96 research outputs found

    Expression of an innate immune element (mouse hepcidin-1) in baculovirus expression system and the comparison of its function with synthetic human hepcidin-25

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    Hepcidin is an innate immune element which decreases the iron absorption from diet and iron releasing from macrophage cell. In contrast to the chemical iron chelators, there has been limited effort applied to the specific use of hepcidin as a new drug for decreasing the iron overload. Hepcidin is produced in different biological systems. For instance, E-coli is used for human hepcidin expression, however, post-translational modification is impaired. We have used a simple baculovirus expression system (BES) to improve the hepcidin folding and activity. Hepcidin Messenger Ribonucleic acid (mRNA) was isolated from mouse liver cells and its complementary Deoxyribonucleic acid (cDNA) was produced and amplified. PFastBac HTB vector was used for recombinant bacmid production. Recombinant baculovirus was produced using SF-9 cell line. The mouse hepcidin-1 protein was expressed in a large quantity and functional tests were performed for this recombinant peptide. The yield of hepcidin in BES was 20 μg/mL and anti-histidine (anti-His) tag antibody was used for the confirmation of hepcidin on western blot nitrocellulose paper. Functional tests showed that mouse hepcidin accumulates iron in the macrophage cell line J774A.1 up to 63%. In addition, our data showed that the mouse hepcidin-1 has less toxicity compared to the synthetic human hepcidin-25 (p = 0.000). © 2011 by School of Pharmacy

    Influence of Pore Residues on Permeation Properties in the Kv2.1 Potassium Channel. Evidence for a Selective Functional Interaction of K+ with the Outer Vestibule

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    The Kv2.1 potassium channel contains a lysine in the outer vestibule (position 356) that markedly reduces open channel sensitivity to changes in external [K+]. To investigate the mechanism underlying this effect, we examined the influence of this outer vestibule lysine on three measures of K+ and Na+ permeation. Permeability ratio measurements, measurements of the lowest [K+] required for interaction with the selectivity filter, and measurements of macroscopic K+ and Na+ conductance, were all consistent with the same conclusion: that the outer vestibule lysine in Kv2.1 interferes with the ability of K+ to enter or exit the extracellular side of the selectivity filter. In contrast to its influence on K+ permeation properties, Lys 356 appeared to be without effect on Na+ permeation. This suggests that Lys 356 limited K+ flux by interfering with a selective K+ binding site. Combined with permeation studies, results from additional mutagenesis near the external entrance to the selectivity filter indicated that this site was located external to, and independent from, the selectivity filter. Protonation of a naturally occurring histidine in the same outer vestibule location in the Kv1.5 potassium channel produced similar effects on K+ permeation properties. Together, these results indicate that a selective, functional K+ binding site (e.g., local energy minimum) exists in the outer vestibule of voltage-gated K+ channels. We suggest that this site is the location of K+ hydration/dehydration postulated to exist based on the structural studies of KcsA. Finally, neutralization of position 356 enhanced outward K+ current magnitude, but did not influence the ability of internal K+ to enter the pore. These data indicate that in Kv2.1, exit of K+ from the selectivity filter, rather than entry of internal K+ into the channel, limits outward current magnitude. We discuss the implications of these findings in relation to the structural basis of channel conductance in different K+ channels

    The External TEA Binding Site and C-Type Inactivation in Voltage-Gated Potassium Channels

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    AbstractThe location of the tetraethylammonium (TEA) binding site in the outer vestibule of K+ channels, and the mechanism by which external TEA slows C-type inactivation, have been considered well-understood. The prevailing model has been that TEA is coordinated by four amino acid side chains at the position equivalent to Shaker T449, and that TEA prevents a constriction that underlies inactivation via a foot-in-the-door mechanism at this same position. However, a growing body of evidence has suggested that this picture may not be entirely correct. In this study, we reexamined these two issues, using both the Kv2.1 and Shaker potassium channels. In contrast to results previously obtained with Shaker, substitution of the tyrosine at Kv2.1 position 380 (equivalent to Shaker 449) with a threonine or cysteine had a relatively minor effect on TEA potency. In both Kv2.1 and Shaker, modification of cysteines at position 380/449 by 2-(trimethylammonium)ethyl methanethiosulfonate (MTSET) proceeded at identical rates in the absence and presence of TEA. Additional experiments in Shaker demonstrated that TEA bound well to C-type inactivated channels, but did not interfere with MTSET modification of C449 in inactivated channels. Together, these findings rule out the possibility that TEA binding involves an intimate interaction with the four side chains at the position equivalent to Shaker 449. Moreover, these results argue against the model whereby TEA slows inactivation via a foot-in-the-door mechanism at position 449, and also argue against the hypothesis that the position 449 side chains move toward the center of the conduction pathway during inactivation. Occupancy by TEA completely prevented MTSET modification of a cysteine in the outer-vestibule turret (Kv2.1 position 356/Shaker position 425), which has been shown to interfere with both TEA binding and the interaction of K+ with an external binding site. Together, these data suggest that TEA is stabilized in a more external position in the outer vestibule, and does not bind via direct coordination with any specific outer-vestibule residues

    Control of Single Channel Conductance in the Outer Vestibule of the Kv2.1 Potassium Channel

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    Current magnitude in Kv2.1 potassium channels is modulated by external [K+]. In contrast to behavior expected from the change in electrochemical driving force, outward current through Kv2.1 channels becomes larger when extracellular [K+] is increased within the physiological range. The mechanism that underlies this unusual property involves the opening of Kv2.1 channels into one of two different outer vestibule conformations, which are defined by their sensitivity to TEA. Channels that open into a TEA-sensitive conformation generate larger macroscopic currents, whereas channels that open into a TEA-insensitive conformation generate smaller macroscopic currents. At higher [K+], more channels open into the TEA-sensitive conformation. In this manuscript, we examined the mechanism by which the conformational change produced a change in current magnitude. We started by testing the simplest hypothesis: that each pharmacologically defined channel conformation produces a different single channel conductance, one smaller and one larger, and that the [K+]-dependent change in current magnitude reflects the [K+]-dependent change in the percentage of channels that open into each of the two conformations. Using single channel and macroscopic recordings, as well as hidden Markov modeling, we were able to quantitatively account for [K+]-dependent regulation of macroscopic current with this model. Combined with previously published work, these results support a model whereby an outer vestibule lysine interferes with K+ flux through the channel, and that the [K+]-dependent change in orientation of this lysine alters single channel conductance by changing the level of this interference. Moreover, these results provide an experimental example of single channel conductance being modulated at the outer end of the conduction pathway by a mechanism that involves channel activation into open states with different outer vestibule conformations

    Bioinformatic designing for producing vaccine peptide of human vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF-A), and evaluation of polyclonal antibodies in mice

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    Background: It is stated that in the absence of angiogenesis, the tumoral tissue will not grow beyond 2 mm3. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) plays a pivotal role in angiogenesis and blockade of this phenomenon could be applied as a novel strategy for immunotherapy of cancer. Methods: Peptide sequences of VEGF-A isoforms were derived from protein databases and aligned. Immunodominant epitopes were determined and the selected one was rechecked for dissimilarity with other human proteins. The selected conserved peptide sequence was synthesized and conjugated with Keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH). Then, it was applied for immunization of mice. The polyclonal anti-VEGF antibody titer was measured using an indirect peptide-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with a Bovine serum albumin (BSA)-conjugated peptide. Findings: According to bioinformatic findings, the selected 41-aminoacid sequence did not show any similarity with other human proteins and revealed enough antigenicity to stimulate anti-tumor specific responses. A substantial increase of specific antibody titer was observed in vaccinated mice. Sodium dodecyl sulfatepolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) analysis of the BSA-conjugated peptide showed efficient coupling of the molecules. Optimization steps in ELISA procedures revealed that coating of microtiter plates with BSA-conjugated antigen provided more reproducible outcome than unconjugated peptide. Conclusion: Our results reinforce the potential of KLH-conjugated peptides for immunization and production of specific polyclonal antibodies against VEGF-A. Production of high-titer antibodies against this autoantigen indicates that the designed peptide-vaccine could be used as a potential immunogen for stimulation of humoral immune system in animal model. © 2016, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences(IUMS). All rights reserved

    Gravitating discs around black holes

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    Fluid discs and tori around black holes are discussed within different approaches and with the emphasis on the role of disc gravity. First reviewed are the prospects of investigating the gravitational field of a black hole--disc system by analytical solutions of stationary, axially symmetric Einstein's equations. Then, more detailed considerations are focused to middle and outer parts of extended disc-like configurations where relativistic effects are small and the Newtonian description is adequate. Within general relativity, only a static case has been analysed in detail. Results are often very inspiring, however, simplifying assumptions must be imposed: ad hoc profiles of the disc density are commonly assumed and the effects of frame-dragging and completely lacking. Astrophysical discs (e.g. accretion discs in active galactic nuclei) typically extend far beyond the relativistic domain and are fairly diluted. However, self-gravity is still essential for their structure and evolution, as well as for their radiation emission and the impact on the environment around. For example, a nuclear star cluster in a galactic centre may bear various imprints of mutual star--disc interactions, which can be recognised in observational properties, such as the relation between the central mass and stellar velocity dispersion.Comment: Accepted for publication in CQG; high-resolution figures will be available from http://www.iop.org/EJ/journal/CQ

    Pharmacology and Surface Electrostatics of the K Channel Outer Pore Vestibule

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    In spite of a generally well-conserved outer vestibule and pore structure, there is considerable diversity in the pharmacology of K channels. We have investigated the role of specific outer vestibule charged residues in the pharmacology of K channels using tetraethylammonium (TEA) and a trivalent TEA analog, gallamine. Similar to Shaker K channels, gallamine block of Kv3.1 channels was more sensitive to solution ionic strength than was TEA block, a result consistent with a contribution from an electrostatic potential near the blocking site. In contrast, TEA block of another type of K channel (Kv2.1) was insensitive to solution ionic strength and these channels were resistant to block by gallamine. Neutralizing either of two lysine residues in the outer vestibule of these Kv2.1 channels conferred ionic strength sensitivity to TEA block. Kv2.1 channels with both lysines neutralized were sensitive to block by gallamine, and the ionic strength dependence of this block was greater than that for TEA. These results demonstrate that Kv3.1 (like Shaker) channels contain negatively charged residues in the outer vestibule of the pore that influence quaternary ammonium pharmacology. The presence of specific lysine residues in wild-type Kv2.1 channels produces an outer vestibule with little or no net charge, with important consequences for quaternary ammonium block. Neutralizing these key lysines results in a negatively charged vestibule with pharmacological properties approaching those of other types of K channels

    Design, Analysis and Testing of a Novel Mitral Valve for Transcatheter Implantation

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    Mitral regurgitation is a common mitral valve dysfunction which may lead to heart failure. Because of the rapid aging of the population, conventional surgical repair and replacement of the pathological valve are often unsuitable for about half of symptomatic patients, who are judged high-risk. Transcatheter valve implantation could represent an effective solution. However, currently available aortic valve devices are inapt for the mitral position. This paper presents the design, development and hydrodynamic assessment of a novel bi-leaflet mitral valve suitable for transcatheter implantation. The device consists of two leaflets and a sealing component made from bovine pericardium, supported by a self-expanding wireframe made from superelastic NiTi alloy. A parametric design procedure based on numerical simulations was implemented to identify design parameters providing acceptable stress levels and maximum coaptation area for the leaflets. The wireframe was designed to host the leaflets and was optimised numerically to minimise the stresses for crimping in an 8 mm sheath for percutaneous delivery. Prototypes were built and their hydrodynamic performances were tested on a cardiac pulse duplicator, in compliance with the ISO5840-3:2013 standard. The numerical results and hydrodynamic tests show the feasibility of the device to be adopted as a transcatheter valve implant for treating mitral regurgitation

    Esophageal and Gastric Malignancies After Bariatric Surgery: a Retrospective Global Study

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    Background: Bariatric surgery can influence the presentation, diagnosis, and management of gastrointestinal cancers. Esophagogastric (EG) malignancies in patients who have had a prior bariatric procedure have not been fully characterized. Objective: To characterize EG malignancies after bariatric procedures. Setting: University Hospital, United Kingdom. Methods: We performed a retrospective, multicenter observational study of patients with EG malignancies after bariatric surgery to characterize this condition. Results: This study includes 170 patients from 75 centers in 25 countries who underwent bariatric procedures between 1985 and 2020. At the time of the bariatric procedure, the mean age was 50.2 ± 10 years, and the mean weight 128.8 ± 28.9 kg. Women composed 57.3% (n = 98) of the population. Most (n = 64) patients underwent a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) followed by adjustable gastric band (AGB; n = 46) and sleeve gastrectomy (SG; n = 43). Time to cancer diagnosis after bariatric surgery was 9.5 ± 7.4 years, and mean weight at diagnosis was 87.4 ± 21.9 kg. The time lag was 5.9 ± 4.1 years after SG compared to 9.4 ± 7.1 years after RYGB and 10.5 ± 5.7 years after AGB. One third of patients presented with metastatic disease. The majority of tumors were adenocarcinoma (82.9%). Approximately 1 in 5 patients underwent palliative treatment from the outset. Time from diagnosis to mortality was under 1 year for most patients who died over the intervening period. Conclusion: The Oesophago-Gastric Malignancies After Obesity/Bariatric Surgery study presents the largest series to date of patients developing EG malignancies after bariatric surgery and attempts to characterize this condition.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio