31 research outputs found

    Assessment of phytoplankton in agricultural sewage as a feasibility index of aquaculture in Karoon River (Ahwaz to Khorramshahr)

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    In this study phytoplankton were used as a water quality index in agricultural sewage for feasibility study of aquaculture in Ahwaz and Khorramshahr region. Monthly sampling was done in 6 stations during one year period (2008-2009). 34 phytoplankton genuses were identified. The most frequent classes were Bacillariophyceae (diatoms), Cyanophyceae, Chlorophyceae, Dinophyceae. The water flow of drainage channel had inverse relationship with phytoplankton density. Diatoms were present in all stations. Palmer index suggested that station 2,5,6,3,4 had the highest rate of pollution respectively and station 1 was relatively polluted. The stations of 1,2,5,3,6,4 had the highest value of useful phytoplankton index for fish growth

    Water quality determination in Khuzestan creeks, northwest of Persian Gulf using WQS Index

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    Water quality was studied in Mahshahr creeks from 2005-2006. Due to special characteristics of Mahshahr creeks, high fisheries potential and sever exploitation and human pressure, WQS index was selected for determination of ecological health status of the area. Eight creeks Ghannam, Zasngy, Doragh,Ahmady, Darvish, Patil, Ghazaleh and Bihad were selected and monthly sampling of physical and chemical parameters was done by bottle sampler. Six primary water quality parameters were used to develop an integrated measure of overall water quality. The parameters included Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD _(5)), Total nitrogen (TN), Total phosphorus (TP), pH and Ammonia (NH_3). The results of two ways ANOVA showed that differences were significant only for nitrite between seasons and for pH, ammonium, nitrite and total phosphorus between creeks. Based on index description, parameters pH, NH_ and DO were placed in grade five indicating good quality for water. Total nitrogen was in grade three indicating poor quality and BOD5 and total phosphor were in grade one showing bad quality for water. According to the index, high similarity was found in studied creeks and the total value was found to be 3.33 for the whole studied area, indicating poor water quality

    Artificial reefs monitoring in Khuzestan coastal waters

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    This research was done to study on communities' strucure of benthic animals' growth on artifitial reefs, constructed in Hendijan coastal waters in khozestan in Nort west Persian Gulf. The seasonal sampels of attached organisms were collected from spring to winter during 2010 year study.One station (D) in older and three stations (A, B, C) in newer reef site were selected.Random sampling was carriedout by using quadrat (25×25) via diving. During survey, the number of 59 species of attached animals belong to 13 animal groups, including, 9 species of cnidarian, 8 species of spoges, 7 species of Gastropoda, 8 species of Bivalve, 4 species of polychaet and 17 species of Crastacean were identified. In studied artifitial reef apoint of biomass, softcoral were dominant group which include 92% of total biota, and the species Plumarella sp. is the dominant species. However, apoint of abundance the species pisidia sp. from anomura crabs was the most abundant species especially in station A and D. Different kind of Cnidarian such as Dendronephthya sp., Sarcophyton sp. And Lobophyllia sp. was observed in station D for the first time. The polychates, Mollusk and some of crustacean and Echinodermata species were observed in lower abundance in comparision with previous studies. This results show that communities have been changed along time. According to MDS analysis, based on Bray-Curtis similarity, different stations presented seasonal variation based on identified species-biomass. Clustering analysis based on mean biomass indiffernt seasons explained that. Station D in 55%, station B in 75% and staton A and C in 80% similarity were Seperated. According to obtained results, there were not signifidant differences between station that can be caused by similarity in structural characteristics such as bottom slope and age of reefs. The mean abundance in spring was significantly high than other seasons. Which can be caused due to bioticfactos such as life cycle and reproduction season? In this research, fish communities accord to recorded information by visual consus and fisheries Traps arund the reefs, hare been increasing. In present study with increasing biomass in the biotic communities on artificial reefs enhancement of fish stock most be expected. These substrates can be reduced the pressure on destructed which is the opportunity for rehabilitation. In present study with increasing biomass in the biotic communities on artificial reefs enhancement of fish stock most be expected. These substrates can be reduced the pressure on destructed which is the opportunity for rehabilitation. The most frequent and abundant fish species was Epinephelus sp. This species was presented in all stations and seasons. The other abundant fish species were Scolopsis sp.,Epinephelus coioides, Diplodus sargus and Neopomacentrue sp.

    Retinal findings of COVID-19 patients using ocular coherence tomography angiography two to three months after infection: Ocular appearance recovered COVID-19 patient

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the ocular disorders in COVID-19 patients, two to three months after infection. Methods: In this cross-sectional, historically controlled study, fifty-one COVID-19 patients were compared with thirty-seven age, and gender-matched healthy individuals. After complete ophthalmological examination, all participants underwent peripapillary and macular optical coherence tomography, and optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) measurements (OptoVue Inc, Freemont, CA, USA). Results: The time between the initial onset of symptoms, and ophthalmologic examination was 63.31±15.21 (40�95 days). Ophthalmic examination of all the recovered COVID-19 patients was within normal range. None of the peripapillary and macular OCTA parameters were significantly different between the two groups with pairwise comparisons, but after adjusting for age, gender, axial length, and signal strength index (SSI), recovered COVID-19 eyes showed a significant increase in peripapillary retinal nerve fiber (RNFL) thickness, superficial, and deep macular vessel densities in parafoveal and perifoveal regions compared with healthy control eyes (p<= 0.05). Inner retinal thickness overall is higher in recovered COVID-19 eyes compared to healthy eyes after adjustment. Conclusion: Patients with moderate-intensity SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia had altered peripapillary and macular vessel density compared to healthy subjects. Further investigation is warranted to analyze the correlation of these changes with disease severity as well as evolution of these changes over time

    Study on agricultural waste and brackish waters in Ahvaz and Khuramshahr to development aquaculture

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    This study was done in 2008 on agricultural sewage for aquaculture in six stations. Two stations were in Ahvaz Khorramshahr road near sugar cane plantation sewage in west Karoon, Two stations were in Ahvaz-Abadan road in sugar cane plantation sewage in east Karoon and Azadegan sewage and two stations were in agricultural sewage in the north of Ahvaz. Monthly Samplings of planktons, physical, chemical parameters were taken during Aprile to March 2008. In addition seasonal sampling of benthic fauna and fish were carried out. Heavy metal and toxic samples were done only one time during the study period. Measurement of some parameters such as temperature and pH were done during sampling procedure and other parameters were measured in laboratory based on standard methods. Heavy metal concentrations were measured with polarography and voltammetry techniques and toxic substances were extracted and concentrated to determine the concentration of them in water using GC device. For identifying phytoplanktons, 1 liter water from middle depth was sampled in each station and 4% formalin was added. Zooplankton were sampled monthly using 55µ plankton net. Fish samplings were done using cast net regarding regional condition, and sampling from benthic invertebrate of river were done using Petersen grab with 15.5cm*15.5cm. Results of water quality index (WQI) from Koushk Talaieh (station1), Artificial lake station (station 2), Farabi(station 3), and Azadegan aquaculture sewage station (station4) showed that water quality is in group four. WQS index was used for Maleh(station 5) and Pumping station (6 station) stations due to high levels of salinity. The WQS results showed that water quality of these stations were moderate to low. Heavy metals in water, the ordination is as follows: Ni>Zn>Pb>Cu>Co>Cd>Hg Mercury levels in all cases were less than the standard and all the elements have been somewhat less than chronic toxicity level. The values of all studied metals are lower than the WHO limit. The results indicated that chlorinated pesticides in all samples are at low level and they are at acceptable levels for aquaculture. In this study, 34 genus of phytoplankton from Bacilariophyceae (diatoms), Cyanophyceae, Chlorophyceae and Dinophyceae were present with 11, 8, 14 and one genus respectively and the percentage of frequencies were respectively 37.64, 34.26, 23.24 and 4.87%. In general phytoplanktons of wastewater were in modest condition for using in aquaculture. In this study, about 1,000 samples of zooplankton in 6 stations were identified and counted during the year. The high percentage of zooplankton were belonged to three groups of protozoa (mainly ciliates), Rotifer and copepods were. The Rotifers with more than 90 percent frequency had the maximum prevalence. The dominant rotifer species was Brachionus calciferous. Although in this study the dominant group of zooplanktons was rotifers but the frequency is not high. Therefore we cannot call this circumstance as eutrophic condition, however the growing trend of high food phenomenon has announced. High benthic diversity was observed in artificial lake wastewater station and Azadegan aquaculture sewage station. The most frequent taxa were in Azadegan aquaculture sewage station during autumn and winter which belonged to resistant Chironemidae larvae. In Koushk Talaieh, Farabi and Maleh stations, Chironemidae was dominanted and in Pumping station Coleoptera was dominant group. Hilsenhoff index showed that most of waste water stations were in poor to very poor condition, indicating that they were heavily contaminated. The data analysis of macrobenthose data in wastewaters based on Satropi and biological value (Z) showed that potential of fish production in Azadegan and artificial lake was high during the year. These two water sources have suitable situation for potential production and biological value, therefore with special plans for culturing low demand fish would be possible. In this study, 7 fish species belongs to 7 genera from 4 families were collected. Freshwater and marine water species was observed in the catch composition. According to the results of the four studied stations, artificial lake station and Farabi had the highest number of catch which mostly belonged to Acanttopetrus Latus and Liza Abuo. In general, based on biological parameters, such as zooplankton frequency, all stations had similar conditions but in terms of phytoplankton, Azadegan aquaculture sewage station, Pumping stations and Farabi wastewater have better condition for aquaculture. The FBI index showed that the artificial lake station and pumping station are more suitable for aquaculture activity. Low demand fish is recommended for Azadegan aquaculture sewage station. Artificial lake station had lower primary production but it is more suitable for aquaculture because of its lower FBI index value. Most of the fish presence was in the artificial lake station and Farabi wastewater which belonged to two predominant species of Acanttopetrus Latus and Liza Abuo. In general, based on biological and non-biological parameters, artificial lake station in the west Karoon and Azadegan aquaculture sewage station have better water quality than the other stations for aquaculture activities. This requires management action and special schemes

    Survey on ecological characteristicsof Horolazim wetland in Khouzestan (2012-2013)

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    Rregarding the potential and capabilities of different socio-economic, ecological and recreational, Hurolazim wetland is allocated as a special place in the collection of ecosystems and environment and the study of existing ecological conditions is necessary to protect and restoring management. In this study, monthly Samples of four stations (stations north of the road, Imam Reza (1) and south of the road, Imam Reza (2), in the Rofayeh area and stations Tabor (3) and the Shatt Ali (4), in the Shatt Ali area) were taken during the year from April to March 2012. Samples included physical and chemical parameters, phyto and zoo planktons, benthos, fish, and fishing status. Phytoplankton samples using sampling bottles from 0.5 meters below the surface were taken and counted based on alive unit. Zooplankton samples were collected by 100 micron mesh size plankton net from a depth of 1.5-2 meters. Benthic animals and sediment were sampled by Van Vin grab(0.125 square meters). One sample for benthos and one sample for grain size analysis and percentage of organic matter were sampled from each stations. In order to estimate the monthly depleted catches, data collected from the census in place and sampling was done at the time. Three fishing area has inspected randomly once every 15 days and active fishermen and caches were recorded in the prepared forms during the day. In this way, the number of observed boats, the average boat per day, the catches of the boats and CPUE were registered and total fishing effort was calculated monthly. In this study, 194 species of phytoplankton were identified. Diatoms with 85 species, Cyanophyta with 59 species, Chlorophyta with 31 species, Euglenophyta and Dinophyta with 18 and one species were observed respectively. The highest abundance frequency of phytoplanktons with 38.96 percent were observed in Tabar station (3), Diatoms with 46% has shown the highest frequency and then Cyanophyta (34.17%), Chlorophyta (16.39%), Euglenophyta (1.6 %) and Dinophta (1.58%) were included of the total abundance respectively. In the summer colonies of Cyanophyta were in high density. A total of 35 species of zooplankton have been identified. from Rizopoda, the species of Arcellidae and Centripyxidae families, from Rotifera, the species of Brachionidae, Lecanidae, Asplanchnidae and Philodinidae families, from Cladocera ,the species of Daphnidae, Sisidae and Chydoridae families and from copepods, Cyclopoda families have been observed that included about 98 percent of identified zooplankton. Respectively, Copepoda (39.9 %), Rotifera (34.71 %), Cladocera (22.38 %) and Rizopoda (0.843 %) were dominant groups. The species Brachionus urceolaris with average density of 7.29 individual per liter, is the most abundant species that included 17 % of total abundance frequency in the wetland. The higher frequency of crustacean zooplankton such as Copepoda and Cladocera could be indicated an environment more favorable conditions and expected to be good status of food in the Horolazim wetland. Among the known benthic groups, families, Tephritidae (85%) and Chironomidae (7 %) of the order Diptera and Ostracoda (2 %) from crustacean, were the dominant macrobentic groups Among the studied stations, Station South Road Imam Reza (2), and the station Shatt Ali (4), were the highest and the lowest abundance respectively. The mean abundance of macrobenthos in different seasons showed the lowest and the highest abundance frequency in summer and winter respectively. According to diversity indices, The stations Tabar (3) was the highest and the Station South Road Imam Reza (2), was the lowest value of diversity index. The results showed the higher than 71.84 % of Silt-Clay percentage in all stations, The highest value of sediments TOM in the Station South of the Road Imam Reza(2) in the winter and the lowest in station Shat Ali(4) in summer were recorded. Based on HFBI index the stations north of the road Imam Reza (1) and the station Shatt Ali (4) in moderate status and the stations south of the road Imam Reza (2) and Tabar (3) in good status were classified. In this study, 15 species of fishes belonging to 8 genera and 3 families were identified. It was noticed that 87.4 percent of all identified species in the wetland belonged to the Cyprinidae family. The results of previous studies in 2006 and 2008 in the Iraqi part of Hawizeh wetland showed that the most common fish species belonged to Biah, Karas, Hemry and Shelej that included 89.3 percent of total fishing in the current study .Finally, It is evaluated that changes in water regime of freshwater wetlands, controlled the environmental characteristics and conditions. That means water plays a decisive role in the vital characteristics of wetlands. Changes of quantity and quality of water may be associated with changing the quantity and quality of biotic fauna in wetland system. In the management and protection of a wetland system, it is necessary to adopt measures based on scientific principles and reasonable methods in order to protect water quality

    Ecological study on rearing shrimp ponds (Litopenaeus vannemei) in Choebdeh Abadan

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    Following to introduce Vannamei shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) into Iran aquaculture industries by fisheries organization its postlarvae were successfully reared in ponds in Bushehr and Choebdeh in Khuzestan. Due to activity of Shrimp site and importance of input and output water quality, this study was done in 11 stations including: two stations in Bahmanshir river, two station in C4 and C5 irrigation canals, six staions in active farms along C4 cannel (Yonesi, Mosavei and Salman Zadeh), and C5 cannel (Mohamadi, Khairi and Ashraf Por) and one staion in output draing were selected. Sampling were carried out from May2009 befor beginning stocking to harvest time in October 2009. Physico- chemical parameters and plankton sampled biweekly and benthic animals and heavy metals were sampled monthly. Some parameters such as pH and temperature by using portable multy parameters and others. Analyzed with standard methods. Heavy metals were measured by plarography method (797 Vamtro). Plankton and benthos samples were studied only in Bahmanshir station. According to results the maximum values for DO (11.1 ppm) PO4 (1.86 ppm) NO3 (8.4 ppm) and TSS (4992 ppm), pH (8.4) NO2 (0.18 ppm) BOD5 (9.06 ppm) were measured. In comparison to aquaculture water quality standards except for TSS in river stations others are located in allowable range. We didn’t observed any main changes in water quality from river to output drainage. The results of biotic parameters in river stations showed that diatoms were the most group of phytoplanktons. Zooplankton groups were Copepods, Rotifera and Protozoa. Tintinids and Nematoda larvae were the most abundant zooplankton. Benthic animals were included nine crustacean species and two annelid species. Isopods with 52% were the most and ant group

    A survey on health status of marine fish in Bandar-e-Imam station

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    Mariculture is one of the most important sub sector fisheries industry in Asia-pacific region. There are over 40 marine fish species commonly cultured, such as groupers (Epinephlus spp.), snappers (Lutjanus spp.) and Asian sea bass (Lattes calcarifer). But this industry in Southeast Asia experienced serious disease problem since the late 1980s. Khouzestan province has a coastal line about 200 km with many Creek and suitable area for Mariculture. Marine fish culture in Khouzestan province in floating net cages was successfully initiated in Ghazaleh Creek following development of Epinephlus coioides artificial seed production in the 1372. This study has been conducted since 1384 to 1387 in Bandar-e-Imam station. The aim of this research project was to determine the health management status in cage and hatchery, identification of marine fish pathogens (Bacteria, Fungi and parasite), examination of heavy metal in cages sediment and test the physico chemical factors of water in cages and hatchery. Different parts of broodstocks body and fingerlings including intestine, gills and body surface were examined. In this study, 18 Genus and species of bacteria such as Vibrio alginolyticus, Vibrio anguillarum, Vibrio splendidus, Vibrio vulnificus, Plesiomonas shigelloides, Aeromonas hydrophila, Aeromonas caviae, Pseudomonas sp. were diagnosed. Also 7 Genus and species of fungi such as: Aspergillus Niger, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus fumigatus, Penicillium sp. And Fusarium sp. Were isolated. In this survey following of disease appearance parasites such as; protozoans Amyloodinium sp. And Trichodina sp. In E.coioides and Acanthopagrus latus and Sparidentex hasta, monogean such as Benedenia sp. In E.coioides and S. hasta, isopoda probably Nerocila sp. In nasal cavity of E.coioides and copepods such as: Caligus sp. And Lernanthropus sp. In A.latus and S.hasta were identified. In this study, microorganisms (bacteria, fungi and parasites) isolated from three different marine fishes species, were reported for the first time in Iran. The range of the physico-chemical parameters of water in cages were: DO (5.42-10.24 ppm), BOD5 (1.51-10.24 ppm), No_2 (0.0197-0.89 ppm), No_3 (3.53-11.93 ppm), Po_4 (0.965-6.05 ppm), turbidity (4-58 NTU) and ammonia (0.0008-0.03 ppm). According to the results parameters such as nitrate, nitrite and turbidity were found more than standard levels. Heavy metals: Ni and Pb relatively high observed

    Designing and establishment of ISO/IEC 17025 in laboratories of national inland water aquaculture center and south Iran aquaculture research center

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    The project was carried out between June of 2011 and November of 2012,8 laboratories of research center in Anzali (Plankton, Algae, Hydrochemistry, Physiology, Ichthyology, Bentose, Parazitology, Virology) and 7 laboratories of research center in Ahvaz (Clinical pathology, Plankton, Hydrochemistry, Physiology, Ichthyology, Bentose, Parazitology, Virology) were selected for accreditation. The main stages for establishment of the system consisted of: 1-Conducting a gap analysis to compare the present state of the laboratories with ISO/IEC 17025 2-Training General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories Validation of methods Estimation of uncertainty Internal audits 3- Performing of technical and management requirements 4-Submit of quality manual to ASCB center in England in order to accredit In August of 2012 The main results were including: 1-Increase the accuracy of measurement in laboratories 2-Improvement of the Repeatability and Reproducibility of the test methods 3-Traceability and standardization of test methods 4- Calibration of measurement instruments 6- Updating of test methods 7-Standardization of physical condition of the laboratories 8- Getting the certification from ASCB center i