1,437 research outputs found

    Comparative analysis of BLEVE mechanical energy and overpressure modelling

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    The mechanical effects of a BLEVE are overpressure and ejection of fragments. Although fragments reach much longer distances, peak overpressure can be very strong over a certain area. Diverse authors have proposed methodologies for the estimation of the explosion energy and peak overpressure from these type of explosions, based on different thermodynamic and physical assumptions. Here these methodologies are commented and compared. Their predictions, which show an important scattering, are checked by comparison with two sets of experimental data taken from the literature. The results obtained indicate that none of the models take into account Reid’s theory. The models based on ideal gas behaviour and constant volume energy addition, isentropic expansion and isothermal expansion give quite conservative (i.e., high) values of both energy released and overpressure, while those assuming real gas behaviour and adiabatic irreversible expansion give lower values, much closer to the real/experimental ones. The diverse uncertainty factors affecting the prediction of peak overpressure are also commented.Postprint (published version

    La fruita boscana

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    De la fam a l'opulència. Alimentació i cuina a l'època del barroc

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    t:alimentació i la cuina del barroc és definida per dos paràmetres que s'interfereixen mútuament. D'una banda hi ha una in equívoca continuïtat del cicle de la cuina medieval, presidir pels gustos agredolços i dolç-salats (utilització de sucre i canyella en els plats sa lats), i de l'altra la paulatina incorporació deis nous productes d'Amèrica i l'alleugeriment de les salses, fets que constitueixen la base de la cuina contemporània

    Un tomb pels sepulcres prehistòrics el Cabrerès

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