224 research outputs found

    Particle correlations in a fermi superfluid

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    We discuss correlations between particles of different momentum in a superfluid fermi gas, accessible through noise measurements of absorption images of the expanded gas. We include two elements missing from the simplest treatment, based on the BCS wavefunction: the explicit use of a conserving approximation satisfying particle number conservation, and the inclusion of the contribution from Cooper pairs at finite momentum. We expect the latter to be a significant issue in the strongly correlated state emerging in the BCS-BEC crossover.Comment: Published versio

    Adiabatic loading of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a 3D optical lattice

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    We experimentally investigate the adiabatic loading of a Bose-Einstein condensate into an optical lattice potential. The generation of excitations during the ramp is detected by a corresponding decrease in the visibility of the interference pattern observed after free expansion of the cloud. We focus on the superfluid regime, where we show that the limiting time scale is related to the redistribution of atoms across the lattice by single-particle tunneling

    Time-resolved Observation and Control of Superexchange Interactions with Ultracold Atoms in Optical Lattices

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    Quantum mechanical superexchange interactions form the basis of quantum magnetism in strongly correlated electronic media. We report on the direct measurement of superexchange interactions with ultracold atoms in optical lattices. After preparing a spin-mixture of ultracold atoms in an antiferromagnetically ordered state, we measure a coherent superexchange-mediated spin dynamics with coupling energies from 5 Hz up to 1 kHz. By dynamically modifying the potential bias between neighboring lattice sites, the magnitude and sign of the superexchange interaction can be controlled, thus allowing the system to be switched between antiferromagnetic or ferromagnetic spin interactions. We compare our findings to predictions of a two-site Bose-Hubbard model and find very good agreement, but are also able to identify corrections which can be explained by the inclusion of direct nearest-neighbor interactions.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figure

    Preparation and detection of d-wave superfluidity in two-dimensional optical superlattices

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    We propose a controlled method to create and detect d-wave superfluidity with ultracold fermionic atoms loaded in two-dimensional optical superlattices. Our scheme consists in preparing an array of nearest-neighbor coupled square plaquettes or ``superplaquettes'' and using them as building blocks to construct a d-wave superfluid state. We describe how to use the coherent dynamical evolution in such a system to experimentally probe the pairing mechanism. We also derive the zero temperature phase diagram of the fermions in a checkerboard lattice (many weakly coupled plaquettes) and show that by tuning the inter-plaquette tunneling spin-dependently or varying the filling factor one can drive the system into a d-wave superfluid phase or a Cooper pair density wave phase. We discuss the use of noise correlation measurements to experimentally probe these phases.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Coherent collisional spin dynamics in optical lattices

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    We report on the observation of coherent, purely collisionally driven spin dynamics of neutral atoms in an optical lattice. For high lattice depths, atom pairs confined to the same lattice site show weakly damped Rabi-type oscillations between two-particle Zeeman states of equal magnetization, induced by spin changing collisions. This paves the way towards the efficient creation of robust entangled atom pairs in an optical lattice. Moreover, measurement of the oscillation frequency allows for precise determination of the spin-changing collisional coupling strengths, which are directly related to fundamental scattering lengths describing interatomic collisions at ultracold temperatures.Comment: revised version; 4 pages, 5 figure

    Exploring the Kondo model in and out of equilibrium with alkaline-earth atoms

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    We propose a scheme to realize the Kondo model with tunable anisotropy using alkaline-earth atoms in an optical lattice. The new feature of our setup is Floquet engineering of interactions using time-dependent Zeeman shifts, that can be realized either using state-dependent optical Stark shifts or magnetic fields. The properties of the resulting Kondo model strongly depend on the anisotropy of the ferromagnetic interactions. In particular, easy-plane couplings give rise to Kondo singlet formation even though microscopic interactions are all ferromagnetic. We discuss both equilibrium and dynamical properties of the system that can be measured with ultracold atoms, including the impurity spin susceptibility, the impurity spin relaxation rate, as well as the equilibrium and dynamical spin correlations between the impurity and the ferromagnetic bath atoms. We analyze the non-equilibrium time evolution of the system using a variational non-Gaussian approach, which allows us to explore coherent dynamics over both short and long timescales, as set by the bandwidth and the Kondo singlet formation, respectively. In the quench-type experiments, when the Kondo interaction is suddenly switched on, we find that real-time dynamics shows crossovers reminiscent of poor man's renormalization group flow used to describe equilibrium systems. For bare easy-plane ferromagnetic couplings, this allows us to follow the formation of the Kondo screening cloud as the dynamics crosses over from ferromagnetic to antiferromagnetic behavior. On the other side of the phase diagram, our scheme makes it possible to measure quantum corrections to the well-known Korringa law describing the temperature dependence of the impurity spin relaxation rate. Theoretical results discussed in our paper can be measured using currently available experimental techniques.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figure

    Noise Thermometry with Two Weakly Coupled Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    Here we report on the experimental investigation of thermally induced fluctuations of the relative phase between two Bose-Einstein condensates which are coupled via tunneling. The experimental control over the coupling strength and the temperature of the thermal background allows for the quantitative analysis of the phase fluctuations. Furthermore, we demonstrate the application of these measurements for thermometry in a regime where standard methods fail. With this we confirm that the heat capacity of an ideal Bose gas deviates from that of a classical gas as predicted by the third law of thermodynamics.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Lattice bosons in quartic confinement

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    We present a theoretical study of bose condensation of non-interacting bosons in finite lattices in quartic potentials in one, two, and three dimensions. We investigate dimensionality effects and quartic potential effects on single boson density of energy states, condensation temperature, condensate fraction, and specific heat. The results obtained are compared with corresponding results for lattice bosons in harmonic traps.Comment: revised version, 11 pages including figures, accepted in EPJ

    Precision measurement of spin-dependent interaction strengths for spin-1 and spin-2 87Rb atoms

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    We report on precision measurements of spin-dependent interaction-strengths in the 87Rb spin-1 and spin-2 hyperfine ground states. Our method is based on the recent observation of coherence in the collisionally driven spin-dynamics of ultracold atom pairs trapped in optical lattices. Analysis of the Rabi-type oscillations between two spin states of an atom pair allows a direct determination of the coupling parameters in the interaction hamiltonian. We deduce differences in scattering lengths from our data that can directly be compared to theoretical predictions in order to test interatomic potentials. Our measurements agree with the predictions within 20%. The knowledge of these coupling parameters allows one to determine the nature of the magnetic ground state. Our data imply a ferromagnetic ground state for 87Rb in the f=1 manifold, in agreement with earlier experiments performed without the optical lattice. For 87Rb in the f=2 manifold the data points towards an antiferromagnetic ground state, however our error bars do not exclude a possible cyclic phase.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Hybrid 2D surface trap for quantum simulation

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    We demonstrate a novel optical trapping scheme for ultracold atoms. Using a combination of evanescent wave, standing wave, and magnetic potentials we create a deeply 2D Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) at a few microns from a glass surface. Using techniques such as broadband "white" light to create evanescent and standing waves, we realize a smooth potential with a trap frequency aspect ratio of 300:1:1 and long lifetimes. This makes the setup suitable for many-body quantum simulations and applications such as high precision measurements close to surfaces.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
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