159 research outputs found

    Strong light-matter coupling in bulk GaN-microcavities with double dielectric mirrors fabricated by two different methods

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    Two routes for the fabrication of bulk GaN microcavities embedded between two dielectric mirrors are described, and the optical properties of the microcavities thus obtained are compared. In both cases, the GaN active layer is grown by molecular beam epitaxy on (111) Si, allowing use of selective etching to remove the substrate. In the first case, a three period Al0.2Ga0.8N / AlN Bragg mirror followed by a lambda/2 GaN cavity are grown directly on the Si. In the second case, a crack-free 2,mu m thick GaN layer is grown, and progressively thinned to a final thickness of lambda. Both devices work in the strong coupling regime at low temperature, as evidenced by angle-dependent reflectivity or transmission experiments. However, strong light-matter coupling in emission at room temperature is observed only for the second one. This is related to the poor optoelectronic quality of the active layer of the first device, due to its growth only 250 nm above the Si substrate and its related high defect density. The reflectivity spectra of the microcavities are well accounted for by using transfer matrix calculations. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3477450

    Clinical practice guidelines for the management of non-specific low back pain in primary care: an updated overview

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to provide an overview of the recommendations regarding the diagnosis and treatment contained in current clinical practice guidelines for patients with non-specific low back pai

    Comparing faceted and smoothed tool surface descriptions in sheet metal forming simulation

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    This study deals with different tool surface description methods used in the finite element analysis of sheet metal forming processes. The description of arbitrarily-shaped tool surfaces using the traditional linear finite elements is compared with two distinct smooth surface description approaches: (i) Bézier patches obtained from the ComputerAided Design model and (ii) smoothing the finite element mesh using Nagata patches. The contact search algorithm is presented for each approach, exploiting its special features in order to ensure an accurate and efficient contact detection. The influence of the tool modelling accuracy on the numerical results is analysed using two sheet forming examples, the unconstrained cylindrical bending and the reverse deep drawing of a cylindrical cup. Smoothing the contact surfaces with Nagata patches allows creating more accurate tool models, both in terms of shape and normal vectors, when compared with the conventional linear finite element mesh. The computational efficiency is evaluated in this study through the total number of increments and the required CPU time. The mesh refinement in the faceted description approach is not effective in terms of computational efficiency due to large discontinuities in the normal vector field across facets, even when adopting fine meshes.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) via the projects PTDC/EME-TME/118420/2010 and PEst-C/EME/ UI0285/2013 and by FEDER funds through the program COMPETE – Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade, under the project CENTRO-07-0224-FEDER-002001 (MT4MOBI). The first author is also grateful to the FCT for the PhD grant SFRH/BD/69140/2010.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Multidetector CT imaging of mechanical prosthetic heart valves: quantification of artifacts with a pulsatile in-vitro model

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    Item does not contain fulltextOBJECTIVES: Multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) can detect the cause of prosthetic heart valve (PHV) dysfunction but is hampered by valve-induced artifacts. We quantified artifacts of four PHV using a pulsatile in-vitro model and assessed the relation to leaflet motion and valve design. METHODS: A Medtronic Hall tilting disc (MH), and Carbomedics (CM), St Jude (SJM), and ON-X bileaflet valves underwent CT in an in-vitro model using retrospective gating with a 64 detector CT system in stationary and pulsatile conditions. Artifacts and radiopaque component volumes were quantified with thresholds based on surrounding structures and valvular components. RESULTS: Hypodense artifacts volumes (mm(3)) were 1,029 +/- 147, 535 +/- 53, 371 +/- 16, and 366 +/- 18 for the SJM, MH, CM and ON-X valves (p < 0.001 except for the latter two valves p = 0.43). Hyperdense artifact volumes were 3,546 +/- 141, 2,387 +/- 103, 2,003 +/- 102, and 3,033 +/- 31 for the SJM, MH, CM and ON-X valve, respectively (all differences p < 0.001). Leaflet motion affected hypodense (F = 41.5, p < 0.001) and hyperdense artifacts (F = 53.7, p < 0.001). Closed and moving leaflets were associated with the least and the most artifacts respectively (p < 0.001, both artifact types). CONCLUSION: Both valve design and leaflet motion affect PHV-induced artifacts. Best imaging results may be expected for the CM valve during phases in which the leaflets are closed

    Prosthetic heart valve assessment with multidetector-row CT: imaging characteristics of 91 valves in 83 patients

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    Multidetector CT (MDCT) has shown potential for prosthetic heart valve (PHV) assessment. We assessed the image quality of different PHV types to determine which valves are suitable for MDCT evaluation. All ECG-gated CTs performed in our institutions since 2003 were reviewed for the presence of PHVs. After reconstruction in 3 specific PHV planes, image quality of the supravalvular, perivalvular, subvalvular and valvular regions was scored on a four-point scale (1 = non-diagnostic, 2 = moderate, 3 = good and 4 = excellent) by two independent observers. Eighty-four CT examinations (66 cardiac, 18 limited-dose aortic protocols) of 83 patients with a total of 91 PHVs in the aortic (n = 71), mitral (n = 17), pulmonary (n = 1) and tricuspid (n = 2) position were included. CT was performed on a 16-slice (n = 4), 64-slice (n = 28) or 256-slice (n = 52) MDCT system. Median image quality scores for the supra-, peri- and subvalvular regions and valvular detail were (3.5, 3.3, 3.5 and 3.5, respectively) for bileaflet PHV; (3.0, 3.0, 3.5 and 3.0, respectively) for Medtronic Hall PHV; (1.0, 1.0, 1.0 and 1.0, respectively) for Björk-Shiley and Sorin monoleaflet PHV and (3.5, 3.5, 4.0 and 2.0 respectively) for biological PHV. Currently implanted PHVs have good image quality on MDCT and are suitable for MDCT evaluatio

    Prospective ECG triggering reduces prosthetic heart valve-induced artefacts compared with retrospective ECG gating on 256-slice CT

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    Item does not contain fulltextOBJECTIVES: Multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) has diagnostic value for the evaluation of prosthetic heart valve (PHV) dysfunction but it is hampered by artefacts. We hypothesised that image acquisition using prospective triggering instead of retrospective gating would reduce artefacts related to pulsating PHV. METHODS: In a pulsatile in vitro model, a mono- and bileaflet PHV were imaged using 256 MDCT at 60, 75 and 90 beats per minute (BPM) with either retrospective gating (120 kV, 600 mAs, pitch 0.2, CTDI(vol) 39.8 mGy) or prospective triggering (120 kV, 200 mAs, CTDI(vol) 13.3 mGy). Two thresholds (>175 and <-45HU), derived from the density of surrounding structures, were used for quantification of hyper- and hypodense artefacts. Image noise and artefacts were compared between protocols. RESULTS: Prospective triggering reduced hyperdense artefacts for both valves at every BPM (P = 0.001 all comparisons). Hypodense artefacts were reduced for the monoleaflet valve at 60 (P = 0.009), 75 (P = 0.016) and 90 BPM (P = 0.001), and for the bileaflet valves at 60 (P = 0.001), 90 (P = 0.001) but not at 75 BPM (P = 0.6). Prospective triggering reduced image noise at 60 (P = 0.001) and 75 (P < 0.03) but not at 90 BPM. CONCLUSIONS: Compared with retrospective gating, prospective triggering reduced most artefacts related to pulsating PHV in vitro. KEY POINTS: * Computed tomographic images are often degraded by prosthetic heart valve-induced artefacts * Prospective triggering reduces prosthetic heart valve-induced artefacts in vitro * Artefact reduction at 90 beats per minute occurs without image noise reduction * Prospective triggering may improve CT image quality of moving hyperdense structures.1 juni 201

    Coronary artery assessment by multidetector computed tomography in patients with prosthetic heart valves

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    Objectives Patients with prosthetic heart valves may require assessment for coronary artery disease. We assessed whether valve artefacts hamper coronary artery assessment by multidetector CT. Methods ECG-gated or -triggered CT angiograms were selected from our PACS archive based on the presence of prosthetic heart valves. The best systolic and diastolic axial reconstructions were selected for coronary assessment. Each present coronary segment was scored for the presence of valve-related artefacts prohibiting coronary artery assessment. Scoring was performed in consensus by two observers. Results Eighty-two CT angiograms were performed on a 64-slice ( = 27) or 256-slice ( = 55) multidetector CT. Eighty-nine valves and five annuloplasty rings were present. Forty-three out of 1160 (3.7%) present coronary artery segments were non-diagnostic due to valve artefacts (14/82 patients). Valve artefacts were located in right coronary artery (15/43; 35%), left anterior descending artery (2/43; 5%), circumflex artery (14/43; 32%) and marginal obtuse (12/43; 28%) segments. All cobalt-chrome containing valves caused artefacts prohibiting coronary assessment. Biological and titanium-containing valves did not cause artefacts except for three specific valve types. Conclusions Most commonly implanted prosthetic heart valves do not hamper coronary assessment on multidetector CT. Cobalt-chrome containing prosthetic heart valves preclude complete coronary artery assessment because of severe valve artefacts. Key Points Most commonly implanted prosthetic heart valves do not hamper coronary artery assessment Prosthetic heart valve composition determines the occurrence of prosthetic heart valve-related artefacts Bjork-Shiley and Sorin tilting disc valves preclude diagnostic coronary artery segment assessmen

    Tools to overcome potential barriers to chlamydia screening in general practice: Qualitative evaluation of the implementation of a complex intervention

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    Background: Chlamydia trachomatis remains a significant public health problem. We used a complex intervention, with general practice staff, consisting of practice based workshops, posters, computer prompts and testing feedback and feedback to increase routine chlamydia screening tests in under 25 year olds in South West England. We aimed to evaluate how intervention components were received by staff and to understand what determined their implementation into ongoing practice. Methods: We used face-to-face and telephone individual interviews with 29 general practice staff analysed thematically within a Normalisation Process Theory Framework which explores: 1. Coherence (if participants understand the purpose of the intervention); 2. Cognitive participation (engagement with and implementation of the intervention); 3. Collective action (work actually undertaken that drives the intervention forwards); 4. Reflexive monitoring (assessment of the impact of the intervention). Results: Our results showed coherence as all staff including receptionists understood the purpose of the training was to make them aware of the value of chlamydia screening tests and how to increase this in their general practice. The training was described by nearly all staff as being of high quality and responsible for creating a shared understanding between staff of how to undertake routine chlamydia screening. Cognitive participation in many general practice staff teams was demonstrated through their engagement by meeting after the training to discuss implementation, which confirmed the role of each staff member and the use of materials. However several participants still felt unable to discuss chlamydia in many consultations or described sexual health as low priority among colleagues. National targets were considered so high for some general practice staff that they didn’t engage with the screening intervention. Collective action work undertaken to drive the intervention included use of computer prompts which helped staff remember to make the offer, testing rate feedback and having a designated lead. Ensuring patients collected samples when still in the general practice was not attained in most general practices. Reflexive monitoring showed positive feedback from patients and other staff about the value of screening, and feedback about the general practices testing rates helped sustain activity. Conclusions: A complex intervention including interactive workshops, materials to help implementation and feedback can help chlamydia screening testing increase in general practices
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