479 research outputs found

    Numerical approximation of the fractional Laplacian on R using orthogonal families

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    In this paper, using well-known complex variable techniques, we compute explicitly, in terms of the F12 Gaussian hypergeometric function, the one-dimensional fractional Laplacian of the complex Higgins functions, the complex Christov functions, and their sine-like and cosine-like versions. Then, after studying the asymptotic behavior of the resulting expressions, we discuss the numerical difficulties in their implementation, and develop a method using arbitrary-precision arithmetic that computes them accurately. We also explain how to create the differentiation matrices associated to the complex Higgins functions and to the complex Christov functions, and study their condition numbers. In this regard, we show how arbitrary-precision arithmetic is the natural tool to deal with ill-conditioned systems. Finally, we simulate numerically the fractional nonlinear Schrödinger equation using the developed tools

    A pseudospectral method for the one-dimensional fractional Laplacian on R

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    In this paper, we propose a novel pseudospectral method to approximate accurately and efficiently the fractional Laplacian without using truncation. More precisely, given a bounded regular function defined over R, we map the unbounded domain into a finite one, and represent the resulting function as a trigonometric series. Therefore, the central point of this paper is the computation of the fractional Laplacian of an elementary trigonometric function. As an application of the method, we also do the simulation of Fisher's equation with fractional Laplacian in the monostable case

    Proteomic Biomarkers of Atherosclerosis

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    Biomarkers provide a powerful approach to understanding the spectrum of cardiovascular diseases. They have application in screening, diagnostic, prognostication, prediction of recurrences and monitoring of therapy. The “omics” tool are becoming very useful in the development of new biomarkers in cardiovascular diseases. Among them, proteomics is especially fitted to look for new proteins in health and disease and is playing a significant role in the development of new diagnostic tools in cardiovascular diagnosis and prognosis. This review provides an overview of progress in applying proteomics to atherosclerosis. First, we describe novel proteins identified analysing atherosclerotic plaques directly. Careful analysis of proteins within the atherosclerotic vascular tissue can provide a repertoire of proteins involved in vascular remodelling and atherogenesis. Second, we discuss recent data concerning proteins secreted by atherosclerotic plaques. The definition of the atheroma plaque secretome resides in that proteins secreted by arteries can be very good candidates of novel biomarkers. Finally we describe proteins that have been differentially expressed (versus controls) by individual cells which constitute atheroma plaques (endothelial cells, vascular smooth muscle cells, macrophages and foam cells) as well as by circulating cells (monocytes, platelets) or novel biomarkers present in plasma

    Estudio de los efectos de algunos psicotropos en el test "Open Field"

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    Por medio del test "opcn-field" se ha analizado el comportamiento de ratas tratadas con diversos psicotropos ncurolépt icos. antidcpresivos, tranquilizntes, barbitú ricos, psicoana l~pt icos) y asociaciones, entre las que figura la de un IMAO (nialamida) y 5-hidroxitriptofano, precusor de la serotonina cerebral. De los resultados obtenidos se deduce que los neurolépticos dieron lugar a una marcada reducción de la motilidad, en tanto que el clordiacepóxido y el fenobarbilal produjeron el efecto con· trario, probablemente como expresión de un efecto ansiolítico notable. La asociación de nialamida y 5-hidroxitriptofano dió lugar a una reducción muy significativa de la deambulación de las ratas tratadas, sugiriéndose una participación de la serotonina en los circuitos moduladores de la actividad de las ratas. Este descenso de movilidad fue hallado, asimtsmo, con la imipramina, r~lacio nándose también, este fenómeno, con una posible intensificación de sistemas serotoninérgicos. En cuanto a la intervención de los psicotropos sobre las estereotipias y las emisiones de bolos fecales, no se han encontrado resultados capaces de informar con eficacia, sobre la utilidad de estos dos parámetros como medida para la "emotividad"

    Surgery and radioembolization of liver tumors

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    Surgical resection is considered the curative treatment par excellence for patients with primary or metastatic liver tumors. However, less than 40% of them are candidates for surgery, either due to nonmodifiable factors (comorbidities, age, liver dysfunction. . .), or to the invasion or proximity of the tumor to the main vascular requirements, the lack of a future liver remnant (FLR) adequate to maintain postoperative liver function, or criteria oftumor size and number. In these lastfactors, hepatic radioembolization has been shown to play a role as a presurgical tool, either by hypertrophy of the FLR or by reducing tumor size that manages to reduce tumor staging (term known as downstaging ¨ ¨ ). To these is added a third factor, which is its ability to apply the test oftime, which makes it possible to identify those patients who present progression of the disease in a short period of time (both locally and at distance), avoiding a unnecessary surgery. This paper aims to review RE as a tool to facilitate liver surgery, both through the experience of our center and the available scientific evidence.La resección quirúrgica se considera eltratamiento curativo por excelencia para los pacientes con tumores hepáticos primarios o metastásicos. Sin embargo, menos del 40% de ellos son candidatos a cirugía, ya sea por factores no modificables (comorbilidades, edad, disfunción hepática. . .), como por la invasión o proximidad del tumor a los principales pedículos vasculares, la falta de un futuro remanente hepático (FRH) adecuado para mantener una función hepática postoperatoria, o criterios de tamano˜ y numero tumoral. En estos últimos factores, la radioembolización hepática ha mostrado tener un papel como herramienta prequirúrgica, ya sea mediante la hipertrofia del FRH o mediante la reducción del tamano˜ tumoral que consigue disminuir la estadificación tumoral (término conocido como “downstaging”). A estos se suma un tercer factor, que es su capacidad de aplicar el test del tiempo, que permite identificar aquellos pacientes que presenten en un plazo corto de tiempo progresión de la enfermedad (tanto a nivel local como a distancia), evitándoles una cirugía innecesaria. En este trabajo se pretende hacer una revisión de la RE como herramienta facilitadora de la cirugía hepática, tanto a través de la experiencia de nuestro centro como de la evidencia científica disponible

    Reología de mezclas de cemento con filler dolomítico

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    This experimental program has studied the behavior of fresh paste made up from cements mixed with dolomite filler. Through prior experiments the starting point is obtained for the designs 22 and 23 factorials. With these designs the governing equations are established that influence the specific surface of the filler, the filler percentage and the ratio water/(cement + filler), used as objective functions: test probe penetration, flow on table and shear stress in viscometer. Also the type of rheological conduct is determined and the influence over initial and final setting is observed.Este programa experimental estudia el comportamiento de las pastas frescas fabricadas a partir de cementos mezclados con filler dolomítico. En los experimentos previos se obtiene el punto central para los diseños 22 y 23 factoriales. Con estos diseños se establecen las ecuaciones que rigen la influencia de la superficie específica del filler, el porcentaje de filler y la relación agua/(cemento + filler), utilizando como funciones objetivos la penetración de sonda, la mesa de sacudidas y la tensión de corte en el viscosímetro. También se determina el tipo de conducta reológica y la influencia sobre el principio y fin de fraguado