222 research outputs found

    Investigating Atomic Details of the CaF2_2(111) Surface with a qPlus Sensor

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    The (111) surface of CaF2_2 has been intensively studied with large-amplitude frequency-modulation atomic force microscopy and atomic contrast formation is now well understood. It has been shown that the apparent contrast patterns obtained with a polar tip strongly depend on the tip terminating ion and three sub-lattices of anions and cations can be imaged. Here, we study the details of atomic contrast formation on CaF2_2(111) with small-amplitude force microscopy utilizing the qPlus sensor that has been shown to provide utmost resolution at high scanning stability. Step edges resulting from cleaving crystals in-situ in the ultra-high vacuum appear as very sharp structures and on flat terraces, the atomic corrugation is seen in high clarity even for large area scans. The atomic structure is also not lost when scanning across triple layer step edges. High resolution scans of small surface areas yield contrast features of anion- and cation sub-lattices with unprecedented resolution. These contrast patterns are related to previously reported theoretical results.Comment: 18 pages, 9 Figures, presented at 7th Int Conf Noncontact AFM Seattle, USA Sep 12-15 2004, accepted for publication in Nanotechnology, http://www.iop.or

    Probing the shape of atoms in real space

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    The structure of single atoms in real space is investigated by scanning tunneling microscopy. Very high resolution is possible by a dramatic reduction of the tip-sample distance. The instabilities which are normally encountered when using small tip-sample distances are avoided by oscillating the tip of the scanning tunneling microscope vertically with respect to the sample. The surface atoms of Si(111)-(7 x 7) with their well-known electronic configuration are used to image individual samarium, cobalt, iron and silicon atoms. The resulting images resemble the charge density corresponding to 4f, 3d and 3p atomic orbitals.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. B, 17 pages, 7 figure

    Searching atomic spin contrast on nickel oxide (001) by force microscopy

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    The (001) surface of NiO, an antiferromagnet at room temperature, was investigated under ultra-high vacuum conditions with frequency modulation atomic force microscopy (FM-AFM). The antiferromagnetic coupling between ions leads to a spin superstructure on (001) surfaces. Exchange interaction between the probe of a force microscope and the NiO (001) surface should allow to image spin superstructures in real space. The surface was imaged with three different probing tips: nonmagnetic W tips, ferromagnetic Co tips and antiferromagnetic NiO tips - and atomic resolution was achieved with all three of them in various distance regimes and in several channels. Evidence for spin contrast was obtained in experiments that utilize NiO tips and oscillation amplitudes in the \AA-regime, where optimal signal-to-noise ratio is expected. The spin contrast is weaker than expected and only visible in Fourier space images.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    A phantom force induced by the tunneling current, characterized on Si(111)

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    Simultaneous measurements of tunneling currents and atomic forces on surfaces and adsorbates provide new insights into the electronic and structural properties of matter on the atomic scale. We report on experimental observations and calculations of a strong impact the tunneling current can have on the measured force, which arises when the resistivity of the sample cannot be neglected. We present a study on Si(111)-7\times7 with various doping levels, but this effect is expected to occur on other low-conductance samples like adsorbed molecules, and is likely to strongly affect Kelvin probe measurements on the atomic scale.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitte

    Device for in-situ cleaving of hard crystals

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    Cleaving crystals in a vacuum chamber is a simple method for obtaining atomically flat and clean surfaces for materials that have a preferential cleaving plane. Most in-situ cleavers use parallel cutting edges that are applied from two sides on the sample. We found in ambient experiments that diagonal cutting pliers, where the cleavage force is introduced in a single point instead of a line work very well also for hard materials. Here, we incorporate the diagonal cutting plier principle in a design compatible with ultra-high vacuum requirements. We show optical microscopy (mm scale) and atomic force microscopy (atomic scale) images of NiO(001) surfaces cleaved with this device.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures Submitted to Review of Scientific Instruments (2005

    Simultaneous current-, force- and work function measurement with atomic resolution

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    The local work function of a surface determines the spatial decay of the charge density at the Fermi level normal to the surface. Here, we present a method that enables simultaneous measurements of local work function and tip-sample forces. A combined dynamic scanning tunneling microscope and atomic force microscope is used to measure the tunneling current between an oscillating tip and the sample in real time as a function of the cantilever's deflection. Atomically resolved work function measurements on a silicon (111)-(7×77\times 7) surface are presented and related to concurrently recorded tunneling current- and force- measurements.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Applied Physics Letter

    Local spectroscopy and atomic imaging of tunneling current, forces and dissipation on graphite

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    Theory predicts that the currents in scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and the attractive forces measured in atomic force microscopy (AFM) are directly related. Atomic images obtained in an attractive AFM mode should therefore be redundant because they should be \emph{similar} to STM. Here, we show that while the distance dependence of current and force is similar for graphite, constant-height AFM- and STM images differ substantially depending on distance and bias voltage. We perform spectroscopy of the tunneling current, the frequency shift and the damping signal at high-symmetry lattice sites of the graphite (0001) surface. The dissipation signal is about twice as sensitive to distance as the frequency shift, explained by the Prandtl-Tomlinson model of atomic friction.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted at Physical Review Letter

    Kelvin Probe Spectroscopy of a Two-Dimensional Electron Gas Below 300 mK

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    A scanning force microscope with a base temperature below 300 mK is used for measuring the local electron density of a two-dimensional electron gas embedded in an Ga[Al]As heterostructure. At different separations between AFM tip and sample, a dc-voltage is applied between the tip and the electron gas while simultaneously recording the frequency shift of the oscillating tip. Using a plate capacitor model the local electron density can be extracted from the data. The result coincides within 10% with the data obtained from transport measurements.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    Distance dependence of force and dissipation in non-contact atomic force microscopy on Cu(100) and Al(111)

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    The dynamic characteristics of a tip oscillating in the nc-AFM mode in close vicinity to a Cu(100)-surface are investigated by means of phase variation experiments in the constant amplitude mode. The change of the quality factor upon approaching the surface deduced from both frequency shift and excitation versus phase curves yield to consistent values. The optimum phase is found to be independent of distance. The dependence of the quality factor on distance is related to 'true' damping, because artefacts related to phase misadjustment can be excluded. The experimental results, as well as on-resonance measurements at different bias voltages on an Al(111) surface, are compared to Joule dissipation and to a model of dissipation in which long-range forces lead to viscoelastic deformations

    Advances in atomic force microscopy

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    This article reviews the progress of atomic force microscopy (AFM) in ultra-high vacuum, starting with its invention and covering most of the recent developments. Today, dynamic force microscopy allows to image surfaces of conductors \emph{and} insulators in vacuum with atomic resolution. The mostly used technique for atomic resolution AFM in vacuum is frequency modulation AFM (FM-AFM). This technique, as well as other dynamic AFM methods, are explained in detail in this article. In the last few years many groups have expanded the empirical knowledge and deepened the theoretical understanding of FM-AFM. Consequently, the spatial resolution and ease of use have been increased dramatically. Vacuum AFM opens up new classes of experiments, ranging from imaging of insulators with true atomic resolution to the measurement of forces between individual atoms.Comment: In press (Reviews of Modern Physics, scheduled for July 2003), 86 pages, 44 figure