6 research outputs found

    Atomic and electronic structure of graphene oxide/Cu interface

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    The results of X-ray photoemission (XPS) and valence bands spectroscopy, optically stimulated electron emission (OSEE) measurements and density functional theory based modeling of graphene oxide (GO) placed on Cu via an electrophoretic deposition (EPD) are reported. The comparison of XPS spectra of EPD prepared GO/Cu composites with those of as prepared GO, strongly reduced GO, pure and oxidized copper demonstrate the partial (until C/O ratio about two) removal of oxygen-containing functional groups from GO simultaneously with the formation of copper oxide-like layers over the metallic substrate. OSEE measurements evidence the presence of copper oxide phase in the systems simultaneously with the absence of contributions from GO with corresponding energy gap. All measurements demonstrate the similarity of the results for different thickness of GO cover of the copper surface. Theoretical modeling demonstrates favorability of migration of oxygen-containing functional groups from GO to the copper substrate only for the case of C/O ratio below two and formation of Cu-O-C bonds between substrate and GO simultaneously with the vanishing of the energy gap in GO layer. Basing on results of experimental measurements and theoretical calculations we suggest the model of atomic structure for Cu/GO interface as Cu/CuO/GO with C/O ratio in gapless GO about two.Comment: 22 pages, 14 figures, accepted to Thin Solid Films journa

    Determinants of satisfaction with life among dialysis patients

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    Satisfaction with life is known to be significant factor of quality of life and is identified with well being and welfare. Analysis of factors that affects on satisfaction with life in heemodialysis patients is important both for patients and medical personnel.The aim of this work is to study factors that affects on satisfaction with life in hemodialysis patients.Method of diagnostic pool was used for research. Whole questionnaire consist of author's survey, Satisfaction With Life Scale (E. Diener, R. A. Emmons, R. J. Larson i S. Griffin, polish adaptation by Z. Juczyński), General Self-Efficacy Scale (R. Schwarzer, M. Jerusalem i Z. Juczyński), Acceptance of Illness Scale (B. J. Felton, T. A. Revenson i G. A. Hinrichsen, polish adaptation by Z. Juczyński) and Scale of Social Support (Krystyna Kmiecik-Baran The research included 111 patients patients in three selected health care facilities.Results reveals average level of satisfaction with life among patients. Measured acceptance of illness was also on average level, however patients declared high self-efficacy. Besides, the statistic analysis has shown that sense of self-efficacy and acceptance of illness reveals favourable relationships with life satisfaction of analyzed patients. However, social support correlate negatively with life satisfaction.Satysfakcja z życia stanowi subiektywny komponent jakości życia i utożsamiana jest z poczuciem zadowolenia i dobrostanem. Analiza czynników warunkujących satysfakcję z życia chorych dializowanych jest ważna zarówno dla pacjentów jak i dla personelu medycznego. Celem niniejszej pracy było poznanie czynników determinujących satysfakcję z życia pacjentów dializowanych.Badanie przeprowadzono za pomocą metody sondażu diagnostycznego. Materiał zebrano za pomocą autorskiego kwestionariusza ankiety oraz następujących narzędzi: Skali Satysfakcji z Życia (E. Diener, R. A. Emmons, R. J. Larson i S. Griffin, polska adaptacja Z. Juczyński) Skali Uogólnionej Własnej Skuteczności (R. Schwarzer, M. Jerusalem i Z. Juczyński), Skali Akceptacji Choroby (B. J. Felton, T. A. Revenson i G. A. Hinrichsen, adaptacja polska Z. Juczyński) oraz Skali Wsparcia Społecznego (SWS) opracowanej przez Krystynę Kmiecik-Baran. Badaniem objęto 111 chorych dializowanych w trzech zakładach opieki zdrowotnej województwa małopolskiego.Badanie wykazało, że badani pacjenci dializowani posiadają przeciętną satysfakcję, życia, średni poziom akceptacji choroby oraz wysokie poczucie własnej skuteczności. Ponadto analiza statystyczna wykazała dodatnią korelację między poczuciem własnej skuteczności i akceptacji choroby, a satysfakcją z życia badanych. Wsparcie społecznie słabo koreluje ujemnie z satysfakcją z życia

    Złożoność zjawiska mowy nienawiści w pozaprawnym aspekcie definicyjnym

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     THE COMPLEXITY OF THE HATE SPEECH PHENOMENON IN TERMS OF ITS NON-LEGAL DEFINITIONAL ASPECTThe starting point is thinking that the modern political debate manifests in the degradation of the culture of discussion. One of the issues that can be observed next to this phenomenon is the brutalization of the language of public debate — hate speech is becoming more and more common. The aim of the paper is the description and the characteristic of vital aspects which appear in accordance to the designation of hate speech and its manifestations in public sphere. THE COMPLEXITY OF THE HATE SPEECH PHENOMENON IN TERMS OF ITS NON-LEGAL DEFINITIONAL ASPECTThe starting point is thinking that the modern political debate manifests in the degradation of the culture of discussion. One of the issues that can be observed next to this phenomenon is the brutalization of the language of public debate — hate speech is becoming more and more common. The aim of the paper is the description and the characteristic of vital aspects which appear in accordance to the designation of hate speech and its manifestations in public sphere