315 research outputs found

    Resumption of mass accretion in RS Oph

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    The latest outburst of the recurrent nova RS Oph occurred in 2006 February. Photometric data presented here show evidence of the resumption of optical flickering, indicating re-establishment of accretion by day 241 of the outburst. Magnitude variations of up to 0.32 mag in V band and 0.14 mag in B band on time-scales of 600–7000 s are detected. Over the two-week observational period, we also detect a 0.5 mag decline in the mean brightness, from V≈ 11.4 to 11.9, and record B≈ 12.9 mag. Limits on the mass accretion rate of [inline image] are calculated, which span the range of accretion rates modelled for direct wind accretion and Roche lobe overflow mechanisms. The current accretion rates make it difficult for thermonuclear runaway models to explain the observed recurrence interval, and this implies average accretion rates are typically higher than seen immediately post-outburst

    The sub-millimetre evolution of V4334 Sgr (Sakurai's Object)

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    We report the results of monitoring of V4334 Sgr (Sakurai's Object) at 450 microns and 850 microns with SCUBA on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope. The flux density at both wavelengths has increased dramatically since 2001, and is consistent with continued cooling of the dust shell in which Sakurai's Object is still enshrouded, and which still dominates the near-infrared emission. Assuming that the dust shell is optically thin at sub-millimetre wavelengths and optically thick in the near-infrared, the sub-millimetre data imply a mass-loss rate during 2003 of ~3.4(+/0.2)E-5 for a gas-to-dust ratio of 75. This is consistent with the evidence from 1-5micron observations that the mass-loss is steadily increasing.Comment: 5 pages, 4 eps figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    V723 Cas (Nova Cassiopeiae 1995): MERLIN observations from 1996 to 2001

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    MERLIN observations of the unusually slow nova V723 Cas are presented. Nine epochs of 6-cm data between 1996 and 2001 are mapped, showing the initial expansion and brightening of the radio remnant, the development of structure and the final decline. A radio light curve is presented and fitted by the standard Hubble flow model for radio emission from novae in order to determine the values of various physical parameters for the shell. The model is consistent with the overall development of the radio emission. Assuming a distance of 2.39 (+/-0.38) kpc and a shell temperature of 17000 K, the model yields values for expansion velocity of 414 +/- 0.1 km s^-1 and shell mass of 1.13 +/- 0.04 * 10^-4 Msolar. These values are consistent with those derived from other observations although the ejected masses are rather higher than theoretical predictions. The structure of the shell is resolved by MERLIN and shows that the assumption of spherical symmetry in the standard model is unlikely to be correct.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Sakurai's Object: characterizing the near-infrared CO ejecta between 2003 and 2007

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    We present observations of Sakurai's Object obtained at 1–5 μm between 2003 and 2007. By fitting a radiative transfer model to an echelle spectrum of CO fundamental absorption features around 4.7 μm, we determine the excitation conditions in the line-forming region. We find 12C/13C = 3.5+2.0−1.5, consistent with CO originating in ejecta processed by the very late thermal pulse, rather than in the pre-existing planetary nebula. We demonstrate the existence of 2.2 × 10−6≤MCO≤ 2.7 × 10−6 M⊙ of CO ejecta outside the dust, forming a high-velocity wind of 500 ± 80 km s−1. We find evidence for significant weakening of the CO band and cooling of the dust around the central star between 2003 and 2005. The gas and dust temperatures are implausibly high for stellar radiation to be the sole contributor

    The symbiotic star CH Cygni. III. A precessing radio jet

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    VLA, MERLIN and Hubble Space Telescope imaging observations of the extended regions of the symbiotic system CH Cygni are analysed. These extensions are evidence of a strong collimation mechanism, probably an accretion disk surrounding the hot component of the system. Over 16 years (between 1985 and 2001) the general trend is that these jets are seen to precess. Fitting a simple ballistic model of matter ejection to the geometry of the extended regions suggests a period of 6520 +/- 150 days, with a precession cone opening angle of 35 +/- 1 degrees. This period is of the same order as that proposed for the orbital period of the outer giant in the system, suggesting a possible link between the two. Anomalous knots in the emission, not explained by the simple model, are believed to be the result of older, slower moving ejecta, or possibly jet material that has become disrupted through sideways interaction with the surrounding medium.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Six months of mass outflow and inclined rings in the ejecta of V1494 Aql

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    V1494 Aql was a very fast nova which reached a visual maximum of mv≃ 4.0 by the end of 1999 December 3. We report observations from 4 to 284 d after discovery, including submillimetre- and centimetre-band fluxes, a single MERLIN image and optical spectroscopy in the 410 to 700 nm range. The extent of the radio continuum emission is consistent with a recent lower distance estimate of 1.6 kpc. We conclude that the optical and radio emission arises from the same expanding ejecta. We show that these observations are not consistent with simple kinematical spherical shell models used in the past to explain the rise and fall of the radio flux density in these objects. The resolved remnant structure is consistent with an inclined ring of enhanced density within the ejecta. Optical spectroscopy indicates likely continued mass ejection for over 195 d, with the material becoming optically thin in the visible sometime between 195 and 285 d after outburst
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