115 research outputs found

    Government Help in Upbringing Children and its Significance in the Formation of the Attitudes of Single Parents Towards Employment.

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    In the paper, an analysis is presented of the new solutions in government support for the opportunities for providing for the needs of children in families introduced in Poland, which have become a flag electoral project of the right-wing political party Law and Justice (Prawo i Sprawiedliwość). After the parliamentary elections of 2015 the work on a new bill began and in the first quarter of 2016 the Act on government help in upbringing children went into effect. The regulation was intended as a countermeasure to the demographic crisis in Poland. According to this new legal regulation, single parents raising one child may not be able to collect the new benefit. This regulation encourages single parents to leave employment and live on benefits from social services and child-support benefits

    The (lack of) Presence of Games in Human Rights Education

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    On the basis of the conducted analysis of course books it can be concluded that games are in fact absent therein. In the broad spectrum of the methods that stimulate the intellect and the emotions the authors have chosen not to include this method. Games, however, relate to the primordial instincts, to competition, to the will to achieve a goal, which makes education more instinctive and, at the same time, more interesting. Human rights education leads to the challenging of stereotypes, it makes students confront the otherness that has a number of aspects: culture, race, religion, belonging, worldviews, etc. In the education in this area it is not enough to concentrate on knowledge acquisition. Undoubtedly the course books proposed by the authors relate to the emotional aspect and they do it on a high, professional level. Nevertheless, the introduction of games into human rights education could produce positive effects in the internalization of new values

    The results of the work of the Polish-Czechoslovakian Legal Cooperation Commission pertaining to the legal situation of children – the Polish perspective

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    The paper presents the changes of family law regulations in Poland after World War II which aimed to adapt the first unification of the regulations that had taken place in 1945-1946 to the social reality. That is why in 1948 the Polish-Czechoslovakian Legal Cooperation Commission was established. The Commission was to develop a project of regulations to be introduced in Poland and in Czechoslovakia. The results of the works of the Commission include: Act on family law (went into effect on January 1, 1950 in Czechoslovakia) and the Family Code (went into effect on October 1, 1950 in Poland). Both the legal acts were highly similar in their structure as well as the employed legal solutions. In her paper the author concentrates on the regulation of the legal situation of children in Poland’s Family Code, because it is her belief that this regulation aimed to make equal the legal situation of legitimate and illegitimate children. These problems were regulated in an identical way in both countries

    Stan zdrowia osób starszych w Polsce: wyzwania edukacyjne

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    The article contains a review of national research reports showing the state of health of the Polish older adults in the last decade. On this basis functions, areas and tasks of geragogics in the elderly's health care are defined. Positive changes in health status of the elderly require action in three closely connected areas: knowledge, skills and social competence. The article stresses the importance of self-help networks and intergenerational cooperation. The elderly education in the contemporary world must be tailored to the needs and capabilities of the older adults. It should not be reserved for the elite in the form and content. The older adults should not be treated as passive recipients. This requires the training of more highly skilled tutors who find employment in existing and new centers of the elderly education. They should become the animators of social and outdoor activity, and, above all, the animators of the elderly and intergenerational self-help groups. This requires both the grassroots social actions and responsible social policy.Artykuł zawiera przegląd ogólnopolskich raportów ukazujących stan zdrowia polskich seniorów w ostatniej dekadzie. Na tej podstawie określone zostały funkcje, obszary i zadania  geragogiki w służbie zdrowia seniorów. Korzystne zmiany w sytuacji zdrowotnej osób starszych wymagają działań obejmujących ściśle związane ze sobą obszary: wiedzy, umiejętności oraz kompetencji społecznych. W artykule uwaga skoncentrowana została na „edukacji w starości” ze wskazaniem celów ukierunkowanych na młodsze pokolenia oraz dialog i współdziałanie międzygeneracyjne. „Edukacja w starości” we współczesnym świecie musi być dostosowana do potrzeb i możliwości seniorów. Nie powinna być zarezerwowana dla elit w formie i treściach, a seniorzy nie mogą być traktowani jak bierni odbiorcy. Wymaga to kształcenia większej liczby wysoko wykwalifikowanych geragogów, którzy znajdą zatrudnienie w istniejących i nowych placówkach realizujących zadania edukacji osób starszych, a także staną się animatorami aktywności społecznej, ruchu na świeżym powietrzu, a przede wszystkim senioralnych i międzygeneracyjnych grup samopomocowych. Wymaga to jednak poza działaniami oddolnymi decyzji i wdrożeń leżących w gestii polityki społecznej

    Location-Based Games as a Contemporary, Original, and Innovative Method of Seniors’ Teaching and Learning

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    This book is a result of the Location-based games as a contemporary, original, and innovative method of seniors’ teaching and learning [LoGaSET] project, coordinated by Foundation Pro Scientia Publica, financed from the Erasmus Plus KA2 strategic partnership budget (nr 2017-1-PL01-KA204-038869). Dr Ewa Jurczyk-Romanowska (University of Wrocław, Poland) was the scientific coordinator of the project