177 research outputs found

    Sustainability actions in Mediterranean Countries through cooperation partnership: the case of the project PAMLED

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    In the recent years the involvement of the third countries in achieving the environmental Policy objectives set up by the European Union are becoming more and more important. Several Programs of cooperation co-fund activities and actions to improve the state of the Environment of third Mediterranean partners in order to achieve a global improvement of the environment. This paper aims to present the results of the project PAMLED co-funded by the Med-Pact Programme of the EU. The project will complete its course at the end of April and it aims to develop and strengthen the capabilities of three Mediterranean cities (City of Marrakech - Morocco, Sin El Fil – Lebanon and Bodrum -Turkey) in managing and promoting their local sustainable development, as well as implementing innovative different action fields. The strengthening of the capabilities of these Mediterranean partners was mainly based on the ‘collective learning’, achieved by the constitution of a partnerships with five European partners (Municipalities of: Prato, Lucca, Brtonigla, Rio Marina and Skopje). Needs and priorities of each Mediterranean partner were identified and pilot actions were specifically elaborated in order to promote the sustainable development and the exploitation of local resources, with particular respect to environmental protection, the enhancement of local tangible and intangible assets, economic support and an overall sustainable development The paper will show the outputs of several pilot actions carried out in the three Mediterranean cities involved. The Municipality of Bodrum carried out innovative pilot actions in the field of urban waste management; Sin El Fil developed a pilot project titled “Youth development plan”, while the City of Marrakech carried out a pilot project aimed at sensitizing the local communities and the actors of the touristic sector (e.g. hotels, hammams) on the importance to reduce water consumption.

    Eco-labelling and product development: potentials and experiences

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    In this contribution, we concentrate on voluntary eco-labels, i.e., labels applied for reasons other than prescription by public regulation. Typical examples are the European eco-label, the Nordic White Swan or the German Blue Angel. Section 2, The concept of eco-labelling, gives an overview of the history and ‘landscape’ of eco-labels. It provides information on countries using such a scheme, presents an important categorisation elaborated in this context, explains objectives and mechanisms and hints at the distinction between direct and indirect effects. Section 3,Eco-labelling and product development, refers to the potential and some experiences within business, i.e., on a micro-economic level. The following Section 4 Assessing the impacts presents an empirical view on the state, successes and failures of eco-labelling; primarily based on a meso- and macro-economic view. The final Section 5, Conclusions, deduces the consequences and challenges, both for business and policy, for strengthening eco-labelling

    Does Green Public Procurement lead to Life Cycle Costing (LCC) adoption?

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    Life Cycle Costing (LCC) is rarely used in public procurement and public institutions have yet to fully understand its potential value for sustainable procurement. The new European Directive on Public Procurement is, however, designed to position LCC as central to sustainable sourcing. Although previous studies have identified positive correlations between Green Public Procurement Policies (GPP) and LCC, it is still unclear how public institutions can further adopt LCC practices by leveraging their experience of green sourcing. In this study an organizational learning theoretical perspective is taken to investigate the circumstances under which public administrations’ experience of GPP – considered as a way of integrating the dimension of environmental sustainability into the sourcing process – stimulates their LCC learning and capabilities – considered as a way to include the sustainability economic dimension. The goal is to understand if the adoption of GPP can stimulate the internalisation of LCC in public tenders. A multinomial logistic regression was conducted using a sample of 120 public administrations located in different countries. The results show that experience of GPP stimulates the internalisation of LCC at a public level, but only under specific conditions. The study contributes to the Sustainable Supply Management literature, being one of the first studies in the field adopting an organizational learning theoretical lens to review the role of experience as significant opportunity to develop capabilities. It also contributes to the organizational learning theory, by confirming that experience can aid learning but only in specific environmental contexts

    L’attuale sviluppo dell’EMAS e le prospettive per la nuova revisione

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    (In Inglese) In sight of the incoming revision process relating to the two most important voluntary instruments of the European Commission, the Ever study has been carried out on behalf of DG Environment, by a consortium of consultants led by Iefe Università Bocconi. The other partners in the consortium were Adelphi Consult, IOEW Office Heidelberg, SPRU Sussex University and Valþr & Tinge A/S. The fundamental aim of the Ever study has been to provide recommendations for the revision of these voluntary schemes: Emas and the EU Eco-label. In particolar, the Ever study aimed, on one hand, at delivering a critical appraisal of both the Emas and the Eco-label scheme: the study analysed the relevance (take up and use), the effectiveness (impact on production and consumption patterns) and the efficiency (including cost efficiency) of the two schemes. Furthermore, it identified the drivers and barriers of both voluntary instruments, and investigate their utility (appropriateness as policy instruments) and their viability. On the other hand, the study aimed at providing recommendations by detailing options for improvement: these options shall regard the instruments themselves, linkages between them and linkages to other related initiatives and policies. The options and recommendations proposed for the schemes are based on the evidence collected in the different phases of the Ever study: the ‘desk research’, consisting of a thorough review of existing literature and previous studies and surveys on the schemes, and the ‘in-field’ research, carried out by way of direct interviews and case studies, provided the background relating to their strengths and weaknesses. This article aims at describing the results of the Ever study, with specific reference to Emas

    Treatment of advanced, recurrent, resistant to previous treatments basal and squamous cell skin carcinomas with a synergistic formulation of interferons. Open, prospective study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Aggressive non-melanoma skin cancer (deeply infiltrating, recurrent, and morphea form lesions) are therapeutically challenging because they require considerable tissue loss and may demand radical disfiguring surgery. Interferons (IFN) may provide a non-surgical approach to the management of these tumors. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of a formulation containing IFNs-α and -γ in synergistic proportions on patients with recurrent, advanced basal cell (BCC) or squamous cell skin carcinomas (SCSC).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Patients with extensive, recurrent, resistant to other procedures BCC or SCSC received the IFN formulation peri- and intralesionally, three times per week for 3 weeks. They had been previously treated with surgery and/or radiotherapy or chemotherapy. Thirteen weeks after the end of treatment, the original lesion sites were examined for histological evidence of remaining tumor.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Sixteen elder (median 70 years-old) patients were included. They beared 12 BCC and 4 SCSC ranging from 1.5 to 12.5 cm in the longest dimension. At the end of treatment 47% CR (complete tumor elimination), 40% PR (>30% tumor reduction), and 13% stable disease were obtained. None of the patients relapsed during the treatment period. The median duration of the response was 38 months. Only one patient with complete response had relapsed until today. Principal adverse reactions were influenza-like symptoms well known to occur with interferon therapy, which were well tolerated.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The peri- and intralesional combination of IFNs-α and -γ was safe and showed effect for the treatment of advanced, recurrent and resistant to previous treatments of BCC and SCSC in elder patients. This is the first report of such treatment in patients with advance non-melanoma skin cancer. The encouraging result justifies further confirmatory trials.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>Current Controlled Trials RPCEC00000052.</p

    La certificazione ambientale Ecolabel Ăš realmente un fattore competitivo?

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    L'articolo descrive i risultati di una ricerca condotta dallo IEFE dell'UniversitĂ  Bocconi sull'efficacia competitiva della certificazione ambientale di prodotto dell'Unione Europea chiamata Ecolabel, offrendo approfondimenti sugli effetti in termini di aumento delle quote di mercato, immagine aziendale, soddisfazione del cliente e milgioramento dei rapporti con gli stakeholder

    Valutare e gestire gli aspetti ambientali indiretti: un possibile approccio

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    Premessa: come e perchĂ© nascono gli aspetti “indiretti” Un’interpretazione degli aspetti “indiretti” secondo la lettera (e lo spirito) del Regolamento EMAS Alcune indicazioni per rendere operativa la definizione di “aspetto indiretto” Un approccio graduale: dall’influenza sul soggetto “intermedio” alla valutazione di significativitĂ  La gestione degli aspetti indiretti e le possibili azioni di miglioramento Gli aspetti indiretti nelle Pubbliche Amministrazioni e negli Enti Local

    Comunicare secondo gli standard

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    Strategie di comunicazione ambientale secondo le linee guida dello standard ISO 14063 e modalitĂ  di valorizzazione competitiva nei confronti degli stakeholder
