669 research outputs found

    Trimming of a Broken Migrated Biliary Metal Stent with the Nd:YAG Laser

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    Biliary metal stents are a permanent solution for bile duct stenosis. Complications can arise when the stent migrates, breaks or is overgrown by tumour. The following case demonstrates how a Nd:YAG laser can be used to solve these problems. A 93-year-old man presented with jaundice and fever. Two years earlier a 6-cm metal stent had been implanted into a postinflammatory stenosis of the common bile duct after recurrent cholangitis and repetitive plastic stenting. Duodenoscopy showed that the stent was broken. It had migrated about 3 cm into the duodenum, leading to kinking of the stent and breaking of the wires. The stent was also occluded. It was necessary to purge the common bile duct and to introduce a second stent. However, the only way to reach the papilla was through the broken wires. Placing a second stent this way was impossible. Thus we trimmed the stent with a Nd:YAG laser. The piece that had migrated into the duodenum was retrieved. Now the papilla could be reached. The rest of the metal stent was purged with NaCl 0.9%. A second metal stent was placed. Since an Nd:YAG laser is part of the equipment of most endoscopy units, it can be used to trim a broken or migrated biliary metal stent

    Quantifying dynamics of the financial correlations

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    A novel application of the correlation matrix formalism to study dynamics of the financial evolution is presented. This formalism allows to quantify the memory effects as well as some potential repeatable intradaily structures in the financial time-series. The present study is based on the high-frequency Deutsche Aktienindex (DAX) data over the time-period between November 1997 and December 1999 and demonstrates a power of the method. In this way two significant new aspects of the DAX evolution are identified: (i) the memory effects turn out to be sizably shorter than what the standard autocorrelation function analysis seems to indicate and (ii) there exist short term repeatable structures in fluctuations that are governed by a distinct dynamics. The former of these results may provide an argument in favour of the market efficiency while the later one may indicate origin of the difficulty in reaching a Gaussian limit, expected from the central limit theorem, in the distribution of returns on longer time-horizons.Comment: 10 pages, 7 PostScript figures, talk presented by the first Author at the NATO ARW on Econophysics, Prague, February 8-10, 2001; to be published in proceedings (Physica A

    Intraoperative dynamics of workflow disruptions and surgeons' technical performance failures: insights from a simulated operating room

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    INTRODUCTION Flow disruptions (FD) in the operating room (OR) have been found to adversely affect the levels of stress and cognitive workload of the surgical team. It has been concluded that frequent disruptions also lead to impaired technical performance and subsequently pose a risk to patient safety. However, respective studies are scarce. We therefore aimed to determine if surgical performance failures increase after disruptive events during a complete surgical intervention. METHODS We set up a mixed-reality-based OR simulation study within a full-team scenario. Eleven orthopaedic surgeons performed a vertebroplasty procedure from incision to closure. Simulations were audio- and videotaped and key surgical instrument movements were automatically tracked to determine performance failures, i.e. injury of critical tissue. Flow disruptions were identified through retrospective video observation and evaluated according to duration, severity, source, and initiation. We applied a multilevel binary logistic regression model to determine the relationship between FDs and technical performance failures. For this purpose, we compared FDs in one-minute intervals before performance failures with intervals without subsequent performance failures. RESULTS Average simulation duration was 30:02~min (SD = 10:48~min). In 11 simulated cases, 114 flow disruption events were observed with a mean hourly rate of 20.4 (SD = 5.6) and substantial variation across FD sources. Overall, 53 performance failures were recorded. We observed no relationship between FDs and likelihood of immediate performance failures: Adjusted odds ratio = 1.03 (95% CI 0.46-2.30). Likewise, no evidence could be found for different source types of FDs. CONCLUSION Our study advances previous methodological approaches through the utilisation of a mixed-reality simulation environment, automated surgical performance assessments, and expert-rated observations of FD events. Our data do not support the common assumption that FDs adversely affect technical performance. Yet, future studies should focus on the determining factors, mechanisms, and dynamics underlying our findings

    Impaired Pre-Motor Circuit Activity and Movement in a Drosophila Model of KCNMA1-Linked Dyskinesia

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    BACKGROUND: Paroxysmal dyskinesias (PxDs) are characterized by involuntary movements and altered pre-motor circuit activity. Causative mutations provide a means to understand the molecular basis of PxDs. Yet in many cases, animal models harboring corresponding mutations are lacking. Here we utilize the fruit fly, Drosophila, to study a PxD linked to a gain-of-function (GOF) mutation in the KCNMA1/hSlo1 BK potassium channel. OBJECTIVES: We aimed to recreate the equivalent BK (big potassium) channel mutation in Drosophila. We sought to determine how this mutation altered action potentials (APs) and synaptic release in vivo; to test whether this mutation disrupted pre-motor circuit function and locomotion; and to define neural circuits involved in locomotor disruption. METHODS: We generated a knock-in Drosophila model using homologous recombination. We used electrophysiological recordings and calcium-imaging to assess AP shape, neurotransmission, and the activity of the larval pre-motor central pattern generator (CPG). We used video-tracking and automated systems to measure movement, and developed a genetic method to limit BK channel expression to defined circuits. RESULTS: Neuronal APs exhibited reduced width and an enhanced afterhyperpolarization in the PxD model. We identified calcium-dependent reductions in neurotransmitter release, dysfunction of the CPG, and corresponding alterations in movement, in model larvae. Finally, we observed aberrant locomotion and dyskinesia-like movements in adult model flies, and partially mapped the impact of GOF BK channels on movement to cholinergic neurons. CONCLUSION: Our model supports a link between BK channel GOF and hyperkinetic movements, and provides a platform to dissect the mechanistic basis of PxDs. © 2021 The Authors. Movement Disorders published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society

    DepQBF 6.0: A Search-Based QBF Solver Beyond Traditional QCDCL

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    We present the latest major release version 6.0 of the quantified Boolean formula (QBF) solver DepQBF, which is based on QCDCL. QCDCL is an extension of the conflict-driven clause learning (CDCL) paradigm implemented in state of the art propositional satisfiability (SAT) solvers. The Q-resolution calculus (QRES) is a QBF proof system which underlies QCDCL. QCDCL solvers can produce QRES proofs of QBFs in prenex conjunctive normal form (PCNF) as a byproduct of the solving process. In contrast to traditional QCDCL based on QRES, DepQBF 6.0 implements a variant of QCDCL which is based on a generalization of QRES. This generalization is due to a set of additional axioms and leaves the original Q-resolution rules unchanged. The generalization of QRES enables QCDCL to potentially produce exponentially shorter proofs than the traditional variant. We present an overview of the features implemented in DepQBF and report on experimental results which demonstrate the effectiveness of generalized QRES in QCDCL.Comment: 12 pages + appendix; to appear in the proceedings of CADE-26, LNCS, Springer, 201

    Deep phase modulation interferometry

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    We have developed a method to equip homodyne interferometers with the capability to operate with constant high sensitivity over many fringes for continuous real-time tracking. The method can be considered as an extension of the "J_1...J_4" methods, and its enhancement to deliver very sensitive angular measurements through Differential Wavefront Sensing is straightforward. Beam generation requires a sinusoidal phase modulation of several radians in one interferometer arm. On a stable optical bench, we have demonstrated a long-term sensitivity over thousands of seconds of 0.1 mrad/sqrt[Hz] that correspond to 20 pm/sqrt[Hz] in length, and 10 nrad/sqrt[Hz] in angle at millihertz frequencies

    Evolving networks with disadvantaged long-range connections

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    We consider a growing network, whose growth algorithm is based on the preferential attachment typical for scale-free constructions, but where the long-range bonds are disadvantaged. Thus, the probability to get connected to a site at distance dd is proportional to d−αd^{-\alpha}, where α\alpha is a tunable parameter of the model. We show that the properties of the networks grown with α<1\alpha <1 are close to those of the genuine scale-free construction, while for α>1\alpha >1 the structure of the network is vastly different. Thus, in this regime, the node degree distribution is no more a power law, and it is well-represented by a stretched exponential. On the other hand, the small-world property of the growing networks is preserved at all values of α\alpha .Comment: REVTeX, 6 pages, 5 figure

    Evaluating the performance of SURFEXv5 as a new land surface scheme for the ALADINcy36 and ALARO-0 models

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    The newly developed land surface scheme SURFEX (SURFace EXternalisee) is implemented into a limited-area numerical weather prediction model running operationally in a number of countries of the ALADIN and HIRLAM consortia. The primary question addressed is the ability of SURFEX to be used as a new land surface scheme and thus assessing its potential use in an operational configuration instead of the original ISBA (Interactions between Soil, Biosphere, and Atmosphere) scheme. The results show that the introduction of SURFEX either shows improvement for or has a neutral impact on the 2m temperature, 2m relative humidity and 10m wind. However, it seems that SURFEX has a tendency to produce higher maximum temperatures at high-elevation stations during winter daytime, which degrades the 2m temperature scores. In addition, surface radiative and energy fluxes improve compared to observations from the Cabauw tower. The results also show that promising improvements with a demonstrated positive impact on the forecast performance are achieved by introducing the town energy balance (TEB) scheme. It was found that the use of SURFEX has a neutral impact on the precipitation scores. However, the implementation of TEB within SURFEX for a high-resolution run tends to cause rainfall to be locally concentrated, and the total accumulated precipitation obviously decreases during the summer. One of the novel features developed in SURFEX is the availability of a more advanced surface data assimilation using the extended Kalman filter. The results over Belgium show that the forecast scores are similar between the extended Kalman filter and the classical optimal interpolation scheme. Finally, concerning the vertical scores, the introduction of SURFEX either shows improvement for or has a neutral impact in the free atmosphere
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