52 research outputs found

    Perubahan Sifat Fisika Tanah pada Berbagai Interval Pemberian Air, Pelumpuran dan Pengapuran pada Entisol Guntarano

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    Tanah merupakan media tumbuh bagi tanaman untuk tegak dan tumbuh. Tanah yang produktif adalah tanah yang dapat menyediakan lingkungan yang baik bagi pertumbuhan akar tanaman seperti ketersediaan air, temperatur, aerasi dan struktur yang baik disamping sebagai penyedia unsur hara. Ketersediaan air dan bahan organik yang rendah merupakan masalah pada tanah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan Perubahan sifat fisika Entisol Guntarano sebagai pengaruh perlakuan interval pemberian air, pelumpuran dan pengapuran. Tempat pelaksanaan penelitian di Rumah Kaca dan untuk analisis tanah dan tanaman dilakukan di Laboratorium Ilmu tanah Fakultas Pertanian, Program Studi Agroteknologi, Universitas Tadulako, Palu. Pelaksanaan penelitian dimulai dari bulan Maret 2012 sampai September 2012. Bahan-bahan yang digunakan adalah tanahdari Desa Guntarano, Kecamatan Tana Ntovea. Benih bawang merah lokal palu, Pupuk urea 0,5 g pot-1 dan sejumlah zat-zat kimia di laboratorium. Adapun alat yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi cangkul, ayakan, pot, loyang, benang, label, spidol, penetrometer, mistar, alat tulis menulis serta seperangkat alat-alat laboraturium. Penelitian rumah kaca ini menggunakan rancangan petak terbagi terpecah (split-split plot design) pola faktorial dengan tiga perlakuan yaitu pelumpuran, pengapuran dan interval pemberian air. Berdasarkan hasil Perlakuan pelumpuran 2 kali dengan pemberian kapur satu kali setara 50 g pot-1 memperoleh nilai tertinggi pada pengamatan bulk density yaitu 1,427 (kg dm-3), Perlakuan interval pemberian air 2 hari tanpa pelumpuran memperoleh nilai tertinggi pada pengamatan konduktifitas hidrolik yaitu 10,332 (cm jam-1)

    Pengaruh Insentif terhadap Kinerja Karyawan di Coal Mining Departmen PT Kaltim Prima Coal Sangatta - Kutai Timur

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    Firman Alamsyah , Faculty of Economics, University of Samarinda August 17, 1945 " Effect of Incentives on Employee Performance in Coal Mining Department PT . Kaltim Prima Coal Sengata " .Work incentives is a tribute in the form of money given by companies to employees so that they work with high motivation and achievement in achieving corporate goals .Employee Incentive Scheme PT . KPC 2010 has been approved by shareholders and are happy that the incentives are available for 2010 may reach 600 % of base salary or more if some production targets are met , employees come to work regularly and work safely . Payable on a quarterly basis , the number can reach 150 % of basic salary for each kwartalnya , Improvement of such a large number of incentives in 2010 reflects the philosophy of the new shareholders to give a larger share to the employees motivatedThe hypothesis that the writer can convey is suspected Are Incentives significant effect on the Effect of Incentives on Employee Performance in Coal Mining Department PT . Kaltim Prima Coal Sangatta , development can be seen the number of working hours (working hours ) of January 2009 through the end of June 2012 continues to increase .The analysis showed that the average ratio of employees of PT growth incentives . Kaltim Prima Coal dive outside banks of 2009 to second quarter of 2012 by using a uniform unit of measurement is used , then used the formula ( the formula ) , namely : ( tn - t n - 1 ) : t n - 1 with a unit of measurement percentage ( % ) . The results of the analysis of the growth of the quarter amounted to 10.21 % . The highest growth of 84.17 % incentive in the fourth quarter of 2010 - I 2011 . While incentives lowest growth in the first quarter - II 2003 amounted to -7.95 % . Average growth ratio of working hours of employees on Coal Mining Department PT . KPC Sangatta during the first quarter of 2009 - II 2012 is 4.73 % , the highest achieved growth in hours worked was 46.93 % in the fourth quarter of 2011 - the first of 2012, while the lowest pertumbuahn working hours amounted to -7.95 % in the first quarter - II in 2011 . By using linear regression analysis method , Y = a + bX , the value of the regression coefficient incentive variable ( X ) is equal to 0.248 , 0.885 and its constant is then obtained by the following linear regression equation : Y = 0.248 + 0.885 X. In the above can be interpreted any changes to variable incentives ( X ) has a positive effect on the impact of changes in working hours . The results of the analysis of the standardized coefficient incentive variable ( X ) is equal to 0.860 of the value of the standardized variables above, it can be stated that the response variable incentives have a positive effect on working hours / working spirit . Based on the above explanation , the hypothesis stated that incentives significantly influence employee morale in Heavy Equipment Maintenance PT . Kaltim Prima Coal Sengata is correct and acceptable

    Analisis Akar Penyebab Masalah dalam Meningkatkan Overall Equipment Effectiveness (Oee) Mesin Stripping Hipack III dan Unimach di PT Pfi

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    . Overall Equipment Efectiveness (OEE) is a calculation method used inTotal Productive Maintenance (TPM) to maximize the effectiveness of machinesin industrial facilities. OEE value is determined by availability rate, performancerate and quality rate. Low OEE of the Hipack III and UNIMACH strippingmachine at PT Promedrahardjo Pharmaceutical industry identified the loweffectiveness of the machine. The aim of research is to improve the effectivenessof the machine by increasing its OEE value. The analytical method used is theanalysis of six big losses, fishbone diagrams, and pareto diagram. The results ofthe research show that the six big losses dominant factors in the machine aredowntime and speedlosses. The focused improvements on minimazing it factorsincrease the OEE machines

    Peran PPAT dalam Penerapan Self Assessment System pada Penghitungan Bea Perolehan Hak Atas Tanah dan Bangunan (BPHTB) Pasca Terbitnya Surat Edaran Kepala Badan Pertanahan Nasional Studi di Kota Batu

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    This journal discusses the role of the Land Deed Officer (PPAT) in Application of Self Assessment System on Calculation of Tax on Acquisition of Land and Building (BPHTB) after the publication of Circular Head of National Land Agency studies in Batu. The background of this journal is due to a phenomenon that occurs that taxpayer surrender to the calculation and payment BPHTB PPAT. In an effort to know PPAT Role in the Implementation of Self Assessment System on Calculation of Tax on Acquisition of Land and Building (BPHTB) after the publication of Circular Head of National Land Agency studies in Batu, the author uses the theory of authority and legal certainty theory with empirical law research. Based on the brief description of the author answers to the problems that exist, that in the case of Calculation and Payment of BPHTB is not included in the authority Absolute of Officer Deed Land (PPAT) that need to be made of a formulation for the underlying acts committed Officer Deed Land (PPAT) as support of the profession Key words: PPAT, Self Assessment System, (BPHTB) Abstrak Jurnal ini membahas Peran Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah (PPAT) dalam Penerapan Self Assessment System pada Penghitungan Bea Perolehan Hak atas Tanah dan Bangunan (BPHTB) pasca terbitnya Surat Edaran Kepala Badan Pertanahan Nasional studi di Kota Batu. Latar belakang dari penulisan jurnal ini dikarenakan adanya fenomena yang terjadi bahwa Wajib Pajak memasrahkan penghitungan serta pembayaran BPHTB kepada PPAT. Tujuan penulisan jurnal ini adalah untuk mengetahui Peran PPAT dalam Penerapan Self Assessment System pada Penghitungan Bea Perolehan Hak atas Tanah dan Bangunan (BPHTB) pasca terbitnya Surat Edaran Kepala Badan Pertanahan Nasional studi di Kota Batu, penulis menggunakan Teori kewenangan dan teori kepastian hukum dengan jenis penelitian hukum empiris. Berdasarkan uraian singkat tersebut penulis memperoleh jawaban atas permasalahan yang ada, bahwa dalam hal Penghitungan dan Pembayaran BPHTB adalah bukan termasuk kewenangan Mutlak dari Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah (PPAT) sehingga perlu dibuat sebuah formulasi untuk mendasari perbuatan yang dilakukan Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah (PPAT) sebagai penunjang dari profesinya. Kata kunci: PPAT, Self Assessment System, BPHT

    Pengaruh Lingkungan Kampus dan Pembelajaran Kewirausahaan terhadap Keinginan Berwirausaha (Technopreneur) pada Mahasiswa

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    Salah satu cara untuk mengatasi pengangguran adalah mendorong pertumbuhan kewirausahaan. Untuk mendorong pertumbuhan kewirausahaan, dan tentunya mengurangi pengangguran terbuka pendidikan Diploma,Sarjana dan Pascasarjana, pihak perguruan tinggi bertanggung jawab dalam mendidik dan memberikan kemampuan berwirausaha serta memberikan motivasi kepada lulusannya agar memilih berwirausaha sebagai karirnya dan memiliki intensi untuk memulai USAha serta memiliki kesiapan dalam hal pengetahuan kewirausahaan. Salah satunya yaitu dengan menambahkan pembelajaran (entrepreneurship) sabagai mata kuliah wajib di setiap programstudi bagi mahasiswa yang bertujuan untuk menumbuhkan pengetahuan bahwa berwirausaha harus memiliki prinsip serta kepercayaan diri yang kuat. Perguruan tinggi berbasis teknologi komputer, pengetahuan tentang enterpreneurship bertujuan untuk menghasilkan lulusan berjiwa wirausaha di bidang informatika yang mampu bersaing secara global, juga mendorong intensi berwirausaha berbasis teknologi (technopreneurship). Metode pengumpulan data yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini dengan metode survei.Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah purposive sampling. Berdasarkan uji di lingkungan kampus, pembelajaran kewirausahaan dan keinginan wirausaha, data menunjukkan valid dan realibel

    Pengaruh Kekasaran Permukaan Terhadap Porositas Hasil Hot Dipped Galvanizing (HDG)

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    The process of Hot Dipped Galvanizing (HDG) is done in this study in order to cover steel AISI 1010. This study is aimed at investigating the influence of the variation of roughness level of specimen towards the layer thickness and the porosity of the hot dipped galvanizing of steel AISI 1010. The level of roughness of the specimen is obtained from grinding on grid 100, 500, 800, and 1000. This process causes difference in the roughness of the surface which is measured by using the Surface Roughness Test. The controlled variable is dipping temperature of 480oC. The time of hot dipped galvanizing is 6 minutes, while the time of grinding is 3 minutes. The test done in this study is non destructive test with spray test. The result showed that the porosity increased as the function of the roughness
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