311 research outputs found

    Increase in environmental temperature affects exploratory behaviour, anxiety and social preference in Danio rerio

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    The aim of this work is to investigate the effect of a temperature increase on the behaviour of adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) maintained for 21 days at 34 °C (treatment) and 26 °C (control). The temperatures chosen are within the vital range of zebrafish and correspond to temperatures that this species encounters in the natural environment. Previous results showed that the same treatment affects the brain proteome and the behaviour of adult zebrafish by producing alterations in the proteins involved in neurotransmitter release and synaptic function and impairing fish exploratory behaviour. In this study, we have investigated the performance of treated and control zebrafish during environmental exploration by using four behavioural tests (novel tank diving, light and dark preference, social preference and mirror biting) that are paradigms for assessing the state of anxiety, boldness, social preference and aggressive behaviour, respectively. The results showed that heat treatment reduces anxiety and increases the boldness of zebrafish, which spent more time in potentially dangerous areas of the tank such as the top and the uncovered bright area and at a distance from the social group, thus decreasing protection for the zebrafish. These data suggest that the increase in ambient temperature may compromise zebrafish survival rate in the natural environment

    The Microsoft 2017 Conversational Speech Recognition System

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    We describe the 2017 version of Microsoft's conversational speech recognition system, in which we update our 2016 system with recent developments in neural-network-based acoustic and language modeling to further advance the state of the art on the Switchboard speech recognition task. The system adds a CNN-BLSTM acoustic model to the set of model architectures we combined previously, and includes character-based and dialog session aware LSTM language models in rescoring. For system combination we adopt a two-stage approach, whereby subsets of acoustic models are first combined at the senone/frame level, followed by a word-level voting via confusion networks. We also added a confusion network rescoring step after system combination. The resulting system yields a 5.1\% word error rate on the 2000 Switchboard evaluation set

    All Politics is Local: The Renminbi's Prospects as a Future Global Currency

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    . In this article we describe methods for improving the RWTH German speech recognizer used within the VERBMOBIL project. In particular, we present acceleration methods for the search based on both within-word and across-word phoneme models. We also study incremental methods to reduce the response time of the online speech recognizer. Finally, we present experimental off-line results for the three VERBMOBIL scenarios. We report on word error rates and real-time factors for both speaker independent and speaker dependent recognition. 1 Introduction The goal of the VERBMOBIL project is to develop a speech-to-speech translation system that performs close to real-time. In this system, speech recognition is followed by subsequent VERBMOBIL modules (like syntactic analysis and translation) which depend on the recognition result. Therefore, in this application it is particularly important to keep the recognition time as short as possible. There are VERBMOBIL modules which are capable to work ..

    Effects of the abrupt switch from solution tomodified-release granule formulation of valproate

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    Background - A new modified-release (MR) granule formulation of valproate (VPA) has been recently developed for the treatment of children with epilepsy. It consists of tasteless microspheres that can be sprinkled on soft foods and easily swallowed. There are no data on the effectiveness of this formulation in pediatric age. Aim of the study -To evaluate the effects of the abrupt switch from solution to VPA MR granules in children undergoing chronic treatment. Methods -We enrolled children receiving VPA solution as sole or adjunctive therapy and switched them to MR granules at identical dosages. VPA blood level, treatment efficacy (clinical and EEG data), tolerability (adverse reactions), palatability, ease of administration, and compliance were evaluated before switching (T0) and after 4 weeks (T1). Results -Out of 112 enrolled children, 108 (96.4%) completed the evaluation. We observed no significant differences between the patients at T0 and T1 in VPA blood levels, treatment efficacy, tolerability, and compliance. MR granules were judged more palatable (P < 0.05) and easier to administer (P < 0.05) than solution by children and parents. At 6-month follow-up, all patients continued to use MR granules. Conclusion -Modified-release granule formulation of VPA may be a reliable alternative to solution for its convenience of use

    Environmental temperature variation affects brain protein expression and cognitive abilities in adult zebrafish (Danio rerio): A proteomic and behavioural study.

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    Water temperature is an important environmental parameter influencing the distribution and the health of fishes and it plays a central role in ectothermic animals. The aim of this study is to determine the effects of environmental temperature on the brain proteome and the behavioural responses in zebrafish, a widely used animal model for environmental "omics" studies. Adult specimens of wild-type zebrafish were kept at 18 °C, 34 °C and 26 °C (control) for 21 days. Proteomic data revealed that several proteins involved in cytoskeletal organization, mitochondrial regulation and energy metabolism are differently regulated at the extreme temperatures. In particular, the expression of proteins associated to synapses and neurotransmitter release is down-regulated at 18 °C and 34 °C. In both thermal conditions, fish exhibited a reduced interest for the novel environment and an impairment of cognitive abilities during Y-Maze behavioural tests. The observed pathways of protein expression are possibly associated to functional alterations of the synaptic transmission that may result in cognitive functions impairment at central nervous system level as those revealed by behavioural tests. This study indicates that temperature variations can elicit biochemical changes that may affect fish health and behaviour. This combined approach provides insights into mechanisms supporting thermal acclimation and plasticity in fishes. SIGNIFICANCE: Environmental temperature variation may impact on all levels of biological life. Understanding the impact of thermal variation on the nervous system and animal behaviour is of primary importance since the results obtained can be applied from the ecological to the biomedical fields

    Brain Proteome and Behavioural Analysis in Wild Type, BDNF+/− and BDNF−/− Adult Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Exposed to Two Different Temperatures

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    Experimental evidence suggests that environmental stress conditions can alter the expression of BDNF and that the expression of this neurotrophin influences behavioural responses in mammalian models. It has been recently demonstrated that exposure to 34 degrees C for 21 days alters the brain proteome and behaviour in zebrafish. The aim of this work was to investigate the role of BDNF in the nervous system of adult zebrafish under control and heat treatment conditions. For this purpose, zebrafish from three different genotypes (wild type, heterozygous BDNF+/- and knock out BDNF-/-) were kept for 21 days at 26 degrees C or 34 degrees C and then euthanized for brain molecular analyses or subjected to behavioural tests (Y-maze test, novel tank test, light and dark test, social preference test, mirror biting test) for assessing behavioural aspects such as boldness, anxiety, social preference, aggressive behaviour, interest for the novel environment and exploration. qRT-PCR analysis showed the reduction of gene expression of BDNF and its receptors after heat treatment in wild type zebrafish. Moreover, proteomic analysis and behavioural tests showed genotype- and temperature-dependent effects on brain proteome and behavioural responding. Overall, the absent expression of BDNF in KO alters (1) the brain proteome by reducing the expression of proteins involved in synapse functioning and neurotransmitter-mediated transduction; (2) the behaviour, which can be interpreted as bolder and less anxious and (3) the cellular and behavioural response to thermal treatment

    Acute environmental temperature variation affects brain protein expression, anxiety and explorative behaviour in adult zebrafish

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    This study investigated the effect of 4-d acute thermal treatments at 18 \ub0C, 26 \ub0C (control) and 34 \ub0C on the nervous system of adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) using a multidisciplinary approach based on behavioural tests and brain proteomic analysis. The behavioural variations induced by thermal treatment were investigated using five different tests, the novel tank diving, light and dark preference, social preference, mirror biting, and Y-Maze tests, which are standard paradigms specifically tailored for zebrafish to assess their anxiety-like behaviour, boldness, social preference, aggressiveness, and explorative behaviour, respectively. Proteomic data revealed that several proteins involved in energy metabolism, messenger RNA translation, protein synthesis, folding and degradation, cytoskeleton organisation and synaptic vesiculation are regulated differently at extreme temperatures. The results showed that anxiety-like behaviours increase in zebrafish at 18 \ub0C compared to those at 26 \ub0C or 34 \ub0C, whereas anxiety-related protein signalling pathways are downregulated. Moreover, treatments at both 18 \ub0C and 34 \ub0C affect the exploratory behaviour that appears not to be modulated by past experiences, suggesting the impairment of fish cognitive abilities. This study is the continuation of our previous work on the effect of 21-d chronic treatment at the same constant temperature level and will enable the comparison of acute and chronic treatment effects on the nervous system function in adult zebrafish

    Sub-picomolar relaxin signalling by a pre-assembled RXFP1, AKAP79, AC2, β-arrestin 2, PDE4D3 complex

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    This study defines a new paradigm for cAMP signalling, namely sub-picomolar response to relaxin through a pre-assembled signalling complex. It therefore extends the complexity of GPCR-signalling, despite the fact that future work will have to proof whether pre-assembled complexes represent a widespread phenomenon