543 research outputs found

    Neo-Developmentalism: Beyond Neoliberalism? Capitalist Crisis and Argentina's Development Since the 1990s

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    Argentina's recent trajectory has provoked several discussions in the last few years. Most of them have centred on the character of the new mode of development presumed to have appeared in the wake of the crisis of neoliberal rule. This article provides an analysis of the changes and continuities in capitalist development in Argentina after the crisis of 2001. We provide extensive evidence regarding changes in the mode of development which, we propose, has shifted towards a neo-developmentalist alternative. While we argue that this strategy perpetuates capitalist domination, more importantly we stress that it also implies signifijicant changes from the previous pattern of development. Particularly, the new mode of capitalist development creates a new set of public policies that mediate class-conflict in renewed waysFacultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    ¿Qué clase obrera irá al paraíso? Las organizaciones populares en argentina frente a la crisis civilizatoria del capital

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    Las clases populares hacen la historia pero no en las condiciones que eligen, podría haber dicho Marx en estos años. El tiempo que nos toca atravesar en los albores de este nuevo siglo nos pone como pueblo frente a la necesidad imperiosa de reflexionar sobre las formas que asume y asumirá nuestra lucha colectiva frente al avance criminal del imperio del capital.Fil: Féliz, Mariano. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; Argentin

    Capitalismo posneoliberal y buenvivir en Argentina. ¿Cómo salir de la trampa neodesarrollista?

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    En la Argentina en 2003 se iniciaba el principio del fin del programa de Convertibilidad. Su caída definitiva a fines de 2001 y la crisis orgánica del capitalismo argentino abrió un campo de posibilidades. La reconfiguración hegemónica de los sectores dominantes (a través del kirchnerismo como fuerza política en el Gobierno desde mayo de 2003) les permitió neutralizar, reprimir y contener las potencias de cambio social impulsadas por los sectores populares, canalizándolas productivamente para el capital. De esa manera, las clases dominantes argentinas forzaron el ingreso del país a su era neodesarrollista, construyendo el nuevo proyecto de desarrollo sobre las bases constituidas a través del neoliberalismo. A través de un proceso disputado, contradictorio y conflictivo, los actores dominantes (liderados por el gran capital trasnacionalizado) condujeron el proceso de desarrollo en los estrechos corredores de la estrategia neodesarrollista, consolidando la posición periférica, globalmente dependiente y regionalmente subordinada del país. El año 2013 abre para toda Latinoamérica el debate sobre la necesidad de radicalizar aun más la apuesta por el ALBA, vuelve a poner en el tapete el debate sobre los límites del neodesarrollismo, y la necesidad de superarlo radicalmente. Este trabajo busca aportar a esa discusión, profundizando en la caracterización del proyecto neodesarrollista en la Argentina y sus límites, así como las posibilidades para su superación en el camino del Buen Vivir.Fil: Féliz, Mariano. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educacion; Argentin

    Neo-Developmentalism: Beyond Neoliberalism? Capitalist Crisis and Argentina's Development Since the 1990s

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    Argentina's recent trajectory has provoked several discussions in the last few years. Most of them have centred on the character of the new mode of development presumed to have appeared in the wake of the crisis of neoliberal rule. This article provides an analysis of the changes and continuities in capitalist development in Argentina after the crisis of 2001. We provide extensive evidence regarding changes in the mode of development which, we propose, has shifted towards a neo-developmentalist alternative. While we argue that this strategy perpetuates capitalist domination, more importantly we stress that it also implies signifijicant changes from the previous pattern of development. Particularly, the new mode of capitalist development creates a new set of public policies that mediate class-conflict in renewed waysFacultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Neo-developmentalism, Accumulation by Dispossession and International Rent - Argentina, 2003-2013

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    After the crisis of the neoliberal project in Argentina, dominant classes were able to recreate their social hegemony under the umbrella of a new development project, which has been labelled neodevelopmentalist. A new articulation of productive forces, state-form and constitution of the class conflict, led by a new hegemonic bloc dominated by the transnationalized fractions of capital, dialectically displaced neoliberal adjustment momentum in Argentina. Much in line with Rosa Luxemburg’s analysis, neo-developmentalist savoir-faire tries to create the conditions for sustained capital accumulation while accepting—as a question of historical inevitability and, even, good luck—the place of Argentina as producer-exporter of primary commodities and basic manufactures of those commodities. In such context, a permanent and systematic process of “primitive accumulation,” or accumulation by dispossession to follow Harvey’s terminology, becomes tantamount to the production and expanded reproduction of capital in Argentina’s value-space. In this article, I discuss these processes showing how ground-rent articulates with primitive accumulation to perpetuate accelerated valorization and accumulation of capital in Argentina after 2003. First, I discuss some relevant theoretical concepts. After that, I discuss how Rosa Luxemburg’s approach can be useful and enlighten the analysis of the current process of capital accumulation in Argentina. Finally, I present some brief conclusions and the bibliographical references.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación (FAHCE

    Transformations in Argentina's Capitalist Development since the Neoliberal Age: Limits and Possibilities of a Peripheral Development Strategy

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    Capitalism in Argentina underwent some important transformations between the neoliberal era (1975-2001) and the new, neodevelopmentalist one (2002-2015). These changes conformed a new mode of peripheral participation of Argentina's economy that has novelties as well as strong continuities, where State form and modes of intervention change. We'll show how this project of development reproduces, in a new context, and within new structural and subjective/political conditions, the historical process of combined and uneven development in Argentina. We propose to analyze such transformation, and assess their limitations for creating a sustainable option for capitalist reproduction in Argentina. Our analysis will provide an alternative view of recent capitalist development in Argentina that combines the process of class formation, class struggle and political conflict, with the structural tendencies of changing global capitalism.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    It's the end of the world... as we know it. The last capitalist pandemic?

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    The world is undergoing what will probably be a trascendental change. Capitalism has been getting deeper into its civilization crisis and the current pandemic is just its latest development. The 2008 crisis was a premonition of the crisis of the Capitalocene. The geologic era of the domination of Capital is coming to terms with Earth.Fil: Féliz, Mariano. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación. Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales; Argentin

    A note on Argentina, Its Crisis and the Theory of Exchange Rate Determination

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    Argentina's crisis at the end of the twentieth century surprised economists. Argentina turned from a "Latin American miracle" to an unprecedented failure. This article looks into the crisis stressing the role of the exchange rate regime and emphasizes the overvaluation of the real exchange rate as a part of capital's strategy to decompose labor and restructure capital-labor relations. Argentina's crisis resulted from the combination of capital's strategic success and the recomposition of labor in the late nineties.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Neo-Developmentalism: Beyond Neoliberalism? Capitalist Crisis and Argentina's Development Since the 1990s

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    Argentina's recent trajectory has provoked several discussions in the last few years. Most of them have centred on the character of the new mode of development presumed to have appeared in the wake of the crisis of neoliberal rule. This article provides an analysis of the changes and continuities in capitalist development in Argentina after the crisis of 2001. We provide extensive evidence regarding changes in the mode of development which, we propose, has shifted towards a neo-developmentalist alternative. While we argue that this strategy perpetuates capitalist domination, more importantly we stress that it also implies signifijicant changes from the previous pattern of development. Particularly, the new mode of capitalist development creates a new set of public policies that mediate class-conflict in renewed waysFacultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Life after the virus : social reproduction in a post pandemic world

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    The COVID-19 pandemic is not just another health or economic crisis. It is fundamentally a crisis of social reproduction and care work. Hospitals and care facilities are being pushed to the brink by those affected by the virus. Reproductive work in homes and communities is being stretched to its limits, with women once again carrying the load. In dependent territories and in the peripheries of big cities around the world, community networks for the provision of water, food, childcare and other basic needs are being put to the test, often overrun with millions at risk. What is at stake now is how we take care of each other and how we attend to the fact that we are fragile beings. Life on the planet as we know it is on the brink of radical transformation. Rosa Luxemburg?s question still applies: will we turn this into a time for revolution, or will we be unable to stop it from falling into a new barbarism?Fil: Féliz, Mariano. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación. Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales; Argentin