19 research outputs found

    Therapie von Harnwegsinfektionen

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    Urinary tract infections in patients with renal insufficiency and dialysis - epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

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    Epidemiological studies show an increasing number of patients worldwide suffering from chronic kidney diseases (CKD), which are associated with a risk for progression to end-stage kidney disease (ESKD). CKD patients stage 2-5, patients with regular chronic dialysis treatment (hemo- or peritoneal dialysis), and patients suffering from kidney allograft dysfunction are at high risk to develop infections, e.g. urinary tract infections (UTI) and/or sepsis (urosepsis). These groups show metabolic disturbance, chronic inflammation, and impaired immunocompetence. Escherichia coli is still the most common pathogen in UTI. A wide variety of other pathogens may be involved in UTI. Urological interventions, catheterization, as well as repeated courses of antibiotics contribute to an increased challenge of antimicrobial resistance. The diagnosis of UTI in CKD is based on standard clinical and laboratory criteria. Pyuria (>=10 leucocytes/µl) is more often observed in patients with oligoanuria and low bacterial colony counts. The treatment strategies for this population are based on the same principles as in patients with normal renal function. However, drugs cleared by the kidney or by dialysis membranes need dose adjustment. Antimicrobials with potential systemic toxicity and nephrotoxicity should be administered with caution

    Calculated parenteral initial treatment of bacterial infections: Infections of the kidneys and the genito-urinary tract

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    This is the eighth chapter of the guideline "Calculated initial parenteral treatment of bacterial infections in adults - update 2018" in the 2nd updated version. The German guideline by the Paul-Ehrlich-Gesellschaft für Chemotherapie e.V. (PEG) has been translated to address an international audience.The chapter deals with the treatment of more severe infections of the kidney and the urogenital tract, including urosepsis. Recommendations for empiric and targeted antibacterial treatment are given.Dies ist das achte Kapitel der von der Paul-Ehrlich-Gesellschaft für Chemotherapie e.V. (PEG) herausgegebenen S2k Leitlinie "Kalkulierte parenterale Initialtherapie bakterieller Erkrankungen bei Erwachsenen - Update 2018" in der 2. aktualisierten Fassung.Es befasst sich mit der Behandlung schwererer Infektionen der Niere und des Urogenitaltrakts einschließlich der Urosepsis und enthält Empfehlungen für eine empirische und gezielte antibakterielle Behandlung

    Antibiotikaresistenz und Therapieoptionen bei Harnwegsinfektionen

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