94 research outputs found

    Analysis Rule of Compensation Toward Working Motivation of Wall\u27s Ice Cream Mobiling Channel Sales Forces at PT. Unilever Indonesia, Tbk.

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    This study seeks to analyze the rule of compensation toward working motivation of salesforces in mobiling channel Wall\u27s Ice Cream at PT. Unilever Indonesia. The compensationvariable includes Financial (Direct and Indirect Financial Compensation) and Nonfinancial(Job and Environment). Meanwhile, the motivation variables consist of intensity,persistence, and direction. The objective of this study is to explain the rule of compensationtoward working motivation of Wall\u27s Ice Cream mobiling channel sales forces. This studyuses qualitative method by in- depth interview with sixth sales forces from three differentgroup performance into high, medium, and small performance. To see the influence ofcompensation on sales forces working motivation, the author had experiment ofcompensation program such as diligence bonus, insurance, employee recognition anddressing up stock point. This experiment is conducted to strengthen the hyphothesis thatcompensation strongly influences sales forces working motivation. The result of this study,all those compensation showed a very good effort from the company to increase the spirit ofsales forces as seen by a very excited way on answer in the last interview. The sales forcesmotivation also is increased as they felt that the company paid more attention to them so itcould now expect the sales forces to work better and harder, especially in reaching the target.The result shows that there is sales increase of 300% within 3 months after the compensationhappen. Implication of the study and recommendation is needed to improve thecompensation plan for sales forces to be always motivated and the implementation of thecompensation plan after experiment program should be implemented nationally to increasethe working motivation of sales forces

    Use of Water Hyacinth and Fermented Fruit Waste as BSF (Black Soldier Fly) Media on The Quality of BSF Maggot Flour

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    This study aims to assess BSF maggot flour’s quality using water hyacinth growing media and fermentedfruit waste using EM-4 and molasses. Held a total of 70 g of baby maggot was in the temple for 15 days.Eldest the feed used using fermented water hyacinth and fermented fruit waste with four treatmentsconsist of P0= 0% fermented water hyacinth+ 100% fermented fruit waste, P1= 25% fermented waterhyacinth+ 75% fermented fruit waste, P2= 50% fermented water hyacinth+ 50% fermented fruit waste,and 75% fermented water hyacinth+ 25% fermented fruit waste. The design of the experiment uses acompletely randomized design (CRD). The results showed that substitution of feeding 25% fermentedwater hyacinth+ 75% fermented fruit waste influenced the yield of BSF maggot flour (P <0.05), and therewas no effect on the pH quality of Maggot BSf flour (P> 0.05). The best results’ (substitution of feeding25% fermented water hyacinth+ 75% fermented fruit waste) has proximate content of dry matter89%, ash 11%, crude protein 35.5%, crude fat 12%, calcium 7%, nitrogen-free extract material 7%,metabolist energy 2939.64 kcal/ 100 g

    Pengaruh PH Tanah dan Variasi Cacat Gores Lapis Lindung terhadap Kebutuhan Arus Proteksi Sistem Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) pada Baja AISI 1045

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    Korosi merupakan kerusakan atau degradasi pada suatu logam akibat terjadinya reaksi oksidasi antara satu logam dengan banyak zat yang ada dilingkungan sekelilingnya dan membentuk senyawa yang tidak diinginkan terbentuknya. Korosi tidak dapat dicegah namun masih dapat dikendalikan kelajuannya. Salah satu proses pengendalian korosi pada suatu material dapat menggunakan pelapisan/coating dan perlindungan katoda dengan memberikan arus paksa. Pada penelitian yang dilakukan kali ini akan mempelajari mengenai pengaruh dari variasi luas goresan lapis lindung dan pH tanah terhadap kebutuhan arus proteksi pada sistem proteksi katodik arus paksa (ICCP). Luas goresan yang diberikan berbentuk persegi panjang dan lingkaran dengan luasan masing-masing sebesar 10 mm2, 50 mm2, 100 mm2, 150 mm2, 250 mm2, dan 500 mm2. Sedangkan perbedaan pH pada tanah yang digunakan ialah pH 3, pH 7, dan pH 11. Spesimen tanpa goresan dan tanpa lapis lindung digunakan sebagai pembanding. Pada instalasi sistem ICCP, baja AISI 1045 digunakan sebagai katoda dan grafit sebagai anodanya. Sistem menggunakan rectifier yang berguna sebagai penyearah arus. Arus proteksi pada ICCP diatur sedemikian rupa hingga nilai beda potensial dapat mencapai -850 mV terhadap elektroda referensi Cu/CuSO4. Pengukuran arus proteksi pada sistem ICCP dilakukan selama 7 hari dengan pengambilan data setiap harinya. Setelah didapatkan pengukuran dari nilai arus proteksi, didapatkan hasil bahwa nilai arus proteksi terbesar pada luas goresan berbentuk persegi panjang 500 mm2 dengan kondisi tanah yang asam (pH 3) yaitu sebesar 1,696 mA. Sedangkan nilai arus proteksi terkecil pada luas goresan berbentuk lingkaran 10 mm2 dengan kondisi tanah yang basa (pH 11) yaitu sebesar 0,014 mA. Pengaruh dari dua variabel tersebut dihitung menggunakan analisa statistik regresi berganda sehingga mendapatkan persamaan Y = 0,127 + 0,0024 X1 + 0,00031 X2. Dimana nilai X1 sebagai kondisi pH tanah, X2 sebagai luas cacat goresan, dan Y sebagai arus proteksiny

    Perbandingan Performa Dua Strain Ayam Jantan Tipe Medium yang Diberi Ransum Komersial Broiler

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    This study aims to determine the best strain of the performance of medium type roosters fed commercial broiler rations. This study conducted for 7 weeks from 19 may to 06 july 2012, in the chicken coop department of animal husbandry, faculty of agriculture, University of Lampung. The chicken is a rooster who used medium type strain Isa Brown and Lohman each as much as 100 individuals. This study compared two treatments are different strains rooster medium type Isa Brown rooster and Lohman medium type srtain. Data obtained from the study were analyzed using student t-test on the real level of 5%. The variables measured were ration consumpion, body weight gain, conversion ratio, and income over feed cost (IOFC). The results showed that the strain Isa Brown had ration consumption and body weight were significantly (P0.05)

    Analisis Kinerja DPKAD Dalam Pengelolaan Pajak Hotel Guna Meningkatkan Kontribusi Terhadap Pendapatan Asli Daerah Kota Semarang

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    The hotel tax is one source of income region has considerable potential .The management of the potential of the hotel tax will certainly impact on a good contribution to local revenue itself .Business growth rapidly in the city hotel of semarang supposed to be opportunities for enhancing local income tax sector in the city of semarang .It is certainly demanding more from Dinas Pengelolaan Keuangan dan Aset Daerah can dig in and keep potential of semarang city hotel tax .This study using methods descriptive quantitative .And the data via documentation and interview .The purpose of this research to find out the plan , processes and their performance as well as the driving force behind and inhibitors of in the implementation of the tax collection hotel in order to improve its contribution to the local revenue semarang city .Data obtained used to formulate recommendations as a form of an input in the sustainability of the election the hotel tax .Results in the field showed that, to be able to explore and recognize the potential as well as the need for taxpayers to provide hotel service and get maximum results in implementing the poll tax Dpkad semarang city faced with the decision-making process not in accordance with local regulation number 3year 2011 to maintain the existence of business hotels as a source of revenue . Despite the growth of tax revenue fluctuating hotel and not contribute greatly to the PAD but the result of the withdrawal of the last five years the hotel tax Semarang city fall into the category of highly effective.In an effort to improve performance in the implementation of tax withdrawal hotel in semarang city , recommendations that can be given is: government conducts updating data periodically to investigate potential and setting target every year .In the implementation of the management of the hotel tax it needs strict supervision , not only internally supervision or the employee performance , DPKAD also have to apply strict sanctions against prospective taxpayers who disobedient , the city government of semarang must also can create a business climate conducive , by means of improved security of semarang city economy so that business and tourism being increased so that many guests and tourists staying as well as utilizing hotel facilities and services inn in semarang city .Th

    Variasi Tingkat Keasaman dalam Ekstraksi Pektin Kulit Buah Durian

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    This study aims to obtain the best pH in the extraction of durian rind pectin. Research conducted experiments using a completely randomized design (CRD) with four treatments are: P1 (extraction pH 1.5); P2 (extraction pH 2.0); P3 (extraction pH 2.5), and P4 (extraction pH 3.0). The results showed that the variation in the level of acidity in the manufacture of durian rind pectin significant effect on yield, methoxyl content, moisture content, ash content and organoleptic assessment of the color. Pectin P1-P4 treatment meets the standards IPPA (International Pectin Producers Association) For The best treatment in this study is the P1 treatment (extraction pH 1.5) produced pectinbetter to yield 2.60%, 4.35% methoxyl content, water content 8.38%, ash content 7.69% and pectin brown color

    Implementasi Algoritma Greedy Untuk Melakukan Graph Coloring: Studi Kasus Peta Propinsi Jawa Timur

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    This paper will describe us how to coloring a graph by using greedy algorithm with the case study province of Jawa Timur. From this research we will know that for graph coloring at Jawa Timur Province only use four difference colors. Keywords: edge, graph coloring, vertex. Paper ini akan memperlihatkan sebuah teknik penggunaan algoritma Greedy untuk melakukan pewarnaan graf (graph coloring) pada peta Propinsi Jawa Timur. Dari penelitian ini diperoleh bahwa untuk melakukan pewarnaan graph di Propinsi Jawa Timur dibutuhkan sebanyak empat buah warna yang berbeda
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