai tokoh kesehatan mata di kota Yogyakarta. Pembenahan dilakukan pada skala makro, meso dan mikro dengan pripsip revitalisasi bangunan cagar budaya dan mempertimbangkan aspek kemudahan akses, kenyamanan dan penataan interior dengan penyajian informasi tokoh Dokter Yap yang sistematis dan menarik

    The effect of ultrasound duty cycle in biodiesel production from Ceiba pentandra

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    This study investigated the effect of the duty cycle for the transesterification of Ceiba pentandra oil. The important parameters of a duty cycle (pulse-mode operation) and energy usage in the transesterification reaction process were presented and showed that a maximum biodiesel yield of 99.24 % was achieved for 75% duty cycle with a pulse combination of 6 sec ON and 2 sec OFF. That was under the optimum conditions of 60% methanol to oil ratio, 1.00 wt% of KOH, reacted for 50 minutes. The obtained biodiesel was then analyzed using FTIR spectroscopy, and physiochemical properties of the Ceiba pentandra biodiesel then determined. It found that all the properties comply with the fuel specifications set by both ASTM D6751 and EN 14214 standards