20 research outputs found

    Nanoparticle displacement assay with electrochemical nanopore-based sensors

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    The proof of concept of a nanoparticle displacement assay that enables the use of large diameter nanopores for the detection of targets of smaller molecular dimensions is presented. We hypothesized that an inherent signal amplification should arise from the selective displacement of nanoparticles preloaded in a nanopore by a much smaller molecular target. The method is demonstrated using peptide nucleic acid (PNA)-functionalized gold nanopore arrays in which short DNA-modified gold nanoparticles are anchored by weak interaction. Complementary microRNAs are detected via the resistance change caused by competitive displacement of nanoparticles from the PNA-functionalized nanopores

    Millimeter wave detection by thermopile antenna

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    AbstractIn this paper a novel MEMS thermopile structure is proposed, which consist of linearly arranged p- and n- type polysilicon strips instead of the conventional loop-like configuration. It is shown that these devices sense the millimeter wave radiation beyond the infrared. The polarity and frequency dependence of the sensitivity prove that these strips behave as absorbing antennas towards the microwave/millimeter wave radiation. The induced current is calculated having a maximum in the geometrical center of the antenna, exactly at the position where the hot end of the thermopair is located. The measured responsitivities to direct heating, infrared radiation, 13 GHz microwave radiation and 100 GHz millimeter-wave radiation are presented

    A bükkfatapló [Fomes fomentarius (L. ex. Fr.) Kickx.] bogárfaunisztikai vizsgálata Magyarországon

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    Magyarországon a taplógombák bogárközössége kevéssé ismert, annak ellenére, hogy fajgazdag, specialista együttesek kötődnek hozzájuk. Vizsgálataink során 2010 és 2013 között az ország 27 településének környékéről gyűjtöttünk be 193 termőtestet. A vizsgálattal a Fomes fomentarius (L. ex. Fr.) Kickx. magyarországi bogárközösségének feltárása, megismerése volt a célunk. A gyűjtés során a termőtestekből összesen 4726 bogáregyedet neveltük ki, amelyből 4703 egyedet sikerült faj szinten meghatározni. Összesen 27 faj jelenlétét tudtuk kimutatni. Egy részük tipikusan a bükkfataplóhoz kötődik (pl.: Bolitophagus reticulatus), de találtunk ragadozó életmódú fajt is (pl.: Bitoma crenata). A legnagyobb egyedszámban a Ciidae családba tartozó Rhopalodontus perforatust neveltük ki, amelyet a B. reticulatus és a Cis castaneus követett. A holtfák visszahagyása napjainkban egyre nagyobb jelentőséggel bír, így az ezeket lebontó taplógombák, valamint a hozzájuk kapcsolódó rovarközösségek vizsgálata az erdei ökoszisztémák alaposabb megismerése szempontjából elengedhetetlen

    Capitation based financing hampers the provision of preventive services in primary health care

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    Mortality caused by non-communicable diseases has been extremely high in Hungary which can largely be attributed to not performed preventive examinations (PE) at the level of primary health care (PHC). Both structures and financial incentives are lacking which could support the provision of legally defined PEs.A Model Programme was launched in Hungary in 2012 to adapt the recommendations for PHC of the World Health Organization. A baseline survey was carried out to describe the occurrence of not performed PEs.A sample of 4320 adults representative for Hungary by age and gender was surveyed. 12 PEs to be performed in PHC as specified by a governmental decree were investigated and quantified. Not performed PEs per person per year with 95% confidence intervals were computed for age, gender, and education strata. The number of not perfomed PEs for the entire adult population of Hungary was estimated and converted into expenses according to the official reimbursement costs of the National Health Insurance Fund.The rate of service use varied between 16.7% to 70.2%. There was no correlation between the unit price of examinations and service use (r=0.356; p=0.267). The rate of not performedPEs was not related to gender, but older age and lower education proved to be risk factors. The total number of not performed PEs was over 17 million in the country. Of the 31 million EUROs saved by not paying for PEs, the largest share was not spent on those in the lowest educational category.New preventive services offered in the reoriented PHC model programme include systematic and scheduled health examination health promotion programmes at community settings; risk assessment followed by individual or group care, and/or referral and chronic care.The Model Programme has created a pressure for collaborative work, consultation and engagement at each level, from the GPs and health mediators up to the decision making level. It channeled the population into preventive health services shown by the fact that more than 80% of the population in the intervention area has already participated in the health status assessment

    On the fabrication parameters of buried microchannels integrated in in-plane silicon microprobes.

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    This paper aims the characterization of buried microchannels in silicon realized by deep reactive ion etching. The effects of dry etching parameters on the integrability into hollow microprobes are thoroughly investigated from both technological and functional aspects. Results are supposed to give physiology related probe designers a deeper insight into microfabrication-related issues