218 research outputs found


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    Recent advances in wireless technology has led to the introduction of new devices utilizing the 2.4GHz industrial scientific and medical (ISM) unlicensed band traditionally used by Wireless LANS (WLAN). The increasing demand of higher data rate in WLANs has prompted the continual emergence of different 802.11 protocols with increased performance. Interoperability and coexistence between these networks become key issues and must be catered for, to guarantee satisfactory performance of both networks. 802.11 refer to a family of specifications developed by the International Institute of Electrical Electronics Engineering (IEEE) for wireless LAN technology. IEEE accepted the specification for 802.11 in 1997. Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) has become popular in the home due to ease of installation, and the increasing popularity of laptop computers. WLAN is based on IEEE 802.11 standard and is also known as Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) [1]. In this paper, the comparative analysis of IEEE 802.11b and IEEE 802.11g networks are x-rayed. KEYWORDS: 802.11b, 802.11g, WLAN, IEEE, OFDM, LRWPANS, Wireless Fidelity, Wireless Medium Access Control, Physical Layer

    Postnatal probiotic supplementation can prevent and optimize treatment of childhood asthma and atopic disorders: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials

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    Background: Although several randomized controlled trials (RCTs) published over the past 5 years show that prenatal or postnatal probiotics may prevent or optimize the treatment of childhood asthma and atopic disorders, findings from the systematic reviews and meta-analyses of these studies appear inconsistent. More recent RCTs have focused on postnatal probiotics, and linked specific probiotic strains to better disease outcomes. Objective: This systematic review aimed to determine if postnatal probiotics are as effective as prenatal probiotics in preventing or treating childhood asthma and atopic disorders. Methods: We searched the PubMed, Medline, Google Scholar, and EMBASE databases for RCTs published within the past 5 years (from 2017 to 2022). We included only full-text RCTs on human subjects published in or translated into the English language. We retrieved relevant data items with a preconceived data-extraction form and assessed the methodological quality of the selected RCTs using the Cochrane Collaboration's tool for assessing the risk of bias in randomized trials. We qualitatively synthesized the retrieved data to determine any significant differences in study endpoints of the probiotic and placebo groups. Results: A total of 1,320 participants (688 and 632 in the probiotic and placebo groups) from six RCTs were investigated. One RCT showed that early Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG) led to a reduction in the cumulative incidence rate of asthma. Another study demonstrated that mixed strains of Lactobacillus paracasei and Lactobacillus fermentum could support clinical improvement in children with asthma while one trial reported a significant reduction in the frequency of asthma exacerbations using a mixture of Ligilactobacillus salivarius and Bifidobacterium breve. Three trials showed that a combination of LGG and Bifidobacterium animalis subsp lactis, Lactobacillus rhamnosus alone, and a probiotic mixture of Lactobacillus LOCK strains improved clinical outcomes in children with atopic dermatitis and cow-milk protein allergy. Conclusions: Postnatal strain-specific probiotics (in single or mixed forms) are beneficial in preventing and treating atopic dermatitis and other allergies. Similarly, specific strains are more effective in preventing asthma or improving asthma outcomes. We recommend more interventional studies to establish the most useful probiotic strain in these allergic diseases

    Tiger nut (Cyperus esculentus): Nutrient profiling using HPLC and UV-spectroscopic techniques.

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    Food insecurity and undernourishment constitute a major challenge in Africa and the world at large. To meet key nutritional targets and tackle the menace of undernourishment, we need to exploit available but underutilised food crops. A common underutilised food crop with the potential to improve daily nutrition is tiger nut. This potential is evidenced in the number of essential amino acids detected, which constitute 74.425% of the entire amino acids detected, in addition to important minerals and vitamins. The nutritional composition of the yellow variety of tiger nut (Cyperus esculentus) was determined using the standard methods of high-performance liquid chromatography and UV-spectroscopy. Ten amino acids were identified and quantified, including six essential amino acids, of which valine had the highest concentration (67.59 μg/100 g), followed by leucine (3.019 μg/100 g), phenylalanine (1.767 μg/100 g), lysine (0.946 μg/100 g), histidine (1.048 μg/100 g) and tryptophan (0.055 μg/100 g). The other amino acids were proline (24.124 μg/100 g), cysteine (1.269 μg/100 g), glycine (0.024 μg/100 g), and glutamine (0.022 μg/100 g). Monosaccharides detected were ribose (41.76%), glucose (21.52%), sedoheptulose (17.94%), fructose (4.566%), rhamnose (1.78%) and mannose (1.58%), whilst disaccharides detected were sucrose (87.66%) and maltose (11.39%). Mineral concentrations were K 144.80 ± 1.10 mg/100 g, Ca 94.39 ± 0.02 mg/100 g, Na 83.92 ± 0.04 mg/100 g, Fe 19.36 ± 0.54 mg/100 g, Mg 17.63±0.13 mg/100 g, Cu 13.28±0.05 mg/100 g and Zn 5.18±0.01 mg/100 g Vitamins A, B2, C and E were detected and quantified as 53.93±1.03, 7.61±1.20, 31.70±1.25 and 128.75±0.74 μg/100 g, respectively. The chemical and nutritional properties of the yellow variety of tiger nut suggest that it is rich in essential amino acids, minerals, and some vitamins. Hence, it should be recommended to persons with nutritional deficiencies as it is cheap and available all year round. Significance:• The nutritional composition of the yellow tiger nut will assist in meeting the recommended daily intake of essential amino acids, monosaccharides,  disaccharides, minerals, and vitamins, thus contributing towards solving the challenge of food insecurity and malnutrition, particularly in the African sub-region.• The rich concentration of these nutrients could be harnessed in the biofortification of food materials known to be deficient in one nutrient or another.• These important attributes of tiger nut, if harnessed, will add value to this underutilised crop and enhance the economic livelihood of the local farmers

    Implication of Marketing of Banking Services on the Profitability of Nigerian Banks: a Case Study of First Bank Plc.

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    Banking industry renders services to customers ranging from collection of deposits, opening various categories of account, deposit, current and savings account. Out of the volume of money-collected part are given out as loan to investors, individual, corporate bodies and the government. The aim of this study is to investigate the implication of marketing of banking services on the profitability of Nigerian banks. The scope of the study spanned from 2000 to 2012. The study made use of quantitative data and econometric techniques in assessing the level of implication. The result of the analysis shows that marketing of banking services have indeed had significant positive implication on profitability of Nigerian banks looking at the indicators of banks product or services such as savings account, current account, loan and advance, e-banking, payments and cash management, treasury services, etc. the study therefore recommend that bank customers, management and shareholders should adopt electronic banking operation so that it will increase the level of bank profitability; bank management should from time to time train their staff and customers with regards to services banks provide especially in the area of modern banking development and that the regulatory authorities (CBN, NDIC and Federal Ministry of Finance) should monitor the activities of commercial banks in terms of bank charges on services rendered to customers. Keywords: Marketing, Banking Services, Deposit, E-Banking, Profitability

    Geological and Geotechnical Evaluation of Gully Erosion at Nguzu Edda, Afikpo Sub-Basin, Southeastern Nigeria

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    A detailed geological field mapping of Nguzu Edda has revealed that gully erosion and landslides have remained active over the years, posing serious threats to human life, agricultural land, infrastructure and socio-economic activities within the area. Consequently, twelve true representative soil samples from different locations within gully sites have been analyzed based on ASTM and British Standards, to evaluate geologic conditions and geotechnical parameters that influence the gullies problems. The results of the laboratory tests revealed that the soil at the gully sites are predominantly sands (57~99.5 % with mean of 69.7%) with low amount of fines (silt; 0.3~ 22% with average value of 14.6% and clay: 0.2 ~ 21% with average value of 13.9%). The liquid limit (LL) ranged from 15 ~ 31.50 % with mean of 23.32% and the plasticity index (PI) ranged from 2.92~14.42% with mean of 8.95%. The moisture content, permeability, bulk density, porosity, organic matter and pH have average values of 25.31%, 6.04×10-4 cm/sec, 1.55 kg/m3, 40.40, 1.26% and 5.12, respectively. The cation exchange capacity (CEC) is low, which could be attributed to low organic matter, pH and non active clay minerals. With regard to the aforementioned characteristics, the soils at gully sites are loose sands with low amount of fines fraction, hence cohesionless, and are easily exposed to agents/factors of gully erosion. Thus, provides insights about the vulnerable causes of gully erosion and landslides problems that are prevalent in the area. This research addresses, to a great extent the effects of local geology, geotechnical properties of the underlying soil and associated human activities on the formation of gully erosion, in-turn results to landslides within in the study area. Engineering-geologic aspects of soil erosion control were also recommended. Keywords: Afikpo Sub-basin, Geologic conditions, Geotechnical analysis, Gully erosion and Erosion control measures

    Obstetric analgesia for vaginal birth in contemporary obstetrics: a survey of the practice of obstetricians in Nigeria

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    BACKGROUND: Contemporary obstetrics in sub-Saharan Africa is yet to meet the analgesic needs of most women during child birth for a satisfactory birth experience and expectedly, obstetricians have a major role to play in achieving this. METHODS: This was a questionnaire-based, cross-sectional study of 151 obstetricians and gynecologists that attended the 46th Annual General Meeting and Scientific Conference of the Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON) held in Abakaliki, southeast Nigeria in November, 2012. SOGON is the umbrella body that oversees the obstetric and gynecological practice in Nigeria. Data was collated and analyzed with Epi-info statistical software, and conclusions were drawn by means of simple percentages and inferential statistics using Odds Ratio, with P-value < 0.05 at 95% Confidence Interval (CI) taken to be statistically significant. RESULTS: Of the 151 participants, males predominated; 110 (72.9%) practiced in government-owned tertiary hospitals in urban locations. Only 74 (49%) offered obstetric analgesia. Among users, only 20 (13.3%) offered obstetric analgesia routinely to parturients, 44 (29.1%) sometimes and 10 (6.6%) on patients’ requests. The commonest analgesia was opioids (41.1%). Among non-users, the commonest reasons adduced were fear of respiratory distress (31.1%), cost (24.7%) and late presentation in labour (15.6%). CONCLUSION: The routine prescription and utilization of obstetric analgesia by obstetricians in Nigeria is still low. Obstetricians are encouraged to step up its use to make childbirth a more fulfilling experience for parturients

    Performance Evaluation of Native-Kankan Padded Evaporative Space Cooler Using Arduino Mega

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    Performance evaluation of native-kankan padded evaporative space cooler using Arduino Mega is presented. Materials for fabrication were both locally improvised and conventionally sourced for such as the Nigerian Native-Kankan fibre sponge used as the wet and dry filter pads and expanded polystyrene which is used as thermal insulation material. Dry air from the outdoor surrounding is passed through the soaked Kankan fibre pad using a reverse DC fan and cooled by evaporative means where the sensible heat of dry air is converted to latent heat accumulation in the circulating working fluid. 150Watts solar power was supplied to the constructed cooler for a test run and results showed that the peak temperature drop of 27℃ to 24.5℃ was experienced in the indoor space / cooler exit of the test room facility. The average system COP of 1.224, evaporation rate of 0.066GPH and cooling capacity of 95.23W was achieved from the conducted experiment. The native-kankan dry filter pad reduced the humidity level of cooled air entering the indoor test room cubicle by 2%. A comprehensive cooling load analysis of the test room facility was carried out and the results were applied using sensible heat removal method to achieve cooler size rating of 319.02CFM. All experimental results were collected using Arduino Mega, type K thermocouple sensors and DHT11 humidity sensors installed on the constructed evaporative cooling unit. Keywords: Latent heat; Air conditioning; Relative Humidity, Arduino Mega; Evaporative Cooling; Native-Kankan fibre sponge

    Food safety in the face of climate change: consequences for consumers

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    Food safety encompasses the elimination of biological, chemical, and physical hazards along the food chain; however, climate change, an abnormal change in weather conditions, is a threat to food safety due to irregularities in the elements of weather essential for food production. Such factors include elevated atmospheric carbon (IV) oxide (CO2), precipitation, rainfall, and temperature. Considering that the aim of food safety is to eliminate food hazards along the food chain, it is threatened by climate change in several ways, resulting in adverse effects such as severe consequences for livestock production, harmful algal bloom, mycotoxins (produced by mycotoxigenic fungi on crops), residues of pesticides and tenacious contaminants, and pathogenic microorganisms from contaminated water. These climate changes include landslides and avalanches, drought and extreme heat waves, drought, heavy precipitation, flooding and tropical storms, ocean warming, climate change related acidification, and changes in ocean salinity. Therefore, there is a great need to employ adaptive strategies such as the establishment of a food safety management programme which would expound on the need to detect food hazards in food as a result of climate change. This programme should include setting up awareness for consumers, the improvement of epidemiological surveillance, improved co-ordination among food safety organizations, public health officials, and veterinary officials, amongst others. Thus, to achieve the sustainable development goal two, of eradicating hunger, it is imperative to harness the strategies for reducing the food safety hazards associated with climate change

    Gastrodiscoides hominis Infestation on Vegetables (Cabbages) Sold in Ekpoma Markets, Edo State, Southern Nigeria- A Case Report

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    In an experiment to determine the human parasites present in fruits and vegetables sold in markets within Ekpoma, in Esan west Local Government Area of Edo state, an ova of Gastrodiscoides hominis was observed. The study involved a total of two hundred and fifty (250) samples of seven different vegetables -cabbage, carrot, spinach, pumpkin, cucumber, tomatoes, and waterleaf, and two fruits -pineapple and garden egg. Using the flotation and sedimentation techniques, trophoziotes, cysts, larvae, and ova of intestinal protozoa, cestodes and nematodes in the vegetables and fruits were recovered. Although 106 (42.4%) of the samples were positive for different species of parasites indicating a high prevalence of vegetable and fruit infestation, one interesting observation however, was the incidence of Gastrodiscoides hominis in cabbage (0.9%). Judging by the public health importance of Gastrodiscoides hominis, there is therefore, an urgent need for control measures especially in this area of study.Keywords: Gastrodiscoides hominis, Vegetables, Fruits, Parasite

    Compressive shock resulting from gastric distension after arterial switch operation: a case report

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    Compressive shock is an important cause of reversible cardiovascular compromise. Abdominal causes of compressive shock have been known to be difficult to diagnose. We report our experience in the management of compressive shock resulting from gastric distension. We consider gastric distension to be an unusual cause of compressive shock. Immediate relief of intra-abdominal tension is key in the management