337 research outputs found

    Hidden Quantum Gravity in 3d Feynman diagrams

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    In this work we show that 3d Feynman amplitudes of standard QFT in flat and homogeneous space can be naturally expressed as expectation values of a specific topological spin foam model. The main interest of the paper is to set up a framework which gives a background independent perspective on usual field theories and can also be applied in higher dimensions. We also show that this Feynman graph spin foam model, which encodes the geometry of flat space-time, can be purely expressed in terms of algebraic data associated with the Poincare group. This spin foam model turns out to be the spin foam quantization of a BF theory based on the Poincare group, and as such is related to a quantization of 3d gravity in the limit where the Newton constant G_N goes to 0. We investigate the 4d case in a companion paper where the strategy proposed here leads to similar results.Comment: 35 pages, 4 figures, some comments adde

    N=2 supersymmetric spin foams in three dimensions

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    We construct the spin foam model for N=2 supergravity in three dimensions. Classically, it is a BF theory with gauge algebra osp(2|2). This algebra has representations which are not completely reducible. This complicates the procedure when building a state sum. Fortunately, one can and should excise these representations. We show that the restricted subset of representations form a subcategory closed under tensor product. The resulting state-sum is once again a topological invariant. Furthermore, within this framework one can identify positively and negatively charged fermions propagating on the spin foam. These results on osp(2|2) representations and intertwiners apply more generally to spin network states for N=2 loop quantum supergravity (in 3+1 dimensions) where it allows to define a notion of BPS states.Comment: 12 page

    Emergent non-commutative matter fields from Group Field Theory models of quantum spacetime

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    We offer a perspective on some recent results obtained in the context of the group field theory approach to quantum gravity, on top of reviewing them briefly. These concern a natural mechanism for the emergence of non-commutative field theories for matter directly from the GFT action, in both 3 and 4 dimensions and in both Riemannian and Lorentzian signatures. As such they represent an important step, we argue, in bridging the gap between a quantum, discrete picture of a pre-geometric spacetime and the effective continuum geometric physics of gravity and matter, using ideas and tools from field theory and condensed matter analog gravity models, applied directly at the GFT level.Comment: 13 pages, no figures; uses JPConf style; contribution to the proceedings of the D.I.C.E. 2008 worksho

    U(N) tools for Loop Quantum Gravity: The Return of the Spinor

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    We explore the classical setting for the U(N) framework for SU(2) intertwiners for loop quantum gravity (LQG) and describe the corresponding phase space in terms of spinors with appropriate constraints. We show how its quantization leads back to the standard Hilbert space of intertwiner states defined as holomorphic functionals. We then explain how to glue these intertwiners states in order to construct spin network states as wave-functions on the spinor phase space. In particular, we translate the usual loop gravity holonomy observables to our classical framework. Finally, we propose how to derive our phase space structure from an action principle which induces non-trivial dynamics for the spin network states. We conclude by applying explicitly our framework to states living on the simple 2-vertex graph and discuss the properties of the resulting Hamiltonian.Comment: 23 page

    Ponzano-Regge model revisited III: Feynman diagrams and Effective field theory

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    We study the no gravity limit G_{N}-> 0 of the Ponzano-Regge amplitudes with massive particles and show that we recover in this limit Feynman graph amplitudes (with Hadamard propagator) expressed as an abelian spin foam model. We show how the G_{N} expansion of the Ponzano-Regge amplitudes can be resummed. This leads to the conclusion that the dynamics of quantum particles coupled to quantum 3d gravity can be expressed in terms of an effective new non commutative field theory which respects the principles of doubly special relativity. We discuss the construction of Lorentzian spin foam models including Feynman propagatorsComment: 46 pages, the wrong file was first submitte

    Coupling of spacetime atoms and spin foam renormalisation from group field theory

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    We study the issue of coupling among 4-simplices in the context of spin foam models obtained from a group field theory formalism. We construct a generalisation of the Barrett-Crane model in which an additional coupling between the normals to tetrahedra, as defined in different 4-simplices that share them, is present. This is realised through an extension of the usual field over the group manifold to a five argument one. We define a specific model in which this coupling is parametrised by an additional real parameter that allows to tune the degree of locality of the resulting model, interpolating between the usual Barrett-Crane model and a flat BF-type one. Moreover, we define a further extension of the group field theory formalism in which the coupling parameter enters as a new variable of the field, and the action presents derivative terms that lead to modified classical equations of motion. Finally, we discuss the issue of renormalisation of spin foam models, and how the new coupled model can be of help regarding this.Comment: RevTeX, 18 pages, no figure

    Revisiting the Simplicity Constraints and Coherent Intertwiners

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    In the context of loop quantum gravity and spinfoam models, the simplicity constraints are essential in that they allow to write general relativity as a constrained topological BF theory. In this work, we apply the recently developed U(N) framework for SU(2) intertwiners to the issue of imposing the simplicity constraints to spin network states. More particularly, we focus on solving them on individual intertwiners in the 4d Euclidean theory. We review the standard way of solving the simplicity constraints using coherent intertwiners and we explain how these fit within the U(N) framework. Then we show how these constraints can be written as a closed u(N) algebra and we propose a set of U(N) coherent states that solves all the simplicity constraints weakly for an arbitrary Immirzi parameter.Comment: 28 page

    New tools for Loop Quantum Gravity with applications to a simple model

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    Loop Quantum Gravity is now a well established approach to quantum gravity. One of the main challenges still faced by the theory is constructing a consistent dynamics which would lead back to the standard dynamics of the gravitational field at large scales. Here we will review the recent U(N) framework for Loop Quantum Gravity and the new spinor representation (that provides a classical setting for the U(N) framework). Then, we will apply these techniques to a simple model in order to propose a dynamics for a symmetry reduced sector of the theory. Furthermore, we will explore certain analogies of this model with Loop Quantum Cosmology.Comment: 4 pages, to appear in Proceedings of Spanish Relativity Meeting 2011 (ERE 2011) held in Madrid, Spai

    Noncommutative Harmonic Analysis, Sampling Theory and the Duflo Map in 2+1 Quantum Gravity

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    We show that the ⋆\star-product for U(su2)U(su_2), group Fourier transform and effective action arising in [1] in an effective theory for the integer spin Ponzano-Regge quantum gravity model are compatible with the noncommutative bicovariant differential calculus, quantum group Fourier transform and noncommutative scalar field theory previously proposed for 2+1 Euclidean quantum gravity using quantum group methods in [2]. The two are related by a classicalisation map which we introduce. We show, however, that noncommutative spacetime has a richer structure which already sees the half-integer spin information. We argue that the anomalous extra `time' dimension seen in the noncommutative geometry should be viewed as the renormalisation group flow visible in the coarse-graining in going from SU2SU_2 to SO3SO_3. Combining our methods we develop practical tools for noncommutative harmonic analysis for the model including radial quantum delta-functions and Gaussians, the Duflo map and elements of `noncommutative sampling theory'. This allows us to understand the bandwidth limitation in 2+1 quantum gravity arising from the bounded SU2SU_2 momentum and to interpret the Duflo map as noncommutative compression. Our methods also provide a generalised twist operator for the ⋆\star-product.Comment: 53 pages latex, no figures; extended the intro for this final versio

    Holomorphic Simplicity Constraints for 4d Spinfoam Models

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    Within the framework of spinfoam models, we revisit the simplicity constraints reducing topological BF theory to 4d Riemannian gravity. We use the reformulation of SU(2) intertwiners and spin networks in term of spinors, which has come out from both the recently developed U(N) framework for SU(2) intertwiners and the twisted geometry approach to spin networks and spinfoam boundary states. Using these tools, we are able to perform a holomorphic/anti-holomorphic splitting of the simplicity constraints and define a new set of holomorphic simplicity constraints, which are equivalent to the standard ones at the classical level and which can be imposed strongly on intertwiners at the quantum level. We then show how to solve these new holomorphic simplicity constraints using coherent intertwiner states. We further define the corresponding coherent spin network functionals and introduce a new spinfoam model for 4d Riemannian gravity based on these holomorphic simplicity constraints and whose amplitudes are defined from the evaluation of the new coherent spin networks.Comment: 27 page
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