712 research outputs found

    Radio light curves during the passage of cloud G2 near Sgr A*

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    We calculate radio light curves produced by the bow shock that is likely to form in front of the G2 cloud when it penetrates the accretion disk of Sgr A*. The shock acceleration of the radio-emitting electrons is captured self-consistently by means of first-principles particle-in-cell simulations. We show that the radio luminosity is expected to reach maximum in early 2013, roughly a month after the bow shock crosses the orbit pericenter. We estimate the peak radio flux at 1.4 GHz to be 1.4 - 22 Jy depending on the assumed orbit orientation and parameters. We show that the most promising frequencies for radio observations are in the 0.1<nu<1 GHz range, for which the bow shock emission will be much stronger than the intrinsic radio flux for all the models considered.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Contenido de Cadmio y Plomo en tejido de Hígado y Riñón en el Jote de Cabeza Colorada Cathartes aura (Linneo, 1758) de Chañaral, Desierto de Atacama, Chile

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    Indexación: Web of Science; ScieloThe Atacama region, Chile, presents one of the highest levels of mining exploitation of the country, which leads to high levels of contamination from mine tailings and other related environmental liabilities. One of the most complex situations occurred in the Chañaral city, north of Chile, where for over 50 years mine tailings were dumped on the coast, causing severe damage in the ecosystem. To evaluate the effects on terrestrial biota, we analyzed the concentration of cadmium and lead in tissues of Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura). The results indicate that accumulation of cadmium in kidney was 10.31 μg/g (SD 8.00, range 0.27 to 20.73 μg/g) while in the liver was 5.24 μg/g (SD 8.00, range 0.49 to 19.70). There values are very high when compared to data for other birds with similar ecological role. In relation to the lead, concentration in liver was 0.86 μg/g (SD 2.03, range 0.15 - 7.90), while in kidney was 1.05 μg/g (DS 2.54, range 0.044 to 9.86), values considered within the normal range. It is interesting to analyze from the perspective of the availability of these metals in the mining tailings, where lead (1.57 to 21.2 μg/g) presented higher levels than cadmium (0.061 to 1.085 μg/g). The difference between organs may be related to the role of metallothionein. We discuss the role of Turkey Vulture as a bioindicator of environmental liabilities.La Región de Atacama, Chile, presenta uno de los mayores niveles de explotación minera del país, el cual a su vez genera altos niveles de contaminación por relaves mineros y otros pasivos ambientales relacionados. Una de las más complejas situaciones ocurrió en la ciudad de Chañaral, norte de Chile, donde fueron liberados relaves mineros a sus costas por sobre 50 años, causando graves daños en el ecosistema. Para evaluar los efectos en la biota terrestre, nosotros analizamos la concentración de Cadmio y Plomo en tejidos del Jote de Cabeza Colorada (Cathartes aura). Los resultados indican que la acumulación de Cadmio en el Riñón fue 10,31 μg/g (DS 8,00, rango 0,27 a 20,73 μg/g) mientras en el Hígado fue 5,24 μg/g (DS 8,00, rango 0,49 a 19,70). Estos valores son muy altos si se compara con datos de otras aves de similar rol ecológico. En relación al Plomo, la concentración en Hígado fue de 0,86 μg/g (DS 2,03, rango 0,15 a 7,90), mientras que en Riñón fue de 1,05 μg/g (DS 2,54, rango 0,044 a 9,86), valores considerados dentro del rango normal. Estos resultados son interesantes de analizar desde la perspectiva de la disponibilidad de estos metales en el relave minero, donde el Plomo (1,57 a 21,2 μg/g) presentó mayores niveles que el Cadmio (0,061 a 1,085 μg/g). La diferencia entre órganos puede ser relacionado al rol de las metalotioneinas. Discutimos el rol del Jote de Cabeza Colorada como bioindicador de contaminaciones ambientales.http://ref.scielo.org/86hcb

    Combinatorial protein–protein interactions on a polymerizing scaffold

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    Scaffold proteins organize cellular processes by bringing signaling molecules into interaction, sometimes by forming large signalosomes. Several of these scaffolds are known to polymerize. Their assemblies should therefore not be understood as stoichiometric aggregates, but as combinatorial ensembles. We analyze the combinatorial interaction of ligands loaded on polymeric scaffolds, in both a continuum and discrete setting, and compare it with multivalent scaffolds with fixed number of binding sites. The quantity of interest is the abundance of ligand interaction possibilities—the catalytic potential Q—in a configurational mixture. Upon increasing scaffold abundance, scaffolding systems are known to first increase opportunities for ligand interaction and then to shut them down as ligands become isolated on distinct scaffolds. The polymerizing system stands out in that the dependency of Q on protomer concentration switches from being dominated by a first order to a second order term within a range determined by the polymerization affinity. This behavior boosts Q beyond that of any multivalent scaffold system. In addition, the subsequent drop-off is considerably mitigated in that Q decreases with half the power in protomer concentration than for any multivalent scaffold. We explain this behavior in terms of how the concentration profile of the polymer-length distribution adjusts to changes in protomer concentration and affinity. The discrete case turns out to be similar, but the behavior can be exaggerated at small protomer numbers because of a maximal polymer size, analogous to finite-size effects in bond percolation on a lattice

    First insights on Lake General Carrera/Buenos Aires/Chelenko water balance

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    Lago General Carrera (Chile) also called Lago Buenos Aires (Argentina) or originally Chelenko by the native habitants of the region is located in Patagonia on the Chilean-Argentinean border. It is the largest lake in Chile with a surface area of 1850 km&lt;sup&gt;2&lt;/sup&gt;. The lake is of glacial/tectonic origin and surrounded by the Andes mountain range. The lake drains primarily to the Pacific Ocean to the west, through the Baker River (one of Chile's largest rivers), and intermittently eastward to the Atlantic Ocean. We report ongoing results from an investigation of the seasonal hydrological cycle of the lake basin. The contribution by river input through snowmelt from the Andes is of primary importance, though the lack of water input by ungaged rivers is also critical. We present the main variables involved in the water balance of Lake General Carrera/Buenos Aires/Chelenko, such as influent and effluent river flows, precipitation, and evaporation, all this based mostly in in-situ information

    On the Secondary Eyewall Formation of Hurricane Edouard (2014)

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    A first observationally-based estimation of departures from gradient wind balance during secondary eyewall formation is presented. The study is based on the Atlantic Hurricane Edouard (2014). This storm was observed during the National Aeronautics and Space Administrations (NASA) Hurricane and Severe Storm Sentinel (HS3) experiment, a field campaign conducted in collaboration with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). A total of 135 dropsondes are analyzed in two separate time periods: one named the secondary eyewall formation period and the other one referred to as the decaying-double eyewalled storm period. During the secondary eyewall formation period, a time when the storm was observed to have only one eyewall, the diagnosed agradient force has a secondary maxima that coincides with the radial location of the secondary eyewall observed in the second period of study. The maximum spin up tendency of the radial influx of absolute vertical vorticity is within the boundary layer in the region of the eyewall of the storm and the spin up tendency structure elongates radially outward into the secondary region of supergradient wind, where the secondary wind maxima is observed in the second period of study. An analysis of the boundary layer averaged vertical structure of equivalent potential temperature reveals a conditionally unstable environment in the secondary eyewall formation region. These findings support the hypothesis that deep convective activity in this region contributed to spin up of the boundary layer tangential winds and the formation of a secondary eyewall that is observed during the decaying-double eyewalled storm period