8 research outputs found

    New Scymnus (Pullus)-species (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) from Uganda

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    Three new species of Ugandan Kibale forest are described, figured and compared with closely related species: Scymnus (Pullus) auritoides sp. n., S. (Pullus) fumosipennis sp. n. and S. (Pullus) siphonofissus sp. n. S. (Pullus) nigropectus Mader is redescribed, based on new material. New synonyms: S. mundus Mader is a younger synonym of S. nigrosellatus Mader and S. couturieri Chazeau is a synonym of S. majeri Fürsch

    Die afrikanischen Arten der Scymnus fronfalis-Gruppe (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae)

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    This article is mainly based on the collections of M. Nummelin in Kibale forest, Uganda. The new species Scymnus danielssoni, S. kibaliensis and S. nummelini are described and compared with the closely related S. capicola, S. cyclicus, S. declaratus, S. demeteri, S. kibonotensis, S. patruelis , S. scapuliþrus and S. simulans. S. congoanus Mader is a new synonym of S. kibonotensis Weise. Male genitals and outlines of the species are figured and a pictorial key is given

    Neue palaearktische und afrikanische Coccinellidae (Coleoptera).

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    In dieser Arbeit werden vor allem von älteren Autoren als neu erkannte und i. l. benannte, aber nicht beschriebene, Arten beschrieben (Scymnus formosanus, togoensis, Novius nigerrimus, Ortalia prosternalis), bzw. wird auf die Identität mit bereits von anderen Autoren beschriebenen Arten hingewiesen. Außerdem werden zwei neue, von Hans Knorr, Stuttgart, während der Expedition Prof. Eisentraut am Kamerunberg (Westafrika) gesammelte Arten (Afissa impatiens, Thea machatschkei) beschrieben.Nomenklatorische Handlungenimpatiens Fürsch, 1960 (Afissa), spec. n.nigerrimus Fürsch, 1960 (Novius), spec. n.prosternalis Fürsch, 1960 (Ortalia), spec. n.formosanus Fürsch, 1960 (Scymnus (s. str.)), spec. n.togoensis Fürsch, 1960 (Scymnus (s. str.)), spec. n.machatschkei Fürsch, 1960 (Thea), spec. n.Some Coccinellid species named in litteris by Weise and Korschefsky but not published are described here (Scymnus jormosanus, togoensis, Novius nigerrimus, Ortalia prosternalis), or referred to the identity with species already described by other authors. Two more species collected by Hans Knorr/Stuttgart during Prof. Eisentraut's expedition to Camerun mountain (Afissa impatiens, Thea machatschkei) are described as new.Nomenclatural Actsimpatiens Fürsch, 1960 (Afissa), spec. n.nigerrimus Fürsch, 1960 (Novius), spec. n.prosternalis Fürsch, 1960 (Ortalia), spec. n.formosanus Fürsch, 1960 (Scymnus (s. str.)), spec. n.togoensis Fürsch, 1960 (Scymnus (s. str.)), spec. n.machatschkei Fürsch, 1960 (Thea), spec. n

    Die GattungLotis MULSANT (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae)

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    Scymnus (Sidis) hiekei Fursch, als Feind vonPseudococcus citri Risso

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    FIGURE 28 in Review of the tribe Hyperaspidini Mulsant (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) from Iran

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    FIGURE 28. Distribution of Hyperaspis species in Iran. Abbreviations used: Hyperapsis concolor: Cn, H. duvergeri: Dv, H. femorata: Fm, H. quadrimaculata: Qd, H. histeroides: Ht, H.marmottani: Mm, H. persica: Ps, H. polita: Po, H. reppensis: Rp, H. syriaca: Sy, H. transversoguttata: Ts, H. vinciguerrae: Vc