1,095 research outputs found

    Colour Octet effects in Quarkonium Physics

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    The importance of including colour octet contributions in describing decay and production of quarkonium states is briefly discussed for two cases : the radiative decays of the ΄\Upsilon and the production of J/ψJ/\psi in the inclusive BB decays. It is shown how information on the non-perturbative matrix elements can be obtained by comparing the theoretical expressions computed at next-to-leading order in αs\alpha_s with the experimental data.Comment: 4 pages, Latex (espcrc2.sty), 1 figure. Talk presented at QCD'98, Montpellier, July 2-8, 1998; to appear in Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.

    Conceptual aspects of QCD factorization in hadronic B decays

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    I review the meaning of ``QCD factorization'' in hadronic two-body B decays and then discuss recent results of theoretical (rather than phenomenological) nature: the proof of factorization at two loops; the identification of ``chirally enhanced'' power corrections; and the role of annihilation contributions.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX. Based on talks presented at the UK Phenomenology Workshop on Heavy Flavour and CP Violation, 17 - 22 September 2000, Durham, proceedings to appear in J. Phys. G; the 5th International Symposium on Radiative Corrections (RADCOR2000), Carmel, California, September 11 - 15, 2000; the 4th Workshop on Continuous Advances in QCD, Minneapolis, 12-14 May 2000; the Vth International Workshop on Heavy Quark Physics, Dubna, 6-8 April 200

    Bloch-Nordsieck cancellations beyond logarithms in heavy particle decays

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    We investigate the one-loop radiative corrections to the semileptonic decay of a charged particle at finite gauge boson mass. Extending the Bloch-Nordsieck cancellation of infrared logarithms, the subsequent non-analytic terms are also found to vanish after eliminating the pole mass in favor of a mass defined at short distances. This observation justifies the operator product expansion for inclusive decays of heavy mesons and implies that infrared effects associated with the summation of the radiative corrections are suppressed by at least three powers of the mass of the heavy decaying particle.Comment: LATEX, 7 pages, one figure appended as uu-encoded ps-file, MPI-PhT/94-1

    B meson light-cone wavefunctions in the heavy quark limit

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    We present a systematic study of the B meson light-cone wavefunctions in QCD in the heavy-quark limit. We construct model-independent formulae for the light-cone wavefunctions in terms of independent dynamical degrees of freedom, which exactly satisfy the QCD equations of motion and constraints from heavy-quark symmetry. The results demonstrate novel behaviors of longitudinal as well as transverse momentum distribution in the B mesons.Comment: 5 pages LaTeX, 1 style file. Talk presented at RADCOR/Loops and Legs 2002, Kloster Banz, Germany, September 8-13, 200

    Direct CP Violation in B->phi K_s and New Physics

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    In the presence of large New Physics contributions to loop-induced b->s transitions, sizable direct CP violation in B-> phi K decays is expected on general grounds. We compute explicitly CP-violating effects using QCD factorization and find that, even in the restricted case in which New Physics has the same penguin structure as the Standard Model, the rate asymmetry can be of order one. We briefly discuss a more general scenario and comment on the inclusion of power-suppressed corrections to factorization.Comment: 3 page

    Revisiting Charmless Hadronic B_{u,d} Decays in QCD Factorization

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    Within the framework of QCD factorization (QCDF), we consider two different types of power correction effects in order to resolve the CP puzzles and rate deficit problems with penguin-dominated two-body decays of B mesons and color-suppressed tree-dominated π0π0\pi^0\pi^0 and ρ0π0\rho^0\pi^0 modes: penguin annihilation and soft corrections to the color-suppressed tree amplitude. We emphasize that the electroweak penguin solution to the B→KπB\to K\pi CP puzzle via New Physics is irrelevant for solving the CP and rate puzzles related to tree-dominated decays. While some channels e.g. K−π+,K−ρ0,π+π−,ρ±π∓K^-\pi^+,K^-\rho^0,\pi^+\pi^-,\rho^\pm\pi^\mp need penguin annihilation to induce the correct magnitudes and signs for their CP violation, some other decays such as B−→K−π0,π−η,K−ηB^-\to K^-\pi^0,\pi^-\eta, K^-\eta and Bˉ0→Kˉ∗0η,π0π0\bar B^0\to \bar K^{*0}\eta,\pi^0\pi^0 require the presence of both power corrections to account for the measured CP asymmetries. In general, QCDF predictions for the branching fractions and direct CP asymmetries of Bˉ→PP,VP,VV\bar B\to PP,VP,VV decays are in good agreement with experiment. The predictions of pQCD and soft-collinear effective theory are included for comparison.Comment: 51 pages, 1 figur

    Renormalons in Effective Field Theories

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    We investigate the high-order behavior of perturbative matching conditions in effective field theories. These series are typically badly divergent, and are not Borel summable due to infrared and ultraviolet renormalons which introduce ambiguities in defining the sum of the series. We argue that, when treated consistently, there is no physical significance to these ambiguities. Although nonperturbative matrix elements and matching conditions are in general ambiguous, the ambiguity in any physical observable is always higher order in 1/M1/M than the theory has been defined. We discuss the implications for the recently noticed infrared renormalon in the pole mass of a heavy quark. We show that a ratio of form factors in exclusive Λb\Lambda_b decays (which is related to the pole mass) is free from renormalon ambiguities regardless of the mass used as the expansion parameter of HQET. The renormalon ambiguities also cancel in inclusive heavy hadron decays. Finally, we demonstrate the cancellation of renormalons in a four-Fermi effective theory obtained by integrating out a heavy colored scalar.Comment: Minor changes mad

    Polarization of Upsilon(nS) at the Tevatron

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    The polarization of inclusive Upsilon(nS) at the Fermilab Tevatron is calculated within the nonrelativistic QCD factorization framework. We use a recent determination of the NRQCD matrix elements from fitting the CDF data on bottomonium production from Run IB of the Tevatron. The result for the polarization of Upsilon(1S) integrated over the transverse momentum bin 8 < p_T < 20 GeV is consistent with a recent measurement by the CDF Collaboration. The transverse polarization of Upsilon(1S) is predicted to increase steadily for p_T greater than about 10 GeV. The Upsilon(2S) and Upsilon(3S) are predicted to have significantly larger transverse polarizations than Upsilon(1S).Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    Power counting and effective field theory for charmonium

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    We hypothesize that the correct power counting for charmonia is in the parameter Lambda_QCD/m_c, but is not based purely on dimensional analysis (as is HQET). This power counting leads to predictions which differ from those resulting from the usual velocity power counting rules of NRQCD. In particular, we show that while Lambda_QCD/m_c power counting preserves the empirically verified predictions of spin symmetry in decays, it also leads to new predictions which include: A hierarchy between spin singlet and triplet octet matrix elements in the J/psi system. A quenching of the net polarization in production at large transverse momentum. No end point enhancement in radiative decays. We discuss explicit tests which can differentiate between the traditional and new theories of NRQCD.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figure Replaced plot of the psi polarization parameter alpha as a function of transverse momentum. Alpha is now closer to zero for large transverse moment

    QCD analysis of inclusive B decay into charmonium

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    We compute the decay rates and HH-energy distributions of BB mesons into the final state H+XH+X, where HH can be any one of the SS-wave or PP-wave charmonia, at next-to-leading order in the strong coupling. We find that a significant fraction of the observed J/ψJ/\psi, ψâ€Č\psi' and χc\chi_c must be produced through ccˉc\bar{c} pairs in a colour octet state and should therefore be accompanied by more than one light hadron. At the same time we obtain stringent constraints on some of the long-distance parameters for colour octet production.Comment: 40 pages, RevTeX, 4 figure
