
Sustainability actions in Mediterranean Countries through cooperation partnership: the case of the project PAMLED


In the recent years the involvement of the third countries in achieving the environmental Policy objectives set up by the European Union are becoming more and more important. Several Programs of cooperation co-fund activities and actions to improve the state of the Environment of third Mediterranean partners in order to achieve a global improvement of the environment. This paper aims to present the results of the project PAMLED co-funded by the Med-Pact Programme of the EU. The project will complete its course at the end of April and it aims to develop and strengthen the capabilities of three Mediterranean cities (City of Marrakech - Morocco, Sin El Fil – Lebanon and Bodrum -Turkey) in managing and promoting their local sustainable development, as well as implementing innovative different action fields. The strengthening of the capabilities of these Mediterranean partners was mainly based on the ‘collective learning’, achieved by the constitution of a partnerships with five European partners (Municipalities of: Prato, Lucca, Brtonigla, Rio Marina and Skopje). Needs and priorities of each Mediterranean partner were identified and pilot actions were specifically elaborated in order to promote the sustainable development and the exploitation of local resources, with particular respect to environmental protection, the enhancement of local tangible and intangible assets, economic support and an overall sustainable development The paper will show the outputs of several pilot actions carried out in the three Mediterranean cities involved. The Municipality of Bodrum carried out innovative pilot actions in the field of urban waste management; Sin El Fil developed a pilot project titled “Youth development plan”, while the City of Marrakech carried out a pilot project aimed at sensitizing the local communities and the actors of the touristic sector (e.g. hotels, hammams) on the importance to reduce water consumption.

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