208 research outputs found


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    Latar Belakang: Stres adalah ketegangan emosional dan fisik yang dapat mempengaruhi performa akademik dan kesejahteraan mahasiswa keperawatan disebabkan oleh kita sebagai respon terhadap tekanan dari luar.Ini adalah respon khusus tubuh untuk stimulasi yang mengganggu fungsi normal.Pada masa penyebaran virus corona (Covid-19) yang terjadi saat ini ternyata menimbulkan dampak tersendiri pada sektor pendidikan di Indonesia. Hal inilah yang kemudian membuat sejumlah perguruan tinggi harus menghentikan proses kegiatan belajar mengajar (KBM) secara tatap muka di dalam kelas dan menyelenggarakan pembelajaran jarak jauh.Pembelajaran secara daring dianggap menjadi solusi terbaik terhadap kegiatan belajar mengajar di tengah pandemi Covid-19. Pembelajaran secara daring (dalam jaringan) merupakan penerapan dari pendidikan jarak jauh. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi tingkat stres mahasiswa Prodi Ners dalam menghadapi pembelajaran daring di STIKes Santa Elisabeth Medan. Metode: Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dan teknik pengambilan sampel yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini menggunakan teknik total sampling. Hasil: Diperoleh data bahwa mayoritas umur responden adalah 19 tahun sebanyak 40 orang (50%), minoritas umur responden adalah >19 tahun sebanyak 17 orang (21,3%). Mayoritas jenis kelamin responden adalah perempuan sebanyak 71 orang (88,8%) dan minoritas jenis kelamin responden adalah laki laki sebanyak 9 orang (11,3%). Berdasarkan tingkat stres mayoritas mengalami stres berat sebanyak 44 orang (55%) dan minoritas mengalami stres ringan sebanyak 7 orang (8,8). Kesimpulan: Dalam penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa tingkat stress dialami mahasiswa/I Ners tingkat II STIKes Santa Elisabeth Medan mayoritas mengalami stress berat sebanyak 44 orang (55%)

    Black Hole Search in Dynamic Tori

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    We investigate the black hole search problem by a set of mobile agents in a dynamic torus. Black hole is defined to be a dangerous stationary node which has the capability to destroy any number of incoming agents without leaving any trace of its existence. A torus of size n×mn\times m (3≤n≤m3\leq n \leq m) is a collection of nn row rings and mm column rings, and the dynamicity is such that each ring is considered to be 1-interval connected, i.e., in other words at most one edge can be missing from each ring at any round. The parameters which define the efficiency of any black hole search algorithm are: the number of agents and the number of rounds (or \textit{time}) for termination. We consider two initial configurations of mobile agents: first, the agents are co-located and second, the agents are scattered. In each case, we establish lower and upper bounds on the number of agents and on the amount of time required to solve the black hole search problem

    Black Hole Search in Dynamic Cactus Graph

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    We study the problem of black hole search by a set of mobile agents, where the underlying graph is a dynamic cactus. A black hole is a dangerous vertex in the graph that eliminates any visiting agent without leaving any trace behind. Key parameters that dictate the complexity of finding the black hole include: the number of agents required (termed as \textit{size}), the number of moves performed by the agents in order to determine the black hole location (termed as \textit{move}) and the \textit{time} (or round) taken to terminate. This problem has already been studied where the underlying graph is a dynamic ring \cite{di2021black}. In this paper, we extend the same problem to a dynamic cactus. We introduce two categories of dynamicity, but still the underlying graph needs to be connected: first, we examine the scenario where, at most, one dynamic edge can disappear or reappear at any round. Secondly, we consider the problem for at most kk dynamic edges. In both scenarios, we establish lower and upper bounds for the necessary number of agents, moves and rounds.Comment: This paper recently got accepted in WALCOM 202

    Thermal properties of fluorinated graphene

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    Large scale atomistic simulations using the reactive force field approach (ReaxFF) are implemented to investigate the thermomechanical properties of fluorinated graphene (FG). A new set of parameters for the reactive force field potential (ReaxFF) optimized to reproduce key quantum mechanical properties of relevant carbon-fluor cluster systems are presented. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are used to investigate the thermal rippling behavior of FG and its mechanical properties and compare them with graphene (GE), graphane (GA) and a sheet of BN. The mean square value of the height fluctuations and the height-height correlation function H(q)H(q) for different system sizes and temperatures show that FG is an un-rippled system in contrast to the thermal rippling behavior of graphene (GE). The effective Young's modulus of a flake of fluorinated graphene is obtained to be 273 N/m and 250 N/m for a flake of FG under uniaxial strain along arm-chair and zig-zag direction, respectively.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Efek Residu Kompos Tandan Kosong Keplapa Sawit Setelah Penanaman Kedelai Edamame Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Bawang Merah (Allium Ascalonicum L.)

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    The research entitled Residual effects of Empty Palm Bunches compost (EPB) after planting edamame soybean on growth and production of onion (Allium ascalonicum L.). This research aims to determine the residual effects of EPB compost on growth and production of onion (Allium ascalonicumL.). This research use completely randomized design (CRD) which consists 4 treatments that is EPB compost residue with a dose of 5 ton/ha (K1), EPB compost residue with dose of 10 ton/ ha (K2), EPB compost residue with dose of 15 ton/ha (K3) and EPB compost residue with dose of 20 ton/ha (K4) that each treatment consisted 4 replications, then obtain 16 units of trial. Parameters measured were the number of leaves per clump, the number of tubers per clump, tuber fresh weight per clump, circumference of tubers, plant dry weight and shelf tubers dry weight. The results show that the residual effects of the EPB compost treatment after planting edamame soybean significantly affected on number of leaves per clump, the number of tubers per clump, tuber fresh weight per clump, circumference of tubers, plant dry weight and shelf tubers dry weight of onion. The best growth and production of onion obtained by USAge of EPB compost residue with dose of 20 ton/ha

    Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Interactions between Platinum Clusters and Carbon Platelets

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    Molecular dynamics simulations have been performed with two reactive force fields to investigate the structure of a Pt_(100) cluster adsorbed on the three distinct sides of a carbon platelet. A revised Reax force field for the carbon−platinum system is presented. In the simulations, carbon platelet edges both with and without hydrogen termination have been studied. It is found that the initial mismatch between the atomic structure of the platelet egde and the adsorbed face of the Pt_(100) cluster leads to a desorption of a few platinum atoms from the cluster and the subsequent restructuring of the cluster. Consequently, the average Pt−Pt bond length is enlarged in agreement with experimental results. This change in the bond length is supposed to play an important role in the enhancement of the catalytic activity, which is demonstrated by studying the changes in the bond order of the platinum atoms. We found an overall shift to lower values as well as a loss of the well-defined peak structure in the bond-order distribution
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