285 research outputs found

    Cataloguing in the Era of ICT: What is Happening in Public Libraries of South-East Nigeria

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    Introduction The public library, being a local centre for information – making a variety of information and knowledge available to its users, requires a well planned and good method of organizing and keeping the records of its materials. This is the reason why cataloguing and classification in any library should be given the necessary professional touch(s) especially in the era information communication technology (ICT). ICT in the words of Ejedafiru (2010) refers to technology that transmits, stores, creates, displays, shares, or exchanges information by electronic means. Cataloguing and classification of a book simply put, has to do with sieving out and organizing the bibliographic information of a reading material, arranging them in a particular order and grouping the reading materials mainly books into classes. Cataloguing and classification as well as other library activities/services have witnessed reasonable changes in the era of ICT. In the words of Arkoful (2007), these technologies have accelerated the rate at which library services and routines are carried out. The work of cataloguers have changed and expanded as noted by Crosby (2001). According to her, cataloguers classify books, videos, CD-ROMS, and other materials so as to enable users find what they are looking for. Cataloguing has grown more important as searchers log on to on-line catalogues from home. Technology has made cataloguing more efficient. In the words of Youngman (1999), cataloguers are moving into new roles as they attempt to provide enhanced access to the new resources. They now process not only books, but also CD-ROMs, computer discs, and multi-format items. Cataloguers add the records they create to a shared international database. It is known that librarians have been sharing catalogues for a long time, but electronics and the internet have made it easier. Because of on-line access, making catalogues easy to use is more critical and more possible. Using computers, Crosby (2001) said, librarians are starting to create different catalogues for different kinds of readers. A catalogue designed for casual browsers for instance, she said, might display summaries of each book while the one designed for preschoolers might use more graphics or might not rely as heavily on putting things in alphabetical order. Cataloguers in the present day information age are required to and must make informed decisions on matters such as linking to electronic journals and managing holdings “hooks” to various databases. Cataloguers today create records that accommodate multiple means of accessing a particular resource. Library patrons are coming to expect records that include print holdings, microforms, and direct links to an electronic version of the item. Cataloguing the internet itself is a task that has fallen on librarians, affirmed Youngman. Application of the Dublin Core metadata tag systems is a skill that did not exist just a few years ago but is now rapidly growing in importance as an additional role for librarians. As Chepesuik (1999) earlier noted, “it is not a metadata element set to replace MARC, rather it is going to evolve alongside it”. Crosby confirmed this by saying that some librarians are helping to organize the internet as they are setting their sights on digital information. Many pieces of materials on the internet have digital tags that describe them so that search engines can find them more easily. These tags – (metadata tags) might say who wrote the material or what it is about. So they organize books, but that is rarely done with card catalogues rather they use databases and digital metadata tags. Francis-Swanson (2010) presenting it in more common terms said that a feature of today’s library is the Online Public Access Catalogue which is database containing the library’s collection that can be accessed by anyone on-line. She added that academic libraries now can offer full text electronic subscription-based journals to their users that can be accessed via the library’s web page in addition to supplying a user name and pass word. Cataloguers no longer catalogue and classify books only but also electronic materials like C D ROMs (where available). Also they do access online catalogues, transform the available bibliographic records to machine readable formats, engage in resource sharing and networking. Yusuf (2009) asserted that in recent times, library systems developers have worked hard to create a machine readable library catalogue that provides functionality beyond that of analog card to accommodate technological changes. It has become obvious that book cataloguing cannot be relied upon in the era when information materials have come to take electronic formats and information flow virtually

    Comparative evaluation of growth performance, serum biochemical profile and immunological response of the Nigerian indigenous and large white x landrace crossbred pigs

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    This study was conducted to compare growth performance, immunological response, and biochemical profile between local or Nigerian indigenous pigs (NIP) and exotic Large White x Landrace crossbred pigs (LWL). Twenty weanling pigs, aged six weeks were divided into groups A (NIP) and B (LWL); each group was randomly assigned into two replicates of five pigs. Feed and animal management were similar and study lasted ten weeks. Their feed and water intake, average daily weight gain (ADG), and gain: feed or feed efficiency were determined. All the pigs were vaccinated with1 ml of 10 % sheep RBC per pig at week 4 and boosted at week 7. Their antibody titres and serum biochemical profiles were determined using standard procedures. Daily feed and water intake and weight gain were significantly (p < 0.05) higher in LWL than NIP. There was no significant (p > 0.05) difference in their gain: feed but figures were higher in NIP. Although LWL had higher antibody titres at weeks 1 of initial and revaccination, NIP recorded higher titres at weeks 2, 3 and 4 of initial and 2 of revaccination, respectively. Albumin levels in both groups showed a significant (p = 0.003, t = 8) difference in their mean on week 1 following initial vaccination, their values being 4.29 ± 0.05 and 4.67 ± 0.08 g/dL for groups A and B, respectively.The NIP showed significantly (p < 0.05) higher total protein and globulin throughout the period of assay. Although the LWL grew faster and had better immediate immunological performance, the NIP recorded slightly higher feed efficiency and more sustained antibody titres post vaccination with Sheep RBC.Keywords: Swine, growth performance, serum biochemistry, sheep RBC, antibody titre

    Prevalence and determinants of anemia amongst HIV positive pregnant women in a tertiary Hospital in Nigeria

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    Background: In pregnancy, anemia is associated with increased risk of both maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality especially in HIV situation. To determine the prevalence and determinants of anemia in HIV positive compared to HIV negative women.Methods: This was a cross sectional study carried out from June 2016 to December 2017 amongst pregnant women who presented to the antenatal clinic. Information on socio-demographic variables and laboratory test to determine the hemoglobin levels and CD4 count (for the HIV positive women) were carried out. A total of 350 subjects with equal number of HIV positive and HIV negative pregnant women were recruited. Variables were compared between the two groups using software package for social sciences version 20. P values<0.05 at 95% confidence interval are considered statistically significant.Results: The mean age for HIV positive and negative were 31.54 ±4.1 and 29.03 respectively while, mean gestational age at booking for HIV positive and negative were 20.41±8.61 and 22.37±7.4 weeks respectively. The HIV positive group had a mean parity of 2.02±1.5, and 2.56±1.2 was that of the HIV negative group. The mean hemoglobin statuses at booking were 9.92±1.8 g/dl and 10.6±1.1 g/df HIV positive and HIV negative women respectively. The mean CD4+ at booking for HIV positive group was 478±251 per microliter. The overall prevalence of anemia irrespective of HIV status was 36.6%. The prevalence of anemia in HIV positive and negative women were 44.6% and 28.6% respectively. There was statistically significant relationship between anemia and HIV status (p=0.002).Conclusions: There was inverse relationship between CD4+ count and anemia. Low CD4+ count and non-use of HAART at booking were important determinants of anemia among the HIV

    A Brief Legal Reflection on the Recognition of Trade Unions under the Law in Nigeria

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    It is considered pertinent to take a brief legal reflection on the recognition of trade unions in Nigeria. The aim of this study is to assess the contributions made by the court in the settlement of labour disputes in the area of recognition of trade unions, towards cordial and peaceful industrial relations for maximum production and supply of goods and services. This research work will further discuss the economic impact of adjudication of  labour disputes by the National Industrial Court in Nigeria. The justification for this research stems from the fact that addressing labour issues are vital to the development and growth of any nation. No matter how well-endowed a country is in terms of natural resources, this will be of no importance to the country if they are not efficiently tapped. Without labour, resources and services cannot be harnessed for the society. Keywords: Trade union, Recognition, Trade disputes, National Industrial Court


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    The Adjudication of Trade Disputes Concerning Strikes, Lock-Outs, Termination and Reinstatement of Employment by the National Industrial Court in Nigeria

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    It cannot be over emphasized that the National Industrial Court (NIC) of Nigeria has contributed immensely in the adjudication of trade disputes in Nigeria. This study will cover adjudication by the court in cases concerning strikes, lock-outs, termination and reinstatement of employment in Nigeria. The aim of this study is to assess the contributions made by the court in the settlement of trade disputes in these areas, towards ensuring industrial harmony in Nigeria. The essence of this research work is deducible from the fact that the economy of every nation depends so much on the stability of its workforce. Thus, the proper treatment of issues relating to strikes, lock-outs and termination of employment would certainly uphold a stable workforce. It shall be argued in this research work that much as the workers may have the right to embark on strike to press home their demands and the right not to be dismissed on the ground of trade union activities, same rights should not be exercised beyond the confines of the law as to impose clogs in the economic flow. Keywords: Trade disputes, Strikes, Lock-out, Termination, Employment, National Industrial Court

    Wildlife Conservation as a Mitigating Factor to Food Security in a Distressed Economy

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    The study was aimed at determining the role of wildlife conservation as a mitigator to food security in a distressed economy like Nigeria. The population for the study was 423, comprising 400 farmers (registered hunters) and 23 extension agents. No sampling was made since the population was manageable. A 54-item structured questionnaire was developed to collect data from the respondents. The data collected were analysed using mean and t-test statistic at the probability of 0.05 level of significance. Results showed among others, that controlled hunting, refuge establishment, predator control, artificial stocking, among others were the sustainable practices for wildlife conservation Keywords: Wildlife, wildlife resource, conservation practices, food insecurity, distressed econom

    Deficient Human Aspects in Current Multimedia Indexing and Retrieval (MIR) of Large Social Networks Databases

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    An inside look at the contents of social networks databases shows a significant diversion from traditional database contents and functionality. There is also enormous evidences that Social networks are changing the way multimedia content is shared on the web, by allowing users to upload their photos, videos, and audio content, produced by any means of digital recorders such as mobile/smart-phones, and web/digital cameras. In this article, an overview of multimedia indexing and searching algorithms, following the data growth curve is presented in detail. This paper concludes with the social aspects and new, interesting views on multimedia retrieval in the large social media databases.Keywords: multimedia, indexing, social media, algorithms social networks, databases, retrieva

    Perspectives and practices of cancer screening among workers at a tertiary health facility in Nigeria: indications for adaptation and integration of best practices

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    Objectives: This study identified correlates of good screening performance for three common cancers, while weighing them against the backdrop of existing knowledge, to enable policy makers and healthcare providers focus appropriately to close the gaps that exist in cancer screening in our locale.Study design: Cross-sectional designSetting: Tertiary health facilityParticipants: Workers at Delta State University Teaching Hospital, NigeriaResults: Females had significantly better knowledge of cervical cancer, p&lt;0.001; their knowledge of the other two cancers studied did not differ significantly from that of males. Staff members with less than 2 years of service, consistently had significantly better knowledge of all 3 cancers than others, p&lt;0.05. Staff with good knowledge of all 3cancers also decreased significantly with increasing number of years since graduation, p&lt;0.001. Workers in clinical departments generally had better attitude towards screening for all 3 cancers compared to their counterparts in the non-clinical departments, p&lt;0.001. Tertiary education, being in a clinical department, and Christianity were associatedwith a better attitude and practice of screening. The practice of screening was generally poor, as 54.9% and 89% of females had never screened for breast cancer and cervical cancer respectively; while almost all (93.5%) males 40 years and over had never screened for prostate cancer.Conclusion: Overall, knowledge of cancer screening was fair for all cancers; attitude to screening was good towards all cancers. However, significant gaps in compliance with screening were identified for all cancers. Setting up screening facilities and programmes in the work place could help to close these gaps.Keywords: Cancer; screening; perspectives; practices; health workersFunding: None declare

    The internet and its facility for criminality: some unique difficulties for investigation and prosecution

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    This study examines critically the nature of the Internet in relation to its facility for committing crimes. It discovers that the Internet is open, user-controlled, global, decentralized, inexpensive, abundant, interactive, and makes use of independent infrastructure. All these features are combined to form the medium’s transnational nature that challenges ordinary traditional regulatory platforms. It is also found that with increasing over dependence on computer systems within the global Internet network, the incidence of cyber criminality is significantly on the rise. Yet, the processes of investigation and prosecution of suspects are greatly hindered as a result of the amoeboid nature of cyberspace which makes it difficult to locate suspects and their conducts. The paper advocates progress in more sophisticated technology that would aid easy identification of suspects, constant review of cyber laws, and increased public enlightenment on the operations of the Internet. Doctrinal and critical approaches were employed in the study.Key words: The Internet, Cyber criminality, Investigation, Prosecution, Jurisprudence, Cyber La
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