486 research outputs found

    Molecular dynamics of nanodroplet impact: The effect of the projectile’s molecular mass on sputtering

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    The impact of electrosprayed nanodroplets on ceramics at several km/s alters the atomic order of the target, causing sputtering, surface amorphization and cratering. The molecular mass of the projectile is known to have a strong effect on the impact phenomenology, and this article aims to rationalize this dependency using molecular dynamics. To achieve this goal, the article models the impact of four projectiles with molecular masses between 45 and 391 amu, and identical diameters and kinetic energies, 10 nm and 63 keV, striking a silicon target. In agreement with experiments, the simulations show that the number of sputtered atoms strongly increases with molecular mass. This is due to the increasing intensity of collision cascades with molecular mass: when the fixed kinetic energy of the projectile is distributed among fewer, more massive molecules, their collisions with the target produce knock-on atoms with higher energies, which in turn generate more energetic and larger numbers of secondary and tertiary knock-on atoms. The more energetic collision cascades intensify both knock-on sputtering and, upon thermalization, thermal sputtering. Besides enhancing sputtering, heavier molecules also increase the fraction of the projectile’s energy that is transferred to the target, as well as the fraction of this energy that is dissipated

    Volume-preserving normal forms of Hopf-zero singularity

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    A practical method is described for computing the unique generator of the algebra of first integrals associated with a large class of Hopf-zero singularity. The set of all volume-preserving classical normal forms of this singularity is introduced via a Lie algebra description. This is a maximal vector space of classical normal forms with first integral; this is whence our approach works. Systems with a non-zero condition on their quadratic parts are considered. The algebra of all first integrals for any such system has a unique (modulo scalar multiplication) generator. The infinite level volume-preserving parametric normal forms of any non-degenerate perturbation within the Lie algebra of any such system is computed, where it can have rich dynamics. The associated unique generator of the algebra of first integrals are derived. The symmetry group of the infinite level normal forms are also discussed. Some necessary formulas are derived and applied to appropriately modified R\"{o}ssler and generalized Kuramoto--Sivashinsky equations to demonstrate the applicability of our theoretical results. An approach (introduced by Iooss and Lombardi) is applied to find an optimal truncation for the first level normal forms of these examples with exponentially small remainders. The numerically suggested radius of convergence (for the first integral) associated with a hypernormalization step is discussed for the truncated first level normal forms of the examples. This is achieved by an efficient implementation of the results using Maple

    Grado de interiorización de los sistemas de gestión medioambiental: una revisión de la literatura

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar las principales características de los trabajos sobre interiorización de las normas de gestión medioambiental que fueron identificados a partir de una búsqueda electrónica en las bases de datos Web of Science, Science Direct, ProQuest y Emerald. Estos trabajos muestran que las empresas pueden tener un mayor o menor compromiso con los requisitos de una norma de gestión medioambiental, lo que puede llevar a niveles heterogéneos de interiorización e implantación. Además, los resultados de estos trabajos muestran que una mayor interiorización conlleva un mejor rendimiento medioambiental.The purpose of this paper is to analyze the main characteristics of studies that examine the internalization of environmental management standards. These studies were identified through an electronic search in Web of Science, Science Direct, Proquest and Emerald. These works show that firms may have a higher or lesser commitment with the requirements of an environmental management standard, and this issue may suppose different levels of internalization and implementation. Moreover, the findings of these studies show that a higher internalization leads to a better environmental performance

    Agility, innovation, environmental management and competitiveness in the hotel industry

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    The hotel industry is characterized by operating in a global, dynamic and uncertain environment where stakeholders' concerns on sustainable development are growing. However, there is limited research on whether hotels have flexibility and capacity for change, to develop environmental practices that meet stakeholder demands and improve their competitiveness. Through the dynamic capabilities theory, the resource-based view and the stakeholder theory, this paper develops a model that considers agility and innovation as antecedents of environmental management and competitive advantages as consequences. A Partial Least Squares analysis is carried out based on data from Spanish hotels. The results indicate that agility and innovation influence environmental management positively; agility influences innovation positively; and agility influences environmental management indirectly through innovation. Moreover, environmental management positively influences cost and differentiation competitive advantages. This study contributes to the literature by examining the role of two important dynamic capabilities and their impact on environmental management and showing how the interaction and mediation between these capabilities favors competitive advantages.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (grant number ECO2015-67310P)

    A Taxonomy of Quality Standard Adoption: Its Relationship with Quality Management and Performance in Tourism Organizations In Spain

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    This work aims to identify quality standard adoption levels and their relationship with quality management practices and performance (customer, employee and social results, and organizational performance) in tourism organizations in Spain. This work uses 279 tourism organizations in the following subsectors: hotels, travel agencies, restaurants, and rural accommodations. The work applies cluster and regression analyses. Results show three levels of adoption and a lower degree of development of the continuous improvement dimension. Organizations with a significantly lower level of development of the quality standard have started to integrate the quality requirements in their daily practices to some extent and where continuous improvement practices are little developed. These organizations have significantly lower results than those organizations with higher adoption of quality. The results also indicate that a greater level of adoption of a quality standard leads to a higher development of QM practices. These results are interesting for managers, destination managers, and the wider tourism professional community. It contributes to supplementing previous studies about taxonomies of quality standard adoption in the particular case of tourism organizations in Spain and may serve as a starting point for further research on that topic.This study has been carried out as part of research project ECO2012-36316, funded by the Spanish government (National R&D&i Plan)

    Internalization of Quality Management Standards: A Literature Review

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    This work examines the literature on the internalization of quality management standards via database searches (Web of Science, Emerald, ScienceDirect, and ABI/Inform-ProQuest). This review describes the characteristics of the relevant literature (theoretical or empirical, countries of study, and methods used), the internalization process (two constructs to measure internalization and items under each construct), drivers (reasons for seeking certification, quality culture, leadership, and training), and the effects of internalization (customer, people, and social results). Engineering managers can consider these aspects and associated drivers when they seek to improve the current processes and performance of their firms. On the basis of this review, this article identifies gaps in the literature and proposes future research areas.This work has been carried out as part of the research project ECO2012-36316 funded by the Science and Innovation Ministry (Plan Nacional de I+D+i)

    Un análisis del sistema de evaluación formativo en gestión de calidad y del medio ambiente

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    Este trabajo se centra en el análisis de una asignatura y del sistema de evaluación formativo que estamos utilizando en la misma. Se trata de la asignatura “Gestión de la calidad y del medio ambiente” de cuarto curso del Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas de la Universidad de Alicante. Como su nombre indica, la asignatura analiza dos sistemas de gestión (gestión de la calidad y gestión del medio ambiente). En nuestro trabajo se persigue un objetivo principal desde un punto de vista longitudinal, comparando los dos primeros años de impartición de esta asignatura. En concreto, se analiza el sistema de evaluación formativo que se está utilizando, describiendo las distintas partes que componen esta evaluación continua y formativa. Para ello, se utiliza información recogida a través de un cuestionario al que han respondido los estudiantes, especialmente sobre el grado de dificultad y utilidad de los diversos elementos y actividades de este sistema de evaluación. El análisis y reflexión sobre estos temas vinculados a los sistemas de evaluación tiene como propósito principal mejorar de forma continua esta asignatura

    Environmental certification, competitiveness and firm performance: a mixed method research in the hotel industry

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    La Responsabilidad Social en general, y la Gestión Medioambiental en particular, pueden influir sobre el resultado y la competitividad de las empresas. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es analizar la relación entre certificación medioambiental, rendimiento medioambiental, competitividad y resultado empresarial en el sector hotelero español. Además, también se analizan y comparan los niveles alcanzados de proactividad medioambiental para el grupo de hoteles certificados y no certificados. El método de investigación utilizado es híbrido, combinando una parte cualitativa con otra cuantitativa. Los resultados indican que los hoteles que tienen certificado su sistema de Gestión Medioambiental alcanzan mayores niveles de resultado en términos de porcentaje de ocupación e ingresos por habitación disponible (RevPAR). Además, los hoteles certificados obtienen un mejor rendimiento medioambiental. Con relación a la ventaja competitiva, los hoteles certificados desarrollan una ventaja en diferenciación significativamente superior.Corporate Social Responsibility in general, and environmental management in particular, may influence firm performance and competitiveness. The main aim of this paper is to analyse the relationship between environmental certification, competitiveness and firm performance in the Spanish hotel industry. In addition, this study also analyses and compares the levels of environmental pro-activity for the group of certified and non-certified hotels. We use a mixed methods design, combining two phases: qualitative and quantitative. The results indicate that the hotels that have certified its environmental management system achieve higher levels of firm performance measured in terms of occupancy rate and revenue per available room (RevPAR). Furthermore, certified hotels obtain higher environmental performance than non-certified hotels. With regard to competitive advantage, certified hotels develop a significantly higher differentiation advantage.Los autores agradecen el apoyo financiero del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad a través del proyecto ECO2009-12231 del Plan Nacional de I+D+i