221 research outputs found

    Tindak Pidana Pembunuhan Berencana Menurut Pasal 340 Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Pidana

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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana maksud "direncanakan" sebagai unsur tindak pidana pembunuhan berencana dan bagaimana maksud dan tujuan "direncanakan" dalam tindak pidana kejahatan menurut Pasal 340 KUHPidana, yang dengan menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif disimpulkan bahwa 1. Direncanakan adalah salah satu unsur delik dalam kejahatan pembunuhan (pasal 340) dan pembunuhan anak (pasal 342). Dengan demikian ketiadaan unsur ini pada delik pasal 340 KUHPidana berarti tidak ada pembunuhan berencana demikian pula ketiadaan unsur ini pada pasal 342 berarti tidak ada pembunuhan anak berencana. Dari segi arti direncanakan ialah adanya waktu berpikir untuk melaksanakan perbuatan, ternyata sesungguhnya tidaklah mudah dalam penerapannya karena juga sukar untuk membuktikan. 2. Maksud pencantuman direncanakan sebagai pemberatan hukuman karena dalam pembunuhan yang direncanakan dianggap kwalitas kejahatan lebih berat adalah tidak sesuai lagi dengan Kenyataan yang terjadi di masyarakat dimana kwalitas kejahatan pembunuhan baik direncanakan maupun tidak adalah sama. Tujuan pemberatan hukuman dalam rangka pemberantasan kejahatan pembunuhan juga tidak beralasan lagi membedakan antara berencana dan tidak berencana karena kwalitas kejahatannya dewasa ini sama berat dan oleh karena itu pula kwalitas pemberantasannya pun sama berat

    The Mediating Influence of Subjective Career Success on the Relationship between Core Self-Evaluations and Career Competencies, and Subjective Well-Being

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    Using a sample of three hundred and forty two teaching staff from six universities in Saudi Arabia completed the survey, its response rate was 57%. This study examined whether subjective career success mediated the effects of core self evaluations and career competencies, and subjective well-being. Core self-evaluations and career competencies were found to significantly and positively influence career success represented in job satisfaction and career satisfaction, as well subjective well-being. Results also showed that job satisfaction partially mediates the relationship between core self evaluations and career competencies, and subjective well-being, while career satisfaction not mediates this relationship. Implications for current study and practice of findings are discussed. Key Words: Subjective Career Success, Core Self Evaluations, Career Competencies, Subjective Well-being, Job Satisfaction, Career Satisfaction, Life Satisfaction

    Generalization of turbojet and turbine-propeller engine performance in windmilling condition

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    Windmilling characteristics of several turbojet and turbine-propeller engines were investigated individually over a wide range of flight conditions in the NACA Lewis altitude wind tunnel. A study was made of all these data and windmilling performance of gas turbine engines was generalized. Although internal-drag, air-flow, and total-pressure-drop parameters were generalized to a single curve for both the axial-flow type engines and another for the centrifugal-flow engine. The engine speed, component pressure changes, and windmilling-propeller drag were generalized to single curves for the two turbine-propeller-type engines investigated. By the use of these curves the windmilling performance can be estimated for axial-flow type gas turbine engines similar to the types investigated over a wide range of flight conditions


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    Rice is the staple food of the people of the world food grain. Besides bean the main source of calories and proteins, rice is an important cereal because it has the highest digestibility, biological value and protein efficiency ratio among all the cereals (KAUL et al. 1973). Although rice is an important food in mid and upper Egypt, the isolated fractions of grain rice cultivated in Egypt need to be fully investigated. The objective of the present work was to study the proximate analysis, mineral content, lipids and the amino acid content of some varieties of rice and its isolated fractions

    Estimate the Efficiency of Agricultural Investment in Egypt

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    The research aims to estimate the Efficiency of investments directed to the agricultural sector by analyzing the current situation of national and agricultural investment in Egypt (2006/2005 - 2020/2021) and measuring the investments made in Egypt over the study period. In order To achieve the objectives of the research, the most important criteria that reflect the efficiency of agricultural investment were estimated, as well as the use of descriptive and quantitative analysis methods to estimate simple and multiple regression relationships in the double logarithmic form of the research data issued various institutions and government agencies. The study's findings revealed that, on average, the public sector's return on investment was higher than 1, reached about 61,116 million UDS, whereas the private sector's was lower, at about 0.032 million USD, demonstrating the inefficiency of public sector investments in comparison to investments. In the agriculture sector, the private sector has grown along with the investment multiplier in both the public and private sectors .As for the coefficient of settlement, it was shown that the efficiency of agricultural investment directed to the public and private sector was weak, as it was shown by estimating the agricultural capital intensification coefficient, the intensity of the use of the human factor in the agricultural sector by a percentage greater than The percentage increase in investments directed to this sector

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Mind Mapping terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Subtema 2 Manusia dan Lingkungan di Kelas SDN 091316 Unggulan Pematang Raya

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini yakni untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran Mind Mapping terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada Subtema 2 Manusia dan Lingkungan di kelas V SDN 091316 Unggulan Pematangraya Penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif karena masalah yang dibawa berhubungan jelas dengan data penelitian berupa fakta yang dibuktikan melalui angka-angka serta fakta yang terjadi dilapangan melalui observasi dan analisis menggunakan ststistik. Populasi penelitian sebanyak 51siswa. Sampel sebanyak 26 siswa. Variabel dalam penelitian ini adalah pengaruh model pembelajaran Mind Mapping (X) dan hasil belajar (Y). Metode pengumpulan data berupa tes yaitu dengan quasi eksperimen. Teknik analisis data menggunakan uji normalitas, homogenitas dan uji hipotesis. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan untuk data pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Mind Mapping dengan jumlah sampel 26 orang kemudian didapat jumlah nilai pretest 1146 dengan ratarata nilai 44,08 dan nilai tertinggi yang didapat 73 dan terendah 0. Setelah dilakukan perlakuan maka hasil posttest didapat jumlah nilai 2139, dengan rata-rata 82,27 dan nilai tertinggi yang didapatkan100 dan terendah 60 Dari perhitungan uji hipotesis dengan uji t hasil yang diperoleh nilai t sebesar 15,024 ? 1,676 Nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,00 dengan probilitas < 0,05. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan adanya  pengaruh model mind mapping  terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada pembelajaran tematik subtema 2 “Manusia dan Lingkungan” di SD Negeri 091316 Unggulan Pematangraya

    Anomalous Separation of Small Y-Chromosomal DNA Fragments on Microchip Electrophoresis

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    We investigated an anomalous DNA separation where two DNA fragments from the human Y-chromosome sY638 (64 bp) and sY592 (65 bp), with only one base pair difference, were separated. This result is abnormal since in a previous study, we found that 5 bp was the minimum difference between two DNA fragments that the microchip electrophoresis system can separate. The formation of a mini-loop in the structure of the DNA fragment of sY638 (64 bp) was strongly expected to be the reason. To investigate this, we synthesized three modified DNA fragments for sY638 (64 bp), and the modifications were in two expected locations for possible mini-loop formation. Later, the separation between sY592 (65 bp) and the three modified fragments of sY638 (64 bp) was not possible. Thus, we conclude that the formation of a mini-loop in the structure of the DNA is the reason behind this anomalous separation