184 research outputs found

    First paleomagnetic and 40Ar/39Ar study of Paleoproterozoic rocks from the French Guyana (Camopi and Oyapok rivers), northeastern Guyana Shield

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    In order to understand the Paleoproterozoic geographic evolution of the Guyana Shield, paleomagnetic and 40Ar/39Ar investigations were carried out on granitoids and volcano-sedimentary rocks from the Oyapok and Camopi rivers (French Guyana–Brazil frontier). Scanning electronic microscope, thermomagnetic and isothermomagnetic experiments show that magnetite is the main magnetic remanent carrier in most of the samples. The metavolcano-sedimentary rocks (Paramaca) show a weak magnetization and scattered magnetic directions. Therefore, no reliable magnetic component could be isolated from these samples. Samples taken from tonalite and meta-ultrabasite rocks yield a characteristic magnetic direction, carried by subautomorphous magnetite, that is well defined and distinct from that of the present Earth field and that of nearby Jurassic dikes. A virtual geomagnetic pole (VGP) deduced from this probable primary remanence was calculated, namely pole OYA, λ=28.0°S, φ=346.0°E, N=5, k=31.9 and A95=13.8°. Four 40Ar/39Ar ages, ranging from 2052 to 1973 Ma, were obtained from amphiboles and biotites of tonalite rocks, showing a relatively slow cooling rate of ca 4.8+2.6/−2.1°C Ma−1. The linear extrapolation of this cooling rate to the magnetite unblocking temperature (540 to 580°C) yields a magnetization age of 2036±14 Ma for pole OYA. Pole OYA differs significantly from available paleomagnetic results from Venezuela of the West Guyana Shield dated at 2000±10 Ma. This difference may indicate an important latitudinal movement of the Guyana Shield between 2036 and 2000 Ma with a velocity of 9±7 cm/year

    Photo-fragmentation spectroscopy of benzylium and 1-phenylethyl cations

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    The electronic spectra of cold benzylium (C6H5-CH2+) and 1-phenylethyl (C6H5-CH-CH3+)cations have been recorded via photofragment spectroscopy. Benzylium and 1-phenylethyl cations produced from electrosprayed benzylamine and phenylethylamine solutions, respectively, were stored in a cryogenically cooled quadrupole ion trap and photodissociated by an OPO laser, scanned in parts of the UV and visible regions (600-225 nm). The electronic states and active vibrational modes of the benzylium and 1-phenylethyl cations as well as those of their tropylium or methyl tropylium isomers have been calculated with ab initio methods for comparison with the spectra observed. Sharp vibrational progressions are observed in the visible region while the absorption features are much broader in the UV. The visible spectrum of the benzylium cation is similar to that obtained in an argon tagging experiment [V. Dryza, N. Chalyavi, J.A. Sanelli, and E.J. Bieske, J. Chem. Phys. 137, 204304 (2012)], with an additional splitting assigned to Fermi resonances. The visible spectrum of the 1-phenylethyl cation also shows vibrational progressions. For both cations, the second electronic transition is observed in the UV, around 33 000 cm-1 (4.1 eV), and shows a broadened vibrational progression. In both cases the S2 optimized geometry is non planar. The third electronic transition observed around 40 000 cm-1 (5.0 eV) is even broader with no apparent vibrational structures, which is indicative of either a fast non-radiative process or a very large change in geometry between the excited and the ground states. The oscillator strengths calculated for tropylium and methyl tropylium are weak. Therefore, these isomeric structures are most likely not responsible for these absorption features. Finally, the fragmentation pattern changes in the second and third electronic states: C2H2 loss becomes predominant at higher excitation energies, for both cations
