4,353 research outputs found

    The WISE gamma-ray strip parametrization: the nature of the gamma-ray Active Galactic Nuclei of Uncertain type

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    Despite the large number of discoveries made recently by Fermi, the origins of the so called unidentified gamma-ray sources remain unknown. The large number of these sources suggests that among them there could be a population that significantly contributes to the isotropic gamma-ray background and is therefore crucial to understand their nature. The first step toward a complete comprehension of the unidentified gamma-ray source population is to identify those that can be associated with blazars, the most numerous class of extragalactic sources in the gamma-ray sky. Recently, we discovered that blazars can be recognized and separated from other extragalactic sources using the infrared (IR) WISE satellite colors. The blazar population delineates a remarkable and distinctive region of the IR color-color space, the WISE blazar strip. In particular, the subregion delineated by the gamma-ray emitting blazars is even narrower and we named it as the WISE Gamma-ray Strip (WGS). In this paper we parametrize the WGS on the basis of a single parameter s that we then use to determine if gamma-ray Active Galactic Nuclei of the uncertain type (AGUs) detected by Fermi are consistent with the WGS and so can be considered blazar candidates. We find that 54 AGUs out of a set 60 analyzed have IR colors consistent with the WGS; only 6 AGUs are outliers. This result implies that a very high percentage (i.e., in this sample about 90%) of the AGUs detected by Fermi are indeed blazar candidates.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figures, Astrophysical Journal in pres

    FR0CAT: a FIRST catalog of FR0 radio galaxies

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    With the aim of exploring the properties of the class of FR0 radio galaxies, we selected a sample of 108 compact radio sources, called FR0CAT, by combining observations from the NVSS, FIRST, and SDSS surveys. The catalog includes sources with z≤0.05\leq 0.05, with a radio size ≲\lesssim 5 kpc, and with an optical spectrum characteristic of low-excitation galaxies. Their 1.4-GHz radio luminosities range 1038≲νL1.4≲104010^{38} \lesssim \nu L_{1.4} \lesssim 10^{40} erg/s. The FR0CAT hosts are mostly (86%) luminous (−21≳Mr≳−23-21 \gtrsim M_r \gtrsim -23) red early-type galaxies with black hole masses 108≲MBH≲109M⊙10^8 \lesssim M_{\rm BH} \lesssim 10^9 M_\odot: similar to the hosts of FRI radio galaxies, but they are on average a factor ∼\sim1.6 less massive. The number density of FR0CAT sources is ∼\sim5 times higher than that of FRIs, and thus they represent the dominant population of radio sources in the local Universe. Different scenarios are considered to account for the smaller sizes and larger abundance of FR0s with respect to FRIs. An age-size scenario that considers FR0s as young radio galaxies that will all eventually evolve into extended radio sources cannot be reconciled with the large space density of FR0s. However, the radio activity recurrence, with the duration of the active phase covering a wide range of values and with short active periods strongly favored with respect to longer ones, might account for their large density number. Alternatively, the jet properties of FR0s might be intrinsically different from those of the FRIs, the former class having lower bulk Lorentz factors, possibly due to lower black hole spins. Our study indicates that FR0s and FRI/IIs can be interpreted as two extremes of a continuous population of radio sources that is characterized by a broad distribution of sizes and luminosities of their extended radio emission, but shares a single class of host galaxies.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication on A&

    FRICAT: A FIRST catalog of FRI radio galaxies

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    We built a catalog of 219 FRI radio galaxies (FRIs), called FRICAT, selected from a published sample and obtained by combining observations from the NVSS, FIRST, and SDSS surveys. We included in the catalog the sources with an edge-darkened radio morphology, redshift ≤0.15\leq 0.15, and extending (at the sensitivity of the FIRST images) to a radius rr larger than 30 kpc from the center of the host. We also selected an additional sample (sFRICAT) of 14 smaller (10 <r<<r< 30 kpc) FRIs, limiting to z<0.05z<0.05. The hosts of the FRICAT sources are all luminous (−21≳Mr≳−24-21 \gtrsim M_r \gtrsim -24), red early-type galaxies with black hole masses in the range 108≲MBH≲3×109M⊙10^8 \lesssim M_{\rm BH} \lesssim 3\times10^9 M_\odot; the spectroscopic classification based on the optical emission line ratios indicates that they are all low excitation galaxies. Sources in the FRICAT are then indistinguishable from the FRIs belonging to the Third Cambridge Catalogue of Radio Sources (3C) on the basis of their optical properties. Conversely, while the 3C-FRIs show a strong positive trend between radio and [OIII] emission line luminosity, these two quantities are unrelated in the FRICAT sources; at a given line luminosity, they show radio luminosities spanning about two orders of magnitude and extending to much lower ratios between radio and line power than 3C-FRIs. Our main conclusion is that the 3C-FRIs just represent the tip of the iceberg of a much larger and diverse population of FRIs.Comment: 34 pages, 8 figures, 1 table, 1 appendix,accepted for publication in A&A, pre-proof versio

    Infrared Colors of the gamma-ray detected blazars

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    Blazars constitute the most enigmatic class of extragalactic gamma-ray sources, and their observational features have been ascribed to a relativistic jet closely aligned to the line of sight. They are generally divided in two main classes: the BL Lac objects (BL Lacs) and the Flat Spectrum Radio Quasars (FSRQs). In the case of BL Lacs the double bumped spectral energy distribution (SED) is generally described by the Synchrotron Self Compton (SSC) emission, while for the FSRQs it is interpreted as due to External Compton (EC) emission. Recently, we showed that in the [3.4]-[4.6]-[12] micron color- color diagram the blazar population covers a distinct region (i.e., the WISE blazar Strip, WBS), clearly separated from the other extragalactic sources that are dominated by thermal emission. In this paper we investigate the relation between the infrared and gamma-ray emission for a subset of confirmed blazars from the literature, associated with Fermi sources, for which WISE archival observations are available. This sample is a proper subset of the sample of sources used previously, and the availability of Fermi data is critical to constrain the models on the emission mechanisms for the blazars. We found that the selected blazars also lie on the WISE blazar Strip covering a narrower region of the infrared color-color planes than the overall blazars population. We then found an evident correlation between the IR and gamma-ray spectral indices expected in the SSC and EC frameworks. Finally, we determined the ratio between their gamma-ray and infrared fluxes, a surrogate of the ratio of powers between the inverse Compton and the synchrotron SED components, and used such parameter to test different emitting scenarios blazars.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figure, accepted for publication in ApJ, to appear in 2012 March 20 editio

    SSC radiation in BL Lac sources, the end of the tether

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    The synchrotron-self Compton (SSC) radiation process is widely held to provide a close representation of the double peaked spectral energy distributions from BL Lac Objects (BL Lacs), which are marked by non-thermal beamed radiations, highly variable on timescales of days or less. Their outbursts in the gamma ray relative to the optical/X rays might be surmised to be enhanced in BL Lacs as these photons are upscattered via the inverse Compton (IC) process. From the observed correlations among the spectral parameters during optical/X-ray variations we aim at predicting corresponding correlations in the gamma-ray band, and the actual relations between the gamma-ray and the X-ray variability consistent with the SSC emission process. We start from the homogeneous single-zone SSC source model, with log-parabolic energies distributions of emitting electron as required by the X-ray data of many sources. We find relations among spectral parameters of the IC radiation in both the Thomson (for Low energy BL Lacs) and the Klein-Nishina regimes (mainly for High energy BL Lacs) and we compute how variability is driven by a smooth increase of key source parameters, primarily the root mean square electron energy. The single component SSC source model in the Thomson regime turns out to be adequate for many LBL sources. However, the simple model meets its limits with the fast/strong flares recently reported for a few sources in the TeV range; these require sudden accelerations of emitting electrons in a second source component.Comment: 12 pages, 2 tables, 8 figure
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