767 research outputs found

    Study made of application of stereoscopic display system to analog computer simulation

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    Stereoscopic visual display system provides both a qualitative and measurable presentation for functions of several variables. A primary application of such a display system is in analog computer simulation of sets of differential equations

    Steering law for parallel mounted double-gimbaled control moment gyros

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    Parallel mounting of double-gimbaled control moment gyros (DG CMG) is discussed in terms of simplification of the steering law. The steering law/parallel mounted DG CMG is considered to be a 'CMG kit' applicable to any space vehicle where the need for DG CMG's has been established

    On the relationship between collisionless shock structure and energetic particle acceleration

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    Recent experimental research on bow shock structure and theoretical studies of quasi-parallel shock structure and shock acceleration of energetic particles were reviewed, to point out the relationship between structure and particle acceleration. The phenomenological distinction between quasi-parallel and quasi-perpendicular shocks that has emerged from bow shock research; present efforts to extend this work to interplanetary shocks; theories of particle acceleration by shocks; and particle acceleration to shock structures using multiple fluid models were discussed

    Is Jupiter's magnetosphere like a pulsar's or earth's?

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    The application of pulsar physics to determine the magnetic structure in the planet Jupiter outer magnetosphere is discussed. A variety of theoretical models are developed to illuminate broad areas of consistency and conflict between theory and experiment. Two possible models of Jupiter's magnetosphere, a pulsar-like radial outflow model and an earth-like convection model, are examined. A compilation of the simple order of magnitude estimates derivable from the various models is provided

    Polarization of the auroral electrojet

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    Precipitation from the inner edge of the electron plasma sheet creates a density maximum in the auroral oval ionosphere, which in turn leads to Hall and Pedersen conductance maxima. A uniform westward convection electric field is imposed upon the lower ionosphere previous to polarization. Field-aligned currents flow into the ionosphere equatorward, and out poleward, of the Hall conductance maximum. As the convection field and ionospheric density increase during substorm growth phase, the field-aligned current densities eventually reach an instability threshold, beyond which anomalous resistance produces field-aligned electric fields. The partial blockage of the field-aligned currents produces an equatorward electric field and therefore a partial Cowling conductivity in the lower ionosphere

    Relativistic nonlinear plasma waves in a magnetic field

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    Five relativistic plane nonlinear waves were investigated: circularly polarized waves and electrostatic plasma oscillations propagating parallel to the magnetic field, relativistic Alfven waves, linearly polarized transverse waves propagating in zero magnetic field, and the relativistic analog of the extraordinary mode propagating at an arbitrary angle to the magnetic field. When the ions are driven relativistic, they behave like electrons, and the assumption of an 'electron-positron' plasma leads to equations which have the form of a one-dimensional potential well. The solutions indicate that a large-amplitude superluminous wave determines the average plasma properties

    Effects of propagation parallel to the magnetic field on the type 1 electrojet irregularity instability

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    A simple analysis is presented which indicates that Type 1 irregularities which have a slight component of propagation along the magnetic field may be more unstable than those which propagate across the field. It was found that significant irregularity amplitudes may occur at the northern or southern extremities of the equatorial electrojet from those modes with large north-south group velocity, and they could significantly change our understanding of nonlinear solutions of the electrojet instability

    Van Allen belt plasma physics

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    Plasma turbulence in Van Allen bel

    The collisional drift mode in a partially ionized plasma

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    The structure of the drift instability was examined in several density regimes. Let sub e be the total electron mean free path, k sub z the wave-vector component along the magnetic field, and the ratio of perpendicular ion diffusion to parallel electron streaming rates. At low densities (k sub z lambda 1) the drift mode is isothermal and should be treated kineticly. In the finite heat conduction regime square root of m/M k sub z Lambda sub 1) the drift instability threshold is reduced at low densities and increased at high densities as compared to the isothermal threshold. Finally, in the energy transfer limit (k sub z kambda sub e square root of m/M) the drift instability behaves adiabatically in a fully ionized plasma and isothermally in a partially ionized plasma for an ion-neutral to Coulomb collision frequency ratio