328 research outputs found

    Topological expansion and boundary conditions

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    In this article, we compute the topological expansion of all possible mixed-traces in a hermitian two matrix model. In other words we give a recipe to compute the number of discrete surfaces of given genus, carrying an Ising model, and with all possible given boundary conditions. The method is recursive, and amounts to recursively cutting surfaces along interfaces. The result is best represented in a diagrammatic way, and is thus rather simple to use.Comment: latex, 25 pages. few misprints correcte

    Loop equations for the semiclassical 2-matrix model with hard edges

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    The 2-matrix models can be defined in a setting more general than polynomial potentials, namely, the semiclassical matrix model. In this case, the potentials are such that their derivatives are rational functions, and the integration paths for eigenvalues are arbitrary homology classes of paths for which the integral is convergent. This choice includes in particular the case where the integration path has fixed endpoints, called hard edges. The hard edges induce boundary contributions in the loop equations. The purpose of this article is to give the loop equations in that semicassical setting.Comment: Latex, 20 page

    Non-homogenous disks in the chain of matrices

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    We investigate the generating functions of multi-colored discrete disks with non-homogenous boundary conditions in the context of the Hermitian multi-matrix model where the matrices are coupled in an open chain. We show that the study of the spectral curve of the matrix model allows one to solve a set of loop equations to get a recursive formula computing mixed trace correlation functions to leading order in the large matrix limit.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figure

    Topological expansion of beta-ensemble model and quantum algebraic geometry in the sectorwise approach

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    We solve the loop equations of the β\beta-ensemble model analogously to the solution found for the Hermitian matrices β=1\beta=1. For \beta=1,thesolutionwasexpressedusingthealgebraicspectralcurveofequation, the solution was expressed using the algebraic spectral curve of equation y^2=U(x).Forarbitrary. For arbitrary \beta,thespectralcurveconvertsintoaSchro¨dingerequation, the spectral curve converts into a Schr\"odinger equation ((\hbar\partial)^2-U(x))\psi(x)=0with with \hbar\propto (\sqrt\beta-1/\sqrt\beta)/N.Thispaperissimilartothesisterpaper I,inparticular,allthemainingredientsspecificforthealgebraicsolutionoftheproblemremainthesame,butherewepresentthesecondapproachtofindingasolutionofloopequationsusingsectorwisedefinitionofresolvents.Beingtechnicallymoreinvolved,itallowsdefiningconsistentlytheBcyclestructureoftheobtainedquantumalgebraiccurve(aDmoduleoftheform. This paper is similar to the sister paper~I, in particular, all the main ingredients specific for the algebraic solution of the problem remain the same, but here we present the second approach to finding a solution of loop equations using sectorwise definition of resolvents. Being technically more involved, it allows defining consistently the B-cycle structure of the obtained quantum algebraic curve (a D-module of the form y^2-U(x),where, where [y,x]=\hbar)andtoconstructexplicitlythecorrelationfunctionsandthecorrespondingsymplecticinvariants) and to construct explicitly the correlation functions and the corresponding symplectic invariants F_h,orthetermsofthefreeenergy,in1/N2, or the terms of the free energy, in 1/N^2-expansion at arbitrary \hbar. The set of "flat" coordinates comprises the potential times tkt_k and the occupation numbers \widetilde{\epsilon}_\alpha.WedefineandinvestigatethepropertiesoftheAandBcycles,formsof1st,2ndand3rdkind,andtheRiemannbilinearidentities.Weusetheseidentitiestofindexplicitlythesingularpartof. We define and investigate the properties of the A- and B-cycles, forms of 1st, 2nd and 3rd kind, and the Riemann bilinear identities. We use these identities to find explicitly the singular part of \mathcal F_0thatdependsexclusivelyon that depends exclusively on \widetilde{\epsilon}_\alpha$.Comment: 58 pages, 7 figure

    Mixed Correlation Functions of the Two-Matrix Model

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    We compute the correlation functions mixing the powers of two non-commuting random matrices within the same trace. The angular part of the integration was partially known in the literature: we pursue the calculation and carry out the eigenvalue integration reducing the problem to the construction of the associated biorthogonal polynomials. The generating function of these correlations becomes then a determinant involving the recursion coefficients of the biorthogonal polynomials.Comment: 16 page

    Matrix eigenvalue model: Feynman graph technique for all genera

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    We present the diagrammatic technique for calculating the free energy of the matrix eigenvalue model (the model with arbitrary power β\beta by the Vandermonde determinant) to all orders of 1/N expansion in the case where the limiting eigenvalue distribution spans arbitrary (but fixed) number of disjoint intervals (curves).Comment: Latex, 27 page

    Double scaling limits of random matrices and minimal (2m,1) models: the merging of two cuts in a degenerate case

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    In this article, we show that the double scaling limit correlation functions of a random matrix model when two cuts merge with degeneracy 2m2m (i.e. when yx2my\sim x^{2m} for arbitrary values of the integer mm) are the same as the determinantal formulae defined by conformal (2m,1)(2m,1) models. Our approach follows the one developed by Berg\`{e}re and Eynard in \cite{BergereEynard} and uses a Lax pair representation of the conformal (2m,1)(2m,1) models (giving Painlev\'e II integrable hierarchy) as suggested by Bleher and Eynard in \cite{BleherEynard}. In particular we define Baker-Akhiezer functions associated to the Lax pair to construct a kernel which is then used to compute determinantal formulae giving the correlation functions of the double scaling limit of a matrix model near the merging of two cuts.Comment: 37 pages, 4 figures. Presentation improved, typos corrected. Published in Journal Of Statistical Mechanic

    All genus correlation functions for the hermitian 1-matrix model

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    We rewrite the loop equations of the hermitian matrix model, in a way which allows to compute all the correlation functions, to all orders in the topological 1/N21/N^2 expansion, as residues on an hyperelliptical curve. Those residues, can be represented diagrammaticaly as Feynmann graphs of a cubic interaction field theory on the curve.Comment: latex, 19 figure

    Large deviations of the maximal eigenvalue of random matrices

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    We present detailed computations of the 'at least finite' terms (three dominant orders) of the free energy in a one-cut matrix model with a hard edge a, in beta-ensembles, with any polynomial potential. beta is a positive number, so not restricted to the standard values beta = 1 (hermitian matrices), beta = 1/2 (symmetric matrices), beta = 2 (quaternionic self-dual matrices). This model allows to study the statistic of the maximum eigenvalue of random matrices. We compute the large deviation function to the left of the expected maximum. We specialize our results to the gaussian beta-ensembles and check them numerically. Our method is based on general results and procedures already developed in the literature to solve the Pastur equations (also called "loop equations"). It allows to compute the left tail of the analog of Tracy-Widom laws for any beta, including the constant term.Comment: 62 pages, 4 figures, pdflatex ; v2 bibliography corrected ; v3 typos corrected and preprint added ; v4 few more numbers adde