204 research outputs found

    Correlation anatomo-scannographique dans le cancer du larynx

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    Introduction : Le but de la chirurgie du larynx est de conserver dans la mesure du possible un larynx fonctionnel tout en répondant aux impératifs carcinologiques. Les limites d'extension tumorale doivent être finement analysées en pré-opératoire pour adopter la technique opératoire appropriée. dans ce domaine, l'apport de la TdM est incontestable pour l'étude de cette extension en profondeur.Patients et méthodes : il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective des dossiers de 43 patients explorés et traités respectivement aux services d'imagerie médicale et d'ORL de l'hôpital Tahar Sfar de Mahdia sur une période de 14 ans entre Janvier 1995 et décembre 2008.Résultats : La classification pré-opératoire des tumeurs pharyngo-laryngées est plus fiable en se basant à la fois sur l’endoscopie et la TdM que sur l’endoscopie seule. La fiabilité de cette association était de 76%. L'étude de certaines zones dites d'intérêt a montré une efficacité de 72% pour l'atteinte de la commissure antérieure, de 79% pour les bandes ventriculaires, de 81% pour la sous glotte, de 88% pour la loge HTE, de 83% pour les espaces para-glottiques et de 79% pour les cartilages. Nos résultats étaient concordants à ceux de la littérature.Discussion et conclusion : la TdM constitue une partie intégrante du bilan préopératoire des cancers du pharyngolarynx. Elle précise l'extension tumorale en profondeur aux espaces graisseux, aux cartilages et aux tissus extralaryngés. L’analyse fine des images tomodensitométriques permet donc d’orienter la décision thérapeutique.Mots clés : cancer, larynx, anatomopathologie, chirurgie

    Longitudinal changes in functional connectivity of cortico-basal ganglia networks in manifests and premanifest huntington's disease

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    Huntington's disease (HD) is a genetic neurological disorder resulting in cognitive and motor impairments. We evaluated the longitudinal changes of functional connectivity in sensorimotor, associative and limbic cortico-basal ganglia networks. We acquired structural MRI and resting-state fMRI in three visits one year apart, in 18 adult HD patients, 24 asymptomatic mutation carriers (preHD) and 18 gender- and age-matched healthy volunteers from the TRACK-HD study. We inferred topological changes in functional connectivity between 182 regions within cortico-basal ganglia networks using graph theory measures. We found significant differences for global graph theory measures in HD but not in preHD. The average shortest path length (L) decreased, which indicated a change toward the random network topology. HD patients also demonstrated increases in degree k, reduced betweeness centrality bc and reduced clustering C. Changes predominated in the sensorimotor network for bc and C and were observed in all circuits for k. Hubs were reduced in preHD and no longer detectable in HD in the sensorimotor and associative networks. Changes in graph theory metrics (L, k, C and bc) correlated with four clinical and cognitive measures (symbol digit modalities test, Stroop, Burden and UHDRS). There were no changes in graph theory metrics across sessions, which suggests that these measures are not reliable biomarkers of longitudinal changes in HD. preHD is characterized by progressive decreasing hub organization, and these changes aggravate in HD patients with changes in local metrics. HD is characterized by progressive changes in global network interconnectivity, whose network topology becomes more random over time. Hum Brain Mapp, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    RF assisted switching in magnetic Josephson junctions

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    We test the effect of an external RF field on the switching processes of magnetic Josephson junctions (MJJs) suitable for the realization of fast, scalable cryogenic memories compatible with Single Flux Quantum logic. We show that the combined application of microwaves and magnetic field pulses can improve the performances of the device, increasing the separation between the critical current levels corresponding to logical "0" and "1." The enhancement of the current level separation can be as high as 80% using an optimal set of parameters. We demonstrate that external RF fields can be used as an additional tool to manipulate the memory states, and we expect that this approach may lead to the development of new methods of selecting MJJs and manipulating their states in memory arrays for various applications

    WR279,396, a Third Generation Aminoglycoside Ointment for the Treatment of Leishmania major Cutaneous Leishmaniasis: A Phase 2, Randomized, Double Blind, Placebo Controlled Study

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    Cutaneous leishmaniasis is due to a small parasite (Leishmania) that creates disfiguring sores, and affects more than one million persons (mainly children) each year. Treating lesions with a cream—instead of with injections as currently done—would greatly improve the well-being of affected patients. No cream formulation that would be efficient and would not create important skin irritation has been identified yet. Here, we tested a new cream formulation (WR279,396) containing paromomycin and gentamicin, two members of a well-known family of antibacterial antibiotics (aminoglycosides). Injectable paromomycin is efficient in other forms of the disease (visceral leishmaniasis). This was a carefully monitored study (phase 2) involving mainly children in Tunisia and France. The cream was applied twice a day for 20 days. The proportion of patients treated with the paromomycin-containing cream (active formulation) that cured (94%) was higher than that observed (71%) in patients treated with a cream that did not contain the active product (placebo formulation). Local irritation affected less than one-third of the patients and was usually mild. This new cream formulation was safe and effective in treating cutaneous leishmaniasis, thereby providing a new, simple, easily applicable, and inexpensive treatment for this neglected disease

    Human Cellular Immune Response to the Saliva of Phlebotomus papatasi Is Mediated by IL-10-Producing CD8+ T Cells and Th1-Polarized CD4+ Lymphocytes

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    Cutaneous leishmaniasis affects millions of people worldwide and is caused by protozoa of the genus Leishmania. The parasite is transmitted during sand fly bites. While probing the skin for a blood meal, vectors salivate into the host's skin. Sand fly saliva contains several components that increase hemorrhage and interfere with the host's inflammatory response. Data obtained in mice originally indicate that immunization against saliva protected from leishmaniasis supporting possibility that leishmaniasis could be prevented by a vaccine based on sand fly saliva. Herein we investigated the nature and the importance of the cellular immune response developed against sand fly saliva by individuals at risk of cutaneous leishmaniasis due to Leishmania major. We demonstrated that the immunity against saliva is dominated by the activation of lymphocytes producing a suppressive cytokine called IL-10. These data may preclude the protective effect of sand fly saliva pre-exposure in humans. Further experiments revealed that the production of IL-10 masked the presence of a second kind of lymphocytes producing IFN-γ, a rather protective cytokine. The latter finding highlights the importance of the identification of the proteins activating the latter lymphocytes in order to develop vaccines based on selected proteins from the saliva of sand flies

    Markers of subtypes in inflammatory breast cancer studied by immunohistochemistry: Prominent expression of P-cadherin

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) is a distinct and aggressive form of locally-advanced breast cancer with high metastatic potential. In Tunisia, IBC is associated with a high death rate. Among the major molecular subtypes, basal breast carcinomas are poorly differentiated, have metastatic potential and poor prognosis, but respond relatively well to chemotherapy. The aim of this study was to determine the distribution of molecular subtypes in IBC and identify factors that may explain the poor prognosis of IBC.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To determine breast cancer subtypes we studied by immunohistochemistry the expression of 12 proteins in a series of 91 Tunisian IBC and 541 non-IBC deposited in tissue microarrays.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We considered infiltrating ductal cases only. We found 33.8% of basal cases in IBC vs 15.9% in non-IBC (p < 0.001), 33.3% of ERBB2-overexpressing cases in IBC vs 14.5% in non-IBC (p < 0.001), and 29.3% of luminal cases in IBC vs 59.9% in non-IBC (p < 0.001). The most differentially-expressed protein between IBCs and non-IBCs was P-cadherin. P-cadherin expression was found in 75.9% of all IBC vs 48.2% of all non-IBC (p < 0.001), 95% of IBC vs 69% of non-IBC (p = 0.02) in basal cases, and 82% of IBC vs 43% of non-IBC (p < 0.001) in luminal cases. Logistic regression determined that the most discriminating markers between IBCs and non-IBCs were P-cadherin (OR = 4.9, p = 0.0019) MIB1 (OR = 3.6, p = 0.001), CK14 (OR = 2.7, p = 0.02), and ERBB2 (OR = 2.3, p = 0.06).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Tunisian IBCs are characterized by frequent basal and ERBB2 phenotypes. Surprisingly, luminal IBC also express the basal marker P-cadherin. This profile suggests a specificity that needs further investigation.</p

    First Molecular Epidemiological Study of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Libya

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    Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is caused by protozoan parasites of the genus Leishmania. The disease is characterized by the formation of chronic skin lesions followed by permanent scars and deformation of the infected area. It is distributed in many tropical and subtropical countries with more than 2 million cases every year. During the past few years CL has emerged as a major public health problem in Libya. So far, diagnosis was based on clinical symptoms and microscopic observation of parasites. Disease outbreaks were not investigated and the causative leishmanial species of CL were not identified so far. Our study indicates the presence of two coexisting species: Leishmania major and Leishmania tropica. These results are crucial in order to provide accurate treatment, precise prognosis and appropriate public health control measures. The recent armed conflict in Libya that ended with the Gadhafi regime collapse on October 2011 has affected all aspects of the life in the country. In this study we discussed multiple risk factors that could be associated with this conflict and present major challenges that should be considered by local and national health authorities for evaluating the CL burden and highlighting priority actions for disease control

    Genome profiling of ERBB2-amplified breast cancers

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Around 20% of breast cancers (BC) show <it>ERBB2 </it>gene amplification and overexpression of the ERBB2 tyrosine kinase receptor. They are associated with a poor prognosis but can benefit from targeted therapy. A better knowledge of these BCs, genomically and biologically heterogeneous, may help understand their behavior and design new therapeutic strategies.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We defined the high resolution genome and gene expression profiles of 54 <it>ERBB2</it>-amplified BCs using 244K oligonucleotide array-comparative genomic hybridization and whole-genome DNA microarrays. Expression of ERBB2, phosphorylated ERBB2, EGFR, IGF1R and FOXA1 proteins was assessed by immunohistochemistry to evaluate the functional ERBB2 status and identify co-expressions.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>First, we identified the <it>ERBB2</it>-<it>C17orf37</it>-<it>GRB7 </it>genomic segment as the minimal common 17q12-q21 amplicon, and <it>CRKRS </it>and <it>IKZF3 </it>as the most frequent centromeric and telomeric amplicon borders, respectively. Second, GISTIC analysis identified 17 other genome regions affected by copy number aberration (CNA) (amplifications, gains, losses). The expression of 37 genes of these regions was deregulated. Third, two types of heterogeneity were observed in <it>ERBB2</it>-amplified BCs. The genomic profiles of estrogen receptor-postive (ER+) and negative (ER-) <it>ERBB2</it>-amplified BCs were different. The WNT/β-catenin signaling pathway was involved in ER- <it>ERBB2</it>-amplified BCs, and <it>PVT1 </it>and <it>TRPS1 </it>were candidate oncogenes associated with ER+ <it>ERBB2</it>-amplified BCs. The size of the <it>ERBB2 </it>amplicon was different in inflammatory (IBC) and non-inflammatory BCs. <it>ERBB2</it>-amplified IBCs were characterized by the downregulated and upregulated mRNA expression of ten and two genes in proportion to CNA, respectively. IHC results showed (i) a linear relationship between <it>ERBB2 </it>gene amplification and its gene and protein expressions with a good correlation between ERBB2 expression and phosphorylation status; (ii) a potential signaling cross-talk between EGFR or IGF1R and ERBB2, which could influence response of <it>ERBB2</it>-positive BCs to inhibitors. FOXA1 was frequently coexpressed with ERBB2 but its expression did not impact on the outcome of patients with <it>ERBB2</it>-amplified tumors.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We have shown that ER+ and ER- <it>ERBB2</it>-amplified BCs are different, distinguished <it>ERBB2 </it>amplicons in IBC and non-IBC, and identified genomic features that may be useful in the design of alternative therapeutical strategies.</p

    Axonal Regeneration and Neuronal Function Are Preserved in Motor Neurons Lacking ß-Actin In Vivo

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    The proper localization of ß-actin mRNA and protein is essential for growth cone guidance and axon elongation in cultured neurons. In addition, decreased levels of ß-actin mRNA and protein have been identified in the growth cones of motor neurons cultured from a mouse model of Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA), suggesting that ß-actin loss-of-function at growth cones or pre-synaptic nerve terminals could contribute to the pathogenesis of this disease. However, the role of ß-actin in motor neurons in vivo and its potential relevance to disease has yet to be examined. We therefore generated motor neuron specific ß-actin knock-out mice (Actb-MNsKO) to investigate the function of ß-actin in motor neurons in vivo. Surprisingly, ß-actin was not required for motor neuron viability or neuromuscular junction maintenance. Skeletal muscle from Actb-MNsKO mice showed no histological indication of denervation and did not significantly differ from controls in several measurements of physiologic function. Finally, motor axon regeneration was unimpaired in Actb-MNsKO mice, suggesting that ß-actin is not required for motor neuron function or regeneration in vivo