2,177 research outputs found

    Cosmic microwave background constraints on coupled dark matter

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    We study CMB constraints on a model with a cosmological constant and a fraction of dark matter non-minimally coupled to a massless scalar field. In this scenario, there is an extra gravity-like fifth force which can affect the evolution of the Universe enough to have a discernible effect on measurements of cosmological parameters. Using Planck and WMAP polarisation data, we find that up to half of the dark matter can be coupled. The coupling can also be several times larger than in models with a single species of cold dark matter coupled to a quintessence scalar field, as the scalar field does not play the role of dark energy and is therefore less constrained by the data.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Degenerate boundaries for multiple-alternative decisions

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    Integration-to-threshold models of two-choice perceptual decision making have guided our understanding of human and animal behavior and neural processing. Although such models seem to extend naturally to multiple-choice decision making, consensus on a normative framework has yet to emerge, and hence the implications of threshold characteristics for multiple choices have only been partially explored. Here we consider sequential Bayesian inference and a conceptualisation of decision making as a particle diffusing in n-dimensions. We show by simulation that, within a parameterised subset of time-independent boundaries, the optimal decision boundaries comprise a degenerate family of nonlinear structures that jointly depend on the state of multiple accumulators and speed-accuracy trade-offs. This degeneracy is contrary to current 2-choice results where there is a single optimal threshold. Such boundaries support both stationary and collapsing thresholds as optimal strategies for decision-making, both of which result from stationary representations of nonlinear boundaries. Our findings point towards a normative theory of multiple-choice decision making, provide a characterisation of optimal decision thresholds under this framework, and inform the debate between stationary and dynamic decision boundaries for optimal decision making

    RankMerging:a supervised learning-to-rank framework to predict links in large social networks

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    Uncovering unknown or missing links in social networks is a difficult task because of their sparsity and because links may represent different types of relationships, characterized by different structural patterns. In this paper, we define a simple yet efficient supervised learning-to-rank framework, called RankMerging, which aims at combining information provided by various unsupervised rankings. We illustrate our method on three different kinds of social networks and show that it substantially improves the performances of unsupervised methods of ranking as well as standard supervised combination strategies. We also describe various properties of RankMerging, such as its computational complexity, its robustness to feature selection and parameter estimation and discuss its area of relevance: the prediction of an adjustable number of links on large networks

    A novel fluorescent reporter CDy1 enriches for neural stem cells derived from the murine brain

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    Neurogenesis occurs continuously in two brain regions of adult mammals, underpinned by a pool of resident neural stem cells (NSCs) that can differentiate into all neural cell types. To advance our understanding of NSC function and to develop therapeutic and diagnostic approaches, it is important to accurately identify and enrich for NSCs. There are no definitive markers for the identification and enrichment of NSCs present in the mouse brain. Recently, a fluorescent rosamine dye, CDy1, has been identified as a label for pluripotency in cultured human embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells. As similar cellular characteristics may enable the uptake and retention of CDy1 by other stem cell populations, we hypothesized that this dye may also enrich for primary NSCs from the mouse brain. Because the subventricular zone (SVZ) and the hippocampus represent brain regions that are highly enriched for NSCs in adult mammals, we sampled cells from these areas to test this hypothesis. These experiments revealed that CDy1 staining indeed allows for enrichment and selection of all neurosphere-forming cells from both the SVZ and the hippocampus. We next examined the effectiveness of CDy1 to select for NSCs derived from the SVZ of aged animals, where the total pool of NSCs present is significantly lower than in young animals. We found that CDy1 effectively labels the NSCs in adult and aged animals as assessed by the neurosphere assay and reflects the numbers of NSCs present in aged animals. CDy1, therefore, appears to be a novel marker for enrichment of NSCs in primary brain tissue preparations

    Dynamics of muscle fibre growth during postnatal mouse development

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Postnatal growth in mouse is rapid, with total skeletal muscle mass increasing several-fold in the first few weeks. Muscle growth can be achieved by either an increase in muscle fibre number or an increase in the size of individual myofibres, or a combination of both. Where myofibre hypertrophy during growth requires the addition of new myonuclei, these are supplied by muscle satellite cells, the resident stem cells of skeletal muscle.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here, we report on the dynamics of postnatal myofibre growth in the mouse extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscle, which is essentially composed of fast type II fibres in adult. We found that there was no net gain in myofibre number in the EDL between P7 and P56 (adulthood). However, myofibre cross-sectional area increased by 7.6-fold, and length by 1.9-fold between these ages, resulting in an increase in total myofibre volume of 14.1-fold: showing the extent of myofibre hypertrophy during the postnatal period. To determine how the number of myonuclei changes during this period of intense muscle fibre hypertrophy, we used two complementary mouse models: <it>3F-nlacZ-E </it>mice express <it>nlacZ </it>only in myonuclei, while <it>Myf5</it><sup><it>nlacZ</it>/+ </sup>mice have β-galactosidase activity in satellite cells. There was a ~5-fold increase in myonuclear number per myofibre between P3 and P21. Thus myofibre hypertrophy is initially accompanied by a significant addition of myonuclei. Despite this, the estimated myonuclear domain still doubled between P7 and P21 to 9.2 × 10<sup>3 </sup>μm<sup>3</sup>. There was no further addition of myonuclei from P21, but myofibre volume continued to increase, resulting in an estimated ~3-fold expansion of the myonuclear domain to 26.5 × 10<sup>3 </sup>μm<sup>3 </sup>by P56. We also used our two mouse models to determine the number of satellite cells per myofibre during postnatal growth. Satellite cell number in EDL was initially ~14 satellite cells per myofibre at P7, but then fell to reach the adult level of ~5 by P21.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Postnatal fast muscle fibre type growth is divided into distinct phases in mouse EDL: myofibre hypertrophy is initially supported by a rapid increase in the number of myonuclei, but nuclear addition stops around P21. Since the significant myofibre hypertrophy from P21 to adulthood occurs without the net addition of new myonuclei, a considerable expansion of the myonuclear domain results. Satellite cell numbers are initially stable, but then decrease to reach the adult level by P21. Thus the adult number of both myonuclei and satellite cells is already established by three weeks of postnatal growth in mouse.</p

    Glucose metabolism during bovine preimplantation development: analysis of gene expression in single oocytes and embryos.

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    peer reviewedGlucose metabolism of the bovine embryo is low during the first cleavages and increases sharply after the major resumption of the genome (8-16 cells). The mRNA level for genes involved in glucose metabolism was tested by RT-PCR on individual oocytes and embryos at different stages of development. These genes were: glucose transport GLUT-1, hexokinase (HK), glucose-6-phosphatase-dehydrogenase (G6PDH), and glucose-phosphate-isomerase (GPI); actin was used as a reference transcript. RT-PCR results revealed three types of oocytes or embryos: positive with a PCR signal for each transcript considered, nul with no signal for any transcript, and heterogeneous with a PCR signal for some transcripts and none for others. The number of nul and heterogeneous samples was higher for slow than for fast-cleaving embryos (81% vs. 36%), and the proportion of positive embryos increased significantly at the 16-cell and morula stages (P < 0.002), suggesting a correlation between mRNA content and developmental capacity. In positive embryos, GLUT-1 level was reduced by half during maturation and fertilization. Actin and hexokinase mRNA levels decreased during the first cleavages, but significantly increased at the 16-cell and morula stages, respectively. GPI transcript remained stable throughout development, whereas there was a significant rise for G6PDH at the 4-cell stage, perhaps due to a polyadenylation process. Finally, the absence or decrease in intensity of several transcripts at the blastocyst stage suggests suboptimal culture conditions

    En reconstruction mammaire : intérêt du dépistage du portage de Staphylococcus aureus dans la prévention de l’infection du site opératoire

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    National audienceThe incidence of prosthesis infections after breast reconstruction is of the order of 4% to 13% according to the literature. In surgical patients, Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) is the bacterial species most often responsible for surgical site infections. In cardiac surgery, screening for carriage of S. aureus and preoperative decontamination are carried out routinely before prosthetic surgery. We retrospectively reviewed data from patients at our institution between January 2011 and December 2013. Our series showed that the prosthesis infection rates were in the range of 5.92% in 2008 with an ISO rate of S. aureus 3.61%. Routine screening for prosthetic reconstructions was performed to assess the impact of preoperative decontamination patients in carriers of S. aureus. This screening was done in 381 patients: 17.8% of patients were carriers of S. aureus ; 11 patients have an ISO (or an incidence rate of 2.88%) ; 5 patients have an ISO S. aureus (an incidence of S. aureus ISO 1.3%). The introduction of the screening process, allowed a drop of 5.92% ISO rate at 1.46% with a passage of S. aureus SSI rates of 3, 60% to 0.72%. In the near future, studies are needed to confirm these encouraging results, to demonstrate the efficacy of preoperative decontamination in carriers of S. aureus patients before laying prosthesis