15 research outputs found

    Understanding Motivational Climate and Team Cohesion in Youth Sport

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    The effects of both peer-created and coach-created motivational climate on team cohesion was studied in a sample of 136 youth athletes. Task-involving aspects of both peer-and coach-created motivational climates were found to be positively related to team cohesion. Coach-created ego-involving climate was negatively related to team cohesion, most significantly attraction to group-task (ATG-T) cohesion. Peer-created ego-involving motivational climate was significantly, negatively related to group integration-task (GI-T) cohesion. Peer-created motivational climate accounted for variance above and beyond the influence of coach-created motivational climate on team cohesion. The results of this study suggest that a peer-created motivational climate influences team cohesion above and beyond a coach-created motivational climate

    Martin Luther: Vater Einer Allgemeinen Sprache? Martin Luther: Father of a Common Language?

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    Martin Luther is well known for his 95 Theses, in which he rejects the Catholic practice of selling indulgences; but it was his groundbreaking translation of the Bible into German that instigated the standardization of the German language. After his excommunication, Luther was in hiding in the Wartburg Castle, where he translated his Bible into a vernacular and cohesive form of the German language. Many different dialects were spoken throughout Germany at the time making communication between regions difficult. Luther’s translation soon became the most influential Bible in Germany and was disseminated quickly due to the recently invented printing press. By tracing the printings of Luther’s Bible and the spread of Lutheranism throughout Germany, one can see how Luther’s translation exerted a major influence on the dialects of specific regions in Germany, especially those of Nuremberg, Augsburg, and Strasbourg, and how Luther ultimately contributed to standardization of the German language

    Advancing Product Development of Ultrafine Fibers: From Formulation Considerations to Thermoelectric Textiles

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    Ultrafine fibers are of great interest in new product development in the fiber and textile industry especially for complex, high value-add materials. Due to their unique inherent properties of fine diameter, high surface area to volume ratio, high porosity, and molecular orientation along the fiber length they are highly desired for applications in biomedical fields, filtration, and wearable electronics. Electrospinning is the most common method used for ultrafine fiber production, but it classically has many material limitations such as requiring a high molecular weight linear polymer dissolved in a conductive and volatile solvent at concentrations above the entanglement concentration. These limitations hinder the development of more functional materials. There are significant knowledge gaps in how complex formulations needed for high value-add materials influence spinning solutions and the manufacturing space. This thesis explores methods of circumventing the material limitations for ultrafine fibers in order to advance future product development. Poor fiber formation is often the result of jet breakup when the elasticity of the polymer solution is insufficient to suppress instabilities. The primary instability driving jet breakup is capillary force driven instabilities, where low elasticity in solutions is insufficient to suppress Rayleigh instabilities. A decrease in capillary force should allow for less elastic solutions to form smooth fibers. This was studied through the effect of surface tension on the electrospinnability with the use of extensional rheology. PVP was tested with methanol, and water, and water with surfactant to directly study the impact of surface tension on electrospinnability. Low surface tension solutions readily formed fibers at lower concentrations than high surface tension solutions, supporting the theory that less elasticity is needed to stabilize the jet from breakup. Through this study I provide a deeper understanding of the connection between solvent characteristics, viscoelasticity, and electrospinnability, which enables the rational preparation for more complex spinning solutions being explored. Electrospun fibers are typically composed of solely high molecular weight polymers, but including hard particles is also of interest in ultrafine fibers for drug delivery, active filtration, wearable electronics, etc. In this thesis, I show that large particles (10x the fiber diameter) of varying shapes, densities, and chemistries can be incorporated in fibers at loadings exceeding the polymer concertation without disrupting fiber formation. Additionally, the large particles increase the mechanical strength of the fibers in the same manner as fiber reinforced composites. Fiber mats were found not to fracture when particles are included, indicating they are not creating weak points in the fibers. Hence, large functional particles such as active pharmaceutical ingredients can be encapsulated in fibers at high quantities without damaging the fiber integrity. Conducting polymers are typically low molecular weight or are particle dispersions which fall outside the realm of electrospinnable materials, yet they are of great interest in ultrafine fiber applications. Developing methods of creating conducting ultrafine fibers enables their use in high performing thermoelectric textiles for wearable electronics. Ultrafine fibers with their inherent porosity and high surface area are of ideal use in wearable electronics, as they are breathable and provide a good platform for charge transport. With the knowledge gained in the early work in this thesis, particle electrospinning and surface tension effects on fiber formation, fibers with a high concentration of PEDOT:PSS were created that exhibit thermoelectric properties similar to equivalent thin films while maintaining porosity and flexibility. Additionally ultrafine poly(NiETT) fibers were synthesized for the first time, providing a novel n-type textile with conductivities rivaling other n-type textiles. Through the deeper understanding of the connection between solvents, polymers, and additives in formulations to viscoelasticity and electrospinnability contributes to greater knowledge of ultrafine fiber formation. The results of this thesis show how better understanding of fiber formation and proper formulations expand the realm of electrospinnable materials and give insights into future product development of novel and advanced textile based materials.Ph.D

    Martin Luther: Vater einer allgemeinen Sprache?

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    Martin Luther ist nicht nur fĂŒr den Beginn der Reformation bekannt, sondern auch fĂŒr seine Übersetzung der Bibel ins Deutsche. Er ĂŒbersetzte diese Bibel in der Zeit nach dem Reichstag zu Worms in seinem Versteck auf der Wartburg. Er nahm besondere Sorgfalt in diese Übersetzung, so dass jede deutsche Person die Bibel sollte lesen können. In seiner Übersetzung hielt er sich nah an der Latein-Versionen der Bibel. Er plĂ€dierte auch dafĂŒr, dass Deutsch die Lehrsprache an den UniversitĂ€ten sein sollte, vor allem an der UniversitĂ€t Wittenberg, und auch dass Deutsch, statt Latein, die Kirchensprache sein sollte, damit jede Person verstehen konnte, was in der Messe passiert. Er benutzte hierfĂŒr vor allem FrĂŒhneuhochdeutsch, aber mit Latein eingemischt, um seine Bibel der großmöglichsten Leserschaft lesbar zu machen. Man kann den Einfluss von Luthers Deutsch vor allem in jenen StĂ€dten merken, die wichtige Handels- und Druckzentren waren, denn hier wurde Luthers BibelĂŒbersetzung gedruckt und ausgeteilt. Hierin sind insbesondere NĂŒrnberg und Straßburg interessant, die geschichtlich als katholische StĂ€dte galten, aber stark von Luthers Bibelsprache beeinflusst wurden. Auch wurde Luthers FrĂŒhneuhochdeutsch von der MilitĂ€r adoptiert, auf diese Weise abermals durch Deutschland verbreitet, und dĂŒrfte so eine starke Wirkung auf die verschiedenen regionalen Dialekte ausĂŒben. Die Billigung seiner BibelĂŒbersetzung beeinflusste die Dialekte zuerst in jenen StĂ€dten, worin sie gedruckt wurde; diese Übersetzung wurde dann durch Handel und die MilitĂ€r zu weiteren deutschen Staaten gebracht, was als Folge hatte, dass zum ersten Mal eine gemeinsame ĂŒberregionale Sprache sich etablierte. Man könnte sagen, dass Luther der Vater der modernen deutschen Sprache sei. Sein Wunsch fĂŒr eine gemeinsame deutsche Sprache fĂŒr alle Deutschen ist in seinen Briefen, Werken und anderen Texten zu lesen. Ich erforsche welche Dialekten und Regionen durch Luthers BibelĂŒbersetzung beeinflusst waren und wodurch sie beeinflusst wurden

    Frauen in den Werken von Droste-HĂŒlshoff und Stifter

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    Frauen in Deutschland spielten schon immer eine wichtige Rolle. Frauen begannen in der Mitte des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts sich politisch zu beteiligen. Es ist gesagt worden, dass die 1840er Jahren die produktivste Zeit fĂŒr Frauenrechte waren. Das damals bestehende Stereotyp der Frau, das deutsche Feministinnen Ă€ndern wollten, war die Frau als kindlich und unterwĂŒrfig und zu nichts grĂ¶ĂŸeres geeignet als Hausfrau (Wantanabe-O’Kelly 279). Feministinnen wollten, dass Frauen ihr eigenes Leben ohne einen Mann fĂŒhren und ein eigenes GrundstĂŒck besitzen (Andersen 149). Diese Ideen wurden in den Werken von Annette von Droste-HĂŒlshoff und Adalbert Stifter aufgenommen. Margreth in Droste-HĂŒlshoffs Die Judenbuche (1842) ist eine sehr wichtige und interessante Frauenfigur. Sie wird als eine starke Frau dargestellt, die behauptet, dass eine Frau, die von ihrem Ehemann misshandelt wird nutzlos und dumm ist. Sie tritt in ihre Ehe als Ă€ußerst starke Frau ein, die entschlossen ist ihren Mann dessen Alkoholsucht zu heilen und ihn in einen guten Ehemann und Vater zu verwandeln. Sie will stolz auf ihre Familie sein, aber ihre Hoffnungen scheitern allmĂ€hlich. Im Laufe der Novella ist ihr Fall von sehr starker Frau zu schwacher und gebrochener Frau zu sehen. Die Titelfigur in Stifters Novelle Brigitta (1844) ist auch eine starke Frau die jedoch wenig bis gar keine Liebe von ihrer Familie in ihrer Kindheit und frĂŒhen Jugend erhĂ€lt. Sie glaubt nicht, dass einer sie lieben oder ihr die Liebe, die sie zu verdienen meint, geben kann. Deshalb sie Stephan Murai weg und baut sich ein eigenes Leben Samt GrundstĂŒck und GeschĂ€ft auf. Im Laufe der Geschichte wurde sie immer als ein Mann dargestellt. Sie tat mĂ€nnliche AktivitĂ€ten wie Reiten und sie hat sogar gekleidet wie ein Mann zu Zeiten. Das einzige Mal, wenn sie ihre weibliche Seite zeigt, ist am Ende der Geschichte, als sie Merkt, dass Stephan immer der Mann war, der sie so lieben kann, wie sie immer wollte

    Vilka faktorer frÀmjar respektive hindrar införande av BI-verktyg för verksamhetsdata pÄ sjukhus? - En fallstudie pÄ Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset

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    Bakgrund och problem: Sjukhus har idag ofta stora mĂ€ngder data som Ă€r svĂ„rhanterlig och lagras i mĂ„nga olika system, vilket medför svĂ„righeter för beslutsfattande. Det finns ocksĂ„ föreskrifter frĂ„n Socialstyrelsen som sĂ€ger att det skall finnas ett ledningssystem för kvalitet och patientsĂ€kerhet i vĂ„rden. Även om det finns flera fördelar med BI-system, tyder forskningen pĂ„ att implementering av informationssystem inom vĂ„rden ofta misslyckas. Om en implementering skall lyckas och samtidigt ge resultat mĂ„ste en förĂ€ndring ske. Vi anvĂ€nder en modell för ekonomistyrningsförĂ€ndring, framtagen av Kasurinen, för att undersöka denna förĂ€ndring, vilket leder in pĂ„ uppsatsens frĂ„gestĂ€llning: Vilka faktorer frĂ€mjar respektive hindrar införande av BI-verktyg pĂ„ sjukhus? Syfte: Syftet med studien Ă€r att identifiera och beskriva de faktorer som pĂ„verkar införande av BIverktyg pĂ„ sjukhus. AvgrĂ€nsningar: För att erhĂ„lla en rimlig omfattning pĂ„ arbetet begrĂ€nsar vi oss till att studera anvĂ€ndningen av analysverktyg för verksamhetsdata och lĂ€mnar anvĂ€ndningen för rent ekonomiska syften dĂ€rhĂ€n. Metod: Vi har valt att göra en fallstudie, för att pĂ„ bĂ€sta sĂ€tt kunna besvara uppsatsens frĂ„gestĂ€llning. Vidare har studien kĂ€nnetecknats av att vara induktiv, dĂ„ vi har tagit utgĂ„ngspunkt i empirin och med hjĂ€lp av den sökt efter passande teoretiska modeller. Vi har genomfört personliga intervjuer med fem anstĂ€llda pĂ„ Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset. Resultat och slutsatser: Uppsatsen visar pĂ„ sĂ„vĂ€l skillnader som likheter mellan förutsĂ€ttningarna för de tvĂ„ undersökta systemen pĂ„ Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset. NĂ€r det gĂ€ller Cognos förefaller systemet vara starkt förankrat i organisationen, men vĂ€sentligt för dess framtid som analysverktyg för verksamhetsdata, Ă€r om man lyckas uppnĂ„ tillrĂ€ckligt hög funktionalitet. GĂ€llande QlikViewapplikationen har den redan funktionaliteten som krĂ€vs. DĂ€rför handlar det för dess del istĂ€llet om intern marknadsföring. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: För att kunna dra mer generella slutsatser skulle det vara intressant med liknande fallstudier pĂ„ andra sjukhus. Vidare kan sĂ€gas att dĂ„ uppsatstiden endast pĂ„gĂ„tt under tio veckor, skulle det vara fördelaktigt att genomföra en liknande studie under en lĂ€ngre tidsperiod, i syfte att fĂ„ en djupare kunskap

    How Integrated Should Your Company Be?

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    Beteendeproblematik utifrÄn ett klientperspektiv"Behavioural problems from a clients perspective"

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    ABSTRACT Behavioural problems are a compound conception for emotional difficulties at different levels. Individuals with behavioural problems could have difficulties with social relations, low self-esteem, anxiety and worry. The purpose with the examination was to describe how clients apprehend their behavioural problems and what they consider could be the causes of it. The examination was based on the qualitative interviews with 5 clients and a professional helper. We came in contact with our clients through our practice. The results showed that the clients experienced their behavioural problems as a hidden handicap in various ways. Our clients were aware of their problems but they kept it to themselves. One of the difficulties that behavioural problems can lead to are problems in the social relations. The clients consider them selves to have succeeded in dealing with their situation in a satisfying way and believe their future to be positive. Keywords: Behavioural problems, growth, mental health, future prospect, parent/child relation, substance abuse, a parent psychological illness, low self-esteem, emotional difficulties, attachment theory

    Impact of temperature and precipitation on yield and plant diseases of winter wheat in southern Sweden 1983-2007

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    Weather factors are driving forces in plant disease development and differ between years and locations. Results from long-term fungicide field trials 1983-2007 and disease surveys 1988-2007 in winter wheat in southern Sweden were used to evaluate relationships between yield, the yield increase obtained by fungicide treatment, thousand grain weight (TGW), disease severity and disease incidence, and the independent variables air temperature and precipitation as monthly means. These two weather variables explained more than 50% of the variation between years regarding yield increase, TGW, LBDs (Leaf Blotch Diseases, including Septoria tritici blotch, Stagonospora nodorum blotch and tan spot), brown rust, yellow rust and eyespot, but less than 50% of the variation in yield and powdery mildew. Precipitation in May was the factor most consistently related to LBD disease intensity, and adding another two weather factors further improved the degree of explanation. Weather factors in the preceding growing season influenced growth stage, powdery mildew and brown rust. Mild winters and springs favoured the biotrophs such as powdery mildew, brown rust and yellow rust. Statistically significant correlations between incidence and severity were found for LBDs, brown rust and eyespot, but not for yellow rust and powdery mildew. Regression models with disease incidence as dependent variable generally had a higher degree of explanation and lower P-value than models with disease severity as dependent variable. Our results confirm that weather data can be successfully used in wheat disease prediction models