507 research outputs found

    The debate over the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary

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    Large-body impact on the Earth is a rare but indisputable geologic process. The impact rate is approximately known from objects discovered in Earth-crossing orbits and from the statistics of craters on the Earth's surface. Tektite and microtektite strewn fields constitute unmistakable ejecta deposits that can be due only to large-body impacts. The Cretaceous-Tertiary (K-T) boundary coincides with an unusually severe biological trauma, and this stratigraphic horizon is marked on a worldwide basis by anomalous concentrations of noble metals in chondritic proportions, mineral spherules with relict quench-crystallization textures, and mineral and rock grains showing shock deformation. These features are precisely compatible with an impact origin. Although only impact explains all the types of K-T boundary evidence, the story may not be as simple as once thought. The original hypothesis envisioned one large impact, triggering one great extinction. Newer evidence hints at various complications. Different challenges are faced by the occupants of each apex of a three-cornered argument over the K-T event. Proponents of a non-impact explanation must show that the evidence fits their preferred model better than it fits the impact scenario. Proponents of the single impact-single extinction view must explain away the complications. Proponents of a more complex impact crisis must develop a reasonable scenario which honors the new evidence

    Conformal Dynamics of Precursors to Fracture

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    An exact integro-differential equation for the conformal map from the unit circle to the boundary of an evolving cavity in a stressed 2-dimensional solid is derived. This equation provides an accurate description of the dynamics of precursors to fracture when surface diffusion is important. The solution predicts the creation of sharp grooves that eventually lead to material failure via rapid fracture. Solutions of the new equation are demonstrated for the dynamics of an elliptical cavity and the stability of a circular cavity under biaxial stress, including the effects of surface stress.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Possible world-wide middle miocene iridium anomaly and its relationship to periodicity of impacts and extinctions

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    In a study of one million years of Middle Miocene sediment deposition in ODP Hole 689B in the Weddell Sea near Antarctica, a single iridium (Ir) anomaly of 44 (+ or - 10) x 10 to the 12th gram Ir per gram rock (ppt) was observed in core 6H, section 3, 50 to 60 cm, after background contributions associated with manganese precipitates and clay are subtracted. The ODP Hole 689B is 10,000 km away from another site, DSDP Hole 588B in the Tasman Sea north of New Zealand, where a single Ir anomaly of 144 + or - 7 ppt over a background of 11 ppt was found in an earlier study of 3 million years of deposition. From chemical measurements the latter deposition was thought to be impact-related. Ir measurements were made, following neutron activation, with the Iridium Coincidence Spectrometer. The age vs depth calibration curves given in the DSDP and ODP preliminary reports indicate the ages of the Iranomalies are identical, 11.7 million years, but the absolute and relative uncertainties in the curves are not known. Based on the newest age data the age estimate is 10 million years. As the Ir was deposited at the two sites at about the same time and they are one quarter of the way around the world from each other it seems likely that the deposition was world-wide. The impact of a large asteroid or comet could produce the wide distribution, and this data is supportive of the impact relationship deduced for Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) 588B from the chemical evidence. If the surface densities of Ir at the two sites are representative of the world-wide average, the diameter of a Cl type asteroid containing the necessary Ir would be 3 + or - 1 km, which is large enough to cause world-wide darkness and hence extinctions although the latter point is disputed

    The role played by the molecular weight and acetylation degree in modualting the stiffness and elasticity of chitosan gels

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    A broad library of chitosans was produced varying the molecular weight and the fraction of acetylated units, FA. The produced chitosans were used for the formation of wall-to-wall cylindrical gels through a controlled external gelation using tripolyphosphate (TPP) as cross-linker. The resulting gels were analyzed by rheometry. Viscosity average degree of polymerization (DPv\uaf)\u202f>\u202f152 was shown to be required for the formation of stable gels. Both gel stiffness and gel rupture strength were proportional to the molecular weight regardless of the applied deformation. Increasing acetylation produced a marked reduction of the shear modulus, but, in parallel, switched the networks from rigid and brittle to weak and elastic. Intriguingly, gels made of chitosan with FA\u202f=\u202f0.37 displayed notable elasticity, i.e. up to 90% of applied strain falls into linear regime. These findings suggest that the frequency of glucosamine (D unit) and N-acetyl-glucosamine (A unit) contribute to a subtle structure-property relationship in chitosan-TPP gels

    Nonlinear evolution of surface morphology in InAs/AlAs superlattices via surface diffusion

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    Continuum simulations of self-organized lateral compositional modulation growth in InAs/AlAs short-period superlattices on InP substrate are presented. Results of the simulations correspond quantitatively to the results of synchrotron x-ray diffraction experiments. The time evolution of the compositional modulation during epitaxial growth can be explained only including a nonlinear dependence of the elastic energy of the growing epitaxial layer on its thickness. From the fit of the experimental data to the growth simulations we have determined the parameters of this nonlinear dependence. It was found that the modulation amplitude don't depend on the values of the surface diffusion constants of particular elements.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, published in Phys. Rev. Lett. http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRL/v96/e13610

    Cell Activities on Viscoelastic Substrates Show an Elastic Energy Threshold and Correlate with the Linear Elastic Energy Loss in the Strain-Softening Region

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    Energy-sensing in viscoelastic substrates has recently been shown to be an important regulator of cellular activities, modulating mechanical transmission and transduction processes. Here, this study fine-tunes the elastic energy of viscoelastic hydrogels with different physical and chemical compositions and shows that this has an impact on cell response in 2D cell cultures. This study shows that there is a threshold value for elastic energy (≈0.15 J m−3) above which cell adhesion is impaired. When hydrogels leave the linear stress–strain range, they show softening (plastic) behavior typical of soft tissues. This study identifies a correlation between the theoretical linear elastic energy loss in the strain-softening region and the number of cells adhering to the substrate. This also has implications for the formation of vinculin-rich anchorage points and the ability of cells to remodel the substrate through traction forces. Overall, the results reported in this study support that the relationship between cell activities and energy-sensing in viscoelastic substrates is an important aspect to consider in the development of reliable ex vivo models of human tissues that mimic both normal and pathological conditions

    Guar gum/borax hydrogel: Rheological, low field NMR and release characterizations

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    Guar gum (GG) and Guar gum/borax (GGb) hydrogels are studied by means of rheology, Low Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (LF NMR) and model drug release tests. These three approaches are used to estimate the mesh size (ζ) of the polymeric network. A comparison with similar Scleroglucan systems is carried out. In the case of GGb, the rheological and Low Field NMR estimations of ζ lead to comparable results, while the drug release approach seems to underestimate ζ. Such discrepancy is attributed to the viscous effect of some polymeric chains that, although bound to the network to one end, can freely fluctuate among meshes. The viscous drag exerted by these chains slows down drug diffusion through the polymeric network. A proof for this hypothesis is given by the case of Scleroglucan gel, where the viscous contribution is not so significant and a good agreement between the rheological and release test approaches was found
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