14 research outputs found

    EPI-MUS - Risk- och skyddsfaktorer för sjuklighet i rörelseorganen och prestationsnedsÀttning vid arbete med datormus och andra datorstyrdon - en prospektiv kohortstudie

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    The study group consisted of about 1500 computer users, within different occupational groups where computers were daily used. Information about physical, psycological and social working related factors and individual factors were given through a questionnaire at study start. In addition a workingplace vistit was carried out for assesment of the workstations design, working postures and working techniques according to a checklist . The study subjects answered a short monthly questionnaire, repeted during 10 months, in order to identify new symptoms and possible changes in work. Subjects that reported new symptoms was clinically investigated in order to determine location, probable damaged structure and diagnosis. After the observation time the companies was given feedback regarding exposure conditions and occurence of symptoms, and discussions about changes was initiated. The project was a collaboration with the occupational medicine clinics in Stockholm, Göteborg, Lund and Sundsvall and also 15 occupational health centers linked to the participating companies. Purpose: To identify and quantify risk and protective factors for morbidity in the upper extremities and neck, and impaired performance during computer work due to such illness.Studiepersonerna bestod ca 1500 datoranvÀndare inom olika yrkesgrupper dÀr man dagligen anvÀnde dator. Information om fysiska, psykiska och sociala arbetsrelaterade faktorer och individfaktorer erhölls genom ett frÄgeformulÀr vid studiens start. Dessutom gjordes ett arbetsplatsbesök för bedömning av datorarbetsplatsens utformning, arbetsstÀllningar och arbetsteknik enligt en checklista. Studiepersonerna besvarade en kort mÄnatlig enkÀt, upprepat under 10 mÄnader, för att identifiera nytillkomna symptom och ev. förÀndringar i arbetet. Personer som rapporterade nytillkomna symptom utreddes kliniskt för att faststÀlla lokalisering, trolig skadad struktur och diagnos. Efter observationstidens slut skedde Äterrapportering av exponeringsförhÄllanden och förekomsten av besvÀr till respektive arbetsplats och diskussioner om förÀndringsarbete initierades. Projektet var ett samarbete med Yrkesmedicinska klinikerna i Stockholm, Göteborg, Lund och Sundsvall samt ett 15-tal företagshÀlsovÄrdscentraler knutna till de deltagande företagen. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att identifiera och kvantifiera risk- och skyddsfaktorer för sjuklighet i övre extremiteterna och nacke samt prestationsnedsÀttning vid datorarbete pga sÄdan ohÀlsa

    ArbetsförhÄllanden och hÀlsa vid callcenter i Sverige

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    There are a range of problems associated with job on call centres. A range of problems associated with the job have become apparent, with time pressure, performance monitoring via computer, monitoring of phone calls, ergonomic deficiencies and musculoskeletal problems amongst the problems reported. An earlier study of a call centre in Sweden found inadequate working conditions and signs of ill health amongst a high percentage of the population in their 20s who had only been working for 2-3 years. The situation was worse there than amongst older employees in other industries with computer-intensive jobs. Inadequate working conditions and the high incidence of medical complaints amongst young employees may mean that call centres are failing to provide the sustainable work opportunities that many are counting on, e.g. in rural areas. Scientific studies of call centres are few and the state of knowledge of working conditions and health there is deficient. A cross-sectional study into working and health conditions at call centres in Sweden was conducted with the aim of contributing to a sustainable development of call centre work. The project was conducted in partnership with the Ergonomics Programme at the National Institute for Working Life, Occupational Medicine North, Sundsvall Hospital, and the Institute for Psychosocial Factors and Health at the Karolinska Institute. Data were collated at social, corporate and individual level from 15-20 larger call centres with different operating spheres, ownership structures and geographical location. Data were collected on work organisation, content and times, physical and psychosocial working conditions, and health and well-being with the aid of questionnaires, observations, measurements, medical examinations and company registers (including the computerised monitoring system). A total of approximately 1,500 people were included in the study. Models were tried out in order to evaluate the effects of ill health and inadequacies in working conditions at the company's expense.Det Àr ett antal problem associerade med arbete vid callcenter. Bland de rapporterade problemen finns, tidspress, datoriserad prestationsövervakning , monitorering av telefonsamtal, ergonomiska brister och muskuloskeletala problem. En tidigare studie av ett callcenter i Sverige visade pÄ bristande arbetsförhÄllanden och tecken pÄ dÄlig hÀlsa bland en stor andel av populationen anstÀllda i 20 Ärs Äldern som endast arbetat i 2-3 Är. Situationen var vÀrre Àn bland Àldre anstÀllda i andra brancher med datorintensiva arbeten. Inadekvata arbetsförhÄllanden och den höga förekomsten av medicinska klagomÄl bland unga anstÀllda kan betyda att callcenters misslyckas med att ge de hÄllbara arbetsmöjligheter som mÄnga rÀknar med. Vetenskapliga studier av callcenters Àr fÄ och den nuvarande kunskapen och arbetsförhÄllanden och hÀlsa dÀr Àr bristande. Arbetslivsinstitutet har tillsammans med Yrkes- och miljömedicinska kliniken vid Sundsvalls sjukhus samt Institutet för Psykosocial Medicin vid Karolinska institutet en genomfört en landsomfattande undersökning av arbets- och hÀlsoförhÄllanden vid ett urval av callcenterföretag i Sverige under början av 2000-talet. Syftet har varit att fÄ fram kunskaper som kan bidra till ett lÄngsiktigt hÄllbart arbete pÄ sÄdana företag. Data insamlades pÄ pÄ social, företags och individuell nivÄ frÄn 15- 20 stora callcenters med olika Àgandestrukturer och geografisk lokalisering. Data insamlades pÄ arbetsorganisation, innehÄll och tid, fysiska aoch psykosociala arbetsförhÄllanden, samt hÀlsa och vÀlmÄende med hjÀlp av enkÀter, observationer, mÀtningar, medicinska undersökningar och företagsregister (inklusive datoriserade monitoreringssystem). Totalt inkluderades ca 1500 personer i studien

    Datorrelaterad muskuloskeletal ohÀlsa bland gymnasieelever 2005 - Intervju med datoransvarig pÄ skolan

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    The data collection was performed in high schools in the counties of Stockholm, Södermanland, Uppsala and VĂ€stmanland during the autumn of 2005. The study consisted of two parts: 1. Questionnaires for the students. 2. Ergonomic evaluation of the schools computer workplaces and a short interview with the person responsible for the computers at the school. An information letter was sent to the school leaders where the setup and implementation of the study were explained. After that the school leaders were contacted by telephone and asked if their school wished to participate in the study. If they chose to take part, they were asked to send a record of all students in the second grade to Working Life Institute (Arbetslivsinstitutet). From these lists a selection of classes was made. Then a new contact with the school leader was made, where the leader was asked to inform the teachers concerned by the study. In addition, each teacher got a letter with information about the study. The students got information about the study from their teachers and from the first page in the questionnaire. The ambition was to have a researcher from the Working Life Institute present at the school when the students answered the questionnaire. The completed questionnaires were gathered by the teachers or the researcher and brought to the Working Life Institute where they were de-identified. After that the questionnaires were sent to the company "Tabell och Form AB" for scanning and a primary data preparation. Ergonomists from the Working Life Institute visited all selected schools to perform an ergonomic evaluation, according to a structured checklist, of the student's computer workplaces and to do a short interview with the person responsible for the computers at the school. Purpose: The aim of the study was to describe range of computer usage in school and in spear time and the prevalence of difficulties, especially in the locomotive organs, among high school students. The aim was also to examine if there is a connection between computer time and physical difficulties.Datainsamlingen genomfördes pĂ„ gymnasieskolor i Stockholms, Södermanlands, Uppsala och VĂ€stmanlands lĂ€n under hösten 2005. Studien bestod av tvĂ„ delar: 1. FrĂ„geformulĂ€r till eleverna. 2. Ergonomisk bedömning av skolans datorarbetsplatser och kort intervju med datoransvarig pĂ„ skolan. Ett informationsbrev skickades till skolledarna, dĂ€r studiens upplĂ€gg och genomförande redovisades. DĂ€refter kontaktades skolledarna per telefon och tillfrĂ„gades om skolan önskade medverka i studien. Om de valde att deltaga, ombads de skicka en förteckning pĂ„ skolans samtliga klasser i ÅK2 till Arbetslivsinstitutet. FrĂ„n dessa listor gjorde ett urval av klasser. En ny kontakt togs dĂ€refter med skolledaren, som dĂ„ ombads att informera de lĂ€rare som skulle komma att bli berörda av studien. Varje lĂ€rare fick dessutom ett brev med information om studien. Eleverna fick information om studien via lĂ€rarna och första sidan pĂ„ frĂ„geformulĂ€ret. Ambitionen var att en försöksledare frĂ„n Arbetslivsinstitutet skulle vara nĂ€rvarande pĂ„ skolan nĂ€r eleverna besvarade frĂ„geformulĂ€ret. De ifyllda frĂ„geformulĂ€ren samlades in av lĂ€rarna, alternativt av försöksledaren, och fördes till Arbetslivsinstitutet, dĂ€r de avidentifierades. DĂ€refter skickades de till företaget Tabell o Form AB för scanning och en primĂ€r databearbetning. Ergonomer frĂ„n Arbetslivsinstitutet besökte samtliga utvalda skolor för att göra en ergonomisk bedömning, enligt en strukturerad checklista, av elevernas datorarbetsplatser samt en kort intervju med datoransvarig pĂ„ skolan. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva omfattningen av datorarbete i skolan och pĂ„ fritiden och förekomsten av besvĂ€r, sĂ€rskilt i rörelseorganen, bland gymnasieelever. Syftet var ocksĂ„ att undersöka om samband föreligger mellan datortid och kroppsliga besvĂ€r

    Datorrelaterad muskuloskeletal ohÀlsa bland gymnasieelever 2005 - Observation av datorarbetsplatser

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    The data collection was performed in high schools in the counties of Stockholm, Södermanland, Uppsala and VĂ€stmanland during the autumn of 2005. The study consisted of two parts: 1. Questionnaires for the students. 2. Ergonomic evaluation of the schools computer workplaces and a short interview with the person responsible for the computers at the school. An information letter was sent to the school leaders where the setup and implementation of the study were explained. After that the school leaders were contacted by telephone and asked if their school wished to participate in the study. If they chose to take part, they were asked to send a record of all students in the second grade to Working Life Institute (Arbetslivsinstitutet). From these lists a selection of classes was made. Then a new contact with the school leader was made, where the leader was asked to inform the teachers concerned by the study. In addition, each teacher got a letter with information about the study. The students got information about the study from their teachers and from the first page in the questionnaire. The ambition was to have a researcher from the Working Life Institute present at the school when the students answered the questionnaire. The completed questionnaires were gathered by the teachers or the researcher and brought to the Working Life Institute where they were de-identified. After that the questionnaires were sent to the company "Tabell och Form AB" for scanning and a primary data preparation. Ergonomists from the Working Life Institute visited all selected schools to perform an ergonomic evaluation, according to a structured checklist, of the student's computer workplaces and to do a short interview with the person responsible for the computers at the school. Purpose: The aim of the study was to describe range of computer usage in school and in spear time and the prevalence of difficulties, especially in the locomotive organs, among high school students. The aim was also to examine if there is a connection between computer time and physical difficulties.Datainsamlingen genomfördes pĂ„ gymnasieskolor i Stockholms, Södermanlands, Uppsala och VĂ€stmanlands lĂ€n under hösten 2005. Studien bestod av tvĂ„ delar: 1. FrĂ„geformulĂ€r till eleverna. 2. Ergonomisk bedömning av skolans datorarbetsplatser och kort intervju med datoransvarig pĂ„ skolan. Ett informationsbrev skickades till skolledarna, dĂ€r studiens upplĂ€gg och genomförande redovisades. DĂ€refter kontaktades skolledarna per telefon och tillfrĂ„gades om skolan önskade medverka i studien. Om de valde att deltaga, ombads de skicka en förteckning pĂ„ skolans samtliga klasser i ÅK2 till Arbetslivsinstitutet. FrĂ„n dessa listor gjorde ett urval av klasser. En ny kontakt togs dĂ€refter med skolledaren, som dĂ„ ombads att informera de lĂ€rare som skulle komma att bli berörda av studien. Varje lĂ€rare fick dessutom ett brev med information om studien. Eleverna fick information om studien via lĂ€rarna och första sidan pĂ„ frĂ„geformulĂ€ret. Ambitionen var att en försöksledare frĂ„n Arbetslivsinstitutet skulle vara nĂ€rvarande pĂ„ skolan nĂ€r eleverna besvarade frĂ„geformulĂ€ret. De ifyllda frĂ„geformulĂ€ren samlades in av lĂ€rarna, alternativt av försöksledaren, och fördes till Arbetslivsinstitutet, dĂ€r de avidentifierades. DĂ€refter skickades de till företaget Tabell o Form AB för scanning och en primĂ€r databearbetning. Ergonomer frĂ„n Arbetslivsinstitutet besökte samtliga utvalda skolor för att göra en ergonomisk bedömning, enligt en strukturerad checklista, av elevernas datorarbetsplatser samt en kort intervju med datoransvarig pĂ„ skolan. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva omfattningen av datorarbete i skolan och pĂ„ fritiden och förekomsten av besvĂ€r, sĂ€rskilt i rörelseorganen, bland gymnasieelever. Syftet var ocksĂ„ att undersöka om samband föreligger mellan datortid och kroppsliga besvĂ€r

    Datorrelaterad muskuloskeletal ohÀlsa bland gymnasieelever 2005 - EnkÀt till elever

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    The data collection was performed in high schools in the counties of Stockholm, Södermanland, Uppsala and VĂ€stmanland during the autumn of 2005. The study consisted of two parts: 1. Questionnaires for the students. 2. Ergonomic evaluation of the schools computer workplaces and a short interview with the person responsible for the computers at the school. An information letter was sent to the school leaders where the setup and implementation of the study were explained. After that the school leaders were contacted by telephone and asked if their school wished to participate in the study. If they chose to take part, they were asked to send a record of all students in the second grade to Working Life Institute (Arbetslivsinstitutet). From these lists a selection of classes was made. Then a new contact with the school leader was made, where the leader was asked to inform the teachers concerned by the study. In addition, each teacher got a letter with information about the study. The students got information about the study from their teachers and from the first page in the questionnaire. The ambition was to have a researcher from the Working Life Institute present at the school when the students answered the questionnaire. The completed questionnaires were gathered by the teachers or the researcher and brought to the Working Life Institute where they were de-identified. After that the questionnaires were sent to the company "Tabell och Form AB" for scanning and a primary data preparation. Ergonomists from the Working Life Institute visited all selected schools to perform an ergonomic evaluation, according to a structured checklist, of the student's computer workplaces and to do a short interview with the person responsible for the computers at the school. Purpose: The aim of the study was to describe range of computer usage in school and in spear time and the prevalence of difficulties, especially in the locomotive organs, among high school students. The aim was also to examine if there is a connection between computer time and physical difficulties.Datainsamlingen genomfördes pĂ„ gymnasieskolor i Stockholms, Södermanlands, Uppsala och VĂ€stmanlands lĂ€n under hösten 2005. Studien bestod av tvĂ„ delar: 1. FrĂ„geformulĂ€r till eleverna. 2. Ergonomisk bedömning av skolans datorarbetsplatser och kort intervju med datoransvarig pĂ„ skolan. Ett informationsbrev skickades till skolledarna, dĂ€r studiens upplĂ€gg och genomförande redovisades. DĂ€refter kontaktades skolledarna per telefon och tillfrĂ„gades om skolan önskade medverka i studien. Om de valde att deltaga, ombads de skicka en förteckning pĂ„ skolans samtliga klasser i ÅK2 till Arbetslivsinstitutet. FrĂ„n dessa listor gjorde ett urval av klasser. En ny kontakt togs dĂ€refter med skolledaren, som dĂ„ ombads att informera de lĂ€rare som skulle komma att bli berörda av studien. Varje lĂ€rare fick dessutom ett brev med information om studien. Eleverna fick information om studien via lĂ€rarna och första sidan pĂ„ frĂ„geformulĂ€ret. Ambitionen var att en försöksledare frĂ„n Arbetslivsinstitutet skulle vara nĂ€rvarande pĂ„ skolan nĂ€r eleverna besvarade frĂ„geformulĂ€ret. De ifyllda frĂ„geformulĂ€ren samlades in av lĂ€rarna, alternativt av försöksledaren, och fördes till Arbetslivsinstitutet, dĂ€r de avidentifierades. DĂ€refter skickades de till företaget Tabell o Form AB för scanning och en primĂ€r databearbetning. Ergonomer frĂ„n Arbetslivsinstitutet besökte samtliga utvalda skolor för att göra en ergonomisk bedömning, enligt en strukturerad checklista, av elevernas datorarbetsplatser samt en kort intervju med datoransvarig pĂ„ skolan. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva omfattningen av datorarbete i skolan och pĂ„ fritiden och förekomsten av besvĂ€r, sĂ€rskilt i rörelseorganen, bland gymnasieelever. Syftet var ocksĂ„ att undersöka om samband föreligger mellan datortid och kroppsliga besvĂ€r

    Datorrelaterad muskuloskeletal ohÀlsa bland gymnasieelever 2005 - Reliabilitetsdata-observationsdata

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    The data collection was performed in high schools in the counties of Stockholm, Södermanland, Uppsala and VĂ€stmanland during the autumn of 2005. The study consisted of two parts: 1. Questionnaires for the students. 2. Ergonomic evaluation of the schools computer workplaces and a short interview with the person responsible for the computers at the school. An information letter was sent to the school leaders where the setup and implementation of the study were explained. After that the school leaders were contacted by telephone and asked if their school wished to participate in the study. If they chose to take part, they were asked to send a record of all students in the second grade to Working Life Institute (Arbetslivsinstitutet). From these lists a selection of classes was made. Then a new contact with the school leader was made, where the leader was asked to inform the teachers concerned by the study. In addition, each teacher got a letter with information about the study. The students got information about the study from their teachers and from the first page in the questionnaire. The ambition was to have a researcher from the Working Life Institute present at the school when the students answered the questionnaire. The completed questionnaires were gathered by the teachers or the researcher and brought to the Working Life Institute where they were de-identified. After that the questionnaires were sent to the company "Tabell och Form AB" for scanning and a primary data preparation. Ergonomists from the Working Life Institute visited all selected schools to perform an ergonomic evaluation, according to a structured checklist, of the student's computer workplaces and to do a short interview with the person responsible for the computers at the school. Purpose: The aim of the study was to describe range of computer usage in school and in spear time and the prevalence of difficulties, especially in the locomotive organs, among high school students. The aim was also to examine if there is a connection between computer time and physical difficulties.Datainsamlingen genomfördes pĂ„ gymnasieskolor i Stockholms, Södermanlands, Uppsala och VĂ€stmanlands lĂ€n under hösten 2005. Studien bestod av tvĂ„ delar: 1. FrĂ„geformulĂ€r till eleverna. 2. Ergonomisk bedömning av skolans datorarbetsplatser och kort intervju med datoransvarig pĂ„ skolan. Ett informationsbrev skickades till skolledarna, dĂ€r studiens upplĂ€gg och genomförande redovisades. DĂ€refter kontaktades skolledarna per telefon och tillfrĂ„gades om skolan önskade medverka i studien. Om de valde att deltaga, ombads de skicka en förteckning pĂ„ skolans samtliga klasser i ÅK2 till Arbetslivsinstitutet. FrĂ„n dessa listor gjorde ett urval av klasser. En ny kontakt togs dĂ€refter med skolledaren, som dĂ„ ombads att informera de lĂ€rare som skulle komma att bli berörda av studien. Varje lĂ€rare fick dessutom ett brev med information om studien. Eleverna fick information om studien via lĂ€rarna och första sidan pĂ„ frĂ„geformulĂ€ret. Ambitionen var att en försöksledare frĂ„n Arbetslivsinstitutet skulle vara nĂ€rvarande pĂ„ skolan nĂ€r eleverna besvarade frĂ„geformulĂ€ret. De ifyllda frĂ„geformulĂ€ren samlades in av lĂ€rarna, alternativt av försöksledaren, och fördes till Arbetslivsinstitutet, dĂ€r de avidentifierades. DĂ€refter skickades de till företaget Tabell o Form AB för scanning och en primĂ€r databearbetning. Ergonomer frĂ„n Arbetslivsinstitutet besökte samtliga utvalda skolor för att göra en ergonomisk bedömning, enligt en strukturerad checklista, av elevernas datorarbetsplatser samt en kort intervju med datoransvarig pĂ„ skolan. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva omfattningen av datorarbete i skolan och pĂ„ fritiden och förekomsten av besvĂ€r, sĂ€rskilt i rörelseorganen, bland gymnasieelever. Syftet var ocksĂ„ att undersöka om samband föreligger mellan datortid och kroppsliga besvĂ€r