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    Biopore infiltration hole (BIH) is a technology which can improve the soil quality and structure and increase the infiltration rate of the soil. The raised discussion about this infrastructure is the effectiveness of this BIH if it applied in the different soil type especially in loam soil that known having a small hydraulic conductivity. Therefore, the objective of this study is to determine in which kind of soil this BIH will perform its function more effectively.This study was carried out in three BIH with 10 cm of diameter and a depth about 60 cm at three different kind of soils (clay loam, silty loam, and loam soil). The dimension of LRB that applied was adapted from the BIH that was commonly applicate in Bandung area, and the effectivity of each BIH was examined by determined the amount of water that can be infiltrated to each BIH at the time of test.The result of this study portray that at the beginning of the test was relatively high and decrease following exponential curve to constant point. The amount of water that could be infiltrated into a week old BIH are 16.26 liter for BIH in clay loam soil, 9.965 liter for BIH in silty loam soil, and 24.087 liter for BIH in loam soil. The amount of water that can be infiltrated in each BIH increase along the time goes, except for BIH in loam soil that fall on some capacity deterioration after the fourth week.At the fourth week, the amount of water that could be infiltrated into BIH A increased 84 % to 29.953 l. for BIH B the volume increased reach 569% to 66,57 l while the capacity of BIH C which meet the deterioration is 39.874 l or still increased 65% from the first week. From this data, we can simplify that in this study, the most effective application of BIH is in silty loam soil. From this fact, we can conclude that the effectiveness of BIH that represented by the amount of water that infiltrated is vary according to the soil structure, that’s way we have to give another consideration to BIH application especially in its application at the loamy soil

    Analisis Structure Conduct Performance pada Pemasaran Komoditas Tomat di Kabupaten Garut

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    Garut Regency currently has the position as the largest tomato producer in West Java. The large amount of tomato production encourages a fairly broad marketing that involves a lot of marketing actors. This study aims to determine the market structure, the behavior of marketing actors, and the performance of the tomato commodity market in Garut Regency. This research was conducted in 4 districts with the largest tomato production in Garut district, namely Cikajang, Cisurupan, Cigedug and Paisrwangi. The samples taken in this research were 40 farmers and tracked the marketing of tomatoes using the snowball sampling technique. The data analysis methods used are market concentration analysis, minimum scale efficiency analysis, descriptive qualitative analysis of market behavior, and marketing margin analysis and farmer's share. The results showed that the sales ratio of 8 large tomato traders was weakly concentrated which led to monopolistic competition. There are barriers to entry to this tomato commodity market. Market behavior shows that most marketing activities are selling, buying, transporting and utilizing price information among marketing actors. The majority of the sorting and grading activities are only carried out by collector trader and wholesaler. The greatest marketing risk management occurs in farmers and retailers. Marketing margin analysis shows that the highest marketing margin occurs when tomatoes are sold for market destinations outside the island, and the lowest marketing margin occurs when tomatoes are marketed for industrial purposes. The results of farmer's share analysis show that the highest share received by farmers is when selling tomatoes for industrial needs, this happens because of the short marketing chain and the selling price for the industry is contractually above the market price

    Manajemen Peserta Didik Pendidikan Islam

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan sebagai upaya untuk mengetahui proses manajemen peserta didik pada sekolah Islam, lebih tepatnya sekolah menengah atas (SMA) Plus yang berada dibawah Pondok Pesantren Darussalam. Disini siswa siswi SMA Plus secara otomatis menjadi santri di Pondok Pesantren Darussalam. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui proses manajemen peserta didik pendidikan Islam dalam upaya meningkatkan kedisiplinan siswa SMA Plus sebagai santri di Pondok Pesantren Darussalam Ciamis. Metode penelitian yang dilakuan dengan metode deskripsi analisis, upaya menguraikan segala proses yang dilakukan sebagai pemahaman, pembelajaran dan juga telaah mendalam untuk diimplementasikan pada lembaga pendidikan yang lain. Hasil penelitian menunjukan, proses manajemen peserta didik pada SMA Plus ini tentunya berbeda dengan proses manajemen peserta didik pada sekolah umum, meskipun terdapat kemiripan tapi tidak akan terlalu sama dan memiliki ciri khas tersendiri. Manajemen dapat diartikan sebagai pengelolaan atau pengaturan. Dalam lingkup pendidikan, manajemen merupakan tolak ukur keberhasilan dalam menjalankan proses pendidikan sehingga tujuan yang diharapkan dapat terlaksana dengan baik. Peserta didik merupakan unsur penting pada sebuah lembaga pendidikan khususnya pesantren karena peserta didik memiliki peran besar sebagai objek dalam pelaksanaan pendidikan. Oleh karenanya suatu lembaga pendidikan perlu memikirkan bagaimana memanajemen peserta didik dengan baik terutama pada lembaga pendidikan Islam. Manajemen peserta didik pendidikan Islam haruslah berprinsip pada Al Quran dan Hadist karena esensi nilai Islam tersebut dapat terarahkan sesuai dengan petunjuk pada Al Quran dan Hadis