4,556 research outputs found

    Finite element analysis applied to redesign of submerged entry nozzles for steelmaking

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    The production of steel by continuous casting is facilitated by the use of refractory hollow-ware components. A critical component in this process is the submerged entry nozzle (SEN). The normal operating conditions of the SEN are arduous, involving large temperature gradients and exposure to mechanical forces arising from the flow of molten steel; experimental development of the components is challenging in so hazardous an environment. The effects of the thermal stress conditions in relation to a well-tried design were therefore simulated using a finite element analysis approach. It was concluded from analyses that failures of the type being experienced are caused by the large temperature gradient within the nozzle. The analyses pointed towards a supported shoulder area of the nozzle being most vulnerable to failure and practical in-service experience confirmed this. As a direct consequence of the investigation, design modifications, incorporating changes to both the internal geometry and to the nature of the intermediate support material, were implemented, thereby substantially reducing the stresses within the Al2O3/graphite ceramic liner. Industrial trials of this modified design established that the component reliability would be significantly improved and the design has now been implemented in series production

    Multi-time delay, multi-point Linear Stochastic Estimation of a cavity shear layer velocity from wall-pressure measurements

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    Multi-time-delay Linear Stochastic Estimation (MTD-LSE) technique is thoroughly described, focusing on its fundamental properties and potentialities. In the multi-time-delay ap- proach, the estimate of the temporal evolution of the velocity at a given location in the flow field is obtained from multiple past samples of the unconditional sources. The technique is applied to estimate the velocity in a cavity shear layer flow, based on wall-pressure measurements from multiple sensor

    Recovering the state sequence of hidden Markov models using mean-field approximations

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    Inferring the sequence of states from observations is one of the most fundamental problems in Hidden Markov Models. In statistical physics language, this problem is equivalent to computing the marginals of a one-dimensional model with a random external field. While this task can be accomplished through transfer matrix methods, it becomes quickly intractable when the underlying state space is large. This paper develops several low-complexity approximate algorithms to address this inference problem when the state space becomes large. The new algorithms are based on various mean-field approximations of the transfer matrix. Their performances are studied in detail on a simple realistic model for DNA pyrosequencing.Comment: 43 pages, 41 figure

    The surface wave environment in the GATE B/C Scale - Phase III

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    The surface wave environment in the GATE B/C scale is described from wave measurements made from buoys and aircraft during Phase III (September 1974). Particular emphasis is given to the wave measurements made from the pitch-roll buoy deployed in the B-scale array from the ship Gilliss and a similar buoy deployed in the C-scale array from Quadra. Reduction of the pitch-roll buoy measurements provided estimates of the one-dimensional wave spectrum as well as of the mean direction and spread of wave energy as a function of frequency. The data clearly revealed the importance of external forcing on the wave climate in GATE. Most of the wave energy present in the GATE areas was found to be swell imported from the trade wind circulations of both hemispheres and from an intense extratropical cyclone which crossed the North Atlantic at high latitudes early in Phase III. Locally generated waves were clearly evident in the wave spectra, but their energy level way have been modulated significantly by the low-frequency swell. The GATE wave data set can provide a powerful test of contemporary numerical wave-prediction models. The present study defines the, attributes which are required of such models for meaningful application to the GATE needs

    Economic performance or electoral necessity? Evaluating the system of voluntary income to political parties

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    Whilst the public funding of political parties is the norm in western democracies, its comprehensive introduction has been resisted in Britain. Political and electoral arrangements in Britain require parties to function and campaign on a regular basis, whilst their income follows cycles largely related to general elections. This article shows that the best predictor of party income is the necessity of a well-funded general election campaign rather than party performance. As a result, income can only be controlled by parties to a limited degree, which jeopardises their ability to determine their own financial position and fulfil their functions as political parties

    Plutonium stabilization in zircon: Effects of self-radiation

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    Zircon (ZrSiO4)(ZrSiO4) is the most thoroughly studied of all candidate ceramic phases for the stabilization of plutonium. Self-radiation damage from α-decay of the 239Pu,239Pu, which releases a 5.16 MeV α-particle and a 0.086 MeV 235U235U recoil nucleus, can significantly affect the structure and properties of zircon. Recent computer simulations using energy minimization techniques indicate that the lowest energy configuration occurs for a defect cluster composed of two near-neighbor Pu3+Pu3+ substitutions on Zr4+Zr4+ sites and a neighboring charge-compensating oxygen vacancy. © 2000 American Institute of Physics.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/87571/2/18_1.pd

    SGLT1 is required for the survival of triple-negative breast cancer cells via potentiation of EGFR activity.

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    Sodium/glucose cotransporter 1 (SGLT1), an essential active glucose transport protein that helps maintain high intracellular glucose levels, was previously shown to interact with epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR); the SGLT1-EGFR interaction maintains intracellular glucose levels to promote survival of cancer cells. Here, we explore the role of SGLT1 in triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC), which is the most aggressive type of breast cancer. We performed TCGA analysis coupled to in vitro experiments in TNBC cell lines as well as in vivo xenografts established in the mammary fat pad of female nude mice. Tissue microarrays of TNBC patients with information of clinical-pathological parameters were also used to investigate the expression and function of SGLT1 in TNBC. We show that high levels of SGLT1 are associated with greater tumour size in TNBC. Knockdown of SGLT1 compromises cell growth in vitro and in vivo. We further demonstrate that SGLT1 depletion results in decreased levels of phospho-EGFR, and as a result, the activity of downstream signalling pathways (such as AKT and ERK) is inhibited. Hence, targeting SGLT1 itself or the EGFR-SGLT1 interaction may provide novel therapeutics against TNBC

    Radio Astronomy

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    Contains reports on five research projects.National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Grant NGL 22-009-016)National Science Foundation (Grant GP-14854)Joint Services Electronics Programs (U. S. Army, U. S. Navy, and U. S. Air Force) under Contract DA 28-043-AMC-02536(E)National Science Foundation (Grant GP-13056

    Measurements of wind-wave growth and swell decay during the joint North Sea wave project (JONSWAP).

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    Wavo spectra were measured along a profile extending 160 km into the North Sea westward from Sylt for a period of ten weeks in 1969. Currents, tides, air-sea temperature differences and turbulence in the atmospheric boundary layer were also measured. the goal of the experiment (described in Part 1) was to determine the structure of the source function governing the energy balance of the wave spectrum, with particular emphasis on wave growth under stationary offshore wind conditions (Part 2) and the attention of swell in water of finito depth (Part 3). The source functions of wave spectra generated by offshore winds exhibit a characteristic plus-minus signature associated with the shift of the sharp spectral peak towards lower frequencies. The two-lobed distribution of the source function can be explained quantitively by the nonlinear transfer due to resonant wave-wave interactions (second order Bragg scattering). The evolution of a pronounced peak and its shift towards lower frequencies can also be understood as a self-stabilizing feature of this process. The decay rates determined for incoming swell varied considerably, but energy attenuation factors of two along the length of the profile were typical. This is in order of magnitude agreement with expected damping rates due to bottom friction. However, the strong tidal modulation predicted by theory for the case of a quadratic bottom friction law was not observed. Adverse winds did not affect the decay rate. Computations also rule out wave-wave interactions or dissipation due to turbulence outside the bottom boundary layer as effective mechanisms of swell attenuation. We conclude that either the generally accepted friction law needs to be significantly modified or that some other mechanism, such as scattering by bottom irregularities, is the cause of the attenuation. The dispersion characteristics of thw swells indicated rather nearby origins, for which the classical DELTA-event model was generally inapplicable. A strong Doppler modulation by tidal currents was also observed. (A

    Dynamic Phase Transition, Universality, and Finite-size Scaling in the Two-dimensional Kinetic Ising Model in an Oscillating Field

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    We study the two-dimensional kinetic Ising model below its equilibrium critical temperature, subject to a square-wave oscillating external field. We focus on the multi-droplet regime where the metastable phase decays through nucleation and growth of many droplets of the stable phase. At a critical frequency, the system undergoes a genuine non-equilibrium phase transition, in which the symmetry-broken phase corresponds to an asymmetric stationary limit cycle for the time-dependent magnetization. We investigate the universal aspects of this dynamic phase transition at various temperatures and field amplitudes via large-scale Monte Carlo simulations, employing finite-size scaling techniques adopted from equilibrium critical phenomena. The critical exponents, the fixed-point value of the fourth-order cumulant, and the critical order-parameter distribution all are consistent with the universality class of the two-dimensional equilibrium Ising model. We also study the cross-over from the multi-droplet to the strong-field regime, where the transition disappears
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