41 research outputs found


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    Index de les obres ressenyades: S. FENSTERMAKER ; C. WEST (eds.), Doing Gender, Doing Difference : inequality, power and institutional chang


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    Index de les obres ressenyades: Kathy C. CHARMAZ, Constructing Grounded Theory : a Practical Guide Through Qualitative Analysi

    Factors affecting school teachers' perceptions of the instructional benefits of digital technology

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    The potential benefits of digital technology for teaching and learning in schools have been extensively characterized in the academic literature. However, little is known about the factors that affect teachers' perceptions of these benefits. This state of affairs is problematic since we know that teachers' perceptions have an impact on their teaching practices. The ultimate aim ofthis study was to develop and test a model of the factors affecting primary and secondary school teachers' perceptions about the instructional benefits of digital technology in their teaching practices. Instructional benefits are defined here as the contribution of digital technology in several aspects of curriculum development such as the formulation of learning goals, the development of curriculum content and learning activities, the allocation of educational resources, and the adoption of new methods of assessment. This study used survey data gathered from 702 teachers from a 356 primary and secondary schools in Spain. The study aimed at exploring the relationship between teacher' perceptions of the benefits of using digital technology for curriculum development and individual and school-level conditions. Correlation analyses examined the relationship between overall variables and teachers' perceptions. Several significant relations were identified. Preliminary findings suggest that factors such as teaching area, digital literacy, educational ICT training, and Internet access are important predictors of teachers' perceptions of the instructional benefits of digital technology. The outcomes of the study will help schools and teachers to enhance the use of digital technology in their teaching and learning practices

    Reconsiderando la gesti贸n de riesgos en entornos sociot茅cnicos

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    La revoluci贸n de las comunicaciones ha afectado profundamente a la estructura social de las sociedades contempor谩neas avanzadas. Enzarzadas 茅stas en contextos de naturaleza marcadamente sociot茅cnica, es decir, de intrincadas interrelaciones sociales e inciertos avances tecnol贸gicos, la gesti贸n de riesgos deviene una pr谩ctica altamente compleja. En efecto, los entornos sociot茅cnicos resultantes de las tecnolog铆as emergentes sit煤an a la gesti贸n del riesgo potencial como prioridad de los individuos, en particular, en los beneficios asumidos mediante la ciencia y la tecnolog铆a. Fruto de las din谩micas cambiantes que originan las tecnolog铆as en la sociedad, as铆 como de las respuestas sociales hacia aqu茅llas, se erigen nuevos frentes que demandan ser atendidos mediante el uso de instrumentos y la aplicaci贸n de ciertos procedimientos que se adapten a esta realidad que se impone, a lo sumo, multidimensional. Si los riesgos asociados a ciertas tecnolog铆as se caracterizan, hoy, por la incertidumbre cient铆fica que les rodea, y ciertas pr谩cticas reguladoras no satisfacen la confianza de los individuos, quiz谩s debamos reflexionar y replantearnos una nueva forma de dar paso a la participaci贸n como camino hacia la creaci贸n de un consenso social.The communications revolution has profoundly affected the social structure of contemporary, advanced societies. Entangled in contexts of a markedly socio-technical nature, that is, intricate social interrelations and uncertain technological advances, the management of risk becomes a highly complex practice. In effect, socio-technical spheres, resulting from emerging technologies, situate the management of potential risk as a priority of individuals, in particular the benefits of science and technology. Fruit of the changing dynamics that originate from technologies in society, as well as from the social responses to these changes, new fronts are established, that demand the use of instruments and the application of certain procedures, adapted to this multidimensional reality. Risks associated with certain technologies are characterised today, by scientific incertainty (with which they are surrounded) and certain regulatory practices do not satisfy the trust of individuals. We should therefore, at the same time rethink and rework a new form of management which includes participation, as a path to enable the creation of social consensus

    Using Sensors in Organizational Research-Clarifying Rationales and Validation Challenges for Mixed Methods

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    Sensor-based data are becoming increasingly widespread in social, behavioral, and organizational sciences. Far from providing a neutral window on 'reality,' sensor-based big-data are highly complex, constructed data sources. Nevertheless, a more systematic approach to the validation of sensors as a method of data collection is lacking, as their use and conceptualization have been spread out across different strands of social-, behavioral-, and computer science literature. Further debunking the myth of raw data, the present article argues that, in order to validate sensor-based data, researchers need to take into account the mutual interdependence between types of sensors available on the market, the conceptual (construct) choices made in the research process, and the contextual cues. Sensor-based data in research are usually combined with additional quantitative and qualitative data sources. However, the incompatibility between the highly granular nature of sensor data and the static, a-temporal character of traditional quantitative and qualitative data has not been sufficiently emphasized as a key limiting factor of sensor-based research. It is likely that the failure to consider the basic quality criteria of social science measurement indicators more explicitly may lead to the production of insignificant results, despite the availability of high volume and high-resolution data. The paper concludes with recommendations for designing and conducting mixed methods studies using sensors

    Metodologia per a la generaci贸 de consens social en el desplegament d'infraestructures de telefonia m貌bil

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    Aquest document de treball es centra espec铆ficament en el desenvolupament de la infraestructura de telefonia m貌bil a Catalunya com a exemple de tecnologia amb profundes implicacions socials. Esdev茅 un intent inicial de definir les principals l铆nies de recerca en aquest tema. El projecte que el sost茅 茅s emmarcat en el programa de recerca Negrisc, centrat a examinar la negociaci贸 del risc en les tecnologies de la informaci贸 i de la comunicaci贸. Parteix d'una aproximaci贸 que reconeix la natura multidisciplin脿ria del risc i que, per tant, exigeix una aproximaci贸 interdisciplin脿ria al seu estudi i a la gesti贸 subseg眉ent. Aquesta perspectiva emfatitza la necessitat d'integrar els punts de vista dels diferents stakeholders, incloent-hi el p煤blic, en la gesti贸 d'una tecnologia socialment controvertida. Aquest 茅s un pas necessari per a permetre la generaci贸 d'algun tipus de consens en el cas del desenvolupament de la infraestructura de telefonia m貌bil a Catalunya.Este documento de trabajo se encuentra espec铆ficamente centrado en el desarrollo de la infraestructura de telefon铆a m贸vil en Catalu帽a como ejemplo de tecnolog铆a con profundas implicaciones sociales. Es un intento inicial de definir las principales l铆neas de investigaci贸n en este tema. El proyecto que lo sostiene se encuentra enmarcado en el programa de investigaci贸n Negrisc, centrado en examinar la negociaci贸n del riesgo en las tecnolog铆as de la informaci贸n y de la comunicaci贸n. Parte de una aproximaci贸n que reconoce la naturaleza multidisciplinaria del riesgo y que, por lo tanto, exige una aproximaci贸n interdisciplinaria a su estudio y a la subsiguiente gesti贸n. Esta perspectiva enfatiza la necesidad de integrar los puntos de vista de los stakeholders, incluyendo al p煤blico, en la gesti贸n de una tecnolog铆a socialmente controvertida. 脡ste es un paso necesario para permitir la generaci贸n de alg煤n tipo de consenso en el caso del desarrollo de la infraestructura de telefon铆a m贸vil en Catalu帽a.This working paper is specifically concerned with the development of the mobile telephone infrastructure in Catalonia as an example of a technology with profound social implications. It is an initial attempt to define certain lines of research related to the topic. This project is operating within the broader Negrisc research programme, which examines the negotiation of risk in the field of information and communication technologies. It sets out from an approach which recognises the multidisciplinary nature of risk and which therefore demands an interdisciplinary approach to its study and subsequent management. This perspective stresses the necessity of integrating viewpoints of the different stakeholders, including the public, in the management of a socially controversial technology. This is seen as a necessary step to enable the generation of some sort of social consensus in the case of the rollout of the mobile phone infrastructure in Catalonia

    Usos de las TIC en los centros educativos espa帽oles

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    La integraci贸n del Internet en el sistema educativo espa帽ol: situaci贸n actual y perspectivas de futuro" es un proyecto a gran escala (Financiado por la Fundaci贸n Telef贸nica) que tiene como objetivo obtener informaci贸n relevante sobre la introducci贸n y la diseminaci贸n de las tecnolog铆as de la informaci贸n y comunicaci贸n(TIC), especialmente del Internet, en los aspectos pr谩cticos y organizativos de las escuelas primarias y secundaria de Espa帽a. El proyecto articula los procesos de integraci贸n de las TIC en los niveles primarios y secundario del sistema educativo espa帽ol, desde una perspectiva hol铆stica y recurriendo a una metodolog铆a anal铆tica. El presente art铆culo se centra en el an谩lisis de la manera en la cual los agentes educativos hacen uso de las TIC y como las incorporan en su actividad educativa: el uso profesional de las TIC por parte del profesorado, la forma en la cual utilizan las TIC los alumnos y las maneras en las cuales se utilizan las TIC en las aulas, desde el punto de vista educativoThe Implementation of the Internet in the Spanish Education System: State of Affairs and Future Prospects" is a large-scale research project that seeks to obtain relevant data about the introduction and dissemination of Information and Communication Technology, particularly the internet, in the practical and organizational general procedures of the Spanish schools and high schools. The project articulates the processes of ICT implementation on the primary and secondary education levels embracing a holistic approach, propped up by an empirical and analytical research methodology. The present paper focuses on how all the agents involved in the school community incorporate ICT and what use they make of it: ICT's uses on the classrooms form teachers and pupuils point of vie

    What do the educational centres of Catalonia have to say about the incorporation of social educators in primary and secondary schools?

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    Docents i educadors atenen problem脿tiques compartides que necessiten un treball cooperatiu per construir alternatives educatives. La millora de l鈥櫭▁it educatiu requereix garantir un treball interdisciplinari entre els diferents agents implicats. Aquest article recull informaci贸 rellevant sobre la incorporaci贸 dels educadors socials al sistema educatiu de Catalunya, tant pel que fa al seu grau d鈥檌ntegraci贸 en les din脿miques de les escoles i instituts, com pel que fa a les condicions que faciliten o dificulten l鈥檈xercici de la seva funci贸 professional com a agents educatius. Les dades que s鈥檃porten s贸n fruit d鈥檜na recerca duta a terme el curs 2017-2018 en la qual es recull el posicionament dels equips directius de 498 centres educatius catalans de prim脿ria i secund脿ria. Apostar per la incorporaci贸 dels educadors socials en els equips educatius requerir脿 un canvi de posicionament entre els membres de la comunitat educativa a l鈥檋ora de plantejar els seus projectes educatius, ressituar els rols i les funcions tradicionals i articular espais comuns de treball.Docentes y educadores atienden problem谩ticas compartidas que necesitan un trabajo cooperativo para construir alternativas educativas. La mejora del 茅xito educativo requiere garantizar un trabajo interdisciplinario entre los diferentes agentes implicados. Este art铆culo recoge informaci贸n relevante sobre la incorporaci贸n de los educadores sociales en el sistema educativo de Catalu帽a, tanto en lo que referente a su grado de integraci贸n en las din谩micas de las escuelas e institutos, como a las condiciones que facilitan o dificultan el ejercicio de su funci贸n profesional como agentes educativos. Los datos que se aportan son fruto de una investigaci贸n llevada a cabo en el curso 2017-2018 en la que se recoge el posicionamiento de los equipos directivos de 498 centros educativos catalanes de primaria y secundaria. Apostar por la incorporaci贸n de los educadores sociales en los equipos educativos requerir谩 un cambio de posicionamiento entre los miembros de la comunidad educativa a la hora de plantear sus proyectos educativos, resituar los roles y las funciones tradicionales y articular espacios comunes de trabajo.Teachers and social educators share and engage with similar problems which call for cooperative work to construct educational alternatives. The improvement of success at school entails guaranteeing effective interdisciplinary work among the different agents involved. This article collects relevant information on the incorporation of social educators in the educational system in Catalonia, in relation both to their degree of integration in the dynamics of primary and secondary schools and to the conditions that facilitate or hinder the exercise of their professional function as educational agents. The data provided is the result of research carried out in the 2017-2018 academic year, which takes note of the positioning of the management teams of 498 Catalan primary and secondary schools. A commitment to the incorporation of social educators in educational teams will require a change of position on the part of the members of the educational community in terms of the drawing up of educational projects, the reassigning of traditional roles and functions and the articulation of common work spaces