21 research outputs found

    Multiscale - Patient-Specific Artery and Atherogenesis Models

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    In this work, we present a platform for the development of multiscale patient-specific artery and atherogenesis models. The platform, called ARTool, integrates technologies of 3-D image reconstruction from various image modalities, blood flow and biological models of mass transfer, plaque characterization, and plaque growth. Patient images are acquired for the development of the 3-D model of the patient specific arteries. Then, blood flow ismodeled within the arterial models for the calculation of the wall shear stress distribution (WSS). WSS is combined with other patient-specific parameters for the development of the plaque progression models. Real-time simulation can be performed for same cases in grid environment. The platform is evaluated using both animal and human data

    Three-dimensional reconstruction of coronary arteries and plaque morphology using CT angiography - comparison and registration with IVUS

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    Background: The aim of this study is to present a new methodology for three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction of coronary arteries and plaque morphology using Computed Tomography Angiography (CTA). Methods: The methodology is summarized in six stages: 1) pre-processing of the initial raw images, 2) rough estimation of the lumen and outer vessel wall borders and approximation of the vessel's centerline, 3) manual adaptation of plaque parameters, 4) accurate extraction of the luminal centerline, 5) detection of the lumen - outer vessel wall borders and calcium plaque region, and 6) finally 3D surface construction. Results: The methodology was compared to the estimations of a recently presented Intravascular Ultrasound (IVUS) plaque characterization method. The correlation coefficients for calcium volume, surface area, length and angle vessel were 0.79, 0.86, 0.95 and 0.88, respectively. Additionally, when comparing the inner and outer vessel wall volumes of the reconstructed arteries produced by IVUS and CTA the observed correlation was 0.87 and 0.83, respectively. Conclusions: The results indicated that the proposed methodology is fast and accurate and thus it is likely in the future to have applications in research and clinical arena

    Machine learning applications in cancer prognosis and prediction

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    Cancer has been characterized as a heterogeneous disease consisting of many different subtypes. The early diagnosis and prognosis of a cancer type have become a necessity in cancer research, as it can facilitate the subsequent clinical management of patients. The importance of classifying cancer patients into high or low risk groups has led many research teams, from the biomedical and the bioinformatics field, to study the application of machine learning (ML) methods. Therefore, these techniques have been utilized as an aim to model the progression and treatment of cancerous conditions. In addition, the ability of ML tools to detect key features from complex datasets reveals their importance. A variety of these techniques, including Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), Bayesian Networks (BNs), Support Vector Machines (SVMs) and Decision Trees (DTs) have been widely applied in cancer research for the development of predictive models, resulting in effective and accurate decision making. Even though it is evident that the use of ML methods can improve our understanding of cancer progression, an appropriate level of validation is needed in order for these methods to be considered in the everyday clinical practice. In this work, we present a review of recent ML approaches employed in the modeling of cancer progression. The predictive models discussed here are based on various supervised ML techniques as well as on different input features and data samples. Given the growing trend on the application of ML methods in cancer research, we present here the most recent publications that employ these techniques as an aim to model cancer risk or patient outcomes. © 2014 Kourou et al

    Sequence patterns mediating functions of disordered proteins

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    Disordered proteins lack specific 3D structure in their native state and have been implicated with numerous cellular functions as well as with the induction of severe diseases, e.g., cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases as well as diabetes. Due to their conformational flexibility they are often found to interact with a multitude of protein molecules; this one-to-many interaction which is vital for their versatile functioning involves short consensus protein sequences, which are normally detected using slow and cumbersome experimental procedures. In this work we exploit information from disorder-oriented protein interaction networks focused specifically on humans, in order to assemble, by means of overrepresentation, a set of sequence patterns that mediate the functioning of disordered proteins; hence, we are able to identify how a single protein achieves such functional promiscuity. Next, we study the sequential characteristics of the extracted patterns, which exhibit a striking preference towards a very limited subset of amino acids; specifically, residues leucine, glutamic acid, and serine are particularly frequent among the extracted patterns, and we also observe a nontrivial propensity towards alanine and glycine. Furthermore, based on the extracted patterns we set off to infer potential functional implications in order to verify our findings and potentially further extrapolate our knowledge regarding the functioning of disordered proteins. We observe that the extracted patterns are primarily involved with regulation, binding and posttranslational modifications, which constitute the most prominent functions of disordered proteins. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015

    An association rule mining-based methodology for automated detection of ischemic ECG beats

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    Management and modeling of balance disorders using decision support systems: The EMBALANCE project

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    In this work, we present the concept, the methodological ideas and the architecture of the EMBALANCE platform. EMBALANCE platform extends existing but generic and currently uncoupled balance modeling activities, leading to a multi-scale and patient-specific balance Hypermodel, which is incorporated to a Decision Support System (DSS), towards the early diagnosis, prediction and the efficient treatment planning of balance disorders. Various data feed the intelligent system increasing the dimensionality and personalization of the system. Human Computer Interaction techniques are utilized in order to develop the required interfaces in a user-intuitive and efficient way, while interoperable web services enhance the accessibility and acceptance of the system. The platform will be validated using both retrospective as well as prospective experimental and clinical data. The final tool will be a powerful web-based platform provided to primary and secondary care physicians across specialties, levels of training and geographical boundaries, targeting wider clinical acceptance as well as the increased confidence in the developed DSS towards the early diagnostic evaluation, behaviour prediction and effective management planning of balance problems. Currently we focus and present the management and modeling of the balance disorders. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015

    Cohort Harmonization and Integrative Analysis from a Biomedical Engineering Perspective

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    In this review, the critical parts and milestones for data harmonization, from the biomedical engineering perspective, are outlined. The need for data sharing between heterogeneous sources paves the way for cohort harmonization; thus, fostering data integration and interdisciplinary research. Unmet needs in chronic diseases, as well as in other diseases, can be addressed based on the integration of patient health records and the sharing of information of the clinical picture and outcome. The stratification of patients, the determination of various clinical and outcome features, and the identification of novel biomarkers for the different phenotypes of the disease characterize the impact of cohort harmonization in patient-centered clinical research and in precision medicine. Subsequently, the establishment of matching techniques and ontologies for the creation of data schemas are also presented. The exploitation of web technologies and data-collection tools supports the opportunities to achieve new levels of integration and interoperability. Ethical and legal issues that arise when sharing and harmonizing individual-level data are discussed in order to evaluate the harmonization potential. Use cases that shape and test the harmonization approach are explicitly analyzed along with their significant results on their research objectives. Finally, future trends and directions are discussed and critically reviewed toward a roadmap in cohort harmonization for clinical medicine. © 2008-2011 IEEE

    Developing a genomic-based point-of-care diagnostic system for rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis

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    In this paper the methodology of designing a genomic-based point-of-care diagnostic system composed of a microfluidic Lab-On-Chip, algorithms for microarray image information extraction and knowledge modeling of clinico-genomic patient data is presented. The data are processed by genome wide association studies for two complex diseases: rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis. Respecting current technological limitations of autonomous molecular-based lab-on-chip systems the approach proposed in this work aims to enhance the diagnostic accuracy of the miniaturized LOC system. By providing a decision support system based on the data mining technologies, a robust portable integrated point-of-care diagnostic assay will be implemented. Initially, the gene discovery process is described followed by the detection of the most informative SNPs associated with the diseases. The clinical data and the selected associated SNPs are modeled using data mining techniques to allow the knowledge modeling framework to provide the diagnosis for new patients performing the point-of-care examination. The microfluidic LOC device supplies the diagnostic component of the platform with a set of SNPs associated with the diseases and the ruled-based decision support system combines this genomic information with the clinical data of the patient to outcome the final diagnostic result