184 research outputs found

    The swan song: the disappearance of the nucleus of NGC 4051 and the echo of its past glory

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    BeppoSAX observed the low-luminous Seyfert 1 Galaxy NGC4051 in a ultra-dim X-ray state. The 2-10 keV flux (1.26 x 10^{-12} erg/cm^2/s) was about 20 times fainter than its historical average value, and remained steady along the whole observation (~2.3 days). The observed flat spectrum (\Gamma ~ 0.8) and intense iron line (EW ~600 eV) are best explained assuming that the active nucleus has switched off, leaving only a residual reflection component visible.Comment: 5 pages, Latex, 3 Postscript figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Chandra Confirmation of a Pulsar Wind Nebula in DA 495

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    As part of a multiwavelength study of the unusual radio supernova remnant DA 495, we present observations made with the Chandra X-ray Observatory. Imaging and spectroscopic analysis confirms the previously detected X-ray source at the heart of the annular radio nebula, establishing the radiative properties of two key emission components: a soft unresolved source with a blackbody temperature of 1 MK consistent with a neutron star, surrounded by a nonthermal nebula 40'' in diameter exhibiting a power-law spectrum with photon index Gamma = 1.6+/-0.3, typical of a pulsar wind nebula. The implied spin-down luminosity of the neutron star, assuming a conversion efficiency to nebular flux appropriate to Vela-like pulsars, is ~10^{35} ergs/s, again typical of objects a few tens of kyr old. Morphologically, the nebular flux is slightly enhanced along a direction, in projection on the sky, independently demonstrated to be of significance in radio polarization observations; we argue that this represents the orientation of the pulsar spin axis. At smaller scales, a narrow X-ray feature is seen extending out 5'' from the point source, a distance consistent with the sizes of resolved wind termination shocks around many Vela-like pulsars. Finally, we argue based on synchrotron lifetimes in the estimated nebular magnetic field that DA 495 represents a rare pulsar wind nebula in which electromagnetic flux makes up a significant part, together with particle flux, of the neutron star's wind, and that this high magnetization factor may account for the nebula's low luminosity.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figures, AASTeX preprint style. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    The Chandra survey of the COSMOS field II: source detection and photometry

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    The Chandra COSMOS Survey (C-COSMOS) is a large, 1.8 Ms, Chandra program, that covers the central contiguous ~0.92 deg^2 of the COSMOS field. C-COSMOS is the result of a complex tiling, with every position being observed in up to six overlapping pointings (four overlapping pointings in most of the central ~0.45 deg^2 area with the best exposure, and two overlapping pointings in most of the surrounding area, covering an additional ~0.47 deg^2). Therefore, the full exploitation of the C-COSMOS data requires a dedicated and accurate analysis focused on three main issues: 1) maximizing the sensitivity when the PSF changes strongly among different observations of the same source (from ~1 arcsec up to ~10 arcsec half power radius); 2) resolving close pairs; and 3) obtaining the best source localization and count rate. We present here our treatment of four key analysis items: source detection, localization, photometry, and survey sensitivity. Our final procedure consists of a two step procedure: (1) a wavelet detection algorithm, to find source candidates, (2) a maximum likelihood Point Spread Function fitting algorithm to evaluate the source count rates and the probability that each source candidate is a fluctuation of the background. We discuss the main characteristics of this procedure, that was the result of detailed comparisons between different detection algorithms and photometry tools, calibrated with extensive and dedicated simulations.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Serie

    The Chandra-COSMOS survey IV: X-ray spectra of the bright sample

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    We present the X-ray spectral analysis of the 390 brightest extragalactic sources in the Chandra-COSMOS catalog, showing at least 70 net counts in the 0.5-7 keV band. This sample has a 100% completeness in optical-IR identification, with 75% of the sample having a spectroscopic redshift and 25% a photometric redshift. Our analysis allows us to accurately determine the intrinsic absorption, the broad band continuum shape ({\Gamma}) and intrinsic L(2-10) distributions, with an accuracy better than 30% on the spectral parameters for 95% of the sample. The sample is equally divided in type-1 (49.7%) and type-2 AGN (48.7%) plus few passive galaxies at low z. We found a significant difference in the distribution of {\Gamma} of type-1 and type-2, with small intrinsic dispersion, a weak correlation of {\Gamma} with L(2-10) and a large population (15% of the sample) of high luminosity, highly obscured (QSO2) sources. The distribution of the X ray/Optical flux ratio (Log(FX /Fi)) for type-1 is narrow (0 < X/O < 1), while type-2 are spread up to X/O = 2. The X/O correlates well with the amount of X-ray obscuration. Finally, a small sample of Compton thick candidates and peculiar sources is presented. In the appendix we discuss the comparison between Chandra and XMM-Newton spectra for 280 sources in common. We found a small systematic difference, with XMM-Newton spectra that tend to have softer power-laws and lower obscuration.Comment: 20 pages, 16 figures. Accepted for Pubblication in MNRAS, 2013 February

    Chandra Discovery of a Tree in the X-ray Forest towards PKS 2155-304: the Local Filament?

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    We present the first X-ray detection of resonant absorption from warm/hot local gas either in our Galaxy, or in the Intergalactic space surrounding our Galaxy, along the line of sight toward the blazar PKS 2155-304. The Chandra HRCS-LETG spectrum of this z=0.116 source clearly shows unresolved OVII(Ka) and NeIX(Ka) resonant absorption lines at 21.603 A and 13.448 A (i.e. cz = [-340--200] km/s in the rest frame, from the OVII line). OVIII(Ka) and OVII(Kb) from the same system are also detected at a lower significance level, while upper limits are set on OVIII(Kb), NeX(Ka) and NeIX(Kb). The FUSE spectrum of this source shows complex OVI(2s-->2p) absorption at the same redshift as the X-ray system, made by at least two components: one relatively narrow and slightly redshifted, and one broader and blueshifted (cz = -135 km/s). We demonstrate that the physical states of the UV and X-ray absorbers are hard to reconcile with a single, purely collisionally ionized, equilibrium plasma. We propose, instead, that the X-ray and, at least the broader and blueshifted UV absorber are produced in a low density intergalactic plasma (partly photoionized by the diffuse extragalactic X-ray background), collapsing towards our Galaxy, consistent with the predictions of a Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium (WHIM) from numerical simulations. We find that any reasonable solution requires overabundance of Ne compared to O by a factor of ~2, with respect to the solar value and propose several scenarios to account for this observation.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figures, re-submited to ApJ after minor referee's comment

    Chandra View of the Dynamically Young Cluster of Galaxies A1367 I. Small-Scale Structures

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    The 40 ks \emph{Chandra} ACIS-S observation of A1367 provides new insights into small-scale structures and point sources in this dynamically young cluster. Here we concentrate on small-scale extended structures. A ridge-like structure around the center (``the ridge'') is significant in the \chandra\ image. The ridge, with a projected length of \sim 8 arcmin (or 300 h0.51_{0.5}^{-1} kpc), is elongated from northwest (NW) to southeast (SE), as is the X-ray surface brightness distribution on much larger scales (\sim 2 h0.51_{0.5}^{-1} Mpc). The ridge is cooler than its western and southern surroundings while the differences from its eastern and northern surroundings are small. We also searched for small-scale structures with sizes \sim arcmin. Nine extended features, with sizes from \sim 0.5' to 1.5', were detected at significance levels above 4 σ\sigma. Five of the nine features are located in the ridge and form local crests. The nine extended features can be divided into two types. Those associated with galaxies (NGC 3860B, NGC 3860 and UGC 6697) are significantly cooler than their surroundings (0.3 - 0.9 keV vs. 3 - 4.5 keV). The masses of their host galaxies are sufficient to bind the extended gas. These extended features are probably related to thermal halos or galactic superwinds of their host galaxies. The existence of these relatively cold halos imply that galaxy coronae can survive in cluster environment (e.g., Vikhlinin et al. 2001). Features of the second type are not apparently associated with galaxies. Their temperatures may not be significantly different from those of their surroundings. This class of extended features may be related to the ridge. We consider several possibilities for the ridge and the second type of extended features. The merging scenario is preferred.Comment: To appear in ApJ, Vol 576, 2002, Sep., a high-resolution version is in http://cfa160.harvard.edu/~sunm/a1367_a.ps.g

    Musculoskeletal disorders and incongruous postures in workers on ropes: A pilot study

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    Background:Occupational hazards believed to cause musculoskeletal disorders in rope workers are traditionally associated with maintaining incongruous postures for prolonged periods of time. Design and methods:A cross-sectional survey was conducted on 132 technical operators in the wind energy and acrobatic construction sectors, who work on ropes, analysing the ergonomic characteristics of the environments, the way in which tasks are carried out, the strain perceived by individual workers, and assessing the presence of any musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) by means of an objective examination focused on the anatomical districts that were the object of our study. Results:Analysis of the data obtained showed that there were differences in the perception of the level of physical intensity and perceived exertion between the groups of workers. Statistical analysis also revealed a significant association between the frequency of MSDs analysed and perceived exertion. Discussion:The most significant finding to emerge from this study is the high prevalence of MSDs of the cervical spine (52.94%), the upper limbs (29.41%), and the dorso-lumbar spine (17.65%). These values differ from those classically found in those exposed to the risk of conventional manual handling of loads. Conclusions:The high prevalence of disorders of the cervical spine, the scapulo-humeral girdle and the upper limbs, indicates the need to consider the forced position to be assumed for a large part of the work activity, staticity, and the inability to move the lower limbs for long periods as the predominant risk in rope work